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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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Sanders is toast, boys. Dead man walking...thumbsup.gif

A rare case that I agree with you.

The main thing I like about Sander's issues is his advocacy for nationalized health care to realize full access and dramatic cost controls.

I don't think Obamacare really works ... the costs are too high and it is basically a welfare problem for the health industry.

Free college tuition for all is not realistic. However, for those who have the aptitude and are in poverty, I think the government does need to step in to make sure all such people can get a higher education without going into major lifetime debt.

As far as extreme economic inequality, yes it does need to be addressed more effectively, but excessively taxing the wealthy wouldn't be enough and would have economic downsides (people would flee), so more creative solutions are needed.

On foreign policy, I find Sanders very weak compared to Hillary Clinton.

I agree I think America is too far gone to put in the reforms required. Once a nation proceeds down a certain path it reaches a 'point of no return'. America is so far past that 'point of no return' there really is no way of turning back.

A little like when Cancer metastasises throughout the body. Congress, Supreme Court, Health, Education, Income Equality, Criminal Justice, Pharma, Basic Wage, Tax System, Infrastructure, Financial System, Middle Class.

All issues Bernie's wants to address. I think Republicus is right the democratic system has 'cancer' too so a cure cannot be effected. The only thing to do is make the patient comfortable.

Maybe Trump is the answer. A swift compassionate end to put the patient out of its misery.

United States will somehow survive the parachutist Senator Bernie Sanders the Independent from Vermont not attaining the nomination of the Democratic Party for the office of Potus in the 2016 quadrennial election cycle.

The political center holds because the vast middle ground in American politics and government absorbs, adopts, adapts. The fringe cranks do meanwhile remain as exactly that.

The United States is neither Germany nor is it France and it certainly is not ancient Rome. We are not Russia or Japan or China...or the UK.

E Pluribus Unum is what is happening to the globalised world so do try to catch up and keep up.

The United States is a young country with a great deal of significant history. It is a dynamic place where, unlike the lumbering Chinese who think in centuries, we think in decades. Events in the USA occur spontaneously and they move swiftly. The speed of change in the USA gets yet faster by each quadrennial election so buckle up.

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There is NO political center unless you consider Bernie Sanders. The US is so far to the right politically but not the people that Dwight Eisenhower is to the left of the Democrat Party. Can you say FDR? That is what Bernie channels. Hillary channels ah well Hillary, can you say right wing?

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Bernie has had the corporate Democratic Party against him from the git-go. I'm surprised somebody that shows so much intelligence most of the time would support a neoliberal/neocon tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters as Clinton. While she may be 1/100th of a step above the right wing wackos on the Republican side, she is a lying, contriving, scheming, no good bitch that bodes evil for the US and the world. She will renege on all her "populist" stances she copied from Bernie as soon as the general election starts. She will cost the Dem's not only the house but the Senate as many just will not vote. I'll vote, but damn sure not for her and many others feel the same. She could even loose the general she is so disliked. The majority of the people are starting to learn just what she is, a power hungry bitch that wants to be the 1st woman president and could give a damn less about the working people, hell she doesn't even know any. http://www.opednews.com/articles/Hillary-Clinton-Represent-by-Ray-Smith-Hillary-2016_Hillary-Clinton_Hillary-Clinton-160412-444.html

Well Sarge, this poster continues to look forward to when you tell us what you really think gigglem.gif . Your posts to the campaign threads have established you as the tip of the poison pen among the angry old guyz who also revere Bernie to one extent or another.

Virulent vitriol is not a basis on which to predicate the disposition of one's vote however. A consistent and extreme personal venom toward a candidate is an immediate disqualification of one's credentials and, ahem, arguments.

This poster sees Trump as the uniquely American Mussolini and Bernie Sanders as America's leading advocate of a common wealth of the commonweal. This is another way to say Donald Trump is indeed a menacing strongman, and that Bernie is not a socialist -- and that one hopes Bernie himself knows he is not Marx minus Lenin. Our Brit friends would confirm that Bernie is not even a Fabian.

If Bernie is a socialist, that would mean he would believe in government ownership and operation of the means of transportation, communication, production. Health care as advocated by Bernie would qualify in the production column, but it would not in itself define Bernie as a socialist, nor would it make the United States a socialist country. Not by a long shot as in a very long shot. (We know, we know, you're expert at long shots....but you're not the only one around sarge who can hit a pea at 350 meters while blindfolded.)

Even most Republicans do not argue against Hillary Clinton as many angry old men do argue in these parts. Republicans in huge numbers don't like HRC personally but they don't like her politically either. They just don't go off the deep end about it, hollering and jumping up and down flapping their arms that Hillary Clinton is a warmonger tool of evil itself.

