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Has ThaiVisa discouraged you from moving to Thailand?


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So what do Thai folk have to do on a regular basis in the UK..?

No idea. Even if they have to stand on one leg and sing the national anthem for a hour everyday, it doesn't change the fact that staying legal in Thailand is nowhere near as onerous a task as many on here make out.

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So what do Thai folk have to do on a regular basis in the UK..?

No idea. Even if they have to stand on one leg and sing the national anthem for a hour everyday, it doesn't change the fact that staying legal in Thailand is nowhere near as onerous a task as many on here make out.

Thais in the UK are treated like adults...Not fined for daft stuff like late reporting...

I'd say expecting you to be capable of keeping track what month it is is treating you like an adult.

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It's ridiculous how much some complain about the supposed hardship of maintaining your legal status here. I'm happy to spend what amounts to a few hours per year at the immigration office in order to stay here.

So what do Thai folk have to do on a regular basis in the UK..?

I have been here for years and in two days this week have had 3 visits from the BiB..

Perhaps they are monitoring your posts on TV.

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I found Thaivisa very discouraging whilst I was planning to move here, to the point where I simply stopped reading it because the relentless negativity was so outputting.

After I'd been in Thailand for a while I came back to the site and realised that much of the stuff people post here is laughable nonsense that bears no relation to the Thailand I know, and started finding these forums quite entertaining.

It is a shame though that a site that should be a great resource for those seeking to move to Thailand ends up being so dominated by those with an agenda of negativity.

Summed up perfectly.

I meet a fair few foreighners in my work here and can pretty much pick a Thaivisa moaner in the first 15 minutes of conversation.

Suffice to say, it is not thaivisa that starts to give you a shlT attitude, its the foreigners themselves.

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you are not more welcomed in the USA than in Thailand

USA don't have a retirement visa. in Thailand we can stay after 50 yo.

God bless Thailand

As an American citizen I have no need for an American visa. I can stay in Thailand after age 50 assuming I am willing to jump through hoops for the rest of my life while here, and understand that I will never, ever have the same rights and privileges as Thai people.
so go back to the USA! instead to complain.

many people can not go to the USA and Thailand is much easier to stay long term than the USA.

you all complain, so what you do in Thailand? , just go home.... nobody force you to stay in Thailand nobody put you a gun on your head and ask you to stay in Thailand.

you can not compare a foreign country with your own country. what you can compare is 2 foreign countries.

USA vs Thailand ===> Thailand win.

King and I movie was in colour ...

some TVF posters caused a lot of anguish betwixt my Wife and I at first; I was prepared to live (and work) here (at a Uni) but the Wife (having lived in Australia with me for 9 months) wants to live in OZ

Mixing with 'your own' on a regular basis would be advisable

The 1946 Classic version with Rex Harrison and Irene Dunne was indeed in black and white.
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I have enjoyed, appreciated and learned from engaging on Thai Visa, especially the threads concerning extensions of stay, visas, immigration offices etc. I do try to pay back a bit and offer advice and/or thoughts when I think that I have something worthwhile to add.

I have also found a number of common interests with others on Thai Visa on a variety of subjects.

That said, I do sometimes kick myself for allowing myself to get involved in angry, no-win discussions that provide no value or joy for me and instead do nothing except raise the blood pressure a bit.

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I have enjoyed, appreciated and learned from engaging on Thai Visa, especially the threads concerning extensions of stay, visas, immigration offices etc. I do try to pay back a bit and offer advice and/or thoughts when I think that I have something worthwhile to add.

I have also found a number of common interests with others on Thai Visa on a variety of subjects.

That said, I do sometimes kick myself for allowing myself to get involved in angry, no-win discussions that provide no value or joy for me and instead do nothing except raise the blood pressure a bit.

Nice one SpokaneAl,

Indeed it is a challenge to resist the temptation to: Defend Attack!

I truly believe that every time we overcome that temptation, we get stronger - better.

This has been a great thread.

Thanks to the OP and all the contributors.

Also thanks to our Moderators who do a wonderful job of keeping us legal!

Thanks to the many members who share their time with their wisdom on the tricky subjects like Visas et al.

To mention some and not all is hard but I must mention UbonJoe and 7 x 7

who have been particularly helpful to me.

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i like reading thai visa as it brings me back to reality, all i have to do is compare myself with some of the complaining , negative minded, doom sayers and i realise that i am a happy upbeat kinda guy.

and why are so many posters so negative about everything ?

i love living hear and i realise that if i ever start to be like these guys i will simply go back to my country of origin rather than sit here moaning and complaining.


