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EU Referendum in the UK.

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It is looking increasingly possible the referendum will take place in June this year.

I have recently received a reminder from the UK to renew my postal vote by April - which I have done.

However, I have e mailed them and asked if, because it's a national question, they will be able to send out the postal votes earlier than in the general election. (As we know, they cannot send out the ballot paper in a general election until all the candidates are known, thus giving only a few weeks 'window") I've also asked them if it possible for the paper to be e mailed, similar to what they did with my 'reminder to register.'

I will let this thread know what reply I receive as I know there were a number of disgruntled ex pats last year, with postal delays etc. I may change to proxy anyway.

Ironically, I will be in the UK in June to follow England in the European Championships. It would be awful if my ballot arrived in Thailand after I had left for the UK on 7 June.


I read on the bbc news that there are a lot of undecided voters, and they are waiting for the MP's and Cameron to say how they will vote. Cameron wants to stay in the EU, for what reason? because he is puppet to the powerful corporations?

Have the people suddenly found trust in MP's? or do they want to see which way NOT to vote. After all, since when has MP's ever had the people's interests at heart? They will just do what is best for them, not their constituents.


He wants it early before the summer rush of economic migrants hit or he is doomed in his vote. It's not about the EU really it's about the country been taken over by foreigners mostly claiming benefits. And they do despite what we're told by the PCs brigade.

But he has nothing back that is quantifiable, his emergency brake is a joke and Poland Hungary etc are never going to agree to let him stop funding their development through our benefit system.

Europe good trading partner but EU bad at transparity and where the cash goes.

I would propose anyone who can not trace their family history before 1939 in the UK and who lives in the UK is ineligeable to vote on this in any case.


Has anyone read what the impact may be on the Pound if the vote goes either way? I've read an article that a vote in favour of leaving would cause the value of the Pound to soar and interest rates to rise as Sterling becomes a safe haven, attracting funds from the rest of Europe in advance of its inevitable demise. Personally I can't see interest rate rises being desirable for the UK economy right now but who knows, dunno, an interesting thought though.


Cameron wants this Referendum galloped through as quickly as possible. He knows the EU is not going to give many concessions, so the quicker the whole thing is buried the better, and doesn't give him so much time for the dissenters in his own Party to show their true colours.

And the present wave of Economic Migrants shouldn't be too troublesome while they are patiently waiting for their houses and special settlement benefits,

that's 20'000 or 5,000 a year up to the end of 2020, the first batch of 1,000 has aiready been settled.

In my locality the glossy lie sheets of what will happen if we leave the EU have already been delivered !


He wants it early before the summer rush of economic migrants hit or he is doomed in his vote. It's not about the EU really it's about the country been taken over by foreigners mostly claiming benefits. And they do despite what we're told by the PCs brigade.

But he has nothing back that is quantifiable, his emergency brake is a joke and Poland Hungary etc are never going to agree to let him stop funding their development through our benefit system.

Europe good trading partner but EU bad at transparity and where the cash goes.

I would propose anyone who can not trace their family history before 1939 in the UK and who lives in the UK is ineligeable to vote on this in any case.

Agreed. I watched his 'speech' yesterday to some group of factory workers, where he set out the 'draft' terms he had agreed with the European 'boss'. Two things struck me. First, and this has already been said by a number of MP's, "Why present this draft to a factory audience, instead of to Parliament?"

Second, and we're going to get a lot of this, he kept repeating the mantra "They said I couldn't do it, but I have".

I'm afraid our ace negotiator is going to run with this theme for weeks now.


It is looking increasingly possible the referendum will take place in June this year.

I have recently received a reminder from the UK to renew my postal vote by April - which I have done.

However, I have e mailed them and asked if, because it's a national question, they will be able to send out the postal votes earlier than in the general election. (As we know, they cannot send out the ballot paper in a general election until all the candidates are known, thus giving only a few weeks 'window") I've also asked them if it possible for the paper to be e mailed, similar to what they did with my 'reminder to register.'

I will let this thread know what reply I receive as I know there were a number of disgruntled ex pats last year, with postal delays etc. I may change to proxy anyway.

Ironically, I will be in the UK in June to follow England in the European Championships. It would be awful if my ballot arrived in Thailand after I had left for the UK on 7 June.

If you have a reliable proxy, I'd definitely recommend switching. I've always had problems with receiving a postal vote in time. I'd be devastated if my vote to stay in wasn't received in time!


It is looking increasingly possible the referendum will take place in June this year.

I have recently received a reminder from the UK to renew my postal vote by April - which I have done.

However, I have e mailed them and asked if, because it's a national question, they will be able to send out the postal votes earlier than in the general election. (As we know, they cannot send out the ballot paper in a general election until all the candidates are known, thus giving only a few weeks 'window") I've also asked them if it possible for the paper to be e mailed, similar to what they did with my 'reminder to register.'

I will let this thread know what reply I receive as I know there were a number of disgruntled ex pats last year, with postal delays etc. I may change to proxy anyway.

Ironically, I will be in the UK in June to follow England in the European Championships. It would be awful if my ballot arrived in Thailand after I had left for the UK on 7 June.

If you have a reliable proxy, I'd definitely recommend switching. I've always had problems with receiving a postal vote in time. I'd be devastated if my vote to stay in wasn't received in time!

I would be devastated if my vote to leave was not received in time biggrin.png


It is looking increasingly possible the referendum will take place in June this year.

I have recently received a reminder from the UK to renew my postal vote by April - which I have done.