Regardless of whether Cruz or Trump is the nominee, suburban Republican women will vote in great numbers in a large swathe across the United States for Hillary Clinton to be Potus. For almost 50 years elections of Potus have been won or lost in the country's suburbs and this one will be no different.

So sarge you might want to start thinking about getting some new meds starting sometime around the coming Thanksgiving Day.

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Nope, I don't do meds. Oh so sorry and no I won't change. Hillary is bad for America and bad for the world and if you refuse to see it that is your problem. I don't jump up and down and flap arms, but I will damn sure speak my mind and I've always spoken truth to the power. I do do other things with my arms, comprende ese'? Sounding a bit like the right wing there, attack the person with ridicule, won't work on me. If you have evidence I am wrong about Clinton I'd love to see it. I've certainly presented plenty of evidence here proving I'm right, not just my opinion. As I've said, Bernie out polls her in every contest against a Republican and many real Democrats will not vote if she is the candidate. She will loose the Senate and more seats in the House. I will vote, but never for her and never for a Republican. Yes Bernie will call for his people to support her if he looses, but I don't think more than 50% will. Probably won't matter, nobody in the correct mind will vote for the right wingnut Republican nominee whatever he is. I would say I won't support her if she does become president, but that is wasted breath as she will never do anything I would support anyway. She was/is and always will be a neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters. Bernie channels FDR and far from being a socialist is a "New Deal" Democrat. Of course the plutocrats called FDR a "commie" and socialist also.

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Nope, I don't do meds. Oh so sorry and no I won't change. Hillary is bad for America and bad for the world and if you refuse to see it that is your problem. I don't jump up and down and flap arms, but I will damn sure speak my mind and I've always spoken truth to the power. I do do other things with my arms, comprende ese'? Sounding a bit like the right wing there, attack the person with ridicule, won't work on me. If you have evidence I am wrong about Clinton I'd love to see it. I've certainly presented plenty of evidence here proving I'm right, not just my opinion. As I've said, Bernie out polls her in every contest against a Republican and many real Democrats will not vote if she is the candidate. She will loose the Senate and more seats in the House. I will vote, but never for her and never for a Republican. Yes Bernie will call for his people to support her if he looses, but I don't think more than 50% will. Probably won't matter, nobody in the correct mind will vote for the right wingnut Republican nominee whatever he is. I would say I won't support her if she does become president, but that is wasted breath as she will never do anything I would support anyway. She was/is and always will be a neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters. Bernie channels FDR and far from being a socialist is a "New Deal" Democrat. Of course the plutocrats called FDR a "commie" and socialist also.

no I won't change. Hillary is bad for America and bad for the world

We know there will be no change. This poster is not trying to change you or your fixed world view and certainly not of HR Clinton. This is my rational response to an unrelenting march of militancy. Without being a shrink this poster simply offers his assessment or what could be called an evaluation of the points of view consistently and stridently expressed.

If you have evidence I am wrong about Clinton I'd love to see it.

Maybe some other time but thanks for the invite anyway.

Agreed all the same that FDR was not a socialist (or a commie) although his socio-economic peers considered him to be a 'traitor' to their shared class. FDR never said he was a socialist but Bernie proudly proclaims himself to be a socialist. Which is why I wonder if Bernie really believes he is a socialist or whether he might simply be another back to the future type such as the Dr. Emmett J. Brown who calls himself a scientist for the fun of it. And funny it is.

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Sanders is toast, boys. Dead man walking...thumbsup.gif

A rare case that I agree with you.

The main thing I like about Sander's issues is his advocacy for nationalized health care to realize full access and dramatic cost controls.

I don't think Obamacare really works ... the costs are too high and it is basically a welfare problem for the health industry.

Free college tuition for all is not realistic. However, for those who have the aptitude and are in poverty, I think the government does need to step in to make sure all such people can get a higher education without going into major lifetime debt.

As far as extreme economic inequality, yes it does need to be addressed more effectively, but excessively taxing the wealthy wouldn't be enough and would have economic downsides (people would flee), so more creative solutions are needed.

On foreign policy, I find Sanders very weak compared to Hillary Clinton.

I agree I think America is too far gone to put in the reforms required. Once a nation proceeds down a certain path it reaches a 'point of no return'. America is so far past that 'point of no return' there really is no way of turning back.

A little like when Cancer metastasises throughout the body. Congress, Supreme Court, Health, Education, Income Equality, Criminal Justice, Pharma, Basic Wage, Tax System, Infrastructure, Financial System, Middle Class.

All issues Bernie's wants to address. I think Republicus is right the democratic system has 'cancer' too so a cure cannot be effected. The only thing to do is make the patient comfortable.

