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HI all, I would very much appreciate if anyone could direct me in finding art teacher job in Thailand. I am professional artist, with Art Academy diploma of BFA.

Also possess Graphic Design certificate. Live in Auckland, New Zealand. Have few local art student. If I could find job offer in Thailand I would apply for visa and move to work there.

Thanks for your kind help in advance.

George Grimm


For a proper international school you would need a teaching qualification as well. You can try english programs and bilingual programs in Thai schools. Most demand is for english, maths and science teachers though. Some of them have openings for art teachers occasionally. However, we have a Thai teacher teaching art. I also teach art, but just once a week as a club. I think jobs would be few and far between and haven't seen any jobs advertised for an art teacher recently.


I know of foreign teachers being hired in BKK at International schools for Art, but most English programs and Bilingual programs would have local teachers. Just isn't cost effective. Depending on your portfolio and talent, I also know of foreigners teaching art at Thai universities.

There are jobs, but more rare and definitely need a teacher's license to work at International schools. I know of an opening next year for an art teacher in Beijing China, but in Thailand they are rare.


Thank you very much for your reply and information. Would you be able to tell me which Thai Universities would I need to contact that more likely could have vacancies for art teacher? Thanks!


I know of foreign teachers being hired in BKK at International schools for Art, but most English programs and Bilingual programs would have local teachers. Just isn't cost effective. Depending on your portfolio and talent, I also know of foreigners teaching art at Thai universities.

There are jobs, but more rare and definitely need a teacher's license to work at International schools. I know of an opening next year for an art teacher in Beijing China, but in Thailand they are rare.

Thank you very much for your reply and information. Would you be able to tell me which Thai Universities would I need to contact that more likely could have vacancies for art teacher? I don't speak Thai yet, although I am keen to learn. I am fluent in English and Russian (native speaker) as well as intermediate Japanese.


Well, we'll see! smile.png All depends on the level of the artistry. If they really want serious academic level of art teaching, they might like me. But I will get there anyway, no matter what.


Absolute rubbish. Spoken like someone who knows nothing at all about either art or teaching.

Check out International school fairs and recruiters like search associates.

But really need to have a good portfolio, because if you cannot get hired in your home country as a full time art teacher, there is no way you can here.

You usually get international school jobs out of country not in country so another piece of worthless advice from Mencken.


There is an international school in Chiang Rai you can try. Some of their teachers have no proper education degree and some have no degree at all.


Good luck in your pursuit. In Australia, PE and art are the most sought after subjects for entry to teacher education courses. These would be the most sabai (comfortable) subjects for teachers. We used to have a foreign art and pe teacher but havent for many years.


Absolute rubbish. Spoken like someone who knows nothing at all about either art or teaching.

Check out International school fairs and recruiters like search associates.

But really need to have a good portfolio, because if you cannot get hired in your home country as a full time art teacher, there is no way you can here.

You usually get international school jobs out of country not in country so another piece of worthless advice from Mencken.

I'll bookmark the thread and follow it up to see the op's grand success when he lands a full package, from NZ no less (basket case economy, low population/few schools, not a top NES country to be sure, appears to have zero experience teaching). In fact, I bet they'll be fighting over him. Let the bidding war commence!

Funny how you have taken the reality of the op situation and my comments and contort them in such a way to insult me and somehow demonstrate some specialized, inside knowledge of this issue.

I state to you in return, rubbish. This person appears to have no teaching credentials or even experience, the need for a farang Art teacher is next to nill, the international fair came and went and the ONLY schools that hire from abroad are the top int'l schools in the world, which honestly how many does Thailand really have?

This guy has ZERO chance of being hired to teach Art and less than zero from NZ. I bet one of these sorts of jobs opens a year in Thailand, for a credentialed teacher.

So, come to Thailand and when you arrive, get a TEFL and slog it out in some public school.

Too funny, truly.


Absolute rubbish. Spoken like someone who knows nothing at all about either art or teaching.

