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Sweden: masked men threaten to attack migrant children


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In spite of what some members would have us believe the Swedes have not been checking the age of the so called children. The murderer of the female helper at an asylum center turns out not to be 15 as first claimed.


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In spite of what some members would have us believe the Swedes have not been checking the age of the so called children. The murderer of the female helper at an asylum center turns out not to be 15 as first claimed.


Not making a reasonably definitive determination about the age is extremely unfair to the many, many genuine unaccompanied minor children who then must wait in a much longer queue.

Obviously, there are also other problems with keeping younger children with those who are actually adults.

This thread is one example.

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Last time I checked Turkey was a strict islamic country.<snip>

Incorrect. e.g. Turkey's law is not based upon Sharia and is constitutionally secular

Edited by simple1
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7by7, on 04 Feb 2016 - 22:54, said:

As far as I am aware, no one here, whatever their politics, has ever denied that there is a problem.

But those of us who acknowledge that not all these people are economic migrants but many (most probably) are genuine refugees and also acknowledge that many (probably most) are not thieves, rapists etc. are constantly being described in the manner above; and very often labelled as apologists for criminals and even apologists for terrorists!

Usually by the same people who deny that the vast majority of these wretched people are actually not in Europe at all; but in neighbouring Middle East or North African countries.

Resorting to such tactics is the real indicator of someone who cannot support their argument.

I hate to state the bleeding obvious.

It has been established that around 30-35% are genuine refugees. That is a minority.

You, me and the powers that be in the EU have NO idea what the background of these migrants are. With the exception of the 30,000 who have been granted asylum. We can only hope that those 30,000 have been fully vetted.

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I do not support the unregulated flow of refugees / asylum seekers into the EU. However, Turkey is now hosting approx 2.5 million refugees yet get relatively peanuts to assist them by EU governments; tell me why currently Turkey should be obligated to accept returnees? Greece is in effect a half way house for refugees aiming to enter the EU, again Greece has received very minimal support from EU governments by way of funding / resources for hosting and processing refugees. My POV it's very much the extremely poor level of response by EU governments and others that has led to the current chaos and unfair to blame the host countries

Peanuts! Are you aware that the EU is paying Turkey $3.2 billion, in addition they are also giving further perks for Turkey. Possible visa free travel to Schengen countries and most importantly the speeding up of Turkeys application to join the EU ( that's something to look forward to). Now it is reported that Turkey is demanding further money or they will assist these economic migrants to illegally enter the EU.
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7by7, on 04 Feb 2016 - 15:54, said:


many (most probably) are genuine refugees


It has been established that around 30-35% are genuine refugees. That is a minority.

Established by whom?

Can you provide the actual figures and their source?

From Refugees or migrants? The EU grapples with definitions

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán believes that the “overwhelming majority” of Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans coming to the EU are not refugees but economic migrants hoping for a better life in Europe.

but that is merely his personal point of view. Some agree with him, many do not.

From further on in that article

According to the UNHCR’s Andrej Mahecic, there is no official figure for how many economic migrants form part of the refugee flow. But he pointed to UN statistics showing at least three quarters come from conflict-ridden countries like Syria (51%), Afghanistan (14%), Eritrea (8%), and to a lesser extent, Nigeria (4%), complicating the picture.

So, at least three quarters come from conflict zones; obviously seeking a better life away from war and persecution. Whether that makes them refugees or economic migrants depends on your politics

How many migrants to Europe are refugees? also makes interesting reading.

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I do not support the unregulated flow of refugees / asylum seekers into the EU. However, Turkey is now hosting approx 2.5 million refugees yet get relatively peanuts to assist them by EU governments; tell me why currently Turkey should be obligated to accept returnees? Greece is in effect a half way house for refugees aiming to enter the EU, again Greece has received very minimal support from EU governments by way of funding / resources for hosting and processing refugees. My POV it's very much the extremely poor level of response by EU governments and others that has led to the current chaos and unfair to blame the host countries

Peanuts! Are you aware that the EU is paying Turkey $3.2 billion, in addition they are also giving further perks for Turkey. Possible visa free travel to Schengen countries and most importantly the speeding up of Turkeys application to join the EU ( that's something to look forward to). Now it is reported that Turkey is demanding further money or they will assist these economic migrants to illegally enter the EU.