Maybe Trump is the answer. A swift compassionate end to put the patient out of its misery.

United States will somehow survive the parachutist Senator Bernie Sanders the Independent from Vermont not attaining the nomination of the Democratic Party for the office of Potus in the 2016 quadrennial election cycle.

The political center holds because the vast middle ground in American politics and government absorbs, adopts, adapts. The fringe cranks do meanwhile remain as exactly that.

The United States is neither Germany nor is it France and it certainly is not ancient Rome. We are not Russia or Japan or China...or the UK.

E Pluribus Unum is what is happening to the globalised world so do try to catch up and keep up.

The United States is a young country with a great deal of significant history. It is a dynamic place where, unlike the lumbering Chinese who think in centuries, we think in decades. Events in the USA occur spontaneously and they move swiftly. The speed of change in the USA gets yet faster by each quadrennial election so buckle up.

E Pluribus Unum it will not be America it will be China. America is in decline. Unless it can eliminate the corruption from its Political system it will be fatal. What is becoming more apparent to Western Nations is they have to begin transitioning from America to China as the Global military and financial power base. If Bernie cannot cut through America is doomed.

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Sanders is toast, boys. Dead man walking...thumbsup.gif

A rare case that I agree with you.

The main thing I like about Sander's issues is his advocacy for nationalized health care to realize full access and dramatic cost controls.

I don't think Obamacare really works ... the costs are too high and it is basically a welfare problem for the health industry.

Free college tuition for all is not realistic. However, for those who have the aptitude and are in poverty, I think the government does need to step in to make sure all such people can get a higher education without going into major lifetime debt.

As far as extreme economic inequality, yes it does need to be addressed more effectively, but excessively taxing the wealthy wouldn't be enough and would have economic downsides (people would flee), so more creative solutions are needed.

On foreign policy, I find Sanders very weak compared to Hillary Clinton.

I agree I think America is too far gone to put in the reforms required. Once a nation proceeds down a certain path it reaches a 'point of no return'. America is so far past that 'point of no return' there really is no way of turning back.

A little like when Cancer metastasises throughout the body. Congress, Supreme Court, Health, Education, Income Equality, Criminal Justice, Pharma, Basic Wage, Tax System, Infrastructure, Financial System, Middle Class.

All issues Bernie's wants to address. I think Republicus is right the democratic system has 'cancer' too so a cure cannot be effected. The only thing to do is make the patient comfortable.

Maybe Trump is the answer. A swift compassionate end to put the patient out of its misery.

United States will somehow survive the parachutist Senator Bernie Sanders the Independent from Vermont not attaining the nomination of the Democratic Party for the office of Potus in the 2016 quadrennial election cycle.

The political center holds because the vast middle ground in American politics and government absorbs, adopts, adapts. The fringe cranks do meanwhile remain as exactly that.

The United States is neither Germany nor is it France and it certainly is not ancient Rome. We are not Russia or Japan or China...or the UK.

E Pluribus Unum is what is happening to the globalised world so do try to catch up and keep up.

The United States is a young country with a great deal of significant history. It is a dynamic place where, unlike the lumbering Chinese who think in centuries, we think in decades. Events in the USA occur spontaneously and they move swiftly. The speed of change in the USA gets yet faster by each quadrennial election so buckle up.

"Events in the USA occur spontaneously and they move swiftly". Interesting that yous say that. So in which recent decade was your Constitution written? Just asking as that seems to rule a lot of your laws.

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A rare case that I agree with you.

The main thing I like about Sander's issues is his advocacy for nationalized health care to realize full access and dramatic cost controls.

I don't think Obamacare really works ... the costs are too high and it is basically a welfare problem for the health industry.

Free college tuition for all is not realistic. However, for those who have the aptitude and are in poverty, I think the government does need to step in to make sure all such people can get a higher education without going into major lifetime debt.

As far as extreme economic inequality, yes it does need to be addressed more effectively, but excessively taxing the wealthy wouldn't be enough and would have economic downsides (people would flee), so more creative solutions are needed.

On foreign policy, I find Sanders very weak compared to Hillary Clinton.

I agree I think America is too far gone to put in the reforms required. Once a nation proceeds down a certain path it reaches a 'point of no return'. America is so far past that 'point of no return' there really is no way of turning back.

A little like when Cancer metastasises throughout the body. Congress, Supreme Court, Health, Education, Income Equality, Criminal Justice, Pharma, Basic Wage, Tax System, Infrastructure, Financial System, Middle Class.

All issues Bernie's wants to address. I think Republicus is right the democratic system has 'cancer' too so a cure cannot be effected. The only thing to do is make the patient comfortable.

