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Israeli academics face growing boycott pressures


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More about academic BDS and the Jew hatred at its core.

It's not Israel that deserves to be demonized. It's the BDS movement that does. More people are learning the truth about the utter EVIL the BDS movement represents.


The BDS movement wishes to apply pressure on Israeli academia by promoting for all academics to cut off Israeli universities, thus inhibiting the essential process of academic of transmission, building relations, and sharing ideas and knowledge. It is in my stringent opinion, that to block academic extrapolation and development between disciplines and different universities around the world is the materialization of backward thinking, and it is the first step to totalitarianism.


The BDS movement has played an integral role to spark existent antisemitism amid college campuses. The people involved think that they are following a moral cause, but in fact do not understand the hatred that they are promoting. This is no way to spark conversation between people. Martin Luther King once said: “When they criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking antisemitism.” Perhaps to put it in more simple terms a better way to say is that the hatred of Israel, is the hatred of Jews.
Edited by Jingthing
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More about academic BDS and the Jew hatred at its core.

It's not Israel that deserves to be demonized. It's the BDS movement that does. More people are learning the truth about the utter EVIL the BDS movement represents.


The BDS movement wishes to apply pressure on Israeli academia by promoting for all academics to cut off Israeli universities, thus inhibiting the essential process of academic of transmission, building relations, and sharing ideas and knowledge. It is in my stringent opinion, that to block academic extrapolation and development between disciplines and different universities around the world is the materialization of backward thinking, and it is the first step to totalitarianism.


The BDS movement has played an integral role to spark existent antisemitism amid college campuses. The people involved think that they are following a moral cause, but in fact do not understand the hatred that they are promoting. This is no way to spark conversation between people. Martin Luther King once said: “When they criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking antisemitism.” Perhaps to put it in more simple terms a better way to say is that the hatred of Israel, is the hatred of Jews.

Well, the Jerusalem Post would say that wouldn't they? It's just an editor's opinion. I notice it doesnt comment on why academics and artists are boycotting Israel.
Israel wanted to use Dr King for propaganda purposes as you do now. Very interesting documents have come to light recently revealing Israel's true attitude towards him.
It was a different pre internet information-revolution era then. He was obviously preoccupied with his own people's struggle, and quite frankly did not have a clue, like most Americans today, as to the injustice European colonialists had perpetrated against the indigenous Palestinians.
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More about academic BDS and the Jew hatred at its core.

It's not Israel that deserves to be demonized. It's the BDS movement that does. More people are learning the truth about the utter EVIL the BDS movement represents.


The BDS movement wishes to apply pressure on Israeli academia by promoting for all academics to cut off Israeli universities, thus inhibiting the essential process of academic of transmission, building relations, and sharing ideas and knowledge. It is in my stringent opinion, that to block academic extrapolation and development between disciplines and different universities around the world is the materialization of backward thinking, and it is the first step to totalitarianism.


The BDS movement has played an integral role to spark existent antisemitism amid college campuses. The people involved think that they are following a moral cause, but in fact do not understand the hatred that they are promoting. This is no way to spark conversation between people. Martin Luther King once said: “When they criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking antisemitism.” Perhaps to put it in more simple terms a better way to say is that the hatred of Israel, is the hatred of Jews.

Well, the Jerusalem Post would say that wouldn't they? It's just an editor's opinion. I notice it doesnt comment on why academics and artists are boycotting Israel.
Israel wanted to use Dr King for propaganda purposes as you do now. Very interesting documents have come to light recently revealing Israel's true attitude towards him.
It was a different pre internet information-revolution era then. He was obviously preoccupied with his own people's struggle, and quite frankly did not have a clue, like most Americans today, as to the injustice European colonialists had perpetrated against the indigenous Palestinians.

That the BDS movement is gaining strength worldwide is proven by the rising level of propaganda directed against it.

This is the way forward - non-violent resistance - that moderate Israelis can follow along with everyone else who wants to see Israel secure within their 1967 borders.

