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Prominent Buddhist monk fans anti-Muslim sentiment in Thailand


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Obviously the ISIS, Al Queda, etc muslims are a bad thing. But I agree with the above post with regards to extremists. We see it in all sides. While not all religions have Jihaads, the interpretations have led to most of the wars in mankind's existence. They led to the destruction of thousands of historical artifacts and pieces of knowledge at the hands of crusaders, conquistadors, and others. Certainly someone encouraging burning down mosques is part of the problem, and not the solution.

Just about all conflict in the world is due to religion

Well, that and oil, and the arms manufacturers and the 'rebuilding' companies.

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Obviously the ISIS, Al Queda, etc muslims are a bad thing. But I agree with the above post with regards to extremists. We see it in all sides. While not all religions have Jihaads, the interpretations have led to most of the wars in mankind's existence. They led to the destruction of thousands of historical artifacts and pieces of knowledge at the hands of crusaders, conquistadors, and others. Certainly someone encouraging burning down mosques is part of the problem, and not the solution.

Just about all conflict in the world is due to religion

Well, that and oil, and the arms manufacturers and the 'rebuilding' companies.

Religion is a tool for those behind those wars.

If it wasn't for religion anything else would do the same.

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What is happening in Southern Thailand is happening around the globe...Southern Philippines have been dealing with Muslim terrorists/separatists unsuccessfully for decades...Mid East, Africa, Americas, Europe....they are relentless, have little regard for human life...including their own...and want to take the entire world back to the male dominated stone age where women and infidel are to be used and abused as slaves...

Kudos to the folks who stand their ground against these inhumane animals...(OK, to all you bleeding hearts...there are good law abiding Muslims...I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

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Watch out for the Christians too!

The 2011 annual growth rate of Christians in Thailand was 5.22%. The 2011 annual population growth rate in Thailand was 0.57%. That means that the number of Christians was growing 9 times faster than the general population.

From 2008-2011 about one-third of all new church members for the whole country came from the province of Chiang Mai with 9.22% of all new church members for the whole country came from the city of Chiang Mai - versus the percent of the national population living in Chiang Mai at only 2.57%.

For both Muslims and Christian families, the birthrate has been much higher than for Buddhist families. So by mere biological nature, their religions will see greater growth.

Are the Christians of Chiang Mai murdering and bombing unbelievers too ?

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Obviously the ISIS, Al Queda, etc muslims are a bad thing. But I agree with the above post with regards to extremists. We see it in all sides. While not all religions have Jihaads, the interpretations have led to most of the wars in mankind's existence. They led to the destruction of thousands of historical artifacts and pieces of knowledge at the hands of crusaders, conquistadors, and others. Certainly someone encouraging burning down mosques is part of the problem, and not the solution.

Just about all conflict in the world is due to religion

And yet the 20th century had the most deaths from states that were proudly atheist (Stalin Russia and Maoist China).

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As mentioned in some posts in above, Islam is keep growing and spreading over and over,,

That's very true, every year there are 1000s of people are accepting Islam, here in Thailand, western nations etc..

many among these newly converted to Islam are high educated ones,

Well, but some are still insisting that Islam is abbreviated and solely represented in the so-called ISIS the vagabond strayed dogs misguided thieves that was main made by the global media propaganda in the hope to spread a bloody image about Islam that possible will bring people away, or at least will refrain whom thinking to adopt this new religion,

Unfortunately, all these attempts failed, despite this universal media war and fabricated propaganda just for the sake to demonize Islam,,, Islam still convincing many people from the west, east and over the global to be adopted and practiced peacefully,

A direct question to this monk or anyone else that against Islam, Islam has been here in Thailand for almost 700 years ago,

Buddhist, Muslims and other Thais from all colors lived together peacefully,

Just recently when the global media created what so-called IS, then Islam was so bad??

General advise: you guys opposing Islam because of the so-called IS, or fabricated accusation of terrorism etc, you should respect your brain and go read deeper and dig in the history and find out the truth, instead to be just a parrot to repeat what the media saying,,

then ask why westerns and easterners from all sort of people are accepting this ideology Islam?

Go to YouTube and listen to tens of 1000s of lectures about non-muslims whom accepted Islam, why they did so??