Maybe Trump is the answer. A swift compassionate end to put the patient out of its misery.

United States will somehow survive the parachutist Senator Bernie Sanders the Independent from Vermont not attaining the nomination of the Democratic Party for the office of Potus in the 2016 quadrennial election cycle.

The political center holds because the vast middle ground in American politics and government absorbs, adopts, adapts. The fringe cranks do meanwhile remain as exactly that.

The United States is neither Germany nor is it France and it certainly is not ancient Rome. We are not Russia or Japan or China...or the UK.

E Pluribus Unum is what is happening to the globalised world so do try to catch up and keep up.

The United States is a young country with a great deal of significant history. It is a dynamic place where, unlike the lumbering Chinese who think in centuries, we think in decades. Events in the USA occur spontaneously and they move swiftly. The speed of change in the USA gets yet faster by each quadrennial election so buckle up.

E Pluribus Unum it will not be America it will be China. America is in decline. Unless it can eliminate the corruption from its Political system it will be fatal. What is becoming more apparent to Western Nations is they have to begin transitioning from America to China as the Global military and financial power base. If Bernie cannot cut through America is doomed.

Doomed I tell you, Doomed!!


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Sanders is toast, boys. Dead man walking...thumbsup.gif

A rare case that I agree with you.

The main thing I like about Sander's issues is his advocacy for nationalized health care to realize full access and dramatic cost controls.

I don't think Obamacare really works ... the costs are too high and it is basically a welfare problem for the health industry.

Free college tuition for all is not realistic. However, for those who have the aptitude and are in poverty, I think the government does need to step in to make sure all such people can get a higher education without going into major lifetime debt.

As far as extreme economic inequality, yes it does need to be addressed more effectively, but excessively taxing the wealthy wouldn't be enough and would have economic downsides (people would flee), so more creative solutions are needed.

On foreign policy, I find Sanders very weak compared to Hillary Clinton.

No, Hillary is the bad choice with regards to foreign policy, unless you're in the military-industrial complex or a US foreign corporation.

One good example, check out this article (and you can easily find more) about how she handled Honduras as Sec. of State:


Note the part about how Honduras was edited out from the paperback edition of her recent biography. She's realized that the original passage explaining what she did is damning.

One reason for the Honduras coup was that their president wanted to raise wages, which would affect US foreign corporate interests. That's a recurring theme in the American "Yankee Go Home," Gunboat Central American foreign policy.

I think that many of you Hillary supporters like her for the same reason why in high school you may have liked the "cool kids." She's just a pop star to you, and you close your eyes to the fact that she's just another politician bought and owned by big money.

Hillary supporters need to get out of fantasy land and realize that people like Hillary Clinton put you a far second to power and big money. Just ask Goldman Sachs.

"One reason for the Honduras coup was that their president wanted to raise wages, which would affect US foreign corporate interests. That's a recurring theme in the American "Yankee Go Home," Gunboat Central American foreign policy."

"Gunboat" foreign policy. ROFL. Time travel MUST be possible - this guy's been living in 1900...

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A rare case that I agree with you.

The main thing I like about Sander's issues is his advocacy for nationalized health care to realize full access and dramatic cost controls.

I don't think Obamacare really works ... the costs are too high and it is basically a welfare problem for the health industry.

Free college tuition for all is not realistic. However, for those who have the aptitude and are in poverty, I think the government does need to step in to make sure all such people can get a higher education without going into major lifetime debt.

As far as extreme economic inequality, yes it does need to be addressed more effectively, but excessively taxing the wealthy wouldn't be enough and would have economic downsides (people would flee), so more creative solutions are needed.

On foreign policy, I find Sanders very weak compared to Hillary Clinton.

I agree I think America is too far gone to put in the reforms required. Once a nation proceeds down a certain path it reaches a 'point of no return'. America is so far past that 'point of no return' there really is no way of turning back.

A little like when Cancer metastasises throughout the body. Congress, Supreme Court, Health, Education, Income Equality, Criminal Justice, Pharma, Basic Wage, Tax System, Infrastructure, Financial System, Middle Class.

All issues Bernie's wants to address. I think Republicus is right the democratic system has 'cancer' too so a cure cannot be effected. The only thing to do is make the patient comfortable.

Maybe Trump is the answer. A swift compassionate end to put the patient out of its misery.

United States will somehow survive the parachutist Senator Bernie Sanders the Independent from Vermont not attaining the nomination of the Democratic Party for the office of Potus in the 2016 quadrennial election cycle.

The political center holds because the vast middle ground in American politics and government absorbs, adopts, adapts. The fringe cranks do meanwhile remain as exactly that.