The demented Zionist fantasy of Eretz Israel should be consigned to the dustbin of history sooner rather than later.

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More about academic BDS and the Jew hatred at its core.

It's not Israel that deserves to be demonized. It's the BDS movement that does. More people are learning the truth about the utter EVIL the BDS movement represents.


The BDS movement wishes to apply pressure on Israeli academia by promoting for all academics to cut off Israeli universities, thus inhibiting the essential process of academic of transmission, building relations, and sharing ideas and knowledge. It is in my stringent opinion, that to block academic extrapolation and development between disciplines and different universities around the world is the materialization of backward thinking, and it is the first step to totalitarianism.


The BDS movement has played an integral role to spark existent antisemitism amid college campuses. The people involved think that they are following a moral cause, but in fact do not understand the hatred that they are promoting. This is no way to spark conversation between people. Martin Luther King once said: “When they criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking antisemitism.” Perhaps to put it in more simple terms a better way to say is that the hatred of Israel, is the hatred of Jews.

Well, the Jerusalem Post would say that wouldn't they? It's just an editor's opinion. I notice it doesnt comment on why academics and artists are boycotting Israel.

Israel wanted to use Dr King for propaganda purposes as you do now. Very interesting documents have come to light recently revealing Israel's true attitude towards him.


It was a different pre internet information-revolution era then. He was obviously preoccupied with his own people's struggle, and quite frankly did not have a clue, like most Americans today, as to the injustice European colonialists had perpetrated against the indigenous Palestinians.

The Palestinians were never indigenous, the Jews were, recent genetic studies prove this.


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More about academic BDS and the Jew hatred at its core.

It's not Israel that deserves to be demonized. It's the BDS movement that does. More people are learning the truth about the utter EVIL the BDS movement represents.


The BDS movement wishes to apply pressure on Israeli academia by promoting for all academics to cut off Israeli universities, thus inhibiting the essential process of academic of transmission, building relations, and sharing ideas and knowledge. It is in my stringent opinion, that to block academic extrapolation and development between disciplines and different universities around the world is the materialization of backward thinking, and it is the first step to totalitarianism.


The BDS movement has played an integral role to spark existent antisemitism amid college campuses. The people involved think that they are following a moral cause, but in fact do not understand the hatred that they are promoting. This is no way to spark conversation between people. Martin Luther King once said: “When they criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking antisemitism.” Perhaps to put it in more simple terms a better way to say is that the hatred of Israel, is the hatred of Jews.

Well, the Jerusalem Post would say that wouldn't they? It's just an editor's opinion. I notice it doesnt comment on why academics and artists are boycotting Israel.

Israel wanted to use Dr King for propaganda purposes as you do now. Very interesting documents have come to light recently revealing Israel's true attitude towards him.


It was a different pre internet information-revolution era then. He was obviously preoccupied with his own people's struggle, and quite frankly did not have a clue, like most Americans today, as to the injustice European colonialists had perpetrated against the indigenous Palestinians.

The Palestinians were never indigenous, the Jews were, recent genetic studies prove this.


I am quite sure the RamallaPost says the same about Palestinians...

Please have a look at the people living in Israel and tell me how many look like they come from middle east.

Most of them are NOT from middle east.

We can also say that most of the world comes from the region as it was a part of the area used when human population expanded from Africa...

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Israel is a despicable pariah state, and thanks to the Internet, its malevolent core has been revealed to the world.

Academics from civilized and lawful nations have a responsibility to take part in and expand this boycott so that justice can be meted out.

This is only the beginning.

It's the end, Western governments are rapidly concluding BDS is a movement to eliminate Israel and is nothing to do with social justice, hence there are loads of recent bans on BDS across many Countries. Incidentally 2.5% of Palestinians work on Israeli settlements earning twice the average pay of the Palestinian Territories. So if BDS got their way 5% of Palestinian revenue would be lost. I guess the unemployed would have more time to get radicalized and become terrorists though.
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Israel is a despicable pariah state, and thanks to the Internet, its malevolent core has been revealed to the world.

