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Whats with all this loud noise?......

Daniel Ingalls

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​There is just one other thing that drives me batty. Have you ever noticed the loud noise when walking into a Super Big C Store? It seems every conceivable Radio, TV or noise maker is on and loud blasting. What gives? Walking into one of the food marts, I practically have to shout when taking to my wife. Also it seems these so called Thai parents allow their children to run wild throughout the store and food mart areas. They seem to have no care, and show no consideration of others. I blame the architect, who designed the building, for not putting sound absorbing tiles on the ceiling. This would eliminate most of the noise. Or is this a plan, A method of creating a shopping spree mood? Back in the States a lot of yellow and red is used inside of fast food restaurants to speed up the consumption of food, and loud music to get them out of the store, to make room for more customers. The first impression I got of a Super Big C, was a carnival atmosphere, People were rushing, children making noises like in a big play ground. It seemed very chaotic. Now after so many years here, I've adjusted and don't notice the sounds anymore. My ear drums like most Thais, have grown built-in ear plugs. One quick remedy is waiting until one in the afternoon Monday through Friday, when all the children are still in school. Never, but never go on a Sunday! School is out and everyone but the dog is at "Big C". Then go to the open markets. It seems every form of handicap person thinks that they are "Rock Stars" or some form of hidden, or undiscovered singer. They stand or walk singing, blocking others who just want to buy some dried crickets and mustard sauce. Of course they sing for donations, which most people don't have time to ask for change on a 10 baht tip. I wounder how many are actually faking blindness, and just panhandling for gas money!

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Tesco-Lotus Hang Dong road would have to be the worst for noise ... Musak + PA + promos all combine to drive shoppers OUT asap. We only go there to get Balsamic Vinegar (120bt a bottle) and usually take all in stock to save returning anytime sooner. 555

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Quite often if I happen across the music making device, I simple turning down occurs. But if Im feeling a bit more rambunctious then hitting the power button makes me smile even greater.

Cheap thrills in some ways

Yes,! It amazes me when I'm in an environment that would otherwise be quiet -- like a hospital waiting room -- that they have a TV blaring and no one is watching, Sometimes if it appears that no one is watching, I simply get up and turn off the power. Actually, that move has caused the nurses to come over and turn the TV back on, so I've gotten better at figuring out how to turn down the volume and that doesn't seem to cause them to make a move to turn it back up.

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Thais are not born deaf but their world is saturated by noise so they soon become so: slow-moving vehicles with loud speakers! (who thinks this is a way to attract customers?); boom boxes for cars that you can hear a thousand metres away; screeching women with mikes doing promos in supermarkets; off-key karaoke singers with the bass turned up to excruciating; vehicles with their silencers taken off to become look-at-me-bikes; headteachers/MCs at weddings/police spokespersons all become unbearable yet they are totally un-self aware of the effect they have on their audience.

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Those slow moving vehicles with the loudspeakers blaring away may take top spot in the stupidity stakes.

All they seem to do is piss off people and shop keepers they pass....partially cause they dont pass by fast enough!

And whatever they are advertising is beyond me as I dont yet understand Thai...whereas the Thai people view it as background noise.

Real dumb....maybe the BiB should target these clowns for noise pollution (Perhaps I need to throw a couple of decks of playing cards into the back of these pickups and then buzz the fuzz..... thats slang for calling the cops).

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Maybe its just that tolerance levels decrease as one gets older.

Somethings may irritate more than others but thats not to say that everything irritates.

Once my hearing is completely stuffed then I likely wont give a damn....but until then.....

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Those slow moving vehicles with the loudspeakers blaring away may take top spot in the stupidity stakes.

All they seem to do is piss off people and shop keepers they pass....partially cause they dont pass by fast enough!

And whatever they are advertising is beyond me as I dont yet understand Thai...whereas the Thai people view it as background noise.

Real dumb....maybe the BiB should target these clowns for noise pollution (Perhaps I need to throw a couple of decks of playing cards into the back of these pickups and then buzz the fuzz..... thats slang for calling the cops).

Haha. Reading this made me think immediately of how much worse it is in the run up to general elections when both sides have their mobile sound systems trying to outdo each other in volume and frequency; they have their vans doing as many runs as each other so as not to fall behind, and if I recall rightly they each have their own ultra-annoying jingle that plays before and after the 'Vote for Me, vote for me' blaring. It is as relentlessly annoying as a determined mosquito, beginning as soon as the national anthem stops until it starts again at 6 o'clock.

One aspect of martial rule that I haven't missed.

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Those slow moving vehicles with the loudspeakers blaring away may take top spot in the stupidity stakes.

All they seem to do is piss off people and shop keepers they pass....partially cause they dont pass by fast enough!

And whatever they are advertising is beyond me as I dont yet understand Thai...whereas the Thai people view it as background noise.

Real dumb....maybe the BiB should target these clowns for noise pollution (Perhaps I need to throw a couple of decks of playing cards into the back of these pickups and then buzz the fuzz..... thats slang for calling the cops).

