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What is an Appropriate age difference in Thai/farang Relationships?

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Half ones age plus seven is a good rule of thumb. So if a person is 50 they should not bother with anyone below 32.

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What's the science for the half plus seven figure?

Pub talk, your own experience, you know someone for whom it seems to be working?

There must be some basis for the formula.

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Half ones age plus seven is a good rule of thumb. So if a person is 50 they should not bother with anyone below 32.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What's the science for the half plus seven figure?

Pub talk, your own experience, you know someone for whom it seems to be working?

There must be some basis for the formula.

If you look at the maths, apply it to an 18 year old.

Halve it and add 7, it indicates no lower than this age, 16.

As far as sexual relationships are concerned, anything below this would be illegal, consensual or not.

As a general rule for everyone, I am with you. It is utter BS.


My wife has 2 sisters. The older sister is 34 and her Thai husband is 76-year-old. The younger 32 just got married last Saturday, her husband also Thai, is 54. My age is between my bil's.


the OP's question should read:

What amount of money do you think is acceptable, for your daughter to marry someone older than yourself ?

Mmm I did think about age and made my own criteria to find someone older than my oldest daughter or they may feel uncomfortable with their step mom being younger than they. Just my own personal prescription...up to others for theirs


Why does it matter to you, or anyone else other than the two people involved?

Because in a " progressive" world, everybody's well being and lifestyle is everyone else's concern. It's a 'global village' doncha' know? Privacy and personal responsibility are antiquated concepts. You must surrender your freedom of choice to the group think. Welcome to the brave new world.


when time pass...and you don't wanna feel old..you tend to be more interesting on the young people.... they feel more alive i guess.... so for a man he will always look for a younger woman than him .....

That's just an observation....


Up to 50 years seems norm here. you can bang all you like and no age problem.

Age means nothing, amount of tattoos mean nothing, length of facial hair means nothing, how fat the belly is means nothing.

Only thing that matters is how deep the pockets are.


Not greater than 38 years, and only if you're a "hansum man". Actually, the age difference can be in a lineal relationship to your net worth and income.

whew, just scraped in ...


Why does it matter to you, or anyone else other than the two people involved?

The only guys who care what others think are the ones with the massive hang ups about how ridiculous they look

Agreed. And they should. Ask yourself if you really want to live in a world where no one cares about what other people think. I certainly don't.


Why do some guys like small petite girls and others like super size girls. Personal choice.

Or, maybe its just what you can afford.

Maybe it depends on what size or height the guy is. I am 6ft 0ins, and I have never been out with a girl less than 5ft 4ins.

Nor have I ever been out with an overweight girl. This applies both in Thailand and the UK.

I knew a guy who was 6ft 2ins and his wife was not more than 5ft, so I suppose looks are not everything.

You will hardly ever see a handsome guy with an ugly girl, but you will see pretty girls with ugly guys. Maybe that's where the deep pockets come in.


Why does it matter to you, or anyone else other than the two people involved?

The only guys who care what others think are the ones with the massive hang ups about how ridiculous they look

Agreed. And they should. Ask yourself if you really want to live in a world where no one cares about what other people think. I certainly don't.

If you care that much about what others think you will never be your real self. One of the benefits of getting older is I don't really give a rat's rectum as to what others think. As Ricky Nelson said, "you can't please everybody, so you may as well please yourself"


who knows really as some women are so immature some are not for me as long as your happy and make each other happy have laugh and happy in bed so what its the clture side when your older you talk about say music the stones beatels bob dylan and they go who the hell is that nothing in common is when it all goes wrong it will not last on sex and looks for more then 2 years


We were out Sunday, with two other Thai/Farang couples, it went up in 10's, I'm 10 years older then My wife, the next guy was 20 years & the last guy 30 years older then his wife, made no difference what so ever.

Like any relationship, only time will tell which of the 3 relationships will work & which won't, all I know is at 49, I couldn't see My'self being in a relationship with a 19 year old, but hey that's just Me.


What we're witnessing on this thread is the nauseating duplicity of the typical Thaivisa wheezer and God help you if you assail or criticise the retired sex migrant

Don't you just love all their "none of your business" posts?

Sorry but who gives a flying you-know-what if it's anyone else's BUSINESS?