Academics from civilized and lawful nations have a responsibility to take part in and expand this boycott so that justice can be meted out.

This is only the beginning.

It's the end, Western governments are rapidly concluding BDS is a movement to eliminate Israel and is nothing to do with social justice, hence there are loads of recent bans on BDS across many Countries. Incidentally 2.5% of Palestinians work on Israeli settlements earning twice the average pay of the Palestinian Territories. So if BDS got their way 5% of Palestinian revenue would be lost. I guess the unemployed would have more time to get radicalized and become terrorists though.

Lol your points are so fallacious:

-western governments which banned the BDS or rendered it illegal was done after HUGE pressures from the Israel lobbies in those countries. In France it was done under the Prime Minister whom wife is jewish and is openly for Israel.

The jobs done in illegal settlements pay more than the jobs in Palestine because : no job is available there, mostly because of the restrictions and the land stolen to the arabs living there.

They not really have any choice, they work in illegal settlements or just have no job and the pay is still far under the israel incomes, the same arguments was used in South Africa during apartheid.

"oh look they work for us, they are well treated, of course we stole their land and give a middle finger to the world, but they are happy,..."

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Israel is a despicable pariah state, and thanks to the Internet, its malevolent core has been revealed to the world.

Academics from civilized and lawful nations have a responsibility to take part in and expand this boycott so that justice can be meted out.

This is only the beginning.

It's the end, Western governments are rapidly concluding BDS is a movement to eliminate Israel and is nothing to do with social justice, hence there are loads of recent bans on BDS across many Countries. Incidentally 2.5% of Palestinians work on Israeli settlements earning twice the average pay of the Palestinian Territories. So if BDS got their way 5% of Palestinian revenue would be lost. I guess the unemployed would have more time to get radicalized and become terrorists though.

Lol your points are so fallacious:

-western governments which banned the BDS or rendered it illegal was done after HUGE pressures from the Israel lobbies in those countries. In France it was done under the Prime Minister whom wife is jewish and is openly for Israel.

The jobs done in illegal settlements pay more than the jobs in Palestine because : no job is available there, mostly because of the restrictions and the land stolen to the arabs living there.

They not really have any choice, they work in illegal settlements or just have no job and the pay is still far under the israel incomes, the same arguments was used in South Africa during apartheid.

"oh look they work for us, they are well treated, of course we stole their land and give a middle finger to the world, but they are happy,..."

So all you can come up with is the Jews control everything conspiracy theory. The Palestinians and their rich paymasters can lobby too you know.

Another aspect of BDS incidentally is that it's indiscriminate in vilifying all Jews for the actions of the settlers it dishonestly says are the problem. This is collective punishment pure and simple, something the Palestinians and their supporters are only too happy to squeal indignation about themselves.

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Israel is a despicable pariah state, and thanks to the Internet, its malevolent core has been revealed to the world.

Academics from civilized and lawful nations have a responsibility to take part in and expand this boycott so that justice can be meted out.

This is only the beginning.

It's the end, Western governments are rapidly concluding BDS is a movement to eliminate Israel and is nothing to do with social justice, hence there are loads of recent bans on BDS across many Countries. Incidentally 2.5% of Palestinians work on Israeli settlements earning twice the average pay of the Palestinian Territories. So if BDS got their way 5% of Palestinian revenue would be lost. I guess the unemployed would have more time to get radicalized and become terrorists though.

Lol your points are so fallacious:

-western governments which banned the BDS or rendered it illegal was done after HUGE pressures from the Israel lobbies in those countries. In France it was done under the Prime Minister whom wife is jewish and is openly for Israel.

The jobs done in illegal settlements pay more than the jobs in Palestine because : no job is available there, mostly because of the restrictions and the land stolen to the arabs living there.

They not really have any choice, they work in illegal settlements or just have no job and the pay is still far under the israel incomes, the same arguments was used in South Africa during apartheid.

"oh look they work for us, they are well treated, of course we stole their land and give a middle finger to the world, but they are happy,..."