The $3.2 billion to be paid by EU countries was only signed off a few days ago. If I were Turkey I wouldn't be holding my breath that all the countries involved will keep their promises. Turkey recently announced it has spent approx US$10 billion hosting refugees (as Scott states below incl displaced people), enormous disruption to the country and so on, so yes contributions by EU countries is relatively peanuts. There is no guarantee Turkey will be granted EU membership and as you say possibly visa free travel for citizens.

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As a very general rule, those fleeing conflict are not necessarily refugees. They are displaced persons. Generally, to be a refugee you need to face persecution for one of a variety of reasons. Many, many people are effected by wars and conflict, but most are not specifically targeted by the gov't of the area in conflict.

Displaced people can be displaced internally or outside the country until the country returns to some level of peace.

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7by7, on 04 Feb 2016 - 15:54, said:


many (most probably) are genuine refugees


It has been established that around 30-35% are genuine refugees. That is a minority.

Established by whom?

Can you provide the actual figures and their source?

From Refugees or migrants? The EU grapples with definitions

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán believes that the “overwhelming majority” of Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans coming to the EU are not refugees but economic migrants hoping for a better life in Europe.

but that is merely his personal point of view. Some agree with him, many do not.

From further on in that article

According to the UNHCR’s Andrej Mahecic, there is no official figure for how many economic migrants form part of the refugee flow. But he pointed to UN statistics showing at least three quarters come from conflict-ridden countries like Syria (51%), Afghanistan (14%), Eritrea (8%), and to a lesser extent, Nigeria (4%), complicating the picture.

So, at least three quarters come from conflict zones; obviously seeking a better life away from war and persecution. Whether that makes them refugees or economic migrants depends on your politics

How many migrants to Europe are refugees? also makes interesting reading.

I would be inclined to the believe the Dutch EU commissioner, especially seeing as the EU leaders are in part culpable for this mess.


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7by7, on 13 Feb 2016 - 17:55, said:

Established by whom?

Can you provide the actual figures and their source?

From the BBC



The 4 Baltic states had more than Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

The chart clearly shows that the biggest number are from Syria. Remember the fake Syrian passport scandal ? It is not beyond the realms of possibility that many of the 80,000 are about as Syrian as I am.




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I would be inclined to the believe the Dutch EU commissioner, especially seeing as the EU leaders are in part culpable for this mess.


& now arguing about interpretation of the stats...

New figures contradict Timmermans’ economic migrants claim


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So, in your opinion, refugees should be returned to the closest safe country to where they came from; and if it's safe to the country they originally came from.

Do you apply that to all refugees; or just those of a certain religion and/or ethnicity?

To be consistent, and avoid accusations of prejudice at best, racism at worst, you must apply it to all refugees. Regardless of where they came from, their religion and their ethnicity.

So you must also believe that the European Jewish refugees and their descendants living in Israel should be returned to the countries they originally came from; or if that's not safe the nearest country to that.

But I bet that you don't.

If that is the hight of your argument that we send back people 70 years after they settled , then we better think about returning all those vikings that invaded Britain , dont make yourself look stupid

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Nothing to do with Oz being far away ( Christmas Island isn't far from Indonesia where the illegal boat people leave from ) from Europe, and all to do with the policy of depositing illegal boat people offshore. It has stopped most ( ?all ) of the boat people, which was it's intention.

Had the Euro coast guard returned all those it rescues on the sea to where they came from, the flood would become a trickle. The media will never tell the facts, but I would guess that the vast majority are illegal economic migrants rather than genuine refugees. I say that because a genuine refugee wouldn't have the funds to pay the traffickers, and would be forced to remain in the first safe country they came to.

Only a relatively small number of instances did Oz government 'turn around the boats' by ensuring the vessels safe return by Oz government, transferring then to sea going lifeboats etc that required, albeit resentful, acceptance of the Indo government. The policy which proved to be effective was refusal to accept any refugees arriving by sea permission to reside in Oz even if they were proven to be positively vetted. Roughly 75% of refugees in Oz offshore detention are now deemed to be genuine refugees.

The volume of small boats / dinghies departing Turkey is huge and would assume in most instances they would be unsafe to 'turn around'. 'Vessels' departing from Libya could not be 'turned around' as currently there is not a viable national government to process returnees.

It has recently been reported the number of asylum seekers in EU countries being assessed as economic refugees has increased from 40% to 60%, I understand the majority of economic refugees originate from Balkan countries.

