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Germany: AfD leader calls for right of border police to shoot at illegal migrants


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Germany: AfD leader calls for right of border police to shoot at illegal migrants


Frauke Petry, one of the leaders of right-wing German opposition party Alternative for Germany (AfD), has sparked outrage with provocative comments about refugees.

“Border guards must prevent illegal border crossings and even use firearms is necessary,” Petry told German newspaper ‘Mannheimer Morgen’, in an interview published on Saturday.

No police officer wanted to shoot at a migrant, Petry said, adding “I don’t want that either but, ultimately, deterrence includes the use of armed force.”

Meanwhile, German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared to be trying to be try to appease critics of her open-door policy on refugees.

“I hope that during the winter time, when refugee numbers are low, we will make visible progress. The numbers need to be reduced further, and they must not increase again in Spring,” she said during an address at a regional Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party conference in Neubrandenburg on Saturday.

Merkel also repeated calls for a Europe-wide solution to address the crisis.

While the popularity of Merkel’s conservative bloc has been slipping due to her policy on refugees, the AfD party’s support has risen to double digits.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-31

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Go for it protect your borders. People should respect borders. those trying to enter illegally may find themselves looking down the barrel of a gun and so it should be.Borders have been reason for wars for centuries.Declare war on refugees. If it was soldiers crossing they would shot.

Edited by lovelomsak
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No defending illegal migrants, but if this is the norm, than the US should have shot and killed like

millions of illegals, right?

As it is now, and according to a poll by the Focus German newspapers, Merkel continues to fall in the favor of the electorate - 40 percent now want their resignation. Even the supporters of the Union are no longer closed behind her. The main reason for the development is the refugee policy.

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Such a mess you've made Merkel, and now to CYA you're calling for an EU-wide solution. I have news for you Merkel. The other countries also have their backs overloaded with trouble and it's all downhill from here.

It's over. Europe is finished. You did it so stop whining.


Edited by Rimmer
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No defending illegal migrants, but if this is the norm, than the US should have shot and killed like

millions of illegals, right?

The situation is different. If the US had deported the first few thousand illegals they would have stopped coming. There is a land border they can simply be put back over. As it is they come for jobs. They aren't refugees of course, they are economic opportunists.

Also the Mexicans who are in the US are almost all peaceful Catholics and pacifists at that. Most are hard working, coming for those "jobs Americans won't do" which is a debate for another time. They learn the language, find jobs, and have a similar enough culture that they don't have too much trouble integrating.

Although most Americans don't like illegal immigration I don't know any who want to solve it with violence regarding Mexicans. Muslims are another story with a different culture which they want to preserve and even force on their new host. Honest people recognize that.

If there were hordes of Muslims streaming into the US I can't begin to tell you what would happen. I think they'd be turned back by the people without waiting for law enforcement but I don't know that for a fact.


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People coming to the US and declaring asylum are screened. If/when large numbers start coming they would likely be detained and screened. As it is now, some people can land, claim asylum and then disappear into the vastness of America, but that is not usual.

Europe has made the mistake of allowing them free entry and free passage throughout the continent. Before being turned loose, they should be cleared of any contagious medical conditions at a very minimum.

As it now stands, nobody knows how many there are for sure, where they are from, whether they are criminals or what their intentions are.

The UNHCR does not agree with the use of detention camps, but the UNHCR does not make any effort to prevent them. It is not in anybody's interest to allow a million+ people free and unfettered access to the continent.

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If there were hordes of Muslims streaming into the US I can't begin to tell you what would happen. I think they'd be turned back by the people without waiting for law enforcement but I don't know that for a fact.

Citizens formed that well-armed Minuteman border patrol organization to protect against our Latin American neighbors sneaky over the border illegally under the cover of darkness. If we had swarms of Muslims like Europe has experienced for the past 6 months, it is a safe bet that, well, it never would have gotten beyond the first week. The American people don't need to sit by helplessly waiting for the gov't to save them.

Edited by mopar71
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It's likely there will be a large swing to the right reflected in future elections all across Europe...., unfortunately ultra right wing organisations will further ramp up their rhetoric to suit.

If common sense and caring for people and country is on the far right wing only

(just the opposite on the left wing)

what choice do people have?

