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Has ThaiVisa discouraged you from moving to Thailand?


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Indeed. I have a few questions for you:

1.There are a number of important foreign funded and led research projects underway in Thailand. If the foreigners responsible for the research and the operations leave, what do you think will happen to the subject patients receiving treatment? What happens to all the skilled labor employed? Would you not agree that Thailand needs these foreigners?

2. There are a number of foreign based representatives for major cruise lines. They ensure that the cruise lines visit Thailand, and they are responsible for large contracts upon which many Thais depend for their livelihoods. It night be logistics, or it might be shore excursions. What do you think would happen if these specialists were pulled from Thailand?

3. Thailand is seeking third party supply contracts for electronics and automotive parts. There are foreigners in Thailand who are tasked with over seeing QC and compliance with the foreign purchaser's needs. Some of the international hi tech electronic companies have full time inspectors in Thailand so as to avoid past negative experiences. What do you think would happen if these specialists were no longer in Thailand?

4. Olaf is a wealthy individual. He flies in to Thailand every few months and stays a few weeks. When he visits, he stays at an expensive hotel and spends a considerable amount on F&B. Olaf is also fond of wildlife preservation. He has donated large amounts to various wildlife charities and is considered the reason why some have been able to eke out survival helping to save many of Thailand's endangered critters. What do you think would happen if Olaf never returns?

Here's a reality check. All of the above are real life examples. Thailand needs these people. They do not need Thailand. It may come as a shock to you, but there are foreigners in Thailand who make significant contributions to the country and who contribute far more than they receive. Not every foreigners is unskilled, or retired, or living on benefits, or on the run from their homeland.

Your colonialist views are totally out of touch with the realities of this century. If they don't need Thailand what are they doing here ?

Here is the reality check. These foreigners are here for a reason, they are looking either for customers or suppliers. They do need Thailand as much as Thailand needs them.

Just like this forum with you. Do people appreciate your comments ? Yes, some for sure. Do you contribute to make this forum more lively ? Definitively. But do ThaiVisa needs you and will go bankrupt without you ? .... reality check !

This is not about me and Thai Visa.Why even go off on the tangent?

Thailand NEEDS a large number of people who are in the country. It just doesn't need, it REQUIRES them, or else it's economy will suffer. In other cases, without these outsiders, people will die or starve or suffer debilitating illness. The Japanese don't have a malaria problem. Thailand does. Yet, Japan provides the expertise and the funding for malaria research. Germany doesn't have the liver disease caused by the parasites found in Thailand, yet Germany provides expertise and funding for the problem. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation have spent a considerable amount of money in Thailand. It is not for the Gates financial or personal benefit.

There are hundreds if not thousands of regular folks who have married Thai women and accepted these women's kids as their own, and /or who have financially assisted their Thai inlaws. In some cases, the foreign males have provided the male role model so badly needed and made the difference in some kids lives. After some time, many of these men would be quite happy elsewhere. They stay because of the love for their families and because they do not wish to abandon the families. They will tell you that Thailand needs them, and that they can do quite nicely without Thailand. The come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. We often make jokes in TVF about some of the people, but I know that without them, some women would be in dire straits, and many kids would face a bleak future. These foreigners make a positive difference and in return, the government rewards them with petty visa rules and layers of bureaucracy.

Many countries are faced with a shortage of skilled labour and have regions where the population is aging without replacement. One sees this in the rural areas of Australia and Canada. Their solution is to seek out foreigners, i.e. immigrants. They put the welcome mat out. Thailand doesn't do this.In many cases we have seen the abuse of the construction labourers or the seafood industry workers.

You call me "colonialist" because I observe that Thailand is dependent upon the intellectual capital of others. Nice. Unfortunately, it doesn't change the fact that Thailand despite it's very pressing needs for innovation, is dependent upon other countries for innovation. Thai hospitals advertise themselves as a medical services source. Well, who do you think flies in to Thailand to teach the new surgical procedures? Who do you think shows up to train the Thais in the use of modern medical equipment? Who do you think comes in to repair some of the advanced medical equipment? Do you honestly believe that the local Somchai is capable of repairing an expensive Siemens or GE laser or MRI device?

I agree completely with your point of view.

I am one of the folk you mention in your second paragraph.

However, I choose not to live full time in Thailand.

My Thai wife and I live a little more than 6 months in Spain, the country I retired to at the turn of this century.

I can tell you that Thailand is more expensive than Spain, at least for us, with our lifestyles.