The United States is neither Germany nor is it France and it certainly is not ancient Rome. We are not Russia or Japan or China...or the UK.

E Pluribus Unum is what is happening to the globalised world so do try to catch up and keep up.

The United States is a young country with a great deal of significant history. It is a dynamic place where, unlike the lumbering Chinese who think in centuries, we think in decades. Events in the USA occur spontaneously and they move swiftly. The speed of change in the USA gets yet faster by each quadrennial election so buckle up.

E Pluribus Unum it will not be America it will be China. America is in decline. Unless it can eliminate the corruption from its Political system it will be fatal. What is becoming more apparent to Western Nations is they have to begin transitioning from America to China as the Global military and financial power base. If Bernie cannot cut through America is doomed.

The insistence there is only one person who is the savior and only one way to save us all from somebody's armageddon by means of an apocalypse is just plain OTT. It is frankly speaking whackjob stuff.

The belief that there is only one single person in the competition who is the savior, while perceiving that all the rest will speed the country down the highway to hell is not credible. Neither is the school of doom viable. The Last Chance Saloon is indeed a saloon. It is akin to the roach motel, i.e., you can check yourself in but you'll never get to check out. It's all a self made and self intoxicating dead end trap.

I voted for Hillary Clinton in my state's Democratic presidential primary vote and I'll vote for her in November. The reason is that HRC is the best qualified candidate. She is neither an ogre nor is she a savior. The USA does not want or need either. Donald Trump is plainly and directly speaking a dangerous ignoramus. So are his voters and supporters dangerous and reckless people who are, moreover, out of the mainstream of middle American society.

As to the CCP Dictators in Beijing, Daiwa Securities looked last year at their capital markets and investments, GDP, PPP, PMI, PPI, CPI, the CCP current accounts, their state owned banks and the shadow banking system too, their $24 Trillion housing and property bubble in Beijing alone, the declining yuan/rmb which now has the currency speculators circling over and around it, the movement of $1 Trillion of forex reserves during H2 of last year with another $1 Trillion on pace already for this year, and they looked at the fact debt growth has always outstripped gdp growth. Daiwa is but one of dozens of global investment or banking houses that have examined present developments and trends in the CCP China, and no one is positive. Daiwa projected minus 20% off GDP growth by 2019. CCP is dead in the water. CCP China is the new long term and reform proof, statist, stagnant Japan, except the CCP remains a poor country with a filthy rich CCP that engages in a corruption unprecedented in history, to the tune of $4 Trillion swindled since 2004.

Anyone who believes the US is facing armageddon and that only one person can save it, while also believing CCP is in the ascendancy, needs to check in to a reality halfway house rather than to the Last Chance Saloon. It is indeed being said with a greater frequency these days that the only thing more dangerous than a rising China is a falling China, witness the South China Sea and the East Sea against Japan.

The bottom line is that Ted Cruz will not place the United States at risk. Neither would John Kasich nor would Hillary Clinton place us at a risk. Bernie Sanders in an intelligent man who all the same does not exactly inspire confidence, in matters of foreign policy especially. Donald Trump on the other hand is a menace to global peace, prosperity, development...indeed sanity.

You need to get your ducks in a row upstairs too.

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Publicus; "Ted Cruz the cowboy who talks the Bible to his horse by the light of the campfire. "

That's funny. I could also see him, after he puts a radioactive glass crust on half the M.East, .....ordering clean-cut American young men wearing white shirts & ties, to go strolling two by two, to each remaining dwelling, and handing out Bibles, each hand-signed by Cruz; "wishing you well in Christ our Savior".

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Publicus; "Ted Cruz the cowboy who talks the Bible to his horse by the light of the campfire. "

That's funny. I could also see him, after he puts a radioactive glass crust on half the M.East, .....ordering clean-cut American young men wearing white shirts & ties, to go strolling two by two, to each remaining dwelling, and handing out Bibles, each hand-signed by Cruz; "wishing you well in Christ our Savior".

Then I guess you're seeing visions ... ... which would be approximately the same thing you take issue with believers over, am I right?

What rubbish.

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Agree that no matter who is elected it will not cause then US to be destroyed..

But do disagree with follow up comments that seem to state if Trump is elected, then it would be an international catastrophe ...

I believe the US can surely survive a Trump presidency and it would do more for the country than a Hillary presidency ...

As may make the Democratic Party take another look at its self and hopefully wonder why did not give Bernie the nod..

A win for Hillary is a win for corporate America and Dem fat cats happy and not looking to change anything... Just feed

A win for Cruz is the same on the other side of the isle...

Only chance for meaningful change would be Bernie or Trump..