Check out International school fairs and recruiters like search associates.

But really need to have a good portfolio, because if you cannot get hired in your home country as a full time art teacher, there is no way you can here.

You usually get international school jobs out of country not in country so another piece of worthless advice from Mencken.

Thanks Zeichen. I will check what you suggested. I don't worry for my portfolio level since it is way above average. I had problems in finding job here mainly because there is a tendency to employ young Art college or University graduates first. Plus they require local art diploma, while mine is from Russia (which by the way has much higher level of professionalism and Art education than NZ one).

I have also found few good Thai friends locally who have connections there and promised me to help in this too. I am having my private art teaching here in NZ where I tutor few local students in oil painting and drawing. I can also submit their good testimonials in addition to my Art Academy Diploma of BFA (in Russia) and my works portfolio. This is one of my tutorial Ad videos where I present a still life painted in 16th century Flemish/Venetian multilayer technique.

But I also paint contemporary art too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8-99LglPtM


Well, we'll see! smile.png All depends on the level of the artistry. If they really want serious academic level of art teaching, they might like me. But I will get there anyway, no matter what.

First thing to learn about Thailand is they never want to get serious about academic levels. That is why the country is mired in the third world.

Secondly, you will get to Thailand no matter what because you want to be in Thailand to chase girls, not to dedicate yourself to teaching others.

You are the same story as many before you.

Try to find a way to make 20,000 baht a month so you can live in Thailand to chase girls.

I think if you were a "real" artist, you would have sold enough artwork to support yourself?

However, willing to relocate to Thailand for that small salary states your intentions are otherwise.


So now we find out more about the op which illuminates even less hope, no degree. Diploma from Russia despite living in NZ. Explain that to a Thai.

And to Zeichen, loving to "paint" me as some no-nothing, hack prole. I've had 12 units undergrad in fine arts at one of the best universities in the US despite this only semi related to my major.

I've visited all the best art museums in the US, many in Europe including the Hermitage.

You're angry, old, tired and bitter. You never miss an opportunity to disagree with me and point out how wholly wrong I am and why the world is doomed as long as I'm in it.

It all smells so pseudo intellectual.

The op is welcome to come here and try to teach Art. Good luck to him. He should be prepared to make 30k a month and have all sorts of issues and drama related to job, visa, etc.. as he has no degree. After a year, if he busts ass and has a great resume and interviews well, he might land a job for 32500-37500 mo. He will also burn a waiver and potentially lose a year. If he does a TEFL that's minimum 2k a month for two years to cover that. Good luck.


"You're angry, old, tired and bitter. You never miss an opportunity to disagree with me and point out how wholly wrong I am and why the world is doomed as long as I'm in it."

How is being open and supportive of the OP's request bitter? You might want to look in the mirror.

I'm 40, so not really old. I have a Masters in Art, I have worked at museums in the US and some other countries. I have taught Art at the university level in the US and in Asia. I am/was well connected with many artists in the world. So yes, I do have a first hand experience with what the OP is looking for.

I am not impressed that you took 4 art classes at "ONE OF THE TOP BLAH BLAH BLAH". (Does anyone ever just go to a normal university and not the Superlative?)

I also know first hand of many Foreigners in Thailand working teaching art. So yes, please spout off more of your great wealth of knowledge from the 4 classes you took.

As for negative comments against you. You read pretty deep into the one sentence where I state your comments to be rubbish and that you make a negative blanket statement about prospects of teaching art, without really knowing the reality here. Do I have to show you links to the dozens and dozens of foreigners working as artists or teaching art here? I know the jobs teaching art are rare but not impossible. You don't know the OP, you don't know what he/she is capable of or what caliber of an artist he/she is.

Someone with a background in Art as well as such a great deep knowledge/appreciation probably wouldn't use ignorant language like

"Plenty of arty farty Thais".