So all you can come up with is the Jews control everything conspiracy theory. The Palestinians and their rich paymasters can lobby too you know.

Another aspect of BDS incidentally is that it's indiscriminate in vilifying all Jews for the actions of the settlers it dishonestly says are the problem. This is collective punishment pure and simple, something the Palestinians and their supporters are only too happy to squeal indignation about themselves.

The actions of the settlers are illegal under international law and the Israeli government can - and should - be held responsible for it.

No amount of deceptive propaganda can change that undeniable fact.

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More about academic BDS and the Jew hatred at its core.

It's not Israel that deserves to be demonized. It's the BDS movement that does. More people are learning the truth about the utter EVIL the BDS movement represents.


The BDS movement wishes to apply pressure on Israeli academia by promoting for all academics to cut off Israeli universities, thus inhibiting the essential process of academic of transmission, building relations, and sharing ideas and knowledge. It is in my stringent opinion, that to block academic extrapolation and development between disciplines and different universities around the world is the materialization of backward thinking, and it is the first step to totalitarianism.


The BDS movement has played an integral role to spark existent antisemitism amid college campuses. The people involved think that they are following a moral cause, but in fact do not understand the hatred that they are promoting. This is no way to spark conversation between people. Martin Luther King once said: “When they criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking antisemitism.” Perhaps to put it in more simple terms a better way to say is that the hatred of Israel, is the hatred of Jews.

Well, the Jerusalem Post would say that wouldn't they? It's just an editor's opinion. I notice it doesnt comment on why academics and artists are boycotting Israel.

Israel wanted to use Dr King for propaganda purposes as you do now. Very interesting documents have come to light recently revealing Israel's true attitude towards him.


It was a different pre internet information-revolution era then. He was obviously preoccupied with his own people's struggle, and quite frankly did not have a clue, like most Americans today, as to the injustice European colonialists had perpetrated against the indigenous Palestinians.

The Palestinians were never indigenous, the Jews were, recent genetic studies prove this.


Your Jerusalem Post piece is just another example of the great Zionist hoax. It relies heavily on excerpts from Joan Peters book "From Time Immemorial" widely discredited as a fraud.
This is how the Zionist propaganda machine operates. It has no moral ground to stand on so it calls black white, repeats it often enough, and some people come to believe it.
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Israel is a despicable pariah state, and thanks to the Internet, its malevolent core has been revealed to the world.

Academics from civilized and lawful nations have a responsibility to take part in and expand this boycott so that justice can be meted out.

This is only the beginning.

It's the end, Western governments are rapidly concluding BDS is a movement to eliminate Israel and is nothing to do with social justice, hence there are loads of recent bans on BDS across many Countries. Incidentally 2.5% of Palestinians work on Israeli settlements earning twice the average pay of the Palestinian Territories. So if BDS got their way 5% of Palestinian revenue would be lost. I guess the unemployed would have more time to get radicalized and become terrorists though.

Lol your points are so fallacious:

-western governments which banned the BDS or rendered it illegal was done after HUGE pressures from the Israel lobbies in those countries. In France it was done under the Prime Minister whom wife is jewish and is openly for Israel.

The jobs done in illegal settlements pay more than the jobs in Palestine because : no job is available there, mostly because of the restrictions and the land stolen to the arabs living there.

They not really have any choice, they work in illegal settlements or just have no job and the pay is still far under the israel incomes, the same arguments was used in South Africa during apartheid.

"oh look they work for us, they are well treated, of course we stole their land and give a middle finger to the world, but they are happy,..."

So all you can come up with is the Jews control everything conspiracy theory. The Palestinians and their rich paymasters can lobby too you know.

Another aspect of BDS incidentally is that it's indiscriminate in vilifying all Jews for the actions of the settlers it dishonestly says are the problem. This is collective punishment pure and simple, something the Palestinians and their supporters are only too happy to squeal indignation about themselves.

I am quite ok to segregate all settlers, they are on lands which are not their...

Why don't you mention the group "peace Now" which is constitued by jewish (yeah I know, young lefties)

Are they antisemits too?