Prefer Bernie's version of change... But if Dems won't allow that ... Than better Trump than Hillary

Edited by CWMcMurray
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I just watched excerpts from the most recent Dem debate. I like 'em both, miles better than any of the Rep contenders, and I've watched Rep debates in their entirety (yes, you could say I'm partially masochistic).

The people who try to so hard to demonize HRC are not doing a very good job at it. They get A+ for effort but D- for effectiveness. HRC is smart, knows the issues, is liked by world leaders, and is not a hot-head who would carpet bomb dune villages. I supported HRC when she ran against Obama (tho I also like Obama), and I support her now. Though that doesn't mean I have to dislike Sanders. I'd actually rather see Sanders as prez, but the idea of HRC at the helm is fine. Maybe she'll appoint Sanders for Secretary of the Treasury.

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Publicus; "Ted Cruz the cowboy who talks the Bible to his horse by the light of the campfire. "

That's funny. I could also see him, after he puts a radioactive glass crust on half the M.East, .....ordering clean-cut American young men wearing white shirts & ties, to go strolling two by two, to each remaining dwelling, and handing out Bibles, each hand-signed by Cruz; "wishing you well in Christ our Savior".

Then I guess you're seeing visions ... ... which would be approximately the same thing you take issue with believers over, am I right? What rubbish.

Am not sure if I understand your question. Are you asking whether I see problems with hard-right Christian fundamentalists? If so, the answer is 'yes.'

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What Hillary says in the debate... She speaks well and says all the right things to make people vote for her...

But can you believe a word that comes out Of her mouth?

That is the question..

I fall on the side that says no... She's jus speaking the words she needs to get elected.

Come general election time... Expect her to change her tune.. And after she gets elected... Expect her to change again

Would it be a disaster for the US .. No, of course not...

But wouldn't be good for the US either .. Might as well just hit the fast forward button 3 more years so can start the next election

As would not expect any meaningful changes with a Hillary presidency

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Publicus; "Ted Cruz the cowboy who talks the Bible to his horse by the light of the campfire. "

That's funny. I could also see him, after he puts a radioactive glass crust on half the M.East, .....ordering clean-cut American young men wearing white shirts & ties, to go strolling two by two, to each remaining dwelling, and handing out Bibles, each hand-signed by Cruz; "wishing you well in Christ our Savior".

Then I guess you're seeing visions ... ... which would be approximately the same thing you take issue with believers over, am I right? What rubbish.

Am not sure if I understand your question. Are you asking whether I see problems with hard-right Christian fundamentalists? If so, the answer is 'yes.'

But you didn't say, "I see problems with hard-right Christian fundamentalists" (whatever that means). What you said was that you had visions of Cruz "ordering clean-cut American young men wearing white shirts & ties, to go strolling two by two, to each remaining dwelling, and handing out Bibles, each hand-signed by Cruz; 'wishing you well in Christ our Savior'."

Or were you just bloviating? You know, just saying junk you don't really mean and that nobody could really take seriously, for some imagined rhetorical effect?

You could just say something like, all believers "should be sent to death camps", or "should be removed from the voter lists", or "aren't smart enough to have informed opinions", or "shouldn't be allowed to run for office", or "are sub-human" ... Is that what you mean?

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Publicus; "Ted Cruz the cowboy who talks the Bible to his horse by the light of the campfire. "

That's funny. I could also see him, after he puts a radioactive glass crust on half the M.East, .....ordering clean-cut American young men wearing white shirts & ties, to go strolling two by two, to each remaining dwelling, and handing out Bibles, each hand-signed by Cruz; "wishing you well in Christ our Savior".

Then I guess you're seeing visions ... ... which would be approximately the same thing you take issue with believers over, am I right? What rubbish.

Am not sure if I understand your question. Are you asking whether I see problems with hard-right Christian fundamentalists? If so, the answer is 'yes.'

But you didn't say, "I see problems with hard-right Christian fundamentalists" (whatever that means). What you said was that you had visions of Cruz "ordering clean-cut American young men wearing white shirts & ties, to go strolling two by two, to each remaining dwelling, and handing out Bibles, each hand-signed by Cruz; 'wishing you well in Christ our Savior'."

Or were you just bloviating? You know, just saying junk you don't really mean and that nobody could really take seriously, for some imagined rhetorical effect?

You could just say something like, all believers "should be sent to death camps", or "should be removed from the voter lists", or "aren't smart enough to have informed opinions", or "shouldn't be allowed to run for office", or "are sub-human" ... Is that what you mean?

I don't know if your comments deserve a response, but here goes. For starters, it's political satire. Everyone's doing it nowadays. Every time Trump open his mouth, he's trying to satire something or someone. People on all sides of the political fences are doing it. Some get paid to do it. I do it also, but don't get paid.

