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What if your Daughter did it


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I have a friend in the UK (dont we all) whose daughter married some DH of her own age, result catastrophe!

They had two kids He left her as they do and at the worst possible time leaving her devastated and with the prospect of a hard existence bringing the two kids up.

A couple of years down the road she met a man a lot older than her and bingo the best thing that happened to her and him.

So yes it is possible to have a happy life with an older man.

In any event you are only as old as you feel and the amount of old age, beer swilling, chain smoking 50 year olds propping the bars up in down town Pattaya are not indicative of Men of any age.

Finally in my rant and because I am sick of young jealous immature upstarts talking BS about the values of older men with younger woman does it ever occur to them when bringing older men with young women into disrepute that getting older, remaining fit and healthy, having an healthy interest in , dare I say it a younger woman is a result perhaps of not just good luck but a healthy brain that has done its job in maintain a healthy body and mind

When a nest builder (woman) looks around for a suitable mate in the West its for the biggest Phallus ( in other words pure eroticism ) with no thought of the future.

When a nest builder (Woman looks around for a suitable mate in the East its for the future with all the Instinctive reactive process kicking in.

Those Instinctive reactive processes are not too concerned with the size of the cock but the ability to build the best secure nest and bring home the bacon as it where to feed the family a situation IMO that an older man fills so much better than an "Hoppin youth"

So eat your hearts out you jealous young ageist youths for you will always be at the back of the line behind the older more attractive men chasing the young ladies from Thailand.

Now where is my flak jacket?

Agreed! With two daughters in Oz, one in a relationship with a slightly younger man and being ripped off by him (but Dad, I love him!) The second with a much younger man (she 46 him 36) and really happy with the result! The Asian way is by far the best way, one of my daughters went for "love" the other for the breadwinner, I know which one is winning by a country mile!

Young women here tell me that while the young men are more handsome the older men are more sincere, the younger men have yet to prove themselves while the older men have already done so!

Of course, there is always the dicotomy of youth and vigor V's age and cunning but looking at over 50 years in asia I believe that the older man (45+) will always beat out the younger man!

Asian women are not stupid (unlike their western counterparts) and as a rule go for the future not the present! IMMHO smile.pngwink.pngwai.gif

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My sister married a guy 20 years her senior....lovely person. I was 39 years old myself when I married my then 20 year old wife...seems it runs in the family ;0). My sister is still with her husband I am now divorced and 20 years later have traded a 40 year old in for a 27 year old and you ask what if it were my daughter? If he were anything like my brother in law who is almost 80 years old now I would be over the moon...if he was like me I would smack him round the head with a crowbar...stupid question to be asking a farang in Thailand lol

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....whose doing is it.......

....and why does this culture accept it.....

....and who is the victim.......

I don't see anyone making a fuss in the US when old (89) Hugh Hefner married a Playboy model more than 60 years his junior. It's the same story the world over, if you're rich enough it's acceptable.

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As long as he buys me a pickup and her a house and land.

I'm fine with it.

Would I want her to be with a young Thai guy struggling to earn 9k a month?

Not really.

Couldn't agree more with you.

Western marriage is just legalised hook up with a pension plan called alimony.

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Another factor to consider is age perception. I am 62, and my GF is 48. Not the greatest spread to be sure. Here is the thing, though; at 48 she is considered an "old lady". Many of the really spring/winter relationships involve young women who have already had a failed relationship with an ego boosted young Thai man, and are looking to better their lives on that basis.
I think it is not too far to suggest that Western men generally have a more appreciative view of women than Thai men. It is a Buddhist nation, and women are prohibited from even entering some of the more holy places because, as I was told, "they have blood". I am not making a judgement here, just noting that the ladies seem to have a harder time in some ways than Western gals.

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Another factor to consider is age perception. I am 62, and my GF is 48. Not the greatest spread to be sure. Here is the thing, though; at 48 she is considered an "old lady". Many of the really spring/winter relationships involve young women who have already had a failed relationship with an ego boosted young Thai man, and are looking to better their lives on that basis.

I think it is not too far to suggest that Western men generally have a more appreciative view of women than Thai men. It is a Buddhist nation, and women are prohibited from even entering some of the more holy places because, as I was told, "they have blood". I am not making a judgement here, just noting that the ladies seem to have a harder time in some ways than Western gals.