As for Degrees and other qualifications. It really depends on the institution. Universities don't have the same requirements as government schools p1-m6. You might be surprised what the OP can get.

Why not offer constructive encouragement and suggestions where to look rather than blanket negativism, unless you yourself has looked for art jobs and came up short.

As for BWPAGE3's comments. Wow a lot of speculation and negativity. Where does the OP mention anything about woman chasing.

I wonder why I am the only one that believes the OP to be sincere and want suggestions not negativism?


You might find that over here, in the universities the students are actually taught to paint....theory is not really taught as such.

Every graduating student can competently paint realism, they chose if they wish to major in oils, traditional painting, sculpture or prints and woodblocks....in the west practical skills as such are no longer taught, it's all about the concept.

The best art university in Thailand is silipakorn.....from there come the best of thailands contemporary artists.

Unless you can paint like a master ... Forget it.....but if you can teach technique at an amazingly high level...almost photographic realism is needed here...then you might get a shot....


Well, we'll see! smile.png All depends on the level of the artistry. If they really want serious academic level of art teaching, they might like me. But I will get there anyway, no matter what.

First thing to learn about Thailand is they never want to get serious about academic levels. That is why the country is mired in the third world.

Secondly, you will get to Thailand no matter what because you want to be in Thailand to chase girls, not to dedicate yourself to teaching others.

You are the same story as many before you.

Try to find a way to make 20,000 baht a month so you can live in Thailand to chase girls.

I think if you were a "real" artist, you would have sold enough artwork to support yourself?

However, willing to relocate to Thailand for that small salary states your intentions are otherwise.

Wow,..someone has an insecurity syndrome here?...smile.png How do you know my dear friend what are other people's intentions and goals, are you a prophet?...I don't think so, for if you were a prophet, already large crowds would be following you and you'd be saving the whole world! )))) But the fact that you are not doing this but instead are spilling your bitterness on strangers from behind virtual wall, speaks volumes.

I am professional artist and art is the most important thing in my life, and I enjoy teaching students. All my students were always very happy with my teaching and I have evidences for it. Artists CAN NOT survive just by selling their artworks, which happens not on weekly or monthly basis, while I have to pay weekly rent of $320, plus bills and food. Here we dont have as much exhibitions and art sales to be dependent on it for survival and constant income, as it could be the case in Europe, where art is developed and thriving. Thats why I had to take private students, but even their fees are small. But living costs here are too high, hence the reason why many are seeking to move to third world countries where costs are much much cheaper. So even low salaries there lets you live better than here with higher salary but 10 times higher expenses.

Looks like you have judgmental nature and don't get along well with people. How can you even make friends with such attitude? I feel really sad for you.


So now we find out more about the op which illuminates even less hope, no degree. Diploma from Russia despite living in NZ. Explain that to a Thai.

And to Zeichen, loving to "paint" me as some no-nothing, hack prole. I've had 12 units undergrad in fine arts at one of the best universities in the US despite this only semi related to my major.

I've visited all the best art museums in the US, many in Europe including the Hermitage.

You're angry, old, tired and bitter. You never miss an opportunity to disagree with me and point out how wholly wrong I am and why the world is doomed as long as I'm in it.

It all smells so pseudo intellectual.

The op is welcome to come here and try to teach Art. Good luck to him. He should be prepared to make 30k a month and have all sorts of issues and drama related to job, visa, etc.. as he has no degree. After a year, if he busts ass and has a great resume and interviews well, he might land a job for 32500-37500 mo. He will also burn a waiver and potentially lose a year. If he does a TEFL that's minimum 2k a month for two years to cover that. Good luck.

What do you mean "no degree"????...:) Diploma from State Art Academy is "no degree" for you?...hehe, you're funny man.


You might find that over here, in the universities the students are actually taught to paint....theory is not really taught as such.

Every graduating student can competently paint realism, they chose if they wish to major in oils, traditional painting, sculpture or prints and woodblocks....in the west practical skills as such are no longer taught, it's all about the concept.