However, I have e mailed them and asked if, because it's a national question, they will be able to send out the postal votes earlier than in the general election. (As we know, they cannot send out the ballot paper in a general election until all the candidates are known, thus giving only a few weeks 'window") I've also asked them if it possible for the paper to be e mailed, similar to what they did with my 'reminder to register.'

I will let this thread know what reply I receive as I know there were a number of disgruntled ex pats last year, with postal delays etc. I may change to proxy anyway.

Ironically, I will be in the UK in June to follow England in the European Championships. It would be awful if my ballot arrived in Thailand after I had left for the UK on 7 June.

If you have a reliable proxy, I'd definitely recommend switching. I've always had problems with receiving a postal vote in time. I'd be devastated if my vote to stay in wasn't received in time!

I would be devastated if my vote to leave was not received in time biggrin.png

Well, that's easy. If neither of you vote it cancels each other out! Just joking cheesy.gif


I would propose anyone who can not trace their family history before 1939 in the UK and who lives in the UK is ineligeable to vote on this in any case.

Just to point out that this would exclude anyone (and their descendants) who escaped to the UK, and fought with us against the Nazis during WW2, then stayed afterwards and raised British children & grandchildren etc.

It seems to me harsh to deny a vote, to people who went there to fight for democracy, and to their British-born British-citizen descendants.

Perhaps a later cut-off date might be fairer ?


Thanks to the OP for the reminder, as a consequence I've just emailed my local electoral-services in Thanet, to remind them that I did successfully register for a postal-vote prior to the May-2015 election, and that I'd like to receive the papers for a postal-vote in the upcoming Referendum, the voting-paper for my vote in the General-Election having oddly never reached me out here ! wink.png


As promised, here is the reply I have received from my local authority.

Thanks for your email. As you say it is difficult to give you any specific advice at this point.

There will be a 16 week lead in period for the Referendum so once the date is known there should be time to sort things for you. If the Referendum is in June (23rd is the suggested date – and hopefully we will have beaten Wales by this point!) can I suggest you contact us in March/April to consider your options?

For your information, the ballot paper will only be available in paper form. One day the electoral world may move with times but at present legislation does not permit anything other than paper.


Be careful what you wish for, an article the other day suggested the Pound could fall by 20% in the event of a Brexit.

Another reason to vote to stay in. If there is a Brexit, I predict that bringing spouses to the UK will be even more difficult as Little Britain shuts down its borders and the anti-immigration brigade take over completely.


A new poll has suggested more Britons favour leaving the EU over staying in, with 45% supporting “Brexit” compared with 36% against, while a fifth remain undecided.

The YouGov poll for the Times was carried out in the two days after publication of an outline deal that David Cameron negotiated which could change the UK’s relationship with Brussels while keeping it within the European Union.


The more Cameron lies, spins and u-turns that gap is just going to keep growing.


Europeans living/working/claiming in the UK is an EEA agreement.

Nothing to do with the EU, and membership or exit of the EU won't affect the agreement.


Ironically, I will be in the UK in June to follow England in the European Championships. It would be awful if my ballot arrived in Thailand after I had left for the UK on 7 June.

Not really; They'll be marked "General Election 2015" smile.png


Be careful what you wish for, an article the other day suggested the Pound could fall by 20% in the event of a Brexit.

Yes and who said that ? why Goldman Sacks , who also has just been fined over 3 billion dollars for causing the housing collapse , they also predicted that oil would be 200 dollars a barrel by now even Carney has told them to stop scaremongering as they are talking rubbish , and by the way they are spending a fortune on the stay in campaign , they are about as much use as a chocolate spoon , just google their exploits and the trouble they caused in 2008 . they also called their investors "muppets"


Be careful what you wish for, an article the other day suggested the Pound could fall by 20% in the event of a Brexit.

Yes and who said that ? why Goldman Sacks , who also has just been fined over 3 billion dollars for causing the housing collapse , they also predicted that oil would be 200 dollars a barrel by now even Carney has told them to stop scaremongering as they are talking rubbish , and by the way they are spending a fortune on the stay in campaign , they are about as much use as a chocolate spoon , just google their exploits and the trouble they caused in 2008 . they also called their investors "muppets"

I agree regarding Goldman, but there's a strong element of truth in what was said, for example:

"George Cole, a Goldman economist, referenced recent comments from Mark Carney, the Bank of England Governor, who has admitted that the UK is dependent on the “kindness of strangers” to fund its large current account deficit, the difference between the amount of money flowing in and out of the economy".


The kindness of strangers, an entire advanced economy relies on the kindness of strangers, incredible really.


The kindness of strangers, an entire advanced economy relies on the kindness of strangers, incredible really.

It's true though. The UK's debt is approaching the level of that of the US as a percentage of GDP. One difference is that the debt increase of the US has slowed way down while that of the UK has accelerated. Another difference is that the UK doesn't have the resources that the US has to drive an economy.

People in the UK should be worried and stop the acceleration in debt growth which is another way of saying it can't afford all of these EU ideas.


  • 3 months later...

I have just filled out my postal vote. It says on the envelope provided that no postage stamp is required. The envelope has English and French on it, but no Thai. I wonder if Thai Post will actually send it the UK without a stamp. Does anyone know?


I have just filled out my postal vote. It says on the envelope provided that no postage stamp is required. The envelope has English and French on it, but no Thai. I wonder if Thai Post will actually send it the UK without a stamp. Does anyone know?

I think that no postage only applies in UK. Expect to pay at Thai post office - not that much too (tell us how much).

And Thai post offices can send mail in English to overseas - as long as the country and postal code is clear.

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