Secondly, please don't put out sentences of what I "could say...." and then go on to opinionate on those. We do that with politicians, but do you hold me in such esteem? If you want to make opinions on what I write, please base it on what I write, not on some hypothetical musings that you suppose I may write. If I offended anyone by religious talk, well, tough tamales. Religionists have been offending (and harming) others for centuries. They should be able to handle a little blow-back.

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Sanders is toast, boys. Dead man walking...thumbsup.gif

A rare case that I agree with you.

The main thing I like about Sander's issues is his advocacy for nationalized health care to realize full access and dramatic cost controls.

I don't think Obamacare really works ... the costs are too high and it is basically a welfare problem for the health industry.

Free college tuition for all is not realistic. However, for those who have the aptitude and are in poverty, I think the government does need to step in to make sure all such people can get a higher education without going into major lifetime debt.

As far as extreme economic inequality, yes it does need to be addressed more effectively, but excessively taxing the wealthy wouldn't be enough and would have economic downsides (people would flee), so more creative solutions are needed.

On foreign policy, I find Sanders very weak compared to Hillary Clinton.

No, Hillary is the bad choice with regards to foreign policy, unless you're in the military-industrial complex or a US foreign corporation.

One good example, check out this article (and you can easily find more) about how she handled Honduras as Sec. of State:


Note the part about how Honduras was edited out from the paperback edition of her recent biography. She's realized that the original passage explaining what she did is damning.

One reason for the Honduras coup was that their president wanted to raise wages, which would affect US foreign corporate interests. That's a recurring theme in the American "Yankee Go Home," Gunboat Central American foreign policy.

I think that many of you Hillary supporters like her for the same reason why in high school you may have liked the "cool kids." She's just a pop star to you, and you close your eyes to the fact that she's just another politician bought and owned by big money.

Hillary supporters need to get out of fantasy land and realize that people like Hillary Clinton put you a far second to power and big money. Just ask Goldman Sachs.

"One reason for the Honduras coup was that their president wanted to raise wages, which would affect US foreign corporate interests. That's a recurring theme in the American "Yankee Go Home," Gunboat Central American foreign policy."

"Gunboat" foreign policy. ROFL. Time travel MUST be possible - this guy's been living in 1900...

I should have used "legacy from" instead of "recurring" to be more clear about America's continuing meddling in Central American affairs over the many decades. Thanks for pointing that out!

I have also noticed that the Hillary supporters in this forum, from I have seen, never defend her on her meddling in Honduras.

Edited by helpisgood
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Here are the latest numbers on the net worth of both Sanders and Clinton.

Hilary - $30-$50 million + Bill combined around $125 million.

Bernie - $160,000. laugh.png

Ol' Bern is one of the poorest members of the Senate and is out of place in this political millionaires club.

Make of that what you will, but it's probably one of the things going in his favor now. Debate just finished in NY, with mixed results, and he's jetting off to see the Pope now.

Bernie's new slogan I am selling: Champion of the little guytm




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It has taken nearly 30 years to eliminate the American middle class and drive a stake through the heart of the 'American Dream'. To think that overnight you can simply turn that around is fanciful. It is estimated in China that in the next ten years there will be 580M citizens moving into the wealthy Chinese Middle Class. The Middle Class is the engine room of a Nation. It is the one that generates enormous wealth and power and resilience and innovation. America's Middle Class is extinct. The wealth has been transferred to the top 1% and Corporate America has shifted the entire Budget of the American bank account offshore in Tax havens. As can be seen in this election the Democratic system has been corrupted, The Supreme Court is corrupted by politically motivated, the Education system has $1 Trillion dollars in debt and rising, the Health system is an absolute basket case being the most unaffordable worst patient outcome when compared to ALL developed nations, Congress is controlled 'lock stock and barrel' by the wealthy elite and Corporate America.

Can Bernie turn it all around? No but he can identify each and every issue and put forward strategies to turn the ship around. It will take at least one generation to undo the damage of Republican Governments that have handed America over to the wealthy elite and the greed of Corporate America.

As Rudyard Kipling wrote: " If you can keep your head whilst all around you are losing theirs then you probably don't realise the seriousness of the situation"

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It has taken nearly 30 years to eliminate the American middle class and drive a stake through the heart of the 'American Dream'. To think that overnight you can simply turn that around is fanciful. It is estimated in China that in the next ten years there will be 580M citizens moving into the wealthy Chinese Middle Class. The Middle Class is the engine room of a Nation. It is the one that generates enormous wealth and power and resilience and innovation. America's Middle Class is extinct. The wealth has been transferred to the top 1% and Corporate America has shifted the entire Budget of the American bank account offshore in Tax havens. As can be seen in this election the Democratic system has been corrupted, The Supreme Court is corrupted by politically motivated, the Education system has $1 Trillion dollars in debt and rising, the Health system is an absolute basket case being the most unaffordable worst patient outcome when compared to ALL developed nations, Congress is controlled 'lock stock and barrel' by the wealthy elite and Corporate America.