The best art university in Thailand is silipakorn.....from there come the best of thailands contemporary artists.

Unless you can paint like a master ... Forget it.....but if you can teach technique at an amazingly high level...almost photographic realism is needed here...then you might get a shot....

Thanks for your reply, very informative and helpful.


"You're angry, old, tired and bitter. You never miss an opportunity to disagree with me and point out how wholly wrong I am and why the world is doomed as long as I'm in it."

How is being open and supportive of the OP's request bitter? You might want to look in the mirror.

I'm 40, so not really old. I have a Masters in Art, I have worked at museums in the US and some other countries. I have taught Art at the university level in the US and in Asia. I am/was well connected with many artists in the world. So yes, I do have a first hand experience with what the OP is looking for.

I am not impressed that you took 4 art classes at "ONE OF THE TOP BLAH BLAH BLAH". (Does anyone ever just go to a normal university and not the Superlative?)

I also know first hand of many Foreigners in Thailand working teaching art. So yes, please spout off more of your great wealth of knowledge from the 4 classes you took.

As for negative comments against you. You read pretty deep into the one sentence where I state your comments to be rubbish and that you make a negative blanket statement about prospects of teaching art, without really knowing the reality here. Do I have to show you links to the dozens and dozens of foreigners working as artists or teaching art here? I know the jobs teaching art are rare but not impossible. You don't know the OP, you don't know what he/she is capable of or what caliber of an artist he/she is.

Someone with a background in Art as well as such a great deep knowledge/appreciation probably wouldn't use ignorant language like

"Plenty of arty farty Thais".

As for Degrees and other qualifications. It really depends on the institution. Universities don't have the same requirements as government schools p1-m6. You might be surprised what the OP can get.

Why not offer constructive encouragement and suggestions where to look rather than blanket negativism, unless you yourself has looked for art jobs and came up short.

As for BWPAGE3's comments. Wow a lot of speculation and negativity. Where does the OP mention anything about woman chasing.

I wonder why I am the only one that believes the OP to be sincere and want suggestions not negativism?

Thanks for your comments, friend. Don't be too much upset by negative comments by people who may themselves are going through tough times in their life and it makes them bitter and aggressive. I am not angry at them, just feel pity about them. And they certainly are NOT artists, for true artist can never talk and think this way.


So now we find out more about the op which illuminates even less hope, no degree. Diploma from Russia despite living in NZ. Explain that to a Thai.

And to Zeichen, loving to "paint" me as some no-nothing, hack prole. I've had 12 units undergrad in fine arts at one of the best universities in the US despite this only semi related to my major.

I've visited all the best art museums in the US, many in Europe including the Hermitage.

You're angry, old, tired and bitter. You never miss an opportunity to disagree with me and point out how wholly wrong I am and why the world is doomed as long as I'm in it.

It all smells so pseudo intellectual.

The op is welcome to come here and try to teach Art. Good luck to him. He should be prepared to make 30k a month and have all sorts of issues and drama related to job, visa, etc.. as he has no degree. After a year, if he busts ass and has a great resume and interviews well, he might land a job for 32500-37500 mo. He will also burn a waiver and potentially lose a year. If he does a TEFL that's minimum 2k a month for two years to cover that. Good luck.

What do you mean "no degree"????...smile.png Diploma from State Art Academy is "no degree" for you?...hehe, you're funny man.

Degree is in Bachelors degree. That is the stated minimum for getting a work permit and teaching licence. However, many here are working without those documents, but I would not suggest doing that. Is your Diploma equivalent to a bachelors degree. If so, how can you prove it to the authorities?


So now we find out more about the op which illuminates even less hope, no degree. Diploma from Russia despite living in NZ. Explain that to a Thai.

And to Zeichen, loving to "paint" me as some no-nothing, hack prole. I've had 12 units undergrad in fine arts at one of the best universities in the US despite this only semi related to my major.