Many of the western men that post here don't appear have a very appreciative view of women at all.

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You're clearly pointing at older men and younger Thai women in Thailand, you're not I would imagine pointing at older western men and young western girls, there's a big difference.

That being true:

To answer the question appropriately you would have to be a Buddhist who has lived within Thai culture and at Thai income levels, all of their life.

To answer the question as a Westerner means invoking a totally different set of values.

So, give us a model on which to base our answer, which nationality for which person?

Please explain what religion has to do with it ?

Yes, what does religion have to do with it.

Poor upbringing is the reason for entering a relationship based on cash alone.


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You're clearly pointing at older men and younger Thai women in Thailand, you're not I would imagine pointing at older western men and young western girls, there's a big difference.

That being true:

To answer the question appropriately you would have to be a Buddhist who has lived within Thai culture and at Thai income levels, all of their life.

To answer the question as a Westerner means invoking a totally different set of values.

So, give us a model on which to base our answer, which nationality for which person?

Even if we come out of our racial, national and communal prejudices - there could be very personal situations when it comes to dating and marriage. My elder daughter married to a much older man - I was happy at that time and happier after 6 years now. Because it was her choice of good healthy man which he proved out to be. he loved her so much and even now. I may not be happy if my younger daughter follow it just to marry an older man.

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What is bugging you blackheart? Appears you have an unspoken beef with older chaps enjoying younger ladies...is that so bad? Older men are generally more financially secure, generous, dependable, loyal and committed when in a relationship...is there something wrong with this picture?

Where did I post that I have a problem with it.

For the record age has nothing to do with generosity and loyalty and dependability.

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Now people always mention Hugh Hefner.

His woman were attractive but certainly had nothing else going for them.

Do you know old Heff came home and found them both in bed with a young man, cost the young man nothing to.

The Girls were swiftly given the boot, so he is not looking to sharp and not someone to make comparisons with.

How about finding an example of a working class old man who has a young woman, with true love to make a comparison.

If you mention Hefner it's an admittance of cash being the only factor.

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Now people always mention Hugh Hefner.

His woman were attractive but certainly had nothing else going for them.

Do you know old Heff came home and found them both in bed with a young man, cost the young man nothing to.

The Girls were swiftly given the boot, so he is not looking to sharp and not someone to make comparisons with.

How about finding an example of a working class old man who has a young woman, with true love to make a comparison.

If you mention Hefner it's an admittance of cash being the only factor.

Come on, there's heaps of male celebrities that have married women far, far younger than themselves. BTW, I wasn't making any comparison with Hugh, only saying that if you have the money it's acceptable to have a relationship with someone far younger, not only acceptable, expected. No one denies that if you're rich money will buy you just about anything you want, including young pussy. Do you think Hugh is that stupid he doesn't know that the girls are only in it for the money? He just doesn't give a toss, they're just arm candy.

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You get what you pay for however, and you cannot buy love,

If you think you can't buy love, then you don't have enough money.

I can't make you love me if you don't. George Michael at his best.

Except that was Bonnie Rait ... George's version was a (good) cover version.

And on the question by the OP - if the guy was younger than me, respected and looked after her well, and bought be a new truck .... biggrin.png

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Living in China, I had a French doctor who gave me the "universal formula" for the optimum woman.

Take the guy's age, divide by 2 and add 7.

Strangely, it seemed to work- until I realized I needed to trade down every few years to keep current.

I've also heard this formula ... but I was told that 'Half your age plus 7' was the formula for the youngest partner a person should have .... so it's lower limit and not a rule to define her/his age. So no need to trade her in. biggrin.png

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Can't buy me love. No, no, no ... No!

If the Beatles sang it, it must be true surely?

Apparently they learned, eventually.

They don't sell love, but they do sell flowers and aftershave and hot cars. All good stuff to have when finding love "serendipitously", because "it just happened".

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I'm 61. The thought of a 20 year old girlfriend leaves me weak with exhaustion. Whether here in Thailand or back in the US, I can't imagine what we would have in common to talk about. I can't believe that 20 year old girl could truly be interested in an old fart like me.

Now a foxy 50 year old....!

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You're clearly pointing at older men and younger Thai women in Thailand, you're not I would imagine pointing at older western men and young western girls, there's a big difference.

