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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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Sorry Sarge I may have got a little over exuberant there. lol

Over exuberance always comes with youth and inexperience.

The poster noted lol.

Instead he gets a glib and cynical cliche'.

Wrong again.


That's why I like Bernie. He has a really good sense of humour. They showed him footage of Saturday Night Live sending him up and he thought it was hilarious. Obama could easily make a living doing stand up a very funny guy. Although Republicans are a never ending source of material. I could never be a Right Winger seems you have to be miserable and hating someone or some thing all the time. Black people, Muslims, unwed mothers, poor people, Mexicans, orphans, protesters you name it they will hate it. I have never understood them ever. I am sure most people would see the humour in using the mixed term 'rocket surgeon' but the Right Wing? A total blank, humour just eludes them. Bernie would get it.

A good sense of humor is the only true indication of intelligence.

As a conservative and a human I like to think that I have a great sense of humor.

For example I think that your conclusion that you know and understand everything that those who would disagree with you are thinking, including who they hate, how racist they are and how miserable their lives are to be enormously funny. Not to mention your overblown sense of importance and belief in the your own self righteous view of the world and your absolute certainty that the only way to fix the wrongs you see is for an immediate massive growth of the government and a confiscation from anyone or any entity that has done better than you in life.

And what I really think is funny is that you guys really believe that this stuff will actually come to pass. Edited by Scott
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Today: Clinton 76 delegates, Sanders 32.

She's jogging home now.

Thanks Chicog. It does look that way. Maybe Bernie has planted a seed that will grow and American's will begin to understand how they are being exploited and manipulated. Very disappointing results. It really really saddens me. Your average American people are good people they deserve better.

Likely so.,,, but I still believe that seed will never have a chance to grow under a Hillary presidency

I believe. Trump presidency and a Hillary loss will let that seed grow further when people in DNC see the chance LOST by backing Hillary

People do not re-evaluate themselves and the stays quo when they 'win'

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Most, obviously there is a small minority (see tv), American expats have more than one working brain cell and realize the sad state of affairs the right wing and the corporation/plutocrats have caused in the states. In my travels around NE Issan I have run into many Americans (a lot in the Udon/Nong Khai area), not yet have I run into the troglodyte ignorance, intolerance and racism that is on tv. In fact just the opposite. I can well believe most expats did vote or will vote for Bernie, I certainly did. Hey up2, I will maintain the rage, but Comrade....lol?

Sorry Sarge I may have got a little over exuberant there. lol

Over exuberance always comes with youth and inexperience.

The poster noted lol.

Instead he gets a glib and cynical cliche'.

Wrong again.


That's why I like Bernie. He has a really good sense of humour. They showed him footage of Saturday Night Live sending him up and he thought it was hilarious. Obama could easily make a living doing stand up a very funny guy. Although Republicans are a never ending source of material. I could never be a Right Winger seems you have to be miserable and hating someone or some thing all the time. Black people, Muslims, unwed mothers, poor people, Mexicans, orphans, protesters you name it they will hate it. I have never understood them ever. I am sure most people would see the humour in using the mixed term 'rocket surgeon' but the Right Wing? A total blank, humour just eludes them. Bernie would get it.

I have to disagree , as I have known some funny and decent conservatives and have also seen some on the left show a fair amount of hate

Against those they view as 'right wingers' , conservatives, 'nut jobs', bible thumpers, or anyone they don't agree with...

In many cases, trying to label those they don't agree with..

If we are all being honest, This is not something that the right owns exclusively ...

It can be found on both sides..

The world would be better off if more people realized that there is No reason to demonize each other on both sides..

At the end of the day, most people are genuinely wanting the best for the country but just may disagree on how to do that
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The poster noted lol.

Instead he gets a glib and cynical cliche'.

Wrong again.


That's why I like Bernie. He has a really good sense of humour. They showed him footage of Saturday Night Live sending him up and he thought it was hilarious. Obama could easily make a living doing stand up a very funny guy. Although Republicans are a never ending source of material. I could never be a Right Winger seems you have to be miserable and hating someone or some thing all the time. Black people, Muslims, unwed mothers, poor people, Mexicans, orphans, protesters you name it they will hate it. I have never understood them ever. I am sure most people would see the humour in using the mixed term 'rocket surgeon' but the Right Wing? A total blank, humour just eludes them. Bernie would get it.

A good sense of humor is the only true indication of intelligence.

As a conservative and a human I like to think that I have a great sense of humor.

For example I think that your conclusion that you know and understand everything that those who would disagree with you are thinking, including who they hate, how racist they are and how miserable their lives are to be enormously funny. Not to mention your overblown sense of importance and belief in the your own self righteous view of the world and your absolute certainty that the only way to fix the wrongs you see is for an immediate massive growth of the government and a confiscation from anyone or any entity that has done better than you in life.