It ain't our BUSINESS if a farang's living here on back-to-back tourist visas

It ain't our BUSINESS if a farang sells stuff on eBay while in Thailand without a work permit

It ain't our BUSINESS if a young guy finds a way to live on a pittance each month

Nevertheless, almost everyone on this forum has an opinion on those issues but the Jurassic boys would rather THIS topic - age-gap relationships - be considered "crossing the line" or "out of order".

Well, sorry but it isn't crossing the line and it isn't out of order.

A decrepit old man, in public with a young Thai woman he's obviously paying irreparably damages the image of Westerners in Thailand and hardens the attitudes of some locals towards us

It's got zilch, zero and nada to do with envy - I could easily pay a woman 20,30, 50K a month without even noticing it - I don't because I don't want to and, most importantly, because I don't HAVE to

If an old man wants to do that, fine - it's his (and her) choice - but if I think it's hilarious seeing a wheezer having to hop-skip-jump in order to keep pace with his 30 or 40 year younger teerak as she drags his ass around the perfumery or the jeweler, I'll laugh out loud along with almost everyone else who sees them.

If the topic comes up on here, I'll discuss it and pass judgment with as much careless abandon as the old boys do on matters which don't really concern THEM.

The point is that NO group - even those with with one foot in the grave - is immune or exempted from having the pi55 taken out of them.

That would be akin to political correctness and we can't have that, can we?


Up to 50 years seems norm here. you can bang all you like and no age problem.

Age means nothing, amount of tattoos mean nothing, length of facial hair means nothing, how fat the belly is means nothing.

Only thing that matters is how deep the pockets are.

well if truth be known ..... that's the same anywhere ! deep pockets = anything you desire blink.png


The "holier than thou" brigade is out in full force, they really aren't that much different than those who used to burn people at the stake, and just as closed minded in their intolerant opinions. Only one step removed from those who would lop off heads and hands, and yet they probably like to think of themselves as "enlightened".


How long is a piece of string?

Twice the length from the middle to one end................................coffee1.gif



Why does it matter to you, or anyone else other than the two people involved?

The only guys who care what others think are the ones with the massive hang ups about how ridiculous they look

Agreed. And they should. Ask yourself if you really want to live in a world where no one cares about what other people think. I certainly don't.

If you care that much about what others think you will never be your real self. One of the benefits of getting older is I don't really give a rat's rectum as to what others think. As Ricky Nelson said, "you can't please everybody, so you may as well please yourself"

You care enough to sit here berating others for holding opposing views to yours


What we're witnessing on this thread is the nauseating duplicity of the typical Thaivisa wheezer and God help you if you assail or criticise the retired sex migrant

Don't you just love all their "none of your business" posts?

Sorry but who gives a flying you-know-what if it's anyone else's BUSINESS?

It ain't our BUSINESS if a farang's living here on back-to-back tourist visas

It ain't our BUSINESS if a farang sells stuff on eBay while in Thailand without a work permit

It ain't our BUSINESS if a young guy finds a way to live on a pittance each month

Nevertheless, almost everyone on this forum has an opinion on those issues but the Jurassic boys would rather THIS topic - age-gap relationships - be considered "crossing the line" or "out of order".

Well, sorry but it isn't crossing the line and it isn't out of order.

A decrepit old man, in public with a young Thai woman he's obviously paying irreparably damages the image of Westerners in Thailand and hardens the attitudes of some locals towards us

It's got zilch, zero and nada to do with envy - I could easily pay a woman 20,30, 50K a month without even noticing it - I don't because I don't want to and, most importantly, because I don't HAVE to

If an old man wants to do that, fine - it's his (and her) choice - but if I think it's hilarious seeing a wheezer having to hop-skip-jump in order to keep pace with his 30 or 40 year younger teerak as she drags his ass around the perfumery or the jeweler, I'll laugh out loud along with almost everyone else who sees them.

If the topic comes up on here, I'll discuss it and pass judgment with as much careless abandon as the old boys do on matters which don't really concern THEM.

The point is that NO group - even those with with one foot in the grave - is immune or exempted from having the pi55 taken out of them.

That would be akin to political correctness and we can't have that, can we?

Wheezers, retired sex migrants, decrepit old man - a fair amount of stereotyping here.

