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Will Penang grant a tourist visa on a new passport with 3 back-to-backs on previous passport?

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Here's the situation:

I'm in Thailand on a 30-day extension of a tourist visa, which are in my old passport.

I just got a new passport (USA) and have to do a visa run next week.

If I understand correctly, I'm to take both passports with me when leaving the country and Thai immigration at the airport will transfer my last entry and stamp me out with it.

When I go to Penang will they be able to see that I've already done 3 back-to-back tourist visas in Penang in their computer system even though I'm only giving them the new passport to see?

I'm based in Phuket so Penang is the most convenient option but getting to Penang and being rejected would be most inconvenient.


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Embassies and consulate only look at your passport to see it you have any previous visas from them. They don't maintain a database that can be checked for previous visas.

but can the immigration officer who has to decide whether to let you in see all your previous history?

Edited by Asiantravel
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Thank you.

Off to Penang with me.


If I understand correctly based on all the reading I've done 'round these parts...

it's extremely uncommon for an immigrations officer at a border or airport to deny entry if you arrive with a valid visa, regardless of your visa history.

The main difficulties lay in the issuance of a visa at a foreign embassy/consulate based on your history.

But once said difficulties are surmounted and a visa is issued, it's unlikely that you will be denied entry into Thailand.

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