That being true:

To answer the question appropriately you would have to be a Buddhist who has lived within Thai culture and at Thai income levels, all of their life.

To answer the question as a Westerner means invoking a totally different set of values.

So, give us a model on which to base our answer, which nationality for which person?

I don't think it has to do as much with nationality as it does with the relationship. If it is a monetary relationship; then it is on weak grounds to start. However, if there is a real emotional attachment, age is just a number.

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Let's make this more interesting...

What if it were middle-aged Thais, Chinese or other Asian men going to US/AUS/EU and picking up young white women while proudly displaying them in public?

Imagine the uproar and ensuing violence.

Farang just dont appreciate how tolerant Thais are toward them and how good they have it in Thailand.

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Let's make this more interesting...

What if it were middle-aged Thais, Chinese or other Asian men going to US/AUS/EU and picking up young white women while proudly displaying them in public?

Imagine the uproar and ensuing violence.

Farang just dont appreciate how tolerant Thais are toward them and how good they have it in Thailand.

The majority of young Thai women that are "picked up" by middle aged/elderly falangs are hookers. The Thais are tolerant because they know the score. The falangs are acting no different than the average middle-aged Thai guy who has his Mia Noi (if he can afford one).

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Whenever I date or even begin talking to what I consider to be a much younger woman (more than 15 years younger than me), I usually ask her what her parents would think. I also tell her if I had a daughter I probably wouldn't be okay with her being in the same or similar situation. And I always make it very clear that for those and a few other reasons I will not get serious with them. But the truth is, I find those girls to be lot more interesting and fun than the ones my age. They're more curious and less inhibited. Given that I probably cannot stomach another date with a boring, self-centered Thai girl close to my age, maybe I should reconsider my stance on younger women.

I guess the main thing I'm afraid of is it seems okay now with her in her early twenties and me in my late thirties/early forties. We don't look totally ridiculous together, and we can have a good time together. But when I get to be late forties/early fifties, and she's just entering her thirties, things could be awkward. We might be too different then. I also fear that by dating a girl in the prime of her life I'm depriving her of a chance to find happiness with a guy closer to her age.

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....whose doing is it.......

....and why does this culture accept it.....

....and who is the victim.......

I don't see anyone making a fuss in the US when old (89) Hugh Hefner married a Playboy model more than 60 years his junior. It's the same story the world over, if you're rich enough it's acceptable.

Because everyone knows the Playboy model will be VERY well compensated financially for her sacrifice - Heff's a very wealthy man

On the other hand, the Isaan farmgirl taking up with a retired Eddie Punchclock for a monthly pittance is simply being exploited

As someone else said on this thread, as the economy and living standards in Thailand improve, the cost of a young wife/GF are going to increase beyond the typical migrating sex retiree's ability to pay

That day can't come soon enough

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....whose doing is it.......

....and why does this culture accept it.....

....and who is the victim.......

I don't see anyone making a fuss in the US when old (89) Hugh Hefner married a Playboy model more than 60 years his junior. It's the same story the world over, if you're rich enough it's acceptable.

Because everyone knows the Playboy model will be VERY well compensated financially for her sacrifice - Heff's a very wealthy man

On the other hand, the Isaan farmgirl taking up with a retired Eddie Punchclock for a monthly pittance is simply being exploited

As someone else said on this thread, as the economy and living standards in Thailand improve, the cost of a young wife/GF are going to increase beyond the typical migrating sex retiree's ability to pay

That day can't come soon enough

It's all relative. The falang who hooks up with a young Thai girl probably ends up buying her a few goodies, like a house, car, motorbike, money to support parents and the sick buffalo etc. This to the average Thai girl is no different than HH taking care of one of his bimbos financially. Once again you assume that every retired falang comes to Thailand with the bare bones of a pension. All the 60's plus guys I know here are set up very well financially, have beautiful houses, cars, trips back home a couple of times a year etc. Maybe that's why you are so down on this group, the envy is just eating you up inside. I might add that not all Thai women end up with a financial windfall from a falang, no different than her counterpart in the West. As far as exploitation goes, who is exploiting who? Many a naive falang has come to Thailand with a hefty bank account and gone home penniless, so don't try and paint this picture of some old rapacious lecher taking advantage, it's quite often the naive falang who gets gutted.

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