I'm fairly certain you would have read Scott's posts who has actual hands on experience. On a number of occasions Scott has outlined genuine asylum seekers utilising the services of human traffickers, often sell their assets. It has been identified that refugees in countries such as Turkey departed as they were close to running out of cash to support themselves, the vast majority do not have access to UNHCR camps and have to pay rent, subsidise their food costs and so on. It was only last month that Turkey passed legislation that refugees would be permitted to work. From 2012 Turkey has expended at least US$5 billion in hosting refugees on it's territory and has yet to receive the promised additional funding and resources promised by governments; same scenario applies to Lebanon & other countries with very large refugee populations.

I'm not saying there wouldn't be some bad outcomes, but allowing the boats to continue only ensures even more will drown. If Euro adopted a policy of immediately returning any survivors to the country they left from it wouldn't be long before the boats stopped. They only come because they know there is a chance they will reach Euro and be allowed to stay. No chance at all and what would be the point of trying?

It has cost the Oz govt roughly A$1 billion in 2014 / 2015 just for the Manus Island & Nauru detention facilities to house around 3,000 asylum seekers, even though approx 75% have been positively vetted.

I do not support the unregulated flow of refugees / asylum seekers into the EU. However, Turkey is now hosting approx 2.5 million refugees yet get relatively peanuts to assist them by EU governments; tell me why currently Turkey should be obligated to accept returnees? Greece is in effect a half way house for refugees aiming to enter the EU, again Greece has received very minimal support from EU governments by way of funding / resources for hosting and processing refugees. My POV it's very much the extremely poor level of response by EU governments and others that has led to the current chaos and unfair to blame the host countries

Turkey does not have to accept a single returnee. They can stop them entering Turkey in the first place. The only "good" solution ( in reality there are no good solutions only the best of a lot of bad solutions ) is to enforce safe areas inside Syria and keep them there. The Syrian crisis, perhaps the only one of the middle east, was not caused by the Euro, so they don't have to sort it.

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So, in your opinion, refugees should be returned to the closest safe country to where they came from; and if it's safe to the country they originally came from.

Do you apply that to all refugees; or just those of a certain religion and/or ethnicity?

To be consistent, and avoid accusations of prejudice at best, racism at worst, you must apply it to all refugees. Regardless of where they came from, their religion and their ethnicity.

So you must also believe that the European Jewish refugees and their descendants living in Israel should be returned to the countries they originally came from; or if that's not safe the nearest country to that.

But I bet that you don't.

If that is the hight of your argument that we send back people 70 years after they settled , then we better think about returning all those vikings that invaded Britain , dont make yourself look stupid

You must realise Icluadius that the far left PC brigade will always use the words prejudice and racism when they are loosing the argument.

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Children, mainly six feet tall with beards, or heavy stubble. I've seen plenty of videos of them and would not describe them as children. Media lies flowing thick and fast. Good to finally see some notion of justice returning to Sweden.

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Turkey does not have to accept a single returnee. They can stop them entering Turkey in the first place. The only "good" solution ( in reality there are no good solutions only the best of a lot of bad solutions ) is to enforce safe areas inside Syria and keep them there. The Syrian crisis, perhaps the only one of the middle east, was not caused by the Euro, so they don't have to sort it.

The concept of safe zones within Syria paralleling the Turkish and Jordanian borders has been around for quite a while. I believe it will not happen as would require 'boots on the ground', 24/7 air cover, plus not supported by the US. In any case with the engagement of the Russian air force and now Assad's declaration he intends to re-occupy all the conflict areas of Syria what's the likelihood of trying to establish safe zones; zero? You never know Turkey could invade Syrian territory, but seriously doubt they would risk open conflict with Russia.

Assad forces have engaged in 'ethnic cleansing' of Sunnis so with Assad's declaration I expect there will be an upsurge of refugees / displaced persons trying to enter countries bordering Syria.

Edited by simple1
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7by7, on 04 Feb 2016 - 15:54, said:


many (most probably) are genuine refugees


It has been established that around 30-35% are genuine refugees. That is a minority.

Established by whom?

Can you provide the actual figures and their source?

(remainder removed to comply with forum software requirements on the number of quotes in a post)

I would be inclined to the believe the Dutch EU commissioner, especially seeing as the EU leaders are in part culpable for this mess.


You should have read all the way down to the end of the page, rather than just the headline!

Had you done so, you would have found the link to this report: New figures contradict Timmermans’ economic migrants claim.

Now, you may say that the figures in that article are just for those arriving in Greece; and you'd be right. But it was exactly the same figures Timmerman based his comments upon!

