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Inside the world of Luuk Thep: Psychoanalysis of the Thai mind


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Nothing to psychoanalyze. It is same age old Thai mentality that is just placed into a bride of Chucky.

The mentality that causes them to rub tree barks, pray to carcasses of abnormal births, or wearing amulets that are deemed magical.

Reminiscent of worshiping the body of someone alive (allegedly) 2000 years ago using little pieces of bread. Or believing in a magical afterlife where all is rewarded and being convinced an all powerful patriarchal figure that dwells in a mystical place is looking out for you.

Edited by Moonsterk
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......in need of psychoanalysis...

...not the old practice was right...nor the updated one....

...furthermore...inconveniencing the public at large...at every turn.....

...it is not Buddhist...and it is not healthy....therefore not to be condoned or encouraged....or 'explained away'

...we hear about so much neglect of REAL children in this country...

...forget that ......and bow down to this self-indulgent...'status symbol/attention getting' travesty...

...psychoanalyze that...

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I thought I knew all the Thai superstitions, but here is a new one that is on the increase.

I was sitting recently in a bar on Sukhumvit. Up on one of the shelves next to the waving cat was a large open jar (about 7-8 liters), covered with linen and a draw string. Inside was a speckled mass (black and white) half filling it. Looking closely at it I thought the whole mass was moving. About 30 minutes later, one of the girls got the jar down and filled it with rice. I then realized that the jar was full of rice weevils. It was then replaced on the shelf.

Apparently the weevils increase in population and the more weevils the GREATER THE LUCK. Who counts them ?

Since then I have seen two more. I have made it a habit look out for these jars so I don't sit in close proximity.

Better the weevil you know than the weevil you don't.

Edited by Mot Dang
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Psychoanalysis is not necessarily psychotherapy. It's actually structuring a narrative. If done well, a good psychoanalyist would be aware that the Freudian concept might be biased as well, and the psychoanalyist might change his own cognitive frame during the process. A good transcultural psychoanalyst would also be a mediator. Remember, all psychoanalysis is communication - verbal and non-verbal.

Edited by Jai Dee
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I hope there are no Christians laughing at this story ?? when they believe the world was made in 7 days, ( I wonder where the millions of years of dinosaurs fit in ? ) and woman is a rib from a man, why haven't all men got one less rib? and a woman had a baby with out sex? must have caught it off a toilet seat...

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......in need of psychoanalysis...

...not the old practice was right...nor the updated one....

...furthermore...inconveniencing the public at large...at every turn.....

...it is not Buddhist...and it is not healthy....therefore not to be condoned or encouraged....or 'explained away'

...we hear about so much neglect of REAL children in this country...

...forget that ......and bow down to this self-indulgent...'status symbol/attention getting' travesty...

...psychoanalyze that...

I know some Buddhist monks who are as good as psychoanalyists. They offer you a cognitive frame, and they are open-minded enough to accept a Western cognitive frame.

Children that experienced violence are usually traumatized. You need to find out what really happened before you can judge. And psychoanalysis can be very investigative.

Hopefully not getting off topic too much. But I think psychoanalysis is a way to break open religious misunderstandings. Freudians don't have a monopoly on psychoanalysis anymore.

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Nothing to psychoanalyze. It is same age old Thai mentality that is just placed into a bride of Chucky.

The mentality that causes them to rub tree barks, pray to carcasses of abnormal births, or wearing amulets that are deemed magical.

Don't forget the bullet proof tattoos.

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I hope there are no Christians laughing at this story ?? when they believe the world was made in 7 days, ( I wonder where the millions of years of dinosaurs fit in ? ) and woman is a rib from a man, why haven't all men got one less rib? and a woman had a baby with out sex? must have caught it off a toilet seat...

Don't forget the guy (god) she fooled around with on her husband laugh.png

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Indeed, these dolls are actually alive, insist their human parents, because they have the souls of dead children residing in them

And the Japanese guys are using their dolls for.......aeeeh hmmm. because they have life in them.

Actually, the dolls in Japan are now licensed by USA and made in China, like Nike. No life force or spirit in them.

How do you know that? Maybe the Thai guy's spirit in it? I wouldn't be surprised to find "Naam Prick" inside them....

I'm just wondering why the Japanese versions look so similar? Do they live their lives? facepalm.gif


Edited by lostinisaan
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"Indeed, these dolls are actually alive, insist their human ‘parents’, because they have the souls of dead children residing in them." cheesy.gif

They're bits of plastic moulded on a production line. Somebody's making a load of dosh.