And what I really think is funny is that you guys really believe that this stuff will actually come to pass.

Yes definitely a great sense of humor , I could not stop laughing after reading your replyfacepalm.gif "As a conservative and a human I like to think that I have a great sense of humor."

There are a lot of things I like to think also, certainly a legend in my own minetongue.png

unfortunately when it comes to humor, it's more important what other people think

Ohh did I mention I am also a Human?I wonder if there are any other humans in this forumlaugh.png

Edited by sirineou
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Maybe they should raise the voting age if kids are going to vote for who they think is cool...

“Young people for Bernie are very vocal, and it’s not exactly cool to be for Hillary,” said Brendan Cohen, 21, a political science major.


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Thanks for that article Sarge. I heard these reports coming through on Arizona. Seems the Dems are going the way of the Republicans. If you can't win, cheat. Is there ANY institution in America that hasn't been corrupted? Politics corrupted by 'donations' / citizens united, Congress obstructed by political ideology, the Supreme Court by political bias, Electoral fraud by voter suppression Laws and conduct, Militarised Police forces in many states motivated by racism just executing African American citizens, a privatised Prison system set up for profiting from locking up the poor and most vulnerable, the financial sector just a cesspool of corruption and thieving. It just doesn't seem to end.

What are the Republicans focused on? Nude photos of a candidate's wife.

A Nation in crisis.

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Excellent view from Nader LB. Can people really consider America a Democratic Country anymore? Dem/Rep corrupted by the wealthy elite and Corporate America. A dysfunctional Congress no longer representing the citizen rather just their corporate funders and Party Politics, State Legislatures used to subvert the right to vote using voter suppression legislation and 'Trap Laws' used to subvert Federal Rulings.

What a mess.

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Excellent view from Nader LB. Can people really consider America a Democratic Country anymore? Dem/Rep corrupted by the wealthy elite and Corporate America. A dysfunctional Congress no longer representing the citizen rather just their corporate funders and Party Politics, State Legislatures used to subvert the right to vote using voter suppression legislation and 'Trap Laws' used to subvert Federal Rulings.

What a mess.

May be a case of too little too late, but I'm feeling a groundswell of support here in WA state for Sanders. We caucus tomorrow and I think he blows Clinton away. Look for big numbers IMO.

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Excellent view from Nader LB. Can people really consider America a Democratic Country anymore? Dem/Rep corrupted by the wealthy elite and Corporate America. A dysfunctional Congress no longer representing the citizen rather just their corporate funders and Party Politics, State Legislatures used to subvert the right to vote using voter suppression legislation and 'Trap Laws' used to subvert Federal Rulings.

What a mess.

Because it doesn't necessarily function the way some people think it should, it doesn't mean it's not a democracy. Other than a total dictatorship, I don't think their are too many gov'ts that function in an efficient manner.

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Excellent view from Nader LB. Can people really consider America a Democratic Country anymore? Dem/Rep corrupted by the wealthy elite and Corporate America. A dysfunctional Congress no longer representing the citizen rather just their corporate funders and Party Politics, State Legislatures used to subvert the right to vote using voter suppression legislation and 'Trap Laws' used to subvert Federal Rulings.

What a mess.

May be a case of too little too late, but I'm feeling a groundswell of support here in WA state for Sanders. We caucus tomorrow and I think he blows Clinton away. Look for big numbers IMO.

Well here's hoping people who want to vote can actually vote and Bernie supporters don't turn up to find they are now registered as Calithumpian voters.

Washington 118 delegates (Clinton has 10 superdelegates Bernie 0)

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Bernie is still coming on strong , but the reality is that in order to get the nomination...

Will need to get a large portion of the super delegates to vote with their conscience rather than as per the instructions of DNC corporate power brokers

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Excellent view from Nader LB. Can people really consider America a Democratic Country anymore? Dem/Rep corrupted by the wealthy elite and Corporate America. A dysfunctional Congress no longer representing the citizen rather just their corporate funders and Party Politics, State Legislatures used to subvert the right to vote using voter suppression legislation and 'Trap Laws' used to subvert Federal Rulings.

What a mess.

Because it doesn't necessarily function the way some people think it should, it doesn't mean it's not a democracy. Other than a total dictatorship, I don't think their are too many gov'ts that function in an efficient manner.

I don't think the US is a inefficient democracy, I dont think any system designed to subvert the will of the people is democratic,

IMO an inefficient system would be a system that for the most part produces an outcome close to the input,

If the input of a democratic system is representation of the will of the majority of the people under the law, with only few unintended consequences, then the US democratic system fails the test IMO

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A bit on Bernie v Hillary and contraversy within the Dems. Please watch the ad by Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Unlike the Republicans no dog whistle racist crap, no calls for violence, no faux religios crap, no false patrotism, she's been there and speaks truth to the power. Hence her resignation as vice-chair of the DNC.