Are there any swords on their necks threatening them? free will decision? or something else?

Practice your free will please.. !!

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Watch out for the Christians too!

The 2011 annual growth rate of Christians in Thailand was 5.22%. The 2011 annual population growth rate in Thailand was 0.57%. That means that the number of Christians was growing 9 times faster than the general population.

From 2008-2011 about one-third of all new church members for the whole country came from the province of Chiang Mai with 9.22% of all new church members for the whole country came from the city of Chiang Mai - versus the percent of the national population living in Chiang Mai at only 2.57%.

For both Muslims and Christian families, the birthrate has been much higher than for Buddhist families. So by mere biological nature, their religions will see greater growth.

Really? Watch out for Christians? You come up with that for an answer to an article about a monk who is extolling violence towards violent muslims?

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What is happening in Southern Thailand is happening around the globe...Southern Philippines have been dealing with Muslim terrorists/separatists unsuccessfully for decades...Mid East, Africa, Americas, Europe....they are relentless, have little regard for human life...including their own...and want to take the entire world back to the male dominated stone age where women and infidel are to be used and abused as slaves...

Kudos to the folks who stand their ground against these inhumane animals...(OK, to all you bleeding hearts...there are good law abiding Muslims...I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

I have.

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What is happening in Southern Thailand is happening around the globe...Southern Philippines have been dealing with Muslim terrorists/separatists unsuccessfully for decades...Mid East, Africa, Americas, Europe....they are relentless, have little regard for human life...including their own...and want to take the entire world back to the male dominated stone age where women and infidel are to be used and abused as slaves...

Kudos to the folks who stand their ground against these inhumane animals...(OK, to all you bleeding hearts...there are good law abiding Muslims...I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

I have.

So have I, but then again, if all you watch is western media you're not likely to see much.

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What is happening in Southern Thailand is happening around the globe...Southern Philippines have been dealing with Muslim terrorists/separatists unsuccessfully for decades...Mid East, Africa, Americas, Europe....they are relentless, have little regard for human life...including their own...and want to take the entire world back to the male dominated stone age where women and infidel are to be used and abused as slaves...

Kudos to the folks who stand their ground against these inhumane animals...(OK, to all you bleeding hearts...there are good law abiding Muslims...I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

I have.

So have I, but then again, if all you watch is western media you're not likely to see much.

I don't have a single muslim friend who does not condemn violence from terrorists.

Although not friends, I do know people who support christian terrorists who kill people at health clinics in the USA.

Again, it's not about religion, but about people using religion to further their own goals.

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I have nothing against Muslims, Christians, Jews or Buddhists.

What I don't like are all these people in all religions that hijack the religion to extreme levels. I sure as hell don't like ISIS and on the other hand I don't like KKK either and they are Christians... That's the problem with extremists.

My own believes have changed from Christianity to Buddhism, not to/from the extreme parts but I believe that by helping others (especially the children) and not only strive for more and more wealth in life I will have a life that might actually make a difference for future generations!

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Unfortunately, it is religious extremists of any faith who cause the problems. They interpret their faith as superior to all others and cannot accept that religion is basically the historical laws by which, if people follow, society can exist in relative harmony.

Of course it is true that extremists cause problems. But Islam, by scripture, does not exist in harmony with those in an opposing religion. And thus even a merely conservative Islamic interpretation of their faith can cause problems for others. Saudi Arabia adheres to a conservative interpretation of Islam. Try living in anything close to a harmonious existence in Saudi as a Christian or a Jew. It gets even worse for those who are "not of the book".

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As mentioned in some posts in above, Islam is keep growing and spreading over and over,,

That's very true, every year there are 1000s of people are accepting Islam, here in Thailand, western nations etc..

many among these newly converted to Islam are high educated ones,

Well, but some are still insisting that Islam is abbreviated and solely represented in the so-called ISIS the vagabond strayed dogs misguided thieves that was main made by the global media propaganda in the hope to spread a bloody image about Islam that possible will bring people away, or at least will refrain whom thinking to adopt this new religion,

Unfortunately, all these attempts failed, despite this universal media war and fabricated propaganda just for the sake to demonize Islam,,, Islam still convincing many people from the west, east and over the global to be adopted and practiced peacefully,

A direct question to this monk or anyone else that against Islam, Islam has been here in Thailand for almost 700 years ago,

Buddhist, Muslims and other Thais from all colors lived together peacefully,

Just recently when the global media created what so-called IS, then Islam was so bad??

