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Wife's customer not paying his bill.


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My wife has a shop and there are a couple of customers who haven't payd their bill for more than a month now. They say they pay on that day but they never come pay, they always change date and want to get more whisky or beer but we don't give them no more of course. We make only small profit on what we sell. We want our money. What shall we do?


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Suspect there is little, in reality, that you can do.

You could think about registering a complaint with the Police or if you live in a rural setting with the village headman.

In future choose who you extend credit to with care ------Alcoholics are always a bad risk !

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You are going to be doing a lot of work for nothing, if you extend credit...as colinneil said. If you are too shy to say no to people who want credit, then just tell them to give you something valuable...(like their cellphone), and they can get 500 baht credit. This works great. My wife's relatives literally run out the door when I tell them they must give me something valuable to hold onto, in return for money. One niece asked to borrow enough for 3 car payments and I told her that I would hold on to the car and make those payments for her....until she had the cash to repay me.

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All these replies I agree with and I know too and I tell my wife every day. It's not me who give them credit but my wife and she thinks they are her friends but they disabuse her kindness. I tell my wife every day to be hard when doing business and think about herself as they do too. We opened only 3 months ago and it's all new for her. And yes those guys are alcoholics and want to get drunk every day but can't pay for their booze.


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I can't speak for your customers, but the MIL also runs a small shop in our village. She has a very, very limited selection of products. I found out a few months ago that the village alcoholic buys his cans of beer Chang on credit from her. When I asked the missus, out of curiosity, if he pays her mother she told me that he always pays his bill - whenever he gets money. This might be once or maybe even twice a year when he settles his bill with the MIL. He's the only person in the village who's allowed credit. I couldn't even get 1 Baht (yes, you read correctly ONE Baht) credit a year ago when I was 1 Baht short for the price of a Fanta... lol.

Who knows, maybe your alco customers might surprise you and pay their bill. There's only one way to find out...

If I were you I'd forget the money they owe - it's simply not worth the hassle. Just learn from it and refuse to give customers credit - especially those who don't have regular income and/or have a drinking problem.

Edited by djayz
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Have a notice printed on the counter in very small print ,so when they ask for credit tell them to read it and as they bow their head down to read it ,smash their face into the counter,you wont get many repeat offenders.Failing that shut up shop as you & the missus sound too meek to be in business.

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All these replies I agree with and I know too and I tell my wife every day. It's not me who give them credit but my wife and she thinks they are her friends but they disabuse her kindness. I tell my wife every day to be hard when doing business and think about herself as they do too. We opened only 3 months ago and it's all new for her. And yes those guys are alcoholics and want to get drunk every day but can't pay for their booze.


Why did you post this?

The I told you so speech: "Darling, we've learned a lesson here haven't we? No more credit to anyone for anything."

And move on.

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All these replies I agree with and I know too and I tell my wife every day. It's not me who give them credit but my wife and she thinks they are her friends but they disabuse her kindness. I tell my wife every day to be hard when doing business and think about herself as they do too. We opened only 3 months ago and it's all new for her. And yes those guys are alcoholics and want to get drunk every day but can't pay for their booze.


My best advice would be don't let this (and the other pressures of running a business) come between your relationship.

You know your wife is kind and soft hearted - that's probably part of the reason you married her. As you said, this is all new to her, so it's going to take a while for her to get to grips with everything.

Good luck, and try and keep everything in perspective. Don't win the battle and lose the war.

Live and learn. It's not worth getting bent out of shape over a few bottles.

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The problem with lending money to people who always ask for credit and never repay is that there is a point where their capacity to repay even if they choose to repay is beyond them. They will always owe you and you will have either more conflict or you will have to write off the debt. Unless you hold something of value as collateral there is little reason to repay you and they will always treat you as a fool.

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All these replies I agree with and I know too and I tell my wife every day. It's not me who give them credit but my wife and she thinks they are her friends but they disabuse her kindness. I tell my wife every day to be hard when doing business and think about herself as they do too. We opened only 3 months ago and it's all new for her. And yes those guys are alcoholics and want to get drunk every day but can't pay for their booze.


Don't interfere in your wife's business.


Love all the posters who assume village Thais can read.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Just keep bothering them EVERY chance you get. This kind of ppl are used to get away with it, after awhile they will scam someone else to pay you back because it's not worth it if you keep bothering them.