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Bernie is still coming on strong , but the reality is that in order to get the nomination...

Will need to get a large portion of the super delegates to vote with their conscience rather than as per the instructions of DNC corporate power brokers

Bernie is only about 200 pledged delegates behind, not only does he have the capacity to catch up with Hillary on that respect but with the majority of the remaining states favorable to Bernie , he has the capacity to surpass her.

Corporate DNC and Media of course support Hillary and would like to suppress Bernie's Vote , by convincing his supporters that he has no chance. Making is a self fulfilling prophecy.

If Sanders wins the pledged delegate count ,many of the Super delegates would have to change their pledge.

I Have contributed twice to the Sanders campaign, I urge all of you who want to see sanity enter the white house to go to

https://go.berniesanders.com/page/content/splash and contribute $30.00 it will not make a big difference on your beer budget but could make a big difference to the next 8 years of your life

An educated , healthy country is to everyone advantage, an uneducated unhealthy citizen . costs a lot more to maintain than the cost to educate and keep them healthy.

Edited by sirineou
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Has Bernie ever explained why over his political career spanning decades he has been an Independent and not a Democrat?

Does he not want to be a Democrat for some reason? Or is it the Democrat party that has not wanted him?

If the Democrat candidate actually thinks the Democrat party is too corrupt or something then that is something the voters have a right to know.

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Has Bernie ever explained why over his political career spanning decades he has been an Independent and not a Democrat?

Does he not want to be a Democrat for some reason? Or is it the Democrat party that has not wanted him?

If the Democrat candidate actually thinks the Democrat party is too corrupt or something then that is something the voters have a right to know.

He has made no secret that he thinks the Democratic party is corrupt, He says so every speech he makes,

He does not want to destroy it he wants to reform it, that is why talks about campaign finance reform every speech he gives.

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He can catch and surpass Hillary. She isn't even campaigning hard in the upcoming primaries thinking with her typical arrogance that she has it wrapped up. She is counting big time on New York. While the super-delegates don't have to change their pledge, they can and will be under tremendous pressure to do so or not vote at all. To not do so would throw the Democrats into disarray and probably many wouldn't show. Bernie stated very clearly what it would take for his support in the General (basically his platform) on the Young Turks and while he never came right and said so, it was pretty obvious he believes Hillary and the DNC will renege on anything they promise. In fact, failure to do so combined with the super-delegate controversy would be a factor in the General and may contribute to a Hillary loss. It will be hard enough with all the voter suppression and gerrymandering to win, the only way Republicans can ever win.

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mopar 71, check out the two links I had posted for a bit on Bernie Sanders positions. I'll see if I can't find that Young Turks interview where he expresses pretty plainly what his view are on the Democrat and Republican parties. BTW, Chevy - SS 409 63, Chevelle 70, Camaro SS '02, yea I raced them.

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Has Bernie ever explained why over his political career spanning decades he has been an Independent and not a Democrat?

Does he not want to be a Democrat for some reason? Or is it the Democrat party that has not wanted him?

If the Democrat candidate actually thinks the Democrat party is too corrupt or something then that is something the voters have a right to know.

Lannerebirth's article by Nader explained why Bernie ran on a Democrat Ticket. Fact is the entrenched two Party system makes it impossible for Bernie to run as an Independent. It would split the Left vote and hand the Presidency to the Republicans. Game over. The system is simply not democratic. There is no secret in Bernie wanting the Democratic nomination and has made it quite clear, if elected, he will take the Democratic Party back to pre getting into bed with the wealthy elite and corporate greed and corruption. Bernie is not after Hillary nor is he after Trump or Cruz he is out to destroy Reagan and EVERY policy he legislated. Reagan is Bernie's real enemy.

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and still missed the direct utube link:

Watch it , vintage Bernie,

It is refreshing to see a politician actual answer the question he is being asked.

The "Say's it as it is " crown at camp Trump could learn a thing or two by listening to Bernie, who actually say's it as it is.

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Sarge Bernie on Young Turks the best interview I have seen Bernie do. No way on this Planet would mainstream media allow such an interview to go on air.

My big takeaway: Bernie's not going to endorse Hillary Clinton. He's placed some pretty steep conditions on his endorsement.

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You're right there, and I didn't even know until that interview that Time Warner and Comcast (despicable bastards) were such large contributors to Hillary. No way Bernie is going to get coverage. Liberal media, omg there has never been a liberal media and certainly lame stream, main stream media isn't. Right wing corporate. Yea, they are right to be afraid of Bernie, the same as the Wall Street criminals and banksters. Bernie channels FDR, still not quite the fighter on air that FDR would be but I suspect he is a tough opponent in politics. Certainly doesn't take crap from "reporters". He is correct in his views. Hoping for good results from the primaries today. Loved Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard's add. You can bet she is on the Hillary/DNC hit list.

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