I will not dare to drive a car in Thailand, even though I have a 5 year license, it is too dangerous, full stop.

In Thailand we travel to different places and stay in hotels and eat out which is much more expensive than staying at home.

We have a beautiful house in the countryside and we use it when not "holidaying".

In Spain I rent a flat and own a car.

We also travel but the cost of transport is overall less in Spain and we often stay with friends so hotel costs are less.

Since my wife has a Spanish "Foreigners ID" there are no visa fees and she can come and go at will, just needs to be there 181 days/year. However, I have extension and re-entry permits to buy every year, 90 day reports to make.

An initial visit to Immigration to register the fact that a foreigner is now living in her house so there are travel costs and time lost to do these required things.

TVF has been a God send to me and as many posts state, if TVF never existed, how would we learn some of the important things that we NEED to know?

There are trolls etc but I now understand that all public, anonymous forums suffer from that so I no longer let it bother me. Actually, some of the troll posts are quite thought provoking.... so really, not all that bad.

As for the bullies, it's easy to ignore them and not to reply.

After a bully has posted their "attack" I am happy not to respond.

Other posters can do as they wish but, for me, I do not feel the need to defend myself against "keyboard warriors"!

I must say that today is our third wedding anniversary, the icing on a four year relationship and the happiest four years of my life!

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I have been to Thailand many times over the last 10yrs and was planning to retire there. However I am glad I did not do that now after reading Thai visa forum for over a year now. I retired to the Philippines, no hassles with Immigration obtained permanant residence for less than A$60. It appears that Thailand is close to a Police state the latest new law is the Police able to hold your passport for as long as they wish even for a simple minor traffic accident. I don't think the military will ever relinquish power there and if they do they will take it back again at the drop of a red shirt. Don't get me wrong I loved the Thailand I knew but I am sure its not the same now.

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I used to fantasize about moving to Thailand, after a year in Udon Thani in the AF and 50 or so trips over for business in later years. I probably always knew it was unrealistic, and TV has convinced me it would probably have been a huge mistake. I would have been one of those who "lost the plot" and died of alcohol poisoning within a year.

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If you come to Thailand and do not fully embrace the the people,food, events; you are missing out.

Thailand can keep you young; because its' people never grow up ( good way).

If you read Thai Visa for a few years; you should be smart enough to make your own decisions.

Use Thai Visa for a source of information, same as CNN News.

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Like many others, I have found some good, and useful, information from time to time on TVF.

Like many others, I have found some pure B.S. on TVF

I love the average Thai person.

Do I engage in "Thai bashing"? Sometimes, yeah.

For me, living in Thailand isn't much different that living in Indiana, or Phoenix. Except it's much less expensive. Here I have a beautiful house that I could not afford in my own country, a nice car and 3 bikes (PCX 150 - 300cc Forza - Honda CB300f). I have a good wife who is 10 years younger, and adopted her son and love him as if he was my own.

I have a good life, and don't sweat the small stuff, the way so many readers of TVF seem to do. No place is perfect, and life, to me, is pretty much what you make of it. I have farang friends who are content with their lives here, and some who do nothing but constantly bitch and bemoan things here. The second group I tend to ignore.

There are things I hate about being here - mainly the 90 reporting B.S., - but overall I don't let it get to me. Thai driving? Thai education system? They are what they are, so deal with it, because you're not going to change them, or a thousand other things you see.

As for TVF? Take the good, ignore the crap, and have a good day.

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"The Western foreigners that move here, while they bad mouth the politics of their own country. Will undoubtedly fight with you if you bad mouth their country, because they are still proud and loyal to their home country. You can expect nothing less from the Thai people. If you knock their customs and disrespect them or their country you cannot expect them to show you any respect".

Nearly all the UK Farangs I have met and still meet, have badmouthed the politics of the UK, high taxation, immigration etc,etc,etc. I don't know of anyone from the UK who will fight with you if you badmouth their country. I do it all the time and all I get is agreement with them. Why do you think so many of them retire here to Thailand? Yes, I know about the women, but that's not the only reason.

The last two sentences I will agree with entirely.

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I will say this, I have no desire whatsoever to visit England or Australia if they're as dangerous as TVF posters make them sound.

And I'm scared to death to go back home to the USA. Too many crazies with guns must have moved in since I was last there 5 years ago.

Edit: As for Thailand, I like it here just fine, but have no intention to stay once my paychecks quit getting mailed to BKK. Nothing to do with TVF, it's the freaking heat, mold and mildew. TVF has some good info, but it's become very painful to sift through the detritus to glean the good stuff.