I not excuse the Palestinians, I just think, like most of the world that the way Israel is stealing their land each day more is a big part of the problem

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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There have been recent rulings against BDS in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. These rulings are at a national level, far more important than the piecemeal isolated boycotts from academia. Governments are basically telling their student activists and loopy professors to grow up.

That, and a stand against anti-semitism, as the core of the BDS movement is about ending the state of Israel. Somehow, to these obsessive Israel demonizing haters, Jews specifically (only Jews, of all the peoples in the world) don't deserve one nation state to demographically dominate. Most of the more civilized nations see the true motives of the BDS movement. It's true some clueless BDS supporters don't ... they should be educated. Evidence has already been supplied about the true motives of the BDS movement. It's not a two state solution ... it's for the end of Israel. If you're for that, by all means, support BDS.

not all Israelis are believing Judaism (including you as you said before) especially the Baudouin arabs and fake jewish russians fighting for Israel at front line.

here we are criticizing Zionism not doing anti semitism. please differentiate these two. You always mixed these up to make a valid point but it does not work.

so, all those people here and all around the world criticizing Israel are doing wrong? There cannot be some valid points these people support? why dont you see them? what makes you so blind? your love for Zionism?

just wake up brother. you are a clever guy most probably educated but when it comes to this, how come can you be so blind? is this the effect of years of brainwashing with nationalist and Zionist ideas, literature and media?

or you just play the brainwashed guy intentionally although you know the truth like Israel is doing wrong and killing people there at nearly a mini genocide level? not sure which one.

so, time for Israel to get more pressure and hopefully a full embargo follows this. same as Palestinians living in embargo for how many years. funny. karma is a b.i..ch for Israel possibly:)

Israel is trapped now and Zionism cannot move any further. Same as Iran, they will be broken soon especially if they ban Israelis to enter EU for example.

Yeah, Israeli academics can go to India but India has the highest muslim population in the world although Muslim there is not a majority so dont think so India accepts those academics. lets say no country wants Israel trouble!

World is fed up with constant b..ing and moaning of Israel on playing the victim card. No one is stupid anymore though, social media etc, news are everywhere and everyone can see even the shepherd on top of the mountain through his cellphone and 3g coverage!

but same world also fed up with incompetent Palestinian politicians. Now they started to play the victim card and it will not work same as Israel!

it is either peace between them or they better abolish Israel and Palestinian states.

hope, these kind of cultural embargo gets harsher in time. I gladly support EU if they ban Israelis to enter EU (and Palestinians too) and apply a full embargo until they get broken like Iran and then there might be a chance for peace.

Edited by Galactus
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killing people there at nearly a mini-genocide level.

I guess that's what you could call diminishing hyperbole. 555

You are backing the wrong horse if you think BDS will make headway in India due to its large Muslim population. The winds are blowing in the opposite direction.


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An advertising for a telecom company shows Israeli playing football with Palestinians, the palestinians tried to do the same : it ended quickly with gaz cans...

As ever lies by omission. Here is the context for the commercial, which was a response to Palestinian agitation. The film with the teargas is pure premeditated Pallywood.


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An advertising for a telecom company shows Israeli playing football with Palestinians, the palestinians tried to do the same : it ended quickly with gaz cans...

As ever lies by omission. Here is the context for the commercial, which was a response to Palestinian agitation. The film with the teargas is pure premeditated Pallywood.



Giving a link to a far right Israel blog as a justification is the worst evidence you could find, thanks for this...maybe more jewllywood (damn saying "jewllywood" will make me antisemit, right?)

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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killing people there at nearly a mini-genocide level.

I guess that's what you could call diminishing hyperbole. 555

You are backing the wrong horse if you think BDS will make headway in India due to its large Muslim population. The winds are blowing in the opposite direction.


There is a difference between a government and the citizens of a country. You ll get it one day...

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An advertising for a telecom company shows Israeli playing football with Palestinians, the palestinians tried to do the same : it ended quickly with gaz cans...