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I guess, if the intruders know they are wholeheartedly rejected they would stop coming.

Hopefully the threat with arms would be enough

If the price would be one or a few to be shot they would understand at last.

Not many would need to be shot - may be even more lives in the country would be saved by not letting the scum in.

And btw without this stupid Merkel nobody would need to consider things like this

Edited by sweatalot
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It's likely there will be a large swing to the right reflected in future elections all across Europe...., unfortunately ultra right wing organisations will further ramp up their rhetoric to suit.

Why unfortunately? I'm sure the UAF anarchists will be ramping up their violence, someone needs to counter them.

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All European governments got this wrong from the start, they should stop trying to look good and do what they are supposed to do which is to govern & take care of their own citizens as a priority, and not as a secondary thought which appears to be the norm these days; Europe needs strong leaders who are not afraid to stand up for their own country.

From the start Refugees should have been given temporary residence status with a requirement to renew this visa every six months until it is safe for them to return home normally - Failure to do so they should be located and immediately sent back home. Should any people wish to remain in their selected country they should follow the correct procedure and be prepared to follow each respected countries laws & way of life, if they don't want to do this GO BACK HOME.

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People coming to the US and declaring asylum are screened. If/when large numbers start coming they would likely be detained and screened. As it is now, some people can land, claim asylum and then disappear into the vastness of America, but that is not usual.

Europe has made the mistake of allowing them free entry and free passage throughout the continent. Before being turned loose, they should be cleared of any contagious medical conditions at a very minimum.

As it now stands, nobody knows how many there are for sure, where they are from, whether they are criminals or what their intentions are.

The UNHCR does not agree with the use of detention camps, but the UNHCR does not make any effort to prevent them. It is not in anybody's interest to allow a million+ people free and unfettered access to the continent.

This is a really good post and dead on right. thumbsup.gif

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It's likely there will be a large swing to the right reflected in future elections all across Europe...., unfortunately ultra right wing organisations will further ramp up their rhetoric to suit.

The main stream media channels that are the BBC and Sky news were peddling their lies and propaganda about the joys that Islam is bringing to Europe last night.

These ultra left wing propaganda channels have upped their rhetoric.

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All European governments got this wrong from the start, they should stop trying to look good and do what they are supposed to do which is to govern & take care of their own citizens as a priority, and not as a secondary thought which appears to be the norm these days; Europe needs strong leaders who are not afraid to stand up for their own country.

From the start Refugees should have been given temporary residence status with a requirement to renew this visa every six months until it is safe for them to return home normally - Failure to do so they should be located and immediately sent back home. Should any people wish to remain in their selected country they should follow the correct procedure and be prepared to follow each respected countries laws & way of life, if they don't want to do this GO BACK HOME.

These people should stay in the Muslim world, they do not integrate in Europe they despise our ways.

Saudi Arabia has lots of land and wealth, surely they should be looking after their Islamic brothers.

Alli can see for my 5 year old daughter who lives in England is civil war by the time she is mid 30s, all due to Blair, Cameron, Merkel and such like, the really ought to be put up against the wall and shot for treason.

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Such a mess you've made Merkel, and now to CYA you're calling for an EU-wide solution. I have news for you Merkel. The other countries also have their backs overloaded with trouble and it's all downhill from here.

It's over. Europe is finished. You did it so stop whining.


I just came back from the bank and I'm still shocked. Somebody sent me 1,000 Euro, two years ago 56,000 baht.

This time only 38,000 baht. Enough said.

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People coming to the US and declaring asylum are screened. If/when large numbers start coming they would likely be detained and screened. As it is now, some people can land, claim asylum and then disappear into the vastness of America, but that is not usual.

Europe has made the mistake of allowing them free entry and free passage throughout the continent. Before being turned loose, they should be cleared of any contagious medical conditions at a very minimum.

As it now stands, nobody knows how many there are for sure, where they are from, whether they are criminals or what their intentions are.

The UNHCR does not agree with the use of detention camps, but the UNHCR does not make any effort to prevent them. It is not in anybody's interest to allow a million+ people free and unfettered access to the continent.

Yes. Malik & Farook, the Muslim Bonny & Clyde of San Bernardino, were so "screened" were they not?