General advise: you guys opposing Islam because of the so-called IS, or fabricated accusation of terrorism etc, you should respect your brain and go read deeper and dig in the history and find out the truth, instead to be just a parrot to repeat what the media saying,,

then ask why westerns and easterners from all sort of people are accepting this ideology Islam?

Go to YouTube and listen to tens of 1000s of lectures about non-muslims whom accepted Islam, why they did so??

Are there any swords on their necks threatening them? free will decision? or something else?

Practice your free will please.. !!

High educated (sic) doesn't mean much. Money can buy a degree and still leave one an educated fool.

Please explain how the members of ISIS, who are following an orthodox version of the religion, are abbreviating it. How is it only them and 'vagabond stray dogs misguided thieves' spreading a bloody image about Islam when the ONLY place I can think of Islam spreading to the point it is now without significant bloodshed is Malaysia and Indonesia.

Let's ask the Buddhists in Afghanistan how badly they were treated before their eventual conversion or death. Or the Sikhs in what is now Pakistan. Or the Byzantine Christians in Turkey. Or perhaps the Coptic Christians in Egypt. Maybe the northern Africans which was Rome breadbasket? Perhaps the Spaniards would give a favourable review?

Islamic separatists have been committing violent acts since the 60's in Thailand. Doubt that one can argue with a straight face that the problems stem from ISIS.

My free will has led me to a sad realisation. Islam allows the most debased of the human race a vehicle from which they are morally justified in committing the most heinous of acts against their fellow man. It had violence dictated from the beginning and as the injunctions for violence have no end until the world is totally under Islamic control I see no problem with being a realist and calling a spade a spade. It's not being bigoted but rather a realist.

As such my family is educated as to the atrocities committed in the name of this theocracy based belief system that has been a source of misery to billions both in the countries it has an iron fist over and those other countries who's wealth in money, culture and scientific advances it has coveted.

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27,762 number of muslim based terrorists attacks since 9/11


And the number of Christian based state terrorist attacks on let's say, Iraq, Libya, Syria for example, would be?

the attacks against people of arab origin or appearance has gone through the roof in the USA.

Citation please. And not from CAIR's website but from FBI.

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"Bangkok-based Buddhist monk Maha Aphichat is unafraid of speaking his mind."

Bigots rarely are.

For every buddhist bigot there must be 10000 muslim bigots. Or is the oft-used lefty term "bigot" only supposed to be applied to non-muslim faiths?

Maybe the buddhists are getting just a little bit browned off with all the killing down south, carried out by the religion of peace of course.

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27,762 number of muslim based terrorists attacks since 9/11


And the number of Christian based state terrorist attacks on let's say, Iraq, Libya, Syria for example, would be?

Ahhh...the classic "Crusaders" argument

Responding with force against force doesn't make one the aggressor.

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In a sense Buddhism IS under threat in Thailand, at least in the 3 southernmost violence afflicted provinces. As is typical when Islam starts to dominate, ethnic and religious cleansing of non-Muslims occurs to the point where eventually 100% of the population becomes Muslim. In the three southernmost provinces, 80% of the population is already Muslim and out of Thailand's 3200 or so mosques, 2100 of them are located in these provinces despite only being home to 18% of Thailand's Muslim population (the vast majority of Thais incorrectly think that 90% or so of all Thai Muslims live there). I heard from a Thai based expat that the Thais are planning on building a mega Wat in one of these three southernmost provinces, perhaps to counter the growing Islamic (and anti-Thai separatist) influence in the region. I could imagine that there will be major religious divisions and possibly violence if this temple is built.

While I'm not sure it's always been this way (always as in historically over the last couple of hundred years since Islam first arrived in Indonesia/Malaysia/southern Thailand) but around 30% of all southern Thais are Muslim. In fact, even in Phuket there are as many mosques as Buddhist temples 37 vs. 38 (based on figures from a few years ago), while in Krabi you'd be hard pressed to find the Buddhist temples (there are some but not many) whereas mosques are everywhere. Even as far north as Ranong, everywhere from around 50km south of A. Muang is predominanently Muslim. I remember counting 11 mosques driving in from Phang-nga, but only 3 Buddhist temples. A. Muang and northern parts of Ranong are predominanently Buddhist though.