As ever lies by omission. Here is the context for the commercial, which was a response to Palestinian agitation. The film with the teargas is pure premeditated Pallywood.



Giving a link to a far right Israel blog as a justification is the worst evidence you could find, thanks for this...maybe more jewllywood (damn saying "jewllywood" will make me antisemit, right?)

Pot calling kettle.
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killing people there at nearly a mini-genocide level.

I guess that's what you could call diminishing hyperbole. 555

You are backing the wrong horse if you think BDS will make headway in India due to its large Muslim population. The winds are blowing in the opposite direction.


There is a difference between a government and the citizens of a country. You ll get it one day...

Seems like the citizens of the U.K, well the business ones that is can't get enough of Israel, Tel Aviv is now one of their top 10 business locations.


P.s one of the comments to the article suggested plastering this news on every BDS website there is. What a great idea.

Edited by Steely Dan
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killing people there at nearly a mini-genocide level.

I guess that's what you could call diminishing hyperbole. 555

You are backing the wrong horse if you think BDS will make headway in India due to its large Muslim population. The winds are blowing in the opposite direction.


There is a difference between a government and the citizens of a country. You ll get it one day...

Seems like the citizens of the U.K, well the business ones that is can't get enough of Israel, Tel Aviv is now one of their top 10 business locations.


P.s one of the comments to the article suggested plastering this news on every BDS website there is. What a great idea.

Do you have other links rather than the usual blogs and obscure "pro jewish websites" ?

You will also maybe learn that Tel Aviv is the place where the young and predominantly "lefties" are, where there is the biggest gay communauty in Israel, and where the organization "peace now" has its roots...Once you know that and the special culture Tel Aviv has, you probably handle this a bit better...in fact I am quite sure i read somewhere that Tel aviv students also criticze heavily the illegal settlements...

Maybe soon Tel Aviv will be taxed as antisemitic as well

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killing people there at nearly a mini-genocide level.
I guess that's what you could call diminishing hyperbole. 555
You are backing the wrong horse if you think BDS will make headway in India due to its large Muslim population. The winds are blowing in the opposite direction.


There is a difference between a government and the citizens of a country. You ll get it one day...
Seems like the citizens of the U.K, well the business ones that is can't get enough of Israel, Tel Aviv is now one of their top 10 business locations.


P.s one of the comments to the article suggested plastering this news on every BDS website there is. What a great idea.

Do you have other links rather than the usual blogs and obscure "pro jewish websites" ?

You will also maybe learn that Tel Aviv is the place where the young and predominantly "lefties" are, where there is the biggest gay communauty in Israel, and where the organization "peace now" has its roots...Once you know that and the special culture Tel Aviv has, you probably handle this a bit better...in fact I am quite sure i read somewhere that Tel aviv students also criticze heavily the illegal settlements...

Maybe soon Tel Aviv will be taxed as antisemitic as well

So Israel is a pluralistic society tolerant of LGBT people, as oppose to the openly homophobic and religiously intolerant Palestinian state that BDS would like to supplant Israel with. Glad you brought up Israel's tolerance to gay people though because had I done it I would no doubt have been accused of pink washing. Incidentally if you think these were the reasons for British business flocking to Tel Aviv you are even more naive then I suspected.

P.S just to make your day, Israel's gas reserves have tripled. I bet Jordan, Egypt and Turkey will stuff any boycotts and buy it by the ton.

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Here is a link to the website for one of the organizations helping to organize the academic boycott detailed in the OP.


Loads of relevant information contained therein.

For instance, the American Anthropological Association (AAA) recently pass an academic boycott resolution with an 88% majority.

The AAA released this statement after the vote:

“Be it resolved that the AAA as an Association endorses and will honor this [PACBI] call from Palestinian civil society to boycott Israeli academic institutions until such time as these institutions end their complicity in violating Palestinian rights as stipulated in international law.”