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7by7, on 13 Feb 2016 - 17:55, said:

Established by whom?

Can you provide the actual figures and their source?

From the BBC



The 4 Baltic states had more than Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

The chart clearly shows that the biggest number are from Syria. Remember the fake Syrian passport scandal ? It is not beyond the realms of possibility that many of the 80,000 are about as Syrian as I am.




None of which answers the question "Who 'established' that only around 30 to 35% are genuine refugees?"

Will you give your source for this figure, or did you make it up?

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So, in your opinion, refugees should be returned to the closest safe country to where they came from; and if it's safe to the country they originally came from.

Do you apply that to all refugees; or just those of a certain religion and/or ethnicity?

To be consistent, and avoid accusations of prejudice at best, racism at worst, you must apply it to all refugees. Regardless of where they came from, their religion and their ethnicity.

So you must also believe that the European Jewish refugees and their descendants living in Israel should be returned to the countries they originally came from; or if that's not safe the nearest country to that.

But I bet that you don't.

If that is the hight of your argument that we send back people 70 years after they settled , then we better think about returning all those vikings that invaded Britain , dont make yourself look stupid

You must realise Icluadius that the far left PC brigade will always use the words prejudice and racism when they are loosing the argument.

Exactly the type of response I expected.

Well done, both of you. You have proven my argument for me.

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Turkey does not have to accept a single returnee. They can stop them entering Turkey in the first place. The only "good" solution ( in reality there are no good solutions only the best of a lot of bad solutions ) is to enforce safe areas inside Syria and keep them there. The Syrian crisis, perhaps the only one of the middle east, was not caused by the Euro, so they don't have to sort it.

The concept of safe zones within Syria paralleling the Turkish and Jordanian borders has been around for quite a while. I believe it will not happen as would require 'boots on the ground', 24/7 air cover, plus not supported by the US. In any case with the engagement of the Russian air force and now Assad's declaration he intends to re-occupy all the conflict areas of Syria what's the likelihood of trying to establish safe zones; zero? You never know Turkey could invade Syrian territory, but seriously doubt they would risk open conflict with Russia.

Assad forces have engaged in 'ethnic cleansing' of Sunnis so with Assad's declaration I expect there will be an upsurge of refugees / displaced persons trying to enter countries bordering Syria.

It worked for the Kurds in Iraq, but if the US won't help might not work.

In that case, safe areas on the Turkish side of the border, with dirty great fences so they couldn't go further.

What's the alternative, another 5 million "refugees" in Euroland? That'd probably result in very bad things happening.

Eventually, unless Euro fronts up with many, many billions more in aid, all the neighbouring countries are going to say 'enough" and either stop them, or help them on their way. Either option is not good for anyone.

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7by7, on 14 Feb 2016 - 16:00, said:
SgtRock, on 13 Feb 2016 - 19:54, said:

From the BBC



The 4 Baltic states had more than Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

The chart clearly shows that the biggest number are from Syria. Remember the fake Syrian passport scandal ? It is not beyond the realms of possibility that many of the 80,000 are about as Syrian as I am.




None of which answers the question "Who 'established' that only around 30 to 35% are genuine refugees?"

Will you give your source for this figure, or did you make it up?

The numbers in the BBC graph speak for themselves.

I do not have to make anything up.

Frans Timmermans, the first vice president of the European Commission, has said that 60 percent of so-called refugees arriving in the EU are economic migrants not fleeing persecution or warzones and are not entitled to asylum.

His comments — based on statistics from the EU border agency Frontex — once again hammer home the chaos of the refugee crisis in Europe, with many countries unable to process the sheer volume of those seeking asylum and a very low level of deportation of economic migrants.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/europe/20160127/1033787712/eu-timmermans-economic-migrants.html#ixzz408SF4PPG

Not that I take sputnik news too seriously, but that is what is being reported and I would not expect to see anything like this in the EU MSM, for obvious reasons.

There are counter claims out saying that his numbers are incorrect, so I believe he did make the claim.

The numbers on the BBC graph quite clearly show that his assessment was correct

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So, in your opinion, refugees should be returned to the closest safe country to where they came from; and if it's safe to the country they originally came from.

Do you apply that to all refugees; or just those of a certain religion and/or ethnicity?

To be consistent, and avoid accusations of prejudice at best, racism at worst, you must apply it to all refugees. Regardless of where they came from, their religion and their ethnicity.

So you must also believe that the European Jewish refugees and their descendants living in Israel should be returned to the countries they originally came from; or if that's not safe the nearest country to that.