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i like reading thai visa as it brings me back to reality, all i have to do is compare myself with some of the complaining , negative minded, doom sayers and i realise that i am a happy upbeat kinda guy.

and why are so many posters so negative about everything ?

i love living hear and i realise that if i ever start to be like these guys i will simply go back to my country of origin rather than sit here moaning and complaining.


You must remember there is life for many farangs outside your bubble in LOS that may not be as sweet as yours and want answers/advice....

Plus to be forewarned is forearmed, even if folk don't like an answer...

sure i agree with what you say and for some of us here life is pretty good.

but i just wonder why people who bitch and moan about the place don't just go home ?

the forum can be an excellent source of information and sometimes has a really humorous side , i just think there are to many negative people.

for example , there is a post about a restaurant on third road, a poster said it will fail !

how does he know ? has he been there ? is he Nostradamus ?

another post about a young bloke in pattaya who had a gun pulled on him, 4 pages of bashing and negative comments by people who couldn't even be bothered to watch the news clip on channel 3.

it is a shame to see a really good forum get full of whining little people that have nothing better to do with their lives than complain about everything.

attack me if you want, but i don't care them.


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Quote sure i agree with what you say and for some of us here life is pretty good.

but i just wonder why people who bitch and moan about the place don't just go home ?

unquote. I guess this must be the 150th time I have heard the go home answer. It wears a bit thin after a while and is no longer original. Best to stay on the sidelines than to throw SBalls over and over again. Come up with something a little more original. I think someone else has copyrighted this answer so you should give them an honorable mention.

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Back home, there was this mentally ill homeless guy who slept rough under a bridge on a patch of a busy highway. Seemed like every time I drove past, he was standing on the side of the road, yelling obscenities at all the cars going by, and giving everyone the finger. I felt bad for the guy, but nobody dared to approach him for fear he'd go off and hurt someone.

I don't know exactly why I think about that guy when I read some of the threads here... But I have my suspicions.

My heart goes out to a lot of the guys here. They seem to hate everything about Thailand, but they live here because it's SO much better than where they came from. How sad is that?

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i like reading thai visa as it brings me back to reality, all i have to do is compare myself with some of the complaining , negative minded, doom sayers and i realise that i am a happy upbeat kinda guy.

and why are so many posters so negative about everything ?

i love living hear and i realise that if i ever start to be like these guys i will simply go back to my country of origin rather than sit here moaning and complaining.


Only a few posts. If that is because you haven't been living in Thailand very long, wait till you have a few thousand posts and then re read your post to see if you feel the same.

BTW most of us complainers have more to complain about "back home" than we do in LOS, but it doesn't mean we have to wear saffron glasses in Thailand.

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i like reading thai visa as it brings me back to reality, all i have to do is compare myself with some of the complaining , negative minded, doom sayers and i realise that i am a happy upbeat kinda guy.

and why are so many posters so negative about everything ?

i love living hear and i realise that if i ever start to be like these guys i will simply go back to my country of origin rather than sit here moaning and complaining.


You must remember there is life for many farangs outside your bubble in LOS that may not be as sweet as yours and want answers/advice....

Plus to be forewarned is forearmed, even if folk don't like an answer...

sure i agree with what you say and for some of us here life is pretty good.

but i just wonder why people who bitch and moan about the place don't just go home ?

the forum can be an excellent source of information and sometimes has a really humorous side , i just think there are to many negative people.

for example , there is a post about a restaurant on third road, a poster said it will fail !

how does he know ? has he been there ? is he Nostradamus ?

another post about a young bloke in pattaya who had a gun pulled on him, 4 pages of bashing and negative comments by people who couldn't even be bothered to watch the news clip on channel 3.

it is a shame to see a really good forum get full of whining little people that have nothing better to do with their lives than complain about everything.

attack me if you want, but i don't care them.


Moaners were probably moaning in their home country..........smile.png

And you.............. oh never mind.

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Moaners were probably moaning in their home country..........

Yeah. It's one thing to go on an occasional rant because I'm in the poop. Hell, it's cathartic.

But it's a whole 'nother thing to wallow in the poop day after day and fling feces at everyone who doesn't crawl down into the poop with me because they don't think it's so bad.

If I ever get there, I hope someone slaps me to my senses by suggesting (strongly) that I change my choices. Perhaps by going back home.

But God forbid anyone on TVF suggest going back home may improve the quality of my life, even if it's the day before I do a balcony dive.