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I can't believe there are people applauding a decision by an academic group to ban the speech and participation of other academics because of their government's policies. And this in a forum of international vagabonds of one sort or another. I spent decades traveling and living outside of my native country (US) and one of my major rules was to always advocate the position that I will not blame you for your government's policies and so please do not blame me for my government's policies. It is one thing to advocate a ban or boycott of material goods, but to extend that to ideas and discourse amongst otherwise educated individuals is pathetic and actually downright scary. By all means go ahead and advocate a boycott of goods, advocate divestment of capital, and advocate economic sanctions. But when you start to ban speech and ideas then you cross the line, the line to totalitarianism that is raising its ugly head from the political left as well as the political right. Shame on all who support and applaud these ideas.

And then there is the ultimate sanctimoniousness, the ultimate hypocrisy, if not the ultimate irony, that this is all taking place in a Thai ex-pat forum where I am not allowed to speak my mind about the current Thai government due to forum rules.

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I can't believe there are people applauding a decision by an academic group to ban the speech and participation of other academics because of their government's policies. And this in a forum of international vagabonds of one sort or another. I spent decades traveling and living outside of my native country (US) and one of my major rules was to always advocate the position that I will not blame you for your government's policies and so please do not blame me for my government's policies. It is one thing to advocate a ban or boycott of material goods, but to extend that to ideas and discourse amongst otherwise educated individuals is pathetic and actually downright scary. By all means go ahead and advocate a boycott of goods, advocate divestment of capital, and advocate economic sanctions. But when you start to ban speech and ideas then you cross the line, the line to totalitarianism that is raising its ugly head from the political left as well as the political right. Shame on all who support and applaud these ideas. And then there is the ultimate sanctimoniousness, the ultimate hypocrisy, if not the ultimate irony, that this is all taking place in a Thai ex-pat forum where I am not allowed to speak my mind about the current Thai government due to forum rules.


I can't believe you're attempting to pass off this blatantly fallacious analogy thinking that no one is going to call you on it.

There's a big difference between a patchouli wearing backpacker and an academic who works at institution complicit in the atrocities committed against Palestinians.

By the way, similar academic boycotts also took place in the 1980s against Apartheid South Africa. It was a just and honorable action then, and it is now. wink.png

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I can't believe there are people applauding a decision by an academic group to ban the speech and participation of other academics because of their government's policies. And this in a forum of international vagabonds of one sort or another. I spent decades traveling and living outside of my native country (US) and one of my major rules was to always advocate the position that I will not blame you for your government's policies and so please do not blame me for my government's policies. It is one thing to advocate a ban or boycott of material goods, but to extend that to ideas and discourse amongst otherwise educated individuals is pathetic and actually downright scary. By all means go ahead and advocate a boycott of goods, advocate divestment of capital, and advocate economic sanctions. But when you start to ban speech and ideas then you cross the line, the line to totalitarianism that is raising its ugly head from the political left as well as the political right. Shame on all who support and applaud these ideas. And then there is the ultimate sanctimoniousness, the ultimate hypocrisy, if not the ultimate irony, that this is all taking place in a Thai ex-pat forum where I am not allowed to speak my mind about the current Thai government due to forum rules.

Beyond that, to limit this academic boycott to be against tiny Jewish demographic dominated tiny nation state of Israel stinks of hateful discrimination against that Jew of nations.

Acknowledging faults of the Israeli government, what honest objective person actually thinks that Israel is the only country in the world with an imperfect government, and that there aren't several which are MUCH WORSE.

So even if people do believe in academic boycotts, and I agree, they shouldn't, why ONLY Israel? Why the obsession targeted at Israel? It's not rocket science.

Of course I am against the BDS movement in all it's hateful ugliness, not only academic, but alas this thread is about academic.

In real life, not only Israeli academies are being hit by this odious discriminatory cult of hate, but non-Israeli Jewish students and academics all over the world are being smeared and harassed by the BDS movement as well, especially those who are identifiable as Jewish or openly supportive of the right of the state of Israel to exist and defend itself (oh no, the Z word).

Edited by Jingthing
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There are students exchange partnerships and programs between most EU universities. This is possible through sponsorship or financial contributions from EU educational institutions.