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People coming to the US and declaring asylum are screened. If/when large numbers start coming they would likely be detained and screened. As it is now, some people can land, claim asylum and then disappear into the vastness of America, but that is not usual.

Europe has made the mistake of allowing them free entry and free passage throughout the continent. Before being turned loose, they should be cleared of any contagious medical conditions at a very minimum.

As it now stands, nobody knows how many there are for sure, where they are from, whether they are criminals or what their intentions are.

The UNHCR does not agree with the use of detention camps, but the UNHCR does not make any effort to prevent them. It is not in anybody's interest to allow a million+ people free and unfettered access to the continent.

I would phrase your last sentence differently:

In who's interest is it to allow a million+ people free and unfettered access to the continent.

Who profits from this orchestrated and planned situation? ...and profit doesn't have to mean money...

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Go for it protect your borders. People should respect borders. those trying to enter illegally may find themselves looking down the barrel of a gun and so it should be.Borders have been reason for wars for centuries.Declare war on refugees. If it was soldiers crossing they would shot.

If you dont know the difference between a soldier and a refugee, you might suffer on a personality dissorder.

Dont you remember the iron curtain, the innocent people that got killed there.

Find yourself a new home in Norh Korea.

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If the AfD wants to have a chance at the upcoming elections in the next weeks or so, they should refrain from such comments...it gives Merkel and her friends reasons to call them fascists...

The AtfD should also focus on other topics as well...and combine them with THE topic now so on the agender...I am not right winged but for this time i will vote for them because what Merkel did is Treason...Can not hear the sentence" Wir schaffen das" Who is we???and what is she doing???just wondering....crazy.gif

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This thread has a wrong headline.

In her interview with the Mannheimer Morgen (here in German) Petry only stated the use of firearms is possible under existing law (hardly a surprise)

and what she was calling for was German border police to act under that law, failing everything else.

This has been in the Gesetz über den unmittelbaren Zwang bei Ausübung öffentlicher Gewalt durch Vollzugsbeamte des Bundes (UZwG) since only God

knows when. Means translated; law concerning the use of force by German federal police

§2: can use firearms to force s.o. from perpetrating crimes, including illegal entry (§14 Aufenthaltsgesetz) which carries a one year jail time

§9: Federal police are allowed to use firearms

§11: Border police can use firearm on anyone not stopping for controls after repeated calls to do so

§12: can only shoot to disable and not on children (under 14), only as a last resort, but definitely into a crowd of people

And now the whole German press cries foul because she stated what is already the law in Germany. Nothing more, nothing less.

And the fat vize-chancellor guy from SPD wants her AFD party under surveillance of the internal secret service. For what? Knowing the law?

This is a thinly veiled attempt to discourage voters from sympathizing with AFD because if that were to happen every news clip on AFD would

universally start with a reminder they are under surveillance. Good to be already in the seat to control the secret service and use it to impede

any upstart new political parties that might threaten you. But if you are a Social Democrat you automatically stand on such high morale ground

this doesn't matter. Democracy in Germany is so going down the drain with political correctness and everything.

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If the AfD wants to have a chance at the upcoming elections in the next weeks or so, they should refrain from such comments...it gives Merkel and her friends reasons to call them fascists...

The AtfD should also focus on other topics as well...and combine them with THE topic now so on the agender...I am not right winged but for this time i will vote for them because what Merkel did is Treason...Can not hear the sentence" Wir schaffen das" Who is we???and what is she doing???just wondering....crazy.gif

They are already calling them and anyone else not in line fascists and worse, so what's the difference?

Everybody not in line with the goddy two-shoes welcome-clappers is branded a racist, a facist, and at least a "Latent-Nazi, so his/her opinion can safely be kept out of the public discourse.

And I would not be surprised if AFD had a much higher result than the present 14%, a lot of people will keep their views hidden because they'd get ostracized,

so they wait until they can vote in the secrecy of a polling station.

I wager there's a good many people who will vote for them because they pledge a return to an orderly fashion at the border, and for that you obviously will need guns,

since those migrants will just swarm around the couple of border police as it happened in southern Austria where 4 police didn't even try holding up a swarm of 350 migrants.

They just walked on past them.

Edited by Saradoc1972
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