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CDC says new charter will return democracy to Thailand


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CDC says new charter will return democracy to Thailand

Thammarat Thadaphrom

BANGKOK, 6 February 2016 (NNT) – The Constitution Drafting Commission (CDC) says the new charter is meant to return democracy to the Kingdom of Thailand while claiming that the drafting team is not worried about any objections to the first draft.

CDC spokesperson Norachit Sinhaseni said the drafting body had unveiled the first draft of the permanent charter on January 26th, expressing confidence that the charter had been deliberated with care and would bring democracy back to Thailand once enforced.

He said the CDC had been working hard and doing the best it could in drafting the charter based on core principles which are democracy and liberty and the rights of the populace.

He said the permanent constitution would allow the public to take part in investigations to ensure checks and balances on power and judgements.

He went on to say that he was surprised to hear that some people claimed the first draft of the constitution was ‘undemocratic’. He then asked those who don’t understand the draft to come forward and question the drafting body directly.

-- NNT 2016-01-07 footer_n.gif

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"He then asked those who dont understand the draft to come forward and question the drafting body directly."

They would like to but your boss wont allow it without throwing a tantrum.

Remember this PM classic, " why dont you ask the next government"

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Why don't people question the draft directly?

Well perhaps, pictures of opposition politicians who question the democratic credentials of the draft charter being taken away bu the military for "attitude adjustment" are a clue?

By the way, is he still being detained?

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Wouldn't free and fair elections be a good step towards returning democracy to Thailand?

Unfortunately not. In 2007 they replaced the peoples constitution with one that undermined democracy in the country. The people was basically forced to vote for this constitution or else the army would have stayed in power. What they are trying now is the same, they are putting an undemocratic constitution in front of the people, a constitution that for all practical purposes can never be changed (as they control the courts). If the people approve this constitution they will be stuck with it, if they don't they are stuck with the junta. The danger is that something snaps and the junta lose control. The other difference is that this time I believe the west will impose sanctions, which will lead to substantial loss of face for the small man. Many Thai's believe that to vote under the new constitution will be useless as your vote will mean nothing so instead they will rather vote against the constitution and build pressure on the junta.

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"He then asked those who dont understand the draft to come forward and question the drafting body directly."

They would like to but your boss wont allow it without throwing a tantrum.

Remember this PM classic, " why dont you ask the next government"

Drum roll please Quote He went on to say that he was surprised to hear that some people claimed the first draft of the constitution was ‘undemocratic’. He then asked those who don’t understand the draft to come forward and question the drafting body directly unquote. You just have to laugh at this quote. I wish I could have seen the expression on his face when he made it. I am sure it was priceless. I am sure they had an paddy wagon with bars on the windows waiting in the background in case any naive people showed up. Maybe people are just a tad smarter than what he gives them credit for.

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The power to return democracy lies solely in the hands of those who took it away.

Since returning democracy will mean they will lose their grip on power, they are quite simply not going to do so.

Democracy and elections are tantalizing carrots to hold out to a hungry populous. In this case the carrot is tied to a stick with a string and keeps bobbing just out of reach. Futility does have its limits.

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Democracy: the ​belief in ​freedom and equality between ​people, or a ​system of ​governmentbased on this ​belief, in which ​power is either ​held by ​elected representatives or ​directly by the ​people themselves.

​This new charter contains no freedom or equality and if a new government is ever elected, its elected representatives will hold little to no power and neither will the people themselves.

So the charter as it stands will not give Thailand democracy.

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Just because there is voting does not mean there is democracy.

Of course it does! It means the people have the right to choose who is to govern them. How the govt they pick conducts themselves is beyond the voters control until the next election when the voters have the chance to democratically choose some other party.

Please don't bang on about vote buying because we all know that every party is guilty of it both in local and national elections.

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Wouldn't free and fair elections be a good step towards returning democracy to Thailand?

Unfortunately not. In 2007 they replaced the peoples constitution with one that undermined democracy in the country. The people was basically forced to vote for this constitution or else the army would have stayed in power. What they are trying now is the same, they are putting an undemocratic constitution in front of the people, a constitution that for all practical purposes can never be changed (as they control the courts). If the people approve this constitution they will be stuck with it, if they don't they are stuck with the junta. The danger is that something snaps and the junta lose control. The other difference is that this time I believe the west will impose sanctions, which will lead to substantial loss of face for the small man. Many Thai's believe that to vote under the new constitution will be useless as your vote will mean nothing so instead they will rather vote against the constitution and build pressure on the junta.

The west would impose sanctions hmmm an interesting statement. The politicians would have to run this idea past the business moguls first and get their approval. The moguls would say lets assess our business interests in the named country and we will get back to you. Sanctions today do not have the same effect as in the past. North Korea snubs their nose at them and in the Iranian case if the treaty had not be ratified the US would have had to go the sanctions route alone as their "allies" were ready to "abandon" ship so they could get their ground game up and running in Iran. Hey its a dog eat dog world. The word sanctions is just a phrase to make voters think politicians are really doing something. After the hand shaking and flashbulbs pop everybody goes home to tout the phrase "we won a victory" but as the case in most sancitions the victory is a hollow one.