But I bet that you don't.

If that is the hight of your argument that we send back people 70 years after they settled , then we better think about returning all those vikings that invaded Britain , dont make yourself look stupid

You must realise Icluadius that the far left PC brigade will always use the words prejudice and racism when they are loosing the argument.

Exactly the type of response I expected.

Well done, both of you. You have proven my argument for me.

you and simple one can now pat each other on the back , lefty style .clap2.gif

Edited by i claudius
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Sgt. Rock;

So your statement "It has been established that around 30-35% are genuine refugees" is based upon what Mr Timmermans said in one interview?

As shown previously, the figures upon which Mr Timmermans based his claim in that interview actually show the opposite of what he said!

The numbers on the BBC graphs you have produced do not show that Mr Timmermans was correct. They show only the nationalities of those applying for asylum. They do not show how many are genuine asylum seekers and how many are economic migrants; how many were granted asylum and how many were refused.

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7by7, on 15 Feb 2016 - 21:07, said:

Sgt. Rock;

So your statement "It has been established that around 30-35% are genuine refugees" is based upon what Mr Timmermans said in one interview?

As shown previously, the figures upon which Mr Timmermans based his claim in that interview actually show the opposite of what he said!

The numbers on the BBC graphs you have produced do not show that Mr Timmermans was correct. They show only the nationalities of those applying for asylum. They do not show how many are genuine asylum seekers and how many are economic migrants; how many were granted asylum and how many were refused.

Clearly that is not good enough for you. Here are the figures for asylum applications and decisions.

In 2015, Germany made 282,762 decisions on asylum applications; the overall asylum recognition rate was 49.8% (140,915 decisions were positive, so that applicants were granted protection). The most successful applicants were Syrians (101,419 positive decisions, with a 96% recognition rate), Eritreans (9,300 positive decisions; 92.1% recognition rate) and Iraqis (14,880 positive decisions; 88.6% recognition rate).[25][26]


282,762 asylum application. Less than 40% were Syrians, about 36%

50.2% were rejected.

Perhaps he made the statement based on successful applicants.

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So your earlier definite statement that "It has been established that around 30-35% are genuine refugees" for the whole of Europe is now changed to 49.8 % of asylum applications in just one country, Germany, were approved!

Based upon a Wikipedia article with this caveat at the top

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (January 2016)

But let's assume it is correct.

That figure is not only for just one country, albeit the one with the highest number of applications, it is also only for those applications where a final decision has been made. It does not include those where a decision is still pending.

From this Eurostat news release

Almost 600 000 persons subject of asylum applications pending

Pending applications refer to all persons who have made, at any time, an application for international protection
which is still under consideration by the responsible national authority at the end of the reference period. It thus
refers to the “stock” of applications for which decisions are still pending. This indicator is meant to measure the
workload of the national authorities.

At the end of June 2015, around 592 000 persons were the subject of an application for asylum protection in the
EU still under consideration by the responsible national authority. Last year, at the end of June 2014, there were
nearly 365 000. With 305 800 pending applications at the end of June 2015 (or 52% of the EU total), Germany had
by far the largest share in the EU, ahead of Sweden (56 000, or 9%), Italy (48 300, or 8%), France (36 100, or
6%), the United Kingdom (29 400, or 5%) and Greece (29 200, or 5%).

But even if your figure of 49.8% is correct and also applies to the whole of Europe, just under a half is considerably more than the roughly one third you originally claimed had been established.

You also seem obsessed with Syrians; but your Wikipedia link says that 96% of applications made by Syrians were successful!

As were 88.6% of those made by Iraqis.

Which disproves that refugees from that war torn part of the world are mainly economic migrants!

BTW, you should read Mr Timmerman's interview so you can see where he got his figures from; it wasn't that Wikipedia article!

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Do you have a problem comprehending English ?

Nothing to do with the whole of Europe. These are the figures for Germany only.

In 2015, 1.1 Million people registered in Germany for asylum.

Germany processed 282,762 applications.

Of those applications 102,000 Syrians were granted asylum. That equates to about 36% of those had applied.

Dress it up any way you want. Out of the processed applications, 36% were Syrians.

It would certainly not be beyond the realms of possibility that these figures are replicated across the EU as a whole.

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Those are not Syrians, they are European fleeing during WW2.

Estimated european fleeing during ww2 : 60 millions


Before speaking of "Syrians have to defend their country and not flee" they should maybe check their family history


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