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Windows 10 Restore Points !

Daffy D

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Anyone else having Restore Points disappear with each reboot of Win10 ?

I have Win10 on a dual boot system with Win7. Each time a Restore Point is created or I create one myself at the next restart they have disappeared. blink.png

Have done a search and seems I'm not the only one with this problem. Someone suggested it was because of having dual boot, but I'm not so sure.

Anyway would be interested to hear if others on here are having the same problem,


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You sure you've got enough space reserved to store a restore point. Maybe temporarily set aside a larger than normal amount....like maybe 20GB...create a restore point...confirm it actually exists after creating the point...then try a reboot to see if the restore point survives. If you can't reserve a larger than normal amount maybe your drive is almost full which could be the problem.

Below is a snapshot of my Restore Point settings where I use 3% of a 500GB drive, and that 8.11GB of stored Restore Points only represents "3" restore points.


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Yes! Yes! Done all that:-


Checked system restore is on set gigabits of storage, clicked OK and closed the windows.

Did some playing around setting up some things - checked system restore and it was still there.

Did this a couple of times and system restore was still there - then after a restart it disappeared. sad.png

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From some googling this is not an uncommon problem even with earlier version of Windows...even before Win 10 came along. My googling shows many people have experienced this problem. Just a couple of links below for your info. If I run across a possible fix in my goggling I'll send it to you.


Restore point deletion can also be caused by the following:[/size]

  • Some 3rd party disk applications can cause restore points to be deleted. To test for this issue disable these types of applications to see if it can resolve the problem.
  • Corrupted ACLs for pagefiles.sys and hiberfil.sys can also cause the issue. To test for this issue, disable pagefile and hiberfil on your system, defrag the drive to verify that these files have been deleted and then enable pagefile and hiberfil. Reboot the computer and create restore points and verify that restore points are not deleted over the next few days.
  • Systems with a dual boot with Windows XP will also cause system restore points to be deleted. See KB 926185 for more details.

Below link also talks about restore point problems in dual booting Windows systems.


People talking the problem on a Win 10 and Win 7 dual boot system.


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He may not even have that option if there are no or few restore points. Mine don't show such an option, but I've only got three restore points right now. However, in the past when I had more restore points I did have such an option....or maybe it's a change that occurred to Win 10 to take away that option...or maybe if it was a snake it would bite me. See below a snapshot of my current restore point menu.


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Are you booting into Vista before losing the restore points? Don't know but have a feeling Windows deletes restore points/shadow copies if it deems them to be invalid.

Alternatively that partition looks small - if it has little free space perhaps Windows is aggressive in removing restore points.

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He may not even have that option if there are no or few restore points. Mine don't show such an option, but I've only got three restore points right now. However, in the past when I had more restore points I did have such an option....or maybe it's a change that occurred to Win 10 to take away that option...or maybe if it was a snake it would bite me. See below a snapshot of my current restore point menu.


Update: That Show More Restore Points option does not appear "until you create at least one manual backup." I did a manual backup a few minutes ago and named it Everything Working Fine, when back in to my restore points menu and it only showed that one manual restore point I had just created, but now there was an option to Show More Restore Points. I checked it and then the other three Restore Points showed up which had all been automatically created restore points by Windows while installing program/updates.


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To clear up a point, the picture in my original post is just an example off the Internet, not from my computer.

So today stared Win10 and the restore points from yesterday had gone. sad.png

Allocated disk space and created new restore point.


Did a restart and the restore point was still there thumbsup.gif

Checked for M$ Updates and downloaded the latest also did some playing around with various files and did another restart - and the restore pint was still there thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

Shut down the computer, waited a few moments then restarted in Win10 - the restore points were still there thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

Did a restart into Win7 - shut down - then restart into Win10

And the restore points had disappeared sad.pngsad.png


Seems there is some connection with dual booting. sad.png

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Yeap...apparently this problem with restore points being deleted in dual booting Windows setup has been around for a long time....like some of earlier posts talking the problem going back to XP days. Below are few more I easily found while googling....some have possible fixes.

Win 7 Deletes Win 10 Restore Points


Win 7 Deletes Restore Points Upon Reboot


Win 8 Restore Points Deleted in Dual Booting System


Win 7 Deleted Win 8 Restore Points


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