" Psychoanalysis of the Thai mind"

Good luck with that.

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I will express my honest opinion, not that anyone particularly cares, as to what this thread is really about.

It's an IDEAL place to denigrate Thais.

A few Thais buy these dolls, and bingo! All Thais are child-like, superstitious, and vapid.

So please, do tell me, who are the real dummies here?

My sweet, complex, hilariously funny Thai wife is so highly intuitive as to be almost psychic. Once I wanted to get a pic of her in front of a large, foreboding looking banyan tree, but she refused to go near it. Said it was full of negative spirits. I gave it some thought and decided, who am I to say otherwise?

A Hello Kitty T- shirt would have done the trick.....thumbsup.gif

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A poor article IMHO to try and justify a very weird and bonkers phenomena. Yes the world does see this as crazy and hardly sets a positive image of Thai people. as someone who is nota fan of the current way things are here trying to align the problems with acceptance of this strange practice in a modern world is unjustified. In the 21st century from a supposedly modern society, one would and should expect better.

Yes, it looks like another amateurish news source has been found.

It's actually a pretty decent article if you read all of it.

Click that link thingey under the article.

Agreed. Quite sensible indeed and a fair tour of how superstition works in the Thai society, including in the elite layers. Not racist in any way, it's not judgemental. Well worth reading the complete thing.

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This is a racist article. A very SMALL percentage of Thai people believe in gooman thong. It is not a look into the THAI mind.

It is like me writing an article about the KKK saying a look into the American mind.

So you are also saying that almost no thai believe in ghosts, some kind of reincarnation, karma etc?

And you are the racist for believing this is a racist article.

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Superstitious , that's being kind. Every one of those little houses you see everywhere, the ones where they put a little food out everyday and some incense and have a little prayer...that's got nothing to do with Buddhism, that's just to make happy the spirits that occupy that block of land or dwelling....yes, they are extremely superstitious people....and it does them no favors.

Does anyone realize how superstitious Westerners are?

You need something to believe in, something unquestionable, otherwise you run mad in a state of sensory overload.

Please enlighten us all how westerners are superstitious... especially compared to thai.

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Nothing to psychoanalyze. It is same age old Thai mentality that is just placed into a bride of Chucky.

The mentality that causes them to rub tree barks, pray to carcasses of abnormal births, or wearing amulets that are deemed magical.

Ah yeah right, and Jesus went around healing (just a few people) and this is taken so seriously that public holidays in the farang world for his birth and death, Santa Claus is real, Easter bunny, tooth fairy, and of course the big one "God" which is used in law courts to make sure that people are telling the truth. Swearing on the "bible", a book that was made up 400 years after Jesus had died and with the current day version hardly similar to the original. And Mary wasn't playing up with her gik, God got her pregnant! And Joseph believed her!

All totally believable and based on scientific evidence? Priests and nuns devoting there lives to it. The farang logic.

Now, do you care to also write same text about the second largest religion in the world?

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Just one question for all you snooty, superior bashers:

How do you know the souls of children don't reside in these dolls?

Fact is, you don't.

You need to see something, apparently, to believe it's real.

What a constricted worldview.

God created everything in the universe one week ago, that is wednesday 27th of january 2016. All your memories aren't really your memories, God implanted them into you and all history you think you know was also implanted. Everything else either sopken, written, dream and so on are implanted into your and everyoen else head. All the light coming from far away stars are really illusions and not real and so on.


The fact is, you don't know if the things i wrote are true, don't you?

Such a constricted worldview you got RikDao.

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Beliefs in: spirits, ghosts, magical tattoos, charms to deter evil forces, amulets to guard against any attack, incantations, exorcisms, dolls and a nationwide deployment of spirit houses explains that Thai’s expect they can change the laws of the universe through such beliefs.

These beliefs are practiced everywhere all over the world - to a greater or lesser degree.

Indeed, I am quite sure that everyone on here also subscribes to a form of this, on a daily basis.

It's called: Symbolism

So really, instead of you, & some others seeing the article as another opportunity to have yet another swing at Thai people; why not educate yourselves a little?

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Never mind about all this Doll crap.You are reading a post by the now owner of London Bridge in the UK.I am,I really am! I just bought it off this wonderful Nigerian guy on line.It only cost me 200,000 baht.And now every body who crosses it has to pay me a toll.So if anybody in the UK is reading this and works in the city,please send 5 GBPounds to me if you cross my bridge.Ha Ha haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa.