While I don't condone violence against anyone, if Islam becomes even more dominant than it currently is, especially in southern Thailand, the consequences to society could be quite significant. I wouldn't be surprised if Buddhist monks lead the charge against the islamization of Thailand, as has been happening in neighboring Myanmar. However, in Myanmar Buddhism seems to be in a much stronger position than in Thailand from my own observations.

You know, you could have bothered to devote 5 minutes to checking on your facts . Had you done that, you would have discovered that the 3 southernmost provinces were part of the Pattani sultanate or kingdom until about 100 years ago when it was annexed by Siam.. It was often a tributary region under Thai influence but kept at least a semi-independence for most of the tie. For centuries the composition of the population population has been mostly ethnic Malay Moslems. If anything, the population of non Moslems in those regions has increased since the formal annexation by Siam in 1909. If ignorance is bliss, you must be a very happy person

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What is happening in Southern Thailand is happening around the globe...Southern Philippines have been dealing with Muslim terrorists/separatists unsuccessfully for decades...Mid East, Africa, Americas, Europe....they are relentless, have little regard for human life...including their own...and want to take the entire world back to the male dominated stone age where women and infidel are to be used and abused as slaves...

Kudos to the folks who stand their ground against these inhumane animals...(OK, to all you bleeding hearts...there are good law abiding Muslims...I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

I have.

So have I, but then again, if all you watch is western media you're not likely to see much.

Is al-Azhar teaching that attacks against kuffirs is wrong?

What about Khomeini?

Perhaps the Salafis are?

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In a sense Buddhism IS under threat in Thailand, at least in the 3 southernmost violence afflicted provinces. As is typical when Islam starts to dominate, ethnic and religious cleansing of non-Muslims occurs to the point where eventually 100% of the population becomes Muslim. In the three southernmost provinces, 80% of the population is already Muslim and out of Thailand's 3200 or so mosques, 2100 of them are located in these provinces despite only being home to 18% of Thailand's Muslim population (the vast majority of Thais incorrectly think that 90% or so of all Thai Muslims live there). I heard from a Thai based expat that the Thais are planning on building a mega Wat in one of these three southernmost provinces, perhaps to counter the growing Islamic (and anti-Thai separatist) influence in the region. I could imagine that there will be major religious divisions and possibly violence if this

While I'm not sure it's always been this way (always as in historically over the last couple of hundred years since Islam first arrived in Indonesia/Malaysia/southern Thailand) but around 30% of all southern Thais are Muslim. In fact, even in Phuket there are as many mosques as Buddhist temples 37 vs. 38 (based on figures from a few years ago), while in Krabi you'd be hard pressed to find the Buddhist temples (there are some but not many) whereas mosques are everywhere. Even as far north as Ranong, everywhere from around 50km south of A. Muang is predominanently Muslim. I remember counting 11 mosques driving in from Phang-nga, but only 3 Buddhist temples. A. Muang and northern parts of Ranong are predominanently Buddhist though.

While I don't condone violence against anyone, if Islam becomes even more dominant than it currently is, especially in southern Thailand, the consequences to society could be quite significant. I wouldn't be surprised if Buddhist monks lead the charge against the islamization of Thailand, as has been happening in neighboring Myanmar. However, in Myanmar Buddhism seems to be in a much stronger position than in Thailand from my own observations.

There has been no Islamization in Myanmar, they've been living mostly in their own state minding their own business. The so-called buddhists leading the violence against them are monks in name only.
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In a sense Buddhism IS under threat in Thailand, at least in the 3 southernmost violence afflicted provinces. As is typical when Islam starts to dominate, ethnic and religious cleansing of non-Muslims occurs to the point where eventually 100% of the population becomes Muslim. In the three southernmost provinces, 80% of the population is already Muslim and out of Thailand's 3200 or so mosques, 2100 of them are located in these provinces despite only being home to 18% of Thailand's Muslim population (the vast majority of Thais incorrectly think that 90% or so of all Thai Muslims live there). I heard from a Thai based expat that the Thais are planning on building a mega Wat in one of these three southernmost provinces, perhaps to counter the growing Islamic (and anti-Thai separatist) influence in the region. I could imagine that there will be major religious divisions and possibly violence if this temple is built.