Israel isn't to my knowledge a member of the EU. Aside from the extra-political motivations, I don't see any reason why Israeli students would have the same academical privileges as the average EU student in Europe. And tax rates in Europe are very high due to EU membership who contribute also to these European international students exchange programs.

OP refers to boycott Israeli universities, and not individuals.

I didn't met any Palestinian in my European academical past and neither did I saw any Palestinian participant teams on television for UEFA and Eurosong.

As I've paid considerable amounts in taxes in Europe, I fully support this 'free' academic boycott and denounce any negative perspective on Israeli individuals...

Edited by Thorgal
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I can't believe there are people applauding a decision by an academic group to ban the speech and participation of other academics because of their government's policies. And this in a forum of international vagabonds of one sort or another. I spent decades traveling and living outside of my native country (US) and one of my major rules was to always advocate the position that I will not blame you for your government's policies and so please do not blame me for my government's policies. It is one thing to advocate a ban or boycott of material goods, but to extend that to ideas and discourse amongst otherwise educated individuals is pathetic and actually downright scary. By all means go ahead and advocate a boycott of goods, advocate divestment of capital, and advocate economic sanctions. But when you start to ban speech and ideas then you cross the line, the line to totalitarianism that is raising its ugly head from the political left as well as the political right. Shame on all who support and applaud these ideas. And then there is the ultimate sanctimoniousness, the ultimate hypocrisy, if not the ultimate irony, that this is all taking place in a Thai ex-pat forum where I am not allowed to speak my mind about the current Thai government due to forum rules.

I can't believe you're attempting to pass off this blatantly fallacious analogy thinking that no one is going to call you on it.

Unlike your post there was no analogy in my post. Simply stating my opinion that curbing free speech and the free exchange of ideas of peoples is the direct path to totalitarianism and that making such statements while living within a country that currently has a rather questionable government is the height of sanctimoniousness and hypocrisy. You want academics to have no speech because they are associated with Israeli Universities then get out of Thailand and stop supporting the Thai regime, you effin hypocrite. Or is it that you are just so sanctimonious that you yourself, oh holy one, can determine where lies upon the continuum of good and evil the cancellation of free speech. As I said, it is a quick and slippery road to totalitarianism the you are embarking down.

OK, to be honest, I am really just upset that you impugn patchouli wearing backpackers because I had a wonderful girlfriend back in the early 1970s who was a patchouli wearing backpacker. How dare you cast such unfounded aspersions on such memories. Fie upon you!

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There are students exchange partnerships and programs between most EU universities. This is possible through sponsorship or financial contributions from EU educational institutions.

Israel isn't to my knowledge a member of the EU. Aside from the extra-political motivations, I don't see any reason why Israeli students would have the same academical privileges as the average EU student in Europe. And tax rates in Europe are very high due to EU membership who contribute also to these European international students exchange programs.

OP refers to boycott Israeli universities, and not individuals.

I didn't met any Palestinian in my European academical past and neither did I saw any Palestinian participant teams on television for UEFA and Eurosong.

As I've paid considerable amounts in taxes in Europe, I fully support this 'free' academic boycott and denounce any negative perspective on Israeli individuals...

What the BDS supports fail to mention is the systematic intimidation of Jewish students in universities. Cambridge students set up a mock check point in one of their buildings. Activists in Oxford stopped a speech by a former member of Mossad on university premises. There are motions to adopt BDS on several campuses throughout the US and UK. The same spoilt ignorant activists whine about safe space rather than have to listen to views they disagree with, whilst simultaneously claiming safe space to lie to bully to intimidate Jewish students. The link below shows how BDS is now becoming known for what it really is leading to the speaker mentioned above being re-invited to speak at Oxford and a BDS motion being soundly defeated at Warwick.

The tactics used against BDS motions is to argue they are discriminatory if the same stance taken against Israel is not applied to every other territorial dispute. As there are hundreds there is not the time or resources to make an informed judgement on them all. This approach appears to be working - It has been a very bad month indeed for BDS, not just with respect to academia.


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