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Survey: Corruption in Thailand lowest in 6 years


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It's not corruption. The money from corruption paid to the amulet-selling middleman is handed back. It is then re-given as a donation. And a donation is not corruption!

...then the little guy cannot even begin to try to sell his amulets...have they corrected that yet....***'Amulets for Sale'....negotiable...PM me...

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This is a Thai survey, outside survey I read they were 96 in 2014, and 70's in 2015 recently in another TV article? Wasn't it reported the General had a oversea Bank account somewhere with a Billion in U.S. Dollars reported just last year by the Bangkok Post?

The movement up was based on others moving down.

Thailands corruption score did not improve at all in 2015. Not a single point. Per Transparency.org.

Not surprise

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The army should have the means and could offer incentatives to the private sector to name officials, amount paid, how, when, etc and then give everyone a chance to return what was stolen. Ok maybe you make a deal to not bring criminal charges but they pay a substantial penality above and beyond what they stole and returned. Those who have laundered the money will lose as they have to pay to get it back.

The government adds to the money avaliable to stimulate the local economy, interstructure, employment, etc and everyone starts with a clean slate and no one has lost everything they own and served several years in jail. It could be done where no one loses massive face, more like put the cookie back johnny, (your caught)

Thing is the people bribing the government officials for lucrative contracts of course dont want to tell.. they are benefiting more then the amount they have paid.

Of course. We don't know who was surveyed, how the sample was selected, questions etc.

But imagine a government announces a crack down on corruption. Then businessmen (presumably) and those involved in commerce are surveyed to see if things are improving. Gee whiz, they are.

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Corruption remains the same with going rates of 30% to 40% still being quoted. The only reason it is down is because there are so many infrastructure project contracts still to be signed. Keep an eye on the proposed Thai Airways deal for new A350s.

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"The western world" Isn't just the US. Perhaps learn that before posting? smile.png

And regardless, by any measure, the Western World consistently outperforms most of the rest of the world in the area of dealing with corruption.

Thailand remains vastly corrupt and the current regime has, at best, applied a band aid to various points of a ruptured artery. At best.

I am not American. Maybe a map will be of help to you. Thailand - by most people - is classified as being in the East. Europe, North Central South America is in the West. And The West deals with corruption better ? Please. You have been watching too much network news. It is just as corrupt, but the citizens are spoon fed - and accept it willingly. Well, most anyway

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I chose to see it from a brighter perspective than most... The corruption is a big problem but it's getting better and better. During Thaksin the level of corruption rose to over over 30% and according to my Thai friends and associates (some of them so high up in the Thai hierarchy that they even have direct access to dr. Thaksin, Abhisit and/or Prayut) it got even worse during the reign of his sister so if it was "ONLY" 6-15% last year then it's actually a quite good improvement!

What absolute crap. Yea, sure, you have such highly placed friends that they were sure to tell you that they bribed Thaksin and then his sister. Right. Here's a reality check, a living breathing disgusting example of how bad the corruption is. Remember all those promises about clearing the beaches of trespassing business operators or the promises to clean up the taxi & tuk tuk industry? It was all lies.

If you have been to Hua Hin, then it is quite obvious that it is worse than before with the sunbeds and restaurants back to where they were before, except closer to the water line. At high tide, it is impossible to walk on the beach in some areas because these thieves have expropriated wide swathes of public land. This is all done under the watchful eye of the local mayor, military and other government officials. If you have been to Phuket in the past year, you would have seen how much worse the situation is than before the great "crackdown". The jet ski thugs now control 50% of the beach and the public is not allowed to sit in their expropriated turf. The taxi and tuk tuk mobsters do as they please and fares have increased significantly. The deputy P<M recently visited to proclaim how great it was. Meanwhile, the encroachment on crown lands continues. Illegal poaching and timber activity continues. Remember the much promised crackdown on human trafficking? Who's been arrested, or charged or convicted? It's no better than before is it? The only difference now is that anyone who dares to expose the corruption and the implicated officials is subject to arrest and detention. That's the reality.

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Thailand is as corrupt as it was in years gone by. Transparency International gave Thailand a bad rating last week for being a badly corrupted country. And as for the government fighting corruption, I don't think so because they still have not organized any committees yet to decide what to do(if anything).

Its business as usual with all the piggies with their noses in the money bucket!

What is your source for the information you claim to know? The corruption situation is improving and high ranking officials are in for the high jump, some imminently. My source is someone who is in the anti-corruption sector and has direct contact with the relevant agencies. However, incriminating information has first to be collected and verified before legal action against the perpetrators can be implemented.

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Do I take it that all these posters, that are denying there has been any improvement in the corruption situation, are paying bribes to all and sundry? Personally I have not been asked indirectly or otherwise for any 'tip', which I always refused to pay, for at least a year.

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