I've visited all the best art museums in the US, many in Europe including the Hermitage.

You're angry, old, tired and bitter. You never miss an opportunity to disagree with me and point out how wholly wrong I am and why the world is doomed as long as I'm in it.

It all smells so pseudo intellectual.

The op is welcome to come here and try to teach Art. Good luck to him. He should be prepared to make 30k a month and have all sorts of issues and drama related to job, visa, etc.. as he has no degree. After a year, if he busts ass and has a great resume and interviews well, he might land a job for 32500-37500 mo. He will also burn a waiver and potentially lose a year. If he does a TEFL that's minimum 2k a month for two years to cover that. Good luck.

What do you mean "no degree"????...smile.png Diploma from State Art Academy is "no degree" for you?...hehe, you're funny man.

Degree is in Bachelors degree. That is the stated minimum for getting a work permit and teaching licence. However, many here are working without those documents, but I would not suggest doing that. Is your Diploma equivalent to a bachelors degree. If so, how can you prove it to the authorities?

Yes my Diploma is not only equivalent of Bachelors Degree but it is same as Masters Degree for countries like NZ, or Thailand, etc. This is State Art Academy in Russia, St. Petersburg. Its level is way higher than many international art colleges or universities.


Why not offer constructive encouragement and suggestions where to look rather than blanket negativism, unless you yourself has looked for art jobs and came up short.

Wow I really feel pity for you man. Normal people are having respectful conversation here, trying to help each other, and you are jumping in as a hysterical woman from the market selling her rotten potatoes and angry why nobody likes them!..))). I already explained my reasons and they are pretty obvious, as thousands of people from Europe, Canada, USA, Australia and NZ are moving to South East Asian countries to live and work. Are you seriously thinking that ALL of them have just nothing to do with their lives but to waste it in night bars??...))).You must be really sooo sad in your life! ))) Western economy is collapsing and prices are soaring everywhere, while 3rd world countries are on the rise, hence the low living costs and larger job market. But you need to wake up from your fantasy land and open your eyes to see this! I said I will go to Thailand no matter what because I am determined person and I always achieve what I've set as a goal. If your perverted mind understand this in your own dirty and bitter way, it is your problem, not ours, who speak here as normal people and respect each other. You really need to reevaluate your life, bro.


There is an international school in Chiang Rai you can try. Some of their teachers have no proper education degree and some have no degree at all.

Thank you very much for the pointer, I will research this.


Good luck in your job search... I sure you will find something, but it may not be your expectation.

About TV poster.. yes... but not all. part of the process.

This is what you might experience, as a western teacher in the Thai system.. you're trying to do the right and honorable things or activities.. and some other person has nothing better to do but ....

hang tough as you are.. in real life it maybe more interesting..thumbsup.gif


Well, we'll see! smile.png All depends on the level of the artistry. If they really want serious academic level of art teaching, they might like me. But I will get there anyway, no matter what.

They don't, and you wont. Get a TEFL.


Well, we'll see! smile.png All depends on the level of the artistry. If they really want serious academic level of art teaching, they might like me. But I will get there anyway, no matter what.

They don't, and you wont. Get a TEFL.


Can't get two Russians at the same table...good luck finding employment when you don't even understand what humor is....thumbsup.gif .


Good luck in your job search... I sure you will find something, but it may not be your expectation.

About TV poster.. yes... but not all. part of the process.

This is what you might experience, as a western teacher in the Thai system.. you're trying to do the right and honorable things or activities.. and some other person has nothing better to do but ....

hang tough as you are.. in real life it maybe more interesting..thumbsup.gif

Thanks for your reply. Its Ok, Im not too much moved.....what I can see recently, men have lost their manliness nowadays. Hence these cowardly attacks from behind virtual wall.


Off Topic / Troll / Flaming posts - and Quoted replies hidden

OP's reasons are his own. If you have something to contribute, by all means do so.

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