While I'm not sure it's always been this way (always as in historically over the last couple of hundred years since Islam first arrived in Indonesia/Malaysia/southern Thailand) but around 30% of all southern Thais are Muslim. In fact, even in Phuket there are as many mosques as Buddhist temples 37 vs. 38 (based on figures from a few years ago), while in Krabi you'd be hard pressed to find the Buddhist temples (there are some but not many) whereas mosques are everywhere. Even as far north as Ranong, everywhere from around 50km south of A. Muang is predominanently Muslim. I remember counting 11 mosques driving in from Phang-nga, but only 3 Buddhist temples. A. Muang and northern parts of Ranong are predominanently Buddhist though.

While I don't condone violence against anyone, if Islam becomes even more dominant than it currently is, especially in southern Thailand, the consequences to society could be quite significant. I wouldn't be surprised if Buddhist monks lead the charge against the islamization of Thailand, as has been happening in neighboring Myanmar. However, in Myanmar Buddhism seems to be in a much stronger position than in Thailand from my own observations.

You know, you could have bothered to devote 5 minutes to checking on your facts . Had you done that, you would have discovered that the 3 southernmost provinces were part of the Pattani sultanate or kingdom until about 100 years ago when it was annexed by Siam.. It was often a tributary region under Thai influence but kept at least a semi-independence for most of the tie. For centuries the composition of the population population has been mostly ethnic Malay Moslems. If anything, the population of non Moslems in those regions has increased since the formal annexation by Siam in 1909. If ignorance is bliss, you must be a very happy person

Are you saying that they are justifed in murdering non-Muslim non-Malay people?

Where if the uppity Buddhist Thais would know their place there would be peace and free ponies for everyone?

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In a sense Buddhism IS under threat in Thailand, at least in the 3 southernmost violence afflicted provinces. As is typical when Islam starts to dominate, ethnic and religious cleansing of non-Muslims occurs to the point where eventually 100% of the population becomes Muslim. In the three southernmost provinces, 80% of the population is already Muslim and out of Thailand's 3200 or so mosques, 2100 of them are located in these provinces despite only being home to 18% of Thailand's Muslim population (the vast majority of Thais incorrectly think that 90% or so of all Thai Muslims live there). I heard from a Thai based expat that the Thais are planning on building a mega Wat in one of these three southernmost provinces, perhaps to counter the growing Islamic (and anti-Thai separatist) influence in the region. I could imagine that there will be major religious divisions and possibly violence if this

While I'm not sure it's always been this way (always as in historically over the last couple of hundred years since Islam first arrived in Indonesia/Malaysia/southern Thailand) but around 30% of all southern Thais are Muslim. In fact, even in Phuket there are as many mosques as Buddhist temples 37 vs. 38 (based on figures from a few years ago), while in Krabi you'd be hard pressed to find the Buddhist temples (there are some but not many) whereas mosques are everywhere. Even as far north as Ranong, everywhere from around 50km south of A. Muang is predominanently Muslim. I remember counting 11 mosques driving in from Phang-nga, but only 3 Buddhist temples. A. Muang and northern parts of Ranong are predominanently Buddhist though.

While I don't condone violence against anyone, if Islam becomes even more dominant than it currently is, especially in southern Thailand, the consequences to society could be quite significant. I wouldn't be surprised if Buddhist monks lead the charge against the islamization of Thailand, as has been happening in neighboring Myanmar. However, in Myanmar Buddhism seems to be in a much stronger position than in Thailand from my own observations.

There has been no Islamization in Myanmar, they've been living mostly in their own state minding their own business. The so-called buddhists leading the violence against them are monks in name only.

So the Muslim Bengalis who call themselves Rohinga and have been invading the country are a figment of imagination?

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What is happening in Southern Thailand is happening around the globe...Southern Philippines have been dealing with Muslim terrorists/separatists unsuccessfully for decades...Mid East, Africa, Americas, Europe....they are relentless, have little regard for human life...including their own...and want to take the entire world back to the male dominated stone age where women and infidel are to be used and abused as slaves...

