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10-year-old raped by Iraqi migrant at swimming pool in Vienna


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Flying back from Bangkok wit Kuwait air i was stuck in Kuwait city because they went on strike. We were put up in 4 star hotels which was pleasant for three days, what was unpleasant was when five of us men decided to illegally explore the surroundings ( our passports were taken from us, we were to stay in the hotel) we were constantly molested by Kuwait men who wanted to pay us large sums of money for group sex, not once or twice but seemingly continually, we returned to the hotel after an hour and stayed there the three days.

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there is no such a thing or have you experienced that there when you were a boy?

but i can say it is a cultural norm at the Christian societies and churches and orphanages hence hundreds of thousands abused kids by priests and staff. but all kept on the down-low as as you said.

and that is why Christian countries has the most child abuse offenders? because they are more civilized than Muslim?

please check the facts before brainwashed discriminate comments.

it same as priests molesting kids at the churches? just bc they cant have girlfriends too?

You keep trying to change the subject to Child abuse in Christian Chruches, if that is what you want to talk about, why dont you start a thread about it ?

What is your point anyway ?

"Because there are some Christian church leader pedos, then its OK for Iraqi Asylum seekers to be pedos as well" ?

yes, i keep saying the same when some says child abuse is a common among Muslim and it is Muslim culture.(which i am not a muslim) bc clearly it is not. so why dont you go and reply to those guys constantly saying Muslim are pedophiles and this is their culture? why double standards?

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Flying back from Bangkok wit Kuwait air i was stuck in Kuwait city because they went on strike. We were put up in 4 star hotels which was pleasant for three days, what was unpleasant was when five of us men decided to illegally explore the surroundings ( our passports were taken from us, we were to stay in the hotel) we were constantly molested by Kuwait men who wanted to pay us large sums of money for group sex, not once or twice but seemingly continually, we returned to the hotel after an hour and stayed there the three days.

You were constantly molested?

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really? there is no such a thing or have you experienced that there when you were a boy?

but i can say it is a cultural norm at the Christian societies and churches and orphanages hence hundreds of thousands abused kids by priests and staff. but all kept on the down-low as as you said.

and that is why Christian countries has the most child abuse offenders? because they are more civilized than Muslim?

please check the facts before brainwashed discriminate comments.

there is no such a thing

I was in Saudi and it is apparently normal for boys to have sex with each other because they can't have girlfriends. I would expect the same to apply in any country that has similar restrictions, like Iraq.

nonsense again.

you were In Saudi Arabi and they told you that? or you experienced that? or seen with your eyes? man, they kill you for that in Saudi Arabia sure(they kill even the spectators) and if they want sex, they go to BAE or other a bit less bigot Muslim countries and buy sex there from foreign hoes.

and anyway, lest say what you say is true, is it same as priests molesting kids at the churches? just bc they cant have girlfriends too?

You apparently haven't been in Saudi.

I lived in the same apartment as a western homosexual ( allocated housing by the company ) and he had loads of Saudi boyfriends he had sex with. Plenty of alcohol in Saudi too. It's only if the mutawa catch you that you have a problem.

BTW, I don't care if you believe me or not, so I won't be replying to anything else you post along those lines.

so you are talking about gay sex? yeah, all around the world, there are people doing it. so?

w were talking about child abuse. and if you are tellign me info from your gay friends in Saudi Arabia, possibly i dont trust as info might be partial.

still, sure not a great part of the world for a homosexual!

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...and OF COURSE, no one has ever heard of any European or Christian, raping little boys...


Oh well, then that makes it all right then does it? I guess child abuse by Roman Catholic priests makes it acceptable for Iraqi refugees who are being supported by the European taxpayer to rape 10 year old boys, does it?

In my opinion European governments need to 1) control the flow of refugees from Syria, Iraq and elsewhere into their territory, limiting it to the truly deserving (prioritizing women and children might be good first step) and 2) vigorously prosecute the corrupt Catholic church for its crimes (as well as any other religious organizations who exploit people).

actually put them into camps and keep them until the trouble is over in their countries of origin and send them right back there

Hitler would have loved you! :)

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...and OF COURSE, no one has ever heard of any European or Christian, raping little boys...


Oh well, then that makes it all right then does it? I guess child abuse by Roman Catholic priests makes it acceptable for Iraqi refugees who are being supported by the European taxpayer to rape 10 year old boys, does it?

In my opinion European governments need to 1) control the flow of refugees from Syria, Iraq and elsewhere into their territory, limiting it to the truly deserving (prioritizing women and children might be good first step) and 2) vigorously prosecute the corrupt Catholic church for its crimes (as well as any other religious organizations who exploit people).

actually put them into camps and keep them until the trouble is over in their countries of origin and send them right back there

Hitler would have loved you! smile.png

and just why is that exactly, I said nothing about exterminating millions of them in gas chambers - your inference is both offensive and disrespectful

Most people with a brain would understand that my meaning was to take care of them keep them safe feed them clothe them until they could return to their home countries

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...and OF COURSE, no one has ever heard of any European or Christian, raping little boys...