I've noticed younger people who attack the elderly and their choices ignore the fact the elderly have a hell of a lot of life experience to assist them in making those choices. Those younger people are also terrified of growing old themselves. They haven't realised it's not about age, but quality of life.

How old are you? Because you still have a lot of growing up to do.


My reply to the OP is don't mix up age difference with what's far more powerful, and that's maturity difference. I had a couple of tries with younger women, and wasn't very successfu, I'm not an ATMl. So basically I live on my own in a nice Condo, with most of the toys known to mankind. Until / if the right one comes along that's the way it'll stay. My only fear is that mounting health issues will leave me in a bit of a corner, but realistically, Is that the way to find a mate? No.


What we're witnessing on this thread is the nauseating duplicity of the typical Thaivisa wheezer and God help you if you assail or criticise the retired sex migrant

Don't you just love all their "none of your business" posts?

Sorry but who gives a flying you-know-what if it's anyone else's BUSINESS?

It ain't our BUSINESS if a farang's living here on back-to-back tourist visas

It ain't our BUSINESS if a farang sells stuff on eBay while in Thailand without a work permit

It ain't our BUSINESS if a young guy finds a way to live on a pittance each month

Nevertheless, almost everyone on this forum has an opinion on those issues but the Jurassic boys would rather THIS topic - age-gap relationships - be considered "crossing the line" or "out of order".

Well, sorry but it isn't crossing the line and it isn't out of order.

A decrepit old man, in public with a young Thai woman he's obviously paying irreparably damages the image of Westerners in Thailand and hardens the attitudes of some locals towards us

It's got zilch, zero and nada to do with envy - I could easily pay a woman 20,30, 50K a month without even noticing it - I don't because I don't want to and, most importantly, because I don't HAVE to

If an old man wants to do that, fine - it's his (and her) choice - but if I think it's hilarious seeing a wheezer having to hop-skip-jump in order to keep pace with his 30 or 40 year younger teerak as she drags his ass around the perfumery or the jeweler, I'll laugh out loud along with almost everyone else who sees them.

If the topic comes up on here, I'll discuss it and pass judgment with as much careless abandon as the old boys do on matters which don't really concern THEM.

The point is that NO group - even those with with one foot in the grave - is immune or exempted from having the pi55 taken out of them.

That would be akin to political correctness and we can't have that, can we?

Wheezers, retired sex migrants, decrepit old man - a fair amount of stereotyping here.

I've noticed younger people who attack the elderly and their choices ignore the fact the elderly have a hell of a lot of life experience to assist them in making those choices. Those younger people are also terrified of growing old themselves. They haven't realised it's not about age, but quality of life.

How old are you? Because you still have a lot of growing up to do.

Well said, and to witness not just an opposing point of view, but obvious hatred towards the older retiree in Thailand, says a lot about the posters personality.


There is no "appropriate" age difference but those who choose to be part of large age-gap relationships should be aware that they'll often be subjected to ridicule.

If they can deal with that, I say all power to them - no one's got any right to tell you what to do or who to be with

If they can't, though, tough . . . keep it behind closed doors

My wife is 32, I am 72. We have known each other four years and lived together for three. We get along fine despite the age difference and language, culture differences. Neither of us cares much what others think. We are happy and that's all that matters to us.

I was not looking for someone that much younger, in fact, was looking for a lady between 40 and 50, but that's not what I ended up with. I did not think of her as a g/f at first but we liked each other from the start and finally decided to "split the blanket". Glad we did.


We married in our 30s, are university educated and have similar outlooks on life as I think it should be a relationship based on societal norms in your own countries to prove robust, meaningful and long lasting.

What I've seen here would rather suggest it is what the fat, old farang can afford to pay for sex / what she will subject herself to for his momey.

A pitiable comment on. ageing, male sexual impotency and the exploitation of relative poverty institutionalising prostititution.


I find your smug, sanctimonius post AGEIST and IGNORANT. The university education that you are so proud of was obviously a waste of yours and your parent's money.


It doesn't matter...smile.png

Mrs.Trans Thai lady friend is about 40, her Thai husband, a retired teacher, is in his 70's...So regardless of nationality, cash flow is what matters..

We've got a guy here in Korat, he's 76, with a 23 year old mrs, with their own child...the nipper is about 2, so he had her when he was er, umm, about 74...yeah, 74...lol

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