Edited by impulse
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i like reading thai visa as it brings me back to reality, all i have to do is compare myself with some of the complaining , negative minded, doom sayers and i realise that i am a happy upbeat kinda guy.

and why are so many posters so negative about everything ?

i love living hear and i realise that if i ever start to be like these guys i will simply go back to my country of origin rather than sit here moaning and complaining.


You must remember there is life for many farangs outside your bubble in LOS that may not be as sweet as yours and want answers/advice....

Plus to be forewarned is forearmed, even if folk don't like an answer...

answers derived from moaning, whining and whinging? coffee1.gif

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i like reading thai visa as it brings me back to reality, all i have to do is compare myself with some of the complaining , negative minded, doom sayers and i realise that i am a happy upbeat kinda guy.

and why are so many posters so negative about everything ?

i love living hear and i realise that if i ever start to be like these guys i will simply go back to my country of origin rather than sit here moaning and complaining.


Only a few posts. If that is because you haven't been living in Thailand very long, wait till you have a few thousand posts and then re read your post to see if you feel the same.

BTW most of us complainers have more to complain about "back home" than we do in LOS, but it doesn't mean we have to wear saffron glasses in Thailand.

sorry dude i will admit it only been 8 years , my bad !

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Moaners were probably moaning in their home country..........

Yeah. It's one thing to go on an occasional rant because I'm in the poop. Hell, it's cathartic.

But it's a whole 'nother thing to wallow in the poop day after day and fling feces at everyone who doesn't crawl down into the poop with me because they don't think it's so bad.

If I ever get there, I hope someone slaps me to my senses by suggesting (strongly) that I change my choices. Perhaps by going back home.

But God forbid anyone on TVF suggest going back home may improve the quality of my life, even if it's the day before I do a balcony dive.

I have to agree that going 'home" would be worse than staying in LOS, no matter how bad it gets, and I would probably be doing the balcony dive just to avoid the misery that would await me ( for the deity's sake, what other reason would so many already do it- IMO it's not because some girl jilted them, but because they prefer the end to back home ).

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i like reading thai visa as it brings me back to reality, all i have to do is compare myself with some of the complaining , negative minded, doom sayers and i realise that i am a happy upbeat kinda guy.

and why are so many posters so negative about everything ?

i love living hear and i realise that if i ever start to be like these guys i will simply go back to my country of origin rather than sit here moaning and complaining.


Only a few posts. If that is because you haven't been living in Thailand very long, wait till you have a few thousand posts and then re read your post to see if you feel the same.

BTW most of us complainers have more to complain about "back home" than we do in LOS, but it doesn't mean we have to wear saffron glasses in Thailand.

sorry dude i will admit it only been 8 years , my bad !

LOL. First eight years and more I would never have moaned about Thailand, even a little bit. It's when I stopped being a tourist and became an expat that the saffron wore off, and rather rapidly at that.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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I'm moving to Thailand and SE Asia this year, and this forum hasn't put me off (yet! haha). I've only been on here a few months and can see a lot of negative stuff, but it happens on every forum regardless of what that forum is about.

I don't intend to sit on the same bar stool for weeks on end and pickle my brain, which is where a lot of the negative stuff seems to flow from. Same as when i go up the pub here in the UK, it's full of us blokes moaning about something or other, but it's what we do best isn't it? Ha.

I really can't wait to explore the country, get drunk if i feel like it, go to some girly bars when i feel like it, go diving if i feel like it, go to Vietnam, Cambodia or somewhere else on a whim, and generally have a good time and make friends along the way. If something eventually changes my mind it wouldn't be because of this forum, this place is a very useful resource for me as i can learn things from all you guys who've been living in Thailand for years. Cheers!

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Well, if i had read TV before coming I might have been put off; It's like a rubbish tip - Loads of rubbish with a occasional useful item buried in it ....Most .threads are spoiled by drivel and half the posters either didn't read the thread before posting their incorrect assumptions; I do despair for the human race.

Having said that, there is an awful lot of useful stuff buried here. It is just finding it! I do use the search function for these obscure snippets.

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You want to be happy in Thailand? Then here is my advice...

"Do not spend too much time on Thaivisa and stay clear of other foreigners living here"

When it comes to Thais, just use your "Common Sense" and you will be just fine.

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You want to be happy in Thailand? Then here is my advice...

"Do not spend too much time on Thaivisa and stay clear of other foreigners living here"

When it comes to Thais, just use your "Common Sense" and you will be just fine.

Plenty of decent foreigners here. I'd just say steer clear of those who came here for the wrong reasons.

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