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CDC says the new charter is meant to return democracy to the Kingdom of Thailand

The Interim Charter prescribed in Article 2:

"Thailand is a unitary and democratic monarchy."

Maybe Article 2 should have read, "Thailand is a unitary and someday to be returned to democratic monarchy."

Or maybe to be more fair to read, "Thailand is a unitary and in name only democratic monarchy."

It will be interesting when there is finally an approved constitution as to how the Prologue will read with regard to why the RTM took democracy away from the Thai people, ie., abolished the previous junta-drafted constitution. But as the CDC made certain, the Prologue will be written after approval of the draft constitution.

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"He then asked those who dont understand the draft to come forward and question the drafting body directly."

They would like to but your boss wont allow it without throwing a tantrum.

Remember this PM classic, " why dont you ask the next government"

Drum roll please Quote He went on to say that he was surprised to hear that some people claimed the first draft of the constitution was ‘undemocratic’. He then asked those who don’t understand the draft to come forward and question the drafting body directly unquote. You just have to laugh at this quote. I wish I could have seen the expression on his face when he made it. I am sure it was priceless. I am sure they had an paddy wagon with bars on the windows waiting in the background in case any naive people showed up. Maybe people are just a tad smarter than what he gives them credit for.

Consider reality. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080112204358AAOrmZ9

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Wouldn't free and fair elections be a good step towards returning democracy to Thailand?

It would be one step but it raises the question: Has there ever been free and fair elections in Thailand?

And then also remember that Democracy is not just about voting. It's about respect of the law (no respect in Thailand?) because without the rule of law there is no democracy.

The people who are elected should not place themselves above the law and their police officers should not 'own' the law which they currently see as a commodity that they are free to 'buy' and 'sell' as the will takes them.

I could go on, but there has to be some understanding that unless you change the fundamentals of Thai attitudes and society as a whole then then I doubt whether you'll ever see democracy here.

A new constitution ain't gonna do it!

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He said the CDC had been working hard and doing the best it could in drafting the charter based on core principles which are democracy and liberty and the rights of the populace.

what a bunch of BS.

this is an elitist/military constitution designed to provide "fake" democracy and it is built on the sole principle that a small number of "good" people know what is best for 70 million Thais.


Democracy, the parliament is designed to be full of conflict between many smaller parties and keep it ineffective while the Senate is simply an appointed body which has nothing to do with democracy.

Liberty, this constitution enshrines the government's right to remove liberties whenever the elites decide that a "crisis" has arisen - this ranges from imposing censorship on the media to literally replacing the elected government.

Rights of the people, the current draft of the turd removes many many rights which were previously guaranteed and include the right to participate and question development which impacts the local environment, directly petition courts, etc.

In other words, this junta-lackey is lying through his teeth. bah.gif

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Wouldn't free and fair elections be a good step towards returning democracy to Thailand?

It would be one step but it raises the question: Has there ever been free and fair elections in Thailand?

And then also remember that Democracy is not just about voting. It's about respect of the law (no respect in Thailand?) because without the rule of law there is no democracy.

The people who are elected should not place themselves above the law and their police officers should not 'own' the law which they currently see as a commodity that they are free to 'buy' and 'sell' as the will takes them.

I could go on, but there has to be some understanding that unless you change the fundamentals of Thai attitudes and society as a whole then then I doubt whether you'll ever see democracy here.

A new constitution ain't gonna do it!

"Has there ever been free and fair elections in Thailand?"

There have never been perfect elections in Thailand or anywhere else. However the 2011 elections were internationally monitored and deemed to represent the will of the voters.

"The people who are elected should not place themselves above the law..."

Do you consider it an improvement when unelected people take over government and place themselves above the law? Do you think respect for the rule of law was demonstrated when the previous constitution was suspended?

"...and their police officers should not 'own' the law which they currently see as a commodity that they are free to 'buy' and 'sell' as the will takes them."

The current unelected leaders don't see a need to reform the police force http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/888181-dpm-prawit-there-will-be-no-restructuring-in-police-reform/?p=10332965.

The majority of Thais do have a proper democratic attitude; they welcome the chance to elect a government that serves all of Thailand, not just Bangkok. The attitude problem is with a minority that thinks it should be in charge, not politicians chosen by elections.

I think a new, proper constitution (not one written with the intent to restrict democratic government) combined with several election cycles without a coup would lead to the establishment of democracy in Thailand. Unfortunately I don't know if we'll see these things in our lifetimes.

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Just because there is voting does not mean there is democracy.

Of course it does! It means the people have the right to choose who is to govern them. How the govt they pick conducts themselves is beyond the voters control until the next election when the voters have the chance to democratically choose some other party.

Please don't bang on about vote buying because we all know that every party is guilty of it both in local and national elections.

North Korea has voting. You think they have democracy? And that is just the first one to come to mind.

You funny man!

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