Oh well, then that makes it all right then does it? I guess child abuse by Roman Catholic priests makes it acceptable for Iraqi refugees who are being supported by the European taxpayer to rape 10 year old boys, does it?

In my opinion European governments need to 1) control the flow of refugees from Syria, Iraq and elsewhere into their territory, limiting it to the truly deserving (prioritizing women and children might be good first step) and 2) vigorously prosecute the corrupt Catholic church for its crimes (as well as any other religious organizations who exploit people).

actually put them into camps and keep them until the trouble is over in their countries of origin and send them right back there

Hitler would have loved you! smile.png

Strange thing to say. He wasn't advocating gas chambers, just sense. Putting them in camps keeps them safe, and the economic migrants won't come unless they can get to a Euro country.

Most of them are in camps already, or did you not realise that?

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  • 2 months later...

Married migrant who raped a ten-year-old boy at a swimming pool because he had not had sex for four months and it was 'a sexual emergency' pleads guilty in Austrian court
Continued: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3561786/Married-migrant-raped-ten-year-old-boy-swimming-pool-not-sex-four-months-sexual-emergency-pleads-guilty-Austrian-court.html

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Source of OP originated from islamophobic Breitbart. And was later 'confirmed' by extreme right local news outlet Kroner Zeitung. Previously owned by an WW2 ex-Kriegsmariner and after his death his newspaper became very popular, but criticised for support to Kurt Waldheim, Jorg Haider and Barbara Rosenkranz.

Moreover, photoshopped pictures were published in the beginning of the Syrian civil war.


All other news outlets repeated the same texts almost word by word.

No austrian official made a press conference. Even so, other, but unbiased austrian media outlets. Which I would look forward to read to make any conclusions.

At least I did my homework...

Note : Breitbart has no local reporters.

It was in The Daily Telegraph among other MSM.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Flying back from Bangkok wit Kuwait air i was stuck in Kuwait city because they went on strike. We were put up in 4 star hotels which was pleasant for three days, what was unpleasant was when five of us men decided to illegally explore the surroundings ( our passports were taken from us, we were to stay in the hotel) we were constantly molested by Kuwait men who wanted to pay us large sums of money for group sex, not once or twice but seemingly continually, we returned to the hotel after an hour and stayed there the three days.

Are you good looking, or were they after a 'bit of rough'?

At that time i was a slim 55 year old. The men accosting us were usually around 60 and fat wearing the usual white night dresses, Now i know the disgust that women feel when being accosted by me.

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kill that rapist guy! muslim or christian does not matter! this is rape not about a certain religion.

what a big mistake for EU to accept all those immigrants though.

coming from a country and belonging to a religion were it is accepted for a man to rape kids and abuse women - it is his god given right, exactly why ISIS is getting so many people joining up - they are nothing but a dirty bunch of scum paedophiles - 21 virgins that they are promised are all under 10 years old, that is the way they think and they are allowing millions of them into Europe Australia N America and Canada

hmm, a small search over internet shows me that UK is the No 4 country in this world with the most child sex abuse cases behind Zimbabwe! followed by, surprise surprise, USA. Wonder where is Australia on the list.

for example, sources say there were '19 000' child sex abuse cases alone during 2012 - 2013 in UK! dont tell me these are all muslim immigrants.

we have to mention the constant pedophile cases at the churches by priests too.

so, shall we say Christians are worst offenders on this before muslim?

shall we say this is all about the christian culture or shall we say all Christians or brits or murricans are pedos? of course not! because you cannot generalize a certain crime to a certain group, race or religion etc. it is all about the individuals. hello?

Possibly because such crimes are actually investigated in these countries which raises the statistical numbers whereas in Muslim countries i doubt many if any such crimes are taken seriously.

That's utter nonsense they would have bulldozed a wall on the kid for being gay.

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  • 5 months later...

Iraqi refugee who raped a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in a 'sexual emergency' has his conviction overturned because the Austrian court 'didn't prove he realised the boy was saying no'
Continued http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3860168/Iraqi-refugee-raped-10-year-old-boy-Theresienbad-swimming-pool-sexual-emergency-conviction-overturned-Austrian-court-didn-t-prove-realised-boy-saying-no-incident-Austria-December-2015.html 21/10/16

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The article does say he will remain in custody until the rape charge is retried.  He is not going free because of this and besides the sexual assault charge was upheld.

It does sound ridiculous,  but legal rulings on very narrow interpretations often do.



The appeal court said the initial ruling should have dealt with whether the offender thought that the victim had agreed with the sexual act, or whether he had intended to act against his will. 

The sentence was therefore lifted, although Amir is expected to remain in custody until the rape case returns to the regional court next year.


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The article does say he will remain in custody until the rape charge is retried.  He is not going free because of this and besides the sexual assault charge was upheld.
It does sound ridiculous,  but legal rulings on very narrow interpretations often do.

The appeal court said the initial ruling should have dealt with whether the offender thought that the victim had agreed with the sexual act, or whether he had intended to act against his will. 

The sentence was therefore lifted, although Amir is expected to remain in custody until the rape case returns to the regional court next year.


There is something called 'age of consent'

A 10 year old boy cannot give consent.

An adult male cannot use ignorance of the law as his defence.

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