Can Bernie turn it all around? No but he can identify each and every issue and put forward strategies to turn the ship around. It will take at least one generation to undo the damage of Republican Governments that have handed America over to the wealthy elite and the greed of Corporate America.

As Rudyard Kipling wrote: " If you can keep your head whilst all around you are losing theirs then you probably don't realise the seriousness of the situation"

Would agree... With the caveat that it wasn't just republican governments that contributed to this problem..

It is ripe on both sides of the isle

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"Can Bernie turn it all around? No but he can identify each and every issue and put forward strategies to turn the ship around. It will take at least one generation to undo the damage of Republican Governments that have handed America over to the wealthy elite and the greed of Corporate America."

"Would agree... With the caveat that it wasn't just republican governments that contributed to this problem.."

I agree whole heartedly. Bernie has said he can't do it by himself, he realizes the problems he faces and America faces. At the very best, the election of Clinton things will only get a little worse, I think we all know what the election of the right wing wackos vying to be Emperor will bring. A bit about Bernie channeling FDR and I have to quote because it really comes from a fund raiser so I don't want to post links. "Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me and I welcome their hatred."

Like FDR, I welcome the contempt of Verizon's CEO. I welcome the hatred and contempt of every Wall Street banker, hedge fund manager, pharmaceutical lobbyist and fracking executive trying to stop our campaign.

A bit about Clinton's State Dept. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/teneo-final-221807 Yea, just the kind of person that will make a wonderful president, NOT.

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How about some info on Clinton and Honduras. http://www.democracynow.org/2016/4/13/shes_baldly_lying_dana_frank_responds . Like my son once said about his mom, "if her lips are moving, she is lying". Yea, go ahead and vote for this staunch supporter of the people and democracy.

Thanks, Sarge!

I have already seen the interview with Dana Frank about Honduras. That was very good.

Thanks for the articles on the Clintons and both Haiti and N. Ireland. I can see why she wanted to set up a situation in which it would be okay for her to decide which "personal" emails to delete.

HRC supporters talk about how good she is about foreign affairs like it's a given. Yeah, she was real good about making sure that the Clinton Foundation and those they are doing business with profit from their connection to HRC's former public office at the State Dept.

I get the feeling that too many HRC supporters are so enamored with her idealized persona that they turn a blind eye to what she really is.

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I get very frustrated by some of the posters here that I respect. They are intelligent and usually make correct decisions, but supporting Clinton in the face of all the evidence just bugs the crap out of me. I expect better. The excuse that she is the one that can the general is bull and all the polls show that. In fact she may be the one that can loose the general. Bernie can't get it done, <deleted>? And how could any thinking person Clinton will get anything constructive done, the right wing hates her as much or more than the black man in the White House. Bernie can carry the Senate with the people's enthusiasm and I believe win back many house seats. With Hillary more will be lost. Her foreign affairs have been a disaster and she doesn't even blink an eye in saying blowing Libya to hell was right. Ok, more on the campaign. http://www.opednews.com/articles/Hillary-Clinton-s-Disastro-by-Tom-Gallagher-Democrat_Democratic_Democrats_Election-160415-571.html




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Sanders is certainly giving Clinton a better than expected (by which I mean better than she expected...) run for her money. And if the discussion here is any indication, his support faction is quite well entrenched and very loyal, totally "committed", apparently becoming steadily more so WRT HRC specifically. So, IF HRC does take the nomination, thanks to super-delegates or DNC manipulation or simply with the required number of delegates on the first ballot, will these supporters suddenly be able to eat their now sounding quite dug-in words and fall into line behind her? Or will some deal and a cabinet position be enough to win them all over? Would Sanders accept such a deal? Or would Sanders throw down and run as an independent? If he did, would he keep a significant portion of his current support?

'Looks to me like both parties are becoming increasingly divided. 'The kind of campaign season the MSM just loves. No need to inject contrived drama.

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While I support Sanders I tend to reply to his tweets with a different strategy concerning minimum wage. Goes like this: Raising the minimum wage to play catch up only condones what the financial elite have done to people around the globe. Better to hang them at high noon (or at least put them in jail for years on end) and redistribute the money they have stolen (legally or illegally) over the years.

Somehow I get the feeling that there will never be a day when a Wall Street banker looks out of his office window at a sizeable protest and says: You know... these people are right... give them their money back.

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