Australia is a great place it made me what I am to day all the rubbish you read on TVF from people from Australia is a lot of rubbish just stupid people who think the worst about Australia , but those people are livening in thailand because of Australia they all forget that .

Me I think thailand is a gear place for a holiday come and go like I do and TVF is great , I have read some great stories here and some stupid ones as well but all in all it is a great form .

I had a go at living in thailand full time and sorry not for me I love the lucky country a lot better.

The visas rubbish gets me in thailand witch is a joke because I for one who comes and go's and lots of man who live in thailand and spend all that money in thailand get hard done by .

As long as you bring your money in to thailand from out side of thailand the government should make the visas a lot easier.

"The visas rubbish gets me in thailand witch is a joke because I for one who comes and go's and lots of man who live in thailand and spend all that money in thailand get hard done by .

As long as you bring your money in to thailand from out side of thailand the government should make the visas a lot easier".

I especially agree with this part.

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I would never take life event advice from anyone on an anonymous chat board. You are right that Thailand is much more than bar girls and scams. Having worked in Bangkok as an attorney among Thai and international business people for many years I could never relate to the Thailand portrayed by many of the sexpat types on this forum. If you dwell among prostitutes and seedy bars whether in Thailand or your own country then you will of course have a very jaded view of the society. Listen to the losers in your own country talk and they sound the same as the the ones inThailand. I personally have no desire to live in Thailand but it has more to do with the heat than anything else. I've always enjoyed the country and its people and still enjoy our visits.

I would rather have the heat than all these storms, you know the ones with all these peoples names, that seem to come one after the other.

Sorry "call me Dave" and the UK government, you are not to blame for that.

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I found Thaivisa very discouraging whilst I was planning to move here, to the point where I simply stopped reading it because the relentless negativity was so outputting.

After I'd been in Thailand for a while I came back to the site and realised that much of the stuff people post here is laughable nonsense that bears no relation to the Thailand I know, and started finding these forums quite entertaining.

It is a shame though that a site that should be a great resource for those seeking to move to Thailand ends up being so dominated by those with an agenda of negativity.

Absolutely. TV is full of whingey expats that couldn't have fun with a fist full of $50's in a brothel.

The ones that wear getting ripped off, conned, scammed or the like as a badge of honour and then proceed to tar the whole country with their view are the most laughable.

People go on about corruption, oppression etc but these things have little to zero effect on them. They just enjoy joining in the chorus to complain and act hard done by.

Me? TV won't stop me in the slightest. 2017 can't come soon enough!

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I agree with the op.

It is important to keep in mind that the majority of posts on TV are from disgruntled, disappointed, and unhappy people.

It is pretty rare for people to start a post about how happy they are in Thailand.

The unhappy like to cry and scream, the happy just smile and keep quiet for the most part.

TV is a good representation of those who are having problems,

but not a good representation of all foreigners in Thailand.

Many are "just fine thank you", but never bother to complain about it!

I think your first two sentences are a bit off the mark.

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The questions I would like to ask TV members, is when they decided to settle in Thailand what kind of lifestyles were they expecting? What do they consider has been the positives and the negatives? The bonuses and the disappointments?

Why not start a topic on your post? I think it would be very interesting, and you will see things from all sides.

There's your title, "The Questions I would like to ask TV Members".

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I will say this, I have no desire whatsoever to visit England or Australia if they're as dangerous as TVF posters make them sound.

And I'm scared to death to go back home to the USA. Too many crazies with guns must have moved in since I was last there 5 years ago.

Edit: As for Thailand, I like it here just fine, but have no intention to stay once my paychecks quit getting mailed to BKK. Nothing to do with TVF, it's the freaking heat, mold and mildew. TVF has some good info, but it's become very painful to sift through the detritus to glean the good stuff.

I couldn't agree more, many western countries seem to be very very violent these days and I'm put off from visiting by the same.

Are you saying Thailand isn't violent?

In my experience Thailand is not violent 99% of the time if you stay sober and mind your own business.

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There are some genuine folks on Thai VISA that have valuable experience only obtained by living in Thailand for a long time.

However, Thailand is no Utopia.

In order for a person to truly educate themselves, they have to have a complete mix of the good points and bad.

It is better to be prepared for the worst, than expect the best and struggle afterwards.

Many posters here cannot seem to get off their opinions one way or the other.

It is either 100% good or 100% bad. In actuality Thailand has good points and Thailand has bad points.

The people that seem to manage well in Thailand have enough money to live a semi-normal life, no matter which part of Thailand they live in.