Bothering as in: use any legal way you can to pressure them into paying. Phonecalls, email, visits, "random" meetings in the street, official looking letters. Don't forget to mention karma.

Be very clear to them that you will not leave them alone until you have all the money or they have to move away or something that probably cost them even more. But also be clear every time that if they want to pay but they simply CAN'T pay right now that you are willing to work out some payment plan, it is important that if they agree to that you take something from them right away, anything they have that you can take without them loosing the opportunity to make money and pay you back.

Ask the last person who didn't want to pay me for more information.

I have to agree though with above posters: if it is not your business, once you get involved it will be and it will but a lot of extra pressure on the relationship.

Edited by spoonzor
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Those that sell the underground lottery numbers in my village extend credit, on the basis that the buyer will pay from their winnings. Rarely does anyone win, payments not made, yet the idiots continue to extend credit every fortnight.


Their argument is they will eventually get paid, and they work on 25% commission.

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All these replies I agree with and I know too and I tell my wife every day. It's not me who give them credit but my wife and she thinks they are her friends but they disabuse her kindness. I tell my wife every day to be hard when doing business and think about herself as they do too. We opened only 3 months ago and it's all new for her. And yes those guys are alcoholics and want to get drunk every day but can't pay for their booze.


Don't interfere in your wife's business.


Love all the posters who assume village Thais can read.

There is always one that can read ,or if they cant they will to save the proverbial face have it caved in .I am sure you get that!?

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All these replies I agree with and I know too and I tell my wife every day. It's not me who give them credit but my wife and she thinks they are her friends but they disabuse her kindness. I tell my wife every day to be hard when doing business and think about herself as they do too. We opened only 3 months ago and it's all new for her. And yes those guys are alcoholics and want to get drunk every day but can't pay for their booze.


Welcome to the Thai culture especially the lower end ( not bashing just in general )

I have been through all this already. Throw out all your western tough thinking it will get you no where and only bring you grief with yourself and your wife. As you already said this is on your wife... before you came she never could do this on her own. See, they have a idea but never could execute it without you. What else they can do with their limited education, open a mini-mart, salon, a small restaurant because they can cook, or go to the local outside market to sell. As for a mini-mart when you look at time and money to us it is not worth it. Look at the prices you pay for the items and what she sells it for? mark up is like 1 or 2 baht... When it was me.. I purchased a 2 door cooler for her for the drinks etc.. the electrical bill went up 1,000 baht. of course no one noticed except me since I was paying the bills. Break it all down it is just not worth it.

The hard part? This is normal here, you will always have people like this here. It is not until your wife decides she has had enough will it stop. In her mind she is doing a good thing ( good heart ) the gods will reward her when she dies? Here they are only friends because they want something from her? I use to help my wife too with her mini-mart that is why I know how you feel and much much more. To be honest keep your mouth shut if you can't afford to loose the money pack up now and run! I use to have customers the father use to come in each night to get his Thai rock gut whiskey 40 so baht, his little kid tagged along when in the store like all kids they want something too, candy etc... the baby would cry because he didn't have the money. Sure maybe this was me being a sucker a set up.. but after a while I just handed the 2 baht candy to the baby. It was sad when my wife had enough and realized you can't make real money we closed. I came out ahead my electrical bill went down?

See your wife means well, she is bored tagging along each day kissing your ass. Thinking you hold the purse string what is going to happen to her if you die, family pressuring her behind your back and friends too, she got a Farang! your are a ATM, and being married she is a extension to you! More idea's will come more expensive? why because it is "small money" my saying is if it was so small why don't you pay for it because they can't, she has you now! What you slowly need to tell her " think if your idea is good go to the bank and throw you idea to the loan official if he/she gives it to you I will too " Sure this isn't going to happen but need to find a way? the way you are going you be sleeping on the sofa?

Good luck

Edited by thailand49
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When it was me.. I purchased a 2 door cooler for her for the drinks etc.. the electrical bill went up 1,000 baht. of course no one noticed except me since I was paying the bills.

Doesn't sound like your forward planning was all that good either!

Two door cooler 40k, electricity 1k/month .......

Number of extra bottles to sell to break even ...... around 1,500 a month for 2 years = not worthwhile.

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