In Chaing Mai the slow moving vehicles with blasting loudspeakers on the roof advertising something reminded me of my home city in Canada when I was a kid.

We used to have them in Canada also back in the '50's.... But then laws where made against them. Probably also had them in the U.S. years ago.

Laws against them in Thailand might be in the future.... Never know....

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It has not been my experience that customers in Big C can be described as "rushing around". On the contrary, they appesr to me to be shopping at the speed of a tortoise, two speeds, dead slow and stop. I would love to find them rushing around.

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Oh! the oh! the; Daniel Ingallsperhaps should you go into a temple or a monastery are insulated and you do bring your food by a monk or a bourricot. or a donkey.

It is not always pleasant to live in the midst of noise, but that's life in 2016, you will do it.
PosiTiVez. The positive. guitar.gif
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absolutly agree with you. my theory is that the hearing has been damaged of these people since they discoverd cheap load speaker systems. since then every school has been <delted>up childrens hearing, destroying the range of frequencies they can now hear, not just schools but the temples ( often connected to temples) as well, destroying the local populations hearing. now when they play any music message, or similar it needs to be load enough for them all to hear. how ever I am not just into complaining myself , I hdo have some solutions the most important would be any person be they young or old should be shot through the ears if they exceed a safe sound level, any sound levels exceeding what would be considered safe should be shot. immediatly. this would set a precedent, slowly it would find its way into the rural locations, througout the land. resulting in a happy place where all smile, and can then call itself the land of the smiles. the other solution is for all load speakers be wired up to electrocute any that touch them

Edited by CharlieH
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Ah, complaint of the day.

Noise is a fact of life in most Third World countries. Is in Thailand. Has been, always will be.

Carry earplugs w/ you at all times. I do. I also put in my earbuds and play good tunes on my MP3 player.

Otherwise enjoy the noisy carnival around you.

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Retailers are adept at getting consumers to spend money. Most big chain stores are like this in SE Asia as it creates a lively, almost frenetic atmosphere encouraging shoppers to impulsively buy things they wouldnt consider otherwise.

Same thing happens in the US/EU but it's typically music that appeals to consumer segments with the most purhasing power.

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Thais are not born deaf but their world is saturated by noise so they soon become so: slow-moving vehicles with loud speakers! (who thinks this is a way to attract customers?); boom boxes for cars that you can hear a thousand metres away; screeching women with mikes doing promos in supermarkets; off-key karaoke singers with the bass turned up to excruciating; vehicles with their silencers taken off to become look-at-me-bikes; headteachers/MCs at weddings/police spokespersons all become unbearable yet they are totally un-self aware of the effect they have on their audience.

Welcome to the 21st Century. 84 more years of "I don't poop" lies ahead. You sound like your hitting the 7 year wall where everything irritates you. Also factor in that your living in Thailand the land of roosters and Soi dogs the night time serenadors I also have noticed the dramatic increase in screaming children even here in our condo where the rooms are actually to small for kids. Kind of puts your sex life on the skids unless you feed the kid a sleeping pill. Parents allow them to scream in hallways the pool all over. Its all part of the new parenting technique where parents allow children to express themselves. I am glad I will not be around when they become screaming banshee adults. Ah yes the motorcycles with their altered mufflers and the cops that don't give a crap. The cops fold up their tent when the darkness sets in and the noisy rice rockets right on cue take over. Guess they just go to fast for the BIB to catch them. Once your fed up with life here try Mexico. Now there is a real noisy country puts Thailand to shame. Roof top/street dogs, crooked cops, church holidays accompanied by 10 hours of rockets just like WW2 and there the locals really don't like you and don't hesitate to show it "Gringo go home" The macho's jealously guard their ladies while bedding others. If you really want quiet and are rich buy a small island.

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Those slow moving vehicles with the loudspeakers blaring away may take top spot in the stupidity stakes.

All they seem to do is piss off people and shop keepers they pass....partially cause they dont pass by fast enough!

And whatever they are advertising is beyond me as I dont yet understand Thai...whereas the Thai people view it as background noise.

Real dumb....maybe the BiB should target these clowns for noise pollution (Perhaps I need to throw a couple of decks of playing cards into the back of these pickups and then buzz the fuzz..... thats slang for calling the cops).

You would be wasting your time as the cops would come to the conclusion that Thai's would never do that. I agree with the first part of your statement its a stupid way of advertising. I got caught on it once where some eye glass business best not to name it was having a promotion buy 1 pair get one free. The problem was the free pair was a frame only. Guess I am a sucker for promotions. I have found out that if I get three years use out of a product I buy here I am really lucky. I now understand why some stores only give you a week warranty or once you walk out the door your on your own. I can now truly understand why the garbage piles are overflowing. I can see the day in the distant future when recycling will really be a big thing here providing it does not cost the government any money. They hate parting with money.

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