The people trying to get by on a shoe-string budget because they want to chase girls are often the ones with issues.

There is plenty of information on Thai VISA to make an educated decision, if you are educated enough to make an educated decision.

If you toss the educated decision because you cannot think past the easy girls and doing anything to get them, you will soon find out Thailand is not such a great place.

Money rules in Thailand. Over the past 30 years Thailand has become much more expensive than many expats ever dreamed it would be.

A person has to understand the costs associated with the lifestyle they want to live the rest of their lives.

If you move to Thailand and think you can spend the rest of your life in a 1 room flat? That will probably get old at some point.

However, if you have the money to get married and buy a house and support a family, then a totally different situation.

I big issue I have in Thailand is Thai's have the right in any western country to do what ever they want to make money. But that is not reciprocated in Thailand. If expats could do whatever job they wanted in Thailand and had a fair shake to make the same kind of money Thai's are allowed to make in the west, that would be a different story.

The big issue I would say is if you decide to move to Thailand and settle in, make sure you have the money to be able to do so and be able to afford the lifestyle that will make you happy year in and year out.

Time flies, sooner or later you find yourself getting old, no pension accrued, no way to take care of yourself in Thailand when you get old.

It is a huge difference whether you can truly afford to live in Thailand, or trying to make a go as a school teacher when the lack of income will catch up with you years later in life.

The happiest bunch seems to be those that did their research and can manage the costs of living in Thailand with a car, home, family etc.

I cannot disagree with most of what you are saying.

"It is either 100% good or 100% bad. In actuality Thailand has good points and Thailand has bad points".
There are some bad points about Thailand as in any other country.
But here the good points far outweigh the bad.
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OK, I'll start. Hubby and I are already here -- retirees in Chiang Mai. You're right -- ThaiVisa.com is an important news sources for us. We're keeping our options open for the future and your post reminds me that Monday morning I really need to get in gear to renew my drivers license (second 5 year license) and take the cats to the vets for their annual shots.

We do try to keep things such that we can get on that Korean Airlines midnight flight out of Chiang Mai and onto Seoul (connecting to a gizzilion places in North Anerican non-stop) with a minimum of hassle and with our cats. Probably should update their "health passports" soon.

Forsooth I would truly feel abandoned if the fair Nancy and Hubby left. They are truly a bastion of help. But its an option I am sure a lot of expats are tinkering with. I will stay and fight the good fight tapping away on the keyboard till they pry it from my cold dead fingers. No I do not belong to the NRA but to the TVKTC (Thai Visa Key Tappers Club)no not KFC. It helps pass the time and makes ye ole grey matter percolate. There is quite a cross section on TV from the bad spellers to the real articulate who sometimes cross your t's and dot your i's for you. TV is a diverse world unto itself. Some come some go fresh blood all the time. I miss the Greek guy (I am getting bad on names)Well carry on Thursday is salad bar day must pedal off. Have a great day today and a better one tomorrow.
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I used TVF before coming to live in Thailand to get information surrounding visas which was invaluable. Many people tried to help with offers of information. I would not have been able to get this information from anywhere else. Of ocourse, not all info was accurate but it was I believe given in good faith, and others were keen to point inaccuracies.

I stayed 12 months in Thailand and came home, as I was homesick, and yes started to see it was not all the LOS, but where is. Did not take long until being back in the UK to become homesick for Thailand! We are comming back again next week! I still read tvf, I am selective in what I read, in the same way I am with any information. But I think it is still a great resource and has in my opinion improved in this respect over the last 12 months. As for negative views about ThIland, try reading a travel book, which is also full of biased views of the authors. Everyone sees things differently.

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I moved here 7 years ago, and wasn't aware of TV until about 2 years ago. I doubt very much it would have influenced my decision to retire here.

It's a good source of current news in Thailand. It's also a good source of information such as immigration issues, electrical problems, and computer glitches. Take a bow, the moderators who help us there.clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

It's also a very good tool for warding off Alzheimer's. I enjoy identifying the trolls, cretins, narcissists and poseurs, then stirring them up a little. Sometimes we'll get a comment which is pure gold. And sometimes the poster doesn't even realise what they have said. I'm convinced there are people on TV who spend all their waking hours glued to the screen. Different strokes for different folks.

So long may TV continue.biggrin.png

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What bothers me might not bother others. for instance it bothers me that they drive on the wrong side of the road but many people like that. Go figure.