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After years of analysing the Thai mind all I found was fear and desire. Just like in most other humans with a religion.

I don't need (the concept of) karma or a judge (ie. "god") to (try to) do good to my fellow beings.

As for superstition: inherent to theravada buddhism and even worse in Burma than Thailand.......

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Hmmmm....most of you come from a Courtries, where millions of citizens still believe, that they have a God, who never changes... a god that proclaimed himself as a jealous god and according to your "holy book" killed 10's of thousands of Isrealites (his chosen people), just because they decided to go worship a golden cow... a god, who is all powerful, therefore, in our Countries "Acts of God" are properly named, because why else would an all powerful God let thousands of people get wiped out in Earthquakes, floods, famine or disease? and....on top of that HE LOVES YOU. lol.

Then, according to the Western Fairy Tale, he has a son. Born by a human mother and God's own spirit. This woman of course was married to another guy, who you call Joseph. So that god, who tells you not to commit adultery, fools around with this guys wife and has a son. Time goes on...and 33 years later, "god" lets his son get whipped, stoned and finally nailed to a cross, a (torturous practice of killing criminals at the time), where he dies. Then, three days later, he comes back to life and assends into the heavens. Of course, that Fairly Tale, had been told in a few different versions, way further back in history than 2016 years ago, but that doesn't matter to your Countrymen, because of course, your version is the right one.

To show their devotion, Millions of masochists are running around with replicas of the cross, that killed their God's son, which of course was their God,, too.

...BUT.....you don't have to go all the way to the cruzifiction to see how sick and demented this religion is. How about going back to Abramam, whom God told to sacrifice his son. According to the Bible, Abraham, in the end was willing to do it and was just about to kill his own son, when his "god" stopped him. Now lets looks into this a little more. If you had somebody come along, tell you he is your almighty God and he wants you to kill your son, would you go ahead and do it? I don't know about you, but I would tell him to F off. God or no god. A loving God, who plays sick, psychopathic mind games with you, like that?

That religion might have been fine a few thousand years ago, when people were uneducated, but in todays world, common, give me a break lol.

I challenge any of you, who believe in that particular Fairy Tale, to read the bible from beginning to the end. I'm sure, by the time, you get through the old Testament, you will wonder how you could ever believe such rubbish.

Oh, I almost forgot, according to the bible, he also wiped out amost everyone on Earth, Man, woman children, animals, except for Noah and his family. Hope you all enjoy worshipping the biggest mass murderer in history. I wonder what all those deer, rabbits and other animals did, to deserve that... and...do you honestly believe, that all of humanity, except for one family, were justified to be destroyed by one individual? The Christian God makes Hitler or Bush look like Kindergarten students.

Then again, as long as it makes people happy and doesn't hurt other people, I say let them believe or do what they want. Just don't come knocking on my door, early in the morning, trying to unload your BS on me ;-)

As for the dolls, who cares. If it makes them feel better and they are not hurting anyone, let them believe what they want to believe.

Just think of the thousands of morons on Facebook, who still forward stuff, because they think they will get lucky, or bad fortune, if they don't.

Personally, I rather spend my money on other things than dolls or crosses or giving it to men in drag.

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A friend of mine works as an receptionist in a company. Her boss one day brought his gumantong to office. She was sceptical at first, since she has never seen one before.

That night when she fell asleep, she heard a voice calling her. She woke up and saw a small boy (resembling that gumantong in the office) standing next to her bed. He said to her that he followed her home because he likes her. He asked her to play with him and asked for snacks.

My friend was of course scared, but tried very hard to remain composed. She offered him some snacks in return of promising her never to follow her again. She told him he has to follow his papa (her boss), since he owns him.

That gumantong since then never appears in front of her again.

I don't know about Luuk Thep. But I believe the existence of gumantong. What you don't see or never experience before, doesn't mean they don't exist.

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But buy a seat on a plane for a doll ? couldn't they just sit it on their knee ? may need to put it under the seat in front for take off and landing ,,

I guess that's the problem.. uh. so if they want an extra seat for a doll,, then sure, they should have to pay for it like everyone else...

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What is really needed is a pill to help with chronic logic deficiency.

Medication already exists for delusionary behavior and schizophrenia, which I think would be more appropriate. On a more conspiratorial note, it would not be the first time that X number of "the right" people got together and created a market for something ridiculous. In the U.S., the "Pet Rock" of the 60's or 70's comes to mind.

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