The purpose of driving on the left or "wrong" side was so charioteers, who were usually righthanded, could wield swords or use a whip for the horses. That carried over into modern vehicles.

I have no idea why Americans originally designed vehicles to drive on the right hand side of the road, just as I have no idea why they choose to measure their fuel in gallons, when everyone else uses metric units. I suspect it is sheer cussedness.

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you are not more welcomed in the USA than in Thailand

USA don't have a retirement visa. in Thailand we can stay after 50 yo.

God bless Thailand

As an American citizen I have no need for an American visa. I can stay in Thailand after age 50 assuming I am willing to jump through hoops for the rest of my life while here, and understand that I will never, ever have the same rights and privileges as Thai people. Edited by SpokaneAl
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you are not more welcomed in the USA than in Thailand

USA don't have a retirement visa. in Thailand we can stay after 50 yo.

God bless Thailand

As an American citizen I have no need for an American visa. I can stay in Thailand after age 50 assuming I am willing to jump through hoops for the rest of my life while here, and understand that I will never, ever have the same rights and privileges as Thai people.

Sorry but I would hardly call visiting a local office of immigration once a year for 30 minutes as "jumping through hoops", and whose to say that will last "for the rest of my life" ? They might change it next year, things change all the time. I actually think the "retirement extension" is very easy to obtain, with a minimum of fuss. At least that's been my experience.

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you are not more welcomed in the USA than in Thailand

USA don't have a retirement visa. in Thailand we can stay after 50 yo.

God bless Thailand

As an American citizen I have no need for an American visa. I can stay in Thailand after age 50 assuming I am willing to jump through hoops for the rest of my life while here, and understand that I will never, ever have the same rights and privileges as Thai people.
so go back to the USA! instead to complain.

many people can not go to the USA and Thailand is much easier to stay long term than the USA.

you all complain, so what you do in Thailand? , just go home.... nobody force you to stay in Thailand nobody put you a gun on your head and ask you to stay in Thailand.

you can not compare a foreign country with your own country. what you can compare is 2 foreign countries.

USA vs Thailand ===> Thailand win.

Edited by VIPinthailand
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you are not more welcomed in the USA than in Thailand

USA don't have a retirement visa. in Thailand we can stay after 50 yo.

God bless Thailand

As an American citizen I have no need for an American visa. I can stay in Thailand after age 50 assuming I am willing to jump through hoops for the rest of my life while here, and understand that I will never, ever have the same rights and privileges as Thai people.
so go back to the USA! instead to complain.

many people can not go to the USA and Thailand is much easier to stay long term than the USA.

you all complain, so what you do in Thailand? , just go home.... nobody force you to stay in Thailand nobody put you a gun on your head and ask you to stay in Thailand.

you can not compare a foreign country with your own country. what you can compare is 2 foreign countries.

USA vs Thailand ===> Thailand win.

Seems you have less gray cells than ol' Trans..........coffee1.gif

prove it!
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you are not more welcomed in the USA than in Thailand

USA don't have a retirement visa. in Thailand we can stay after 50 yo.

God bless Thailand

As an American citizen I have no need for an American visa. I can stay in Thailand after age 50 assuming I am willing to jump through hoops for the rest of my life while here, and understand that I will never, ever have the same rights and privileges as Thai people.
so go back to the USA! instead to complain.

many people can not go to the USA and Thailand is much easier to stay long term than the USA.

you all complain, so what you do in Thailand? , just go home.... nobody force you to stay in Thailand nobody put you a gun on your head and ask you to stay in Thailand.

you can not compare a foreign country with your own country. what you can compare is 2 foreign countries.

USA vs Thailand ===> Thailand win.

I merely responded to your goofy, angry, hoping for an argument post. I was wondering where you had disappeared to. Edited by SpokaneAl
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you are not more welcomed in the USA than in Thailand

USA don't have a retirement visa. in Thailand we can stay after 50 yo.

God bless Thailand

As an American citizen I have no need for an American visa. I can stay in Thailand after age 50 assuming I am willing to jump through hoops for the rest of my life while here, and understand that I will never, ever have the same rights and privileges as Thai people.

Sorry but I would hardly call visiting a local office of immigration once a year for 30 minutes as "jumping through hoops", and whose to say that will last "for the rest of my life" ? They might change it next year, things change all the time. I actually think the "retirement extension" is very easy to obtain, with a minimum of fuss. At least that's been my experience.

It's ridiculous how much some complain about the supposed hardship of maintaining your legal status here. I'm happy to spend what amounts to a few hours per year at the immigration office in order to stay here.

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