Kudos to the folks who stand their ground against these inhumane animals...(OK, to all you bleeding hearts...there are good law abiding Muslims...I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

I have.

So have I, but then again, if all you watch is western media you're not likely to see much.

Is al-Azhar teaching that attacks against kuffirs is wrong?

What about Khomeini?

Perhaps the Salafis are?

Lol have you ever heard Khomanei exort Iranians / muslims to kill kafirs ?

No didnt think so.

Have you heard any of the current bunch of running for US president call for the bombing of Iran ? Yeah I thought so..... trying to lump Iran in with Islamic terrorism is borne out by rhetoric but not facts.

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In a sense Buddhism IS under threat in Thailand, at least in the 3 southernmost violence afflicted provinces. As is typical when Islam starts to dominate, ethnic and religious cleansing of non-Muslims occurs to the point where eventually 100% of the population becomes Muslim. In the three southernmost provinces, 80% of the population is already Muslim and out of Thailand's 3200 or so mosques, 2100 of them are located in these provinces despite only being home to 18% of Thailand's Muslim population (the vast majority of Thais incorrectly think that 90% or so of all Thai Muslims live there). I heard from a Thai based expat that the Thais are planning on building a mega Wat in one of these three southernmost provinces, perhaps to counter the growing Islamic (and anti-Thai separatist) influence in the region. I could imagine that there will be major religious divisions and possibly violence if this

While I'm not sure it's always been this way (always as in historically over the last couple of hundred years since Islam first arrived in Indonesia/Malaysia/southern Thailand) but around 30% of all southern Thais are Muslim. In fact, even in Phuket there are as many mosques as Buddhist temples 37 vs. 38 (based on figures from a few years ago), while in Krabi you'd be hard pressed to find the Buddhist temples (there are some but not many) whereas mosques are everywhere. Even as far north as Ranong, everywhere from around 50km south of A. Muang is predominanently Muslim. I remember counting 11 mosques driving in from Phang-nga, but only 3 Buddhist temples. A. Muang and northern parts of Ranong are predominanently Buddhist though.

While I don't condone violence against anyone, if Islam becomes even more dominant than it currently is, especially in southern Thailand, the consequences to society could be quite significant. I wouldn't be surprised if Buddhist monks lead the charge against the islamization of Thailand, as has been happening in neighboring Myanmar. However, in Myanmar Buddhism seems to be in a much stronger position than in Thailand from my own observations.

There has been no Islamization in Myanmar, they've been living mostly in their own state minding their own business. The so-called buddhists leading the violence against them are monks in name only.
So the Muslim Bengalis who call themselves Rohinga and have been invading the country are a figment of imagination?
They are certainly a figment of yours...which country have they been invading ?
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What is happening in Southern Thailand is happening around the globe...Southern Philippines have been dealing with Muslim terrorists/separatists unsuccessfully for decades...Mid East, Africa, Americas, Europe....they are relentless, have little regard for human life...including their own...and want to take the entire world back to the male dominated stone age where women and infidel are to be used and abused as slaves...

Kudos to the folks who stand their ground against these inhumane animals...(OK, to all you bleeding hearts...there are good law abiding Muslims...I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

I have just not seen many stand up and denounce their radical brothers)

I have.

So have I, but then again, if all you watch is western media you're not likely to see much.

Is al-Azhar teaching that attacks against kuffirs is wrong?

What about Khomeini?

Perhaps the Salafis are?

Lol have you ever heard Khomanei exort Iranians / muslims to kill kafirs ?

No didnt think so.

Have you heard any of the current bunch of running for US president call for the bombing of Iran ? Yeah I thought so..... trying to lump Iran in with Islamic terrorism is borne out by rhetoric but not facts.

As he is the closest thing Shi'a have to a leader the question was what he was doing to protest against ISIS or others of their ilk.

It's worth noting your lack of addressing the Sufi or Salafi questions.

But to answer your question; Amir Taheri wrote a book, "Holy Terror: Inside the World of Islamic Terrorism" with the below quote.

Islam makes it incumbent on all adult males, provided they are not disabled or incapacitated, to prepare themselves for the conquest of [other] countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country in the world. . . . But those who study Islamic Holy War will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world. . . . Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those [who say this] are witless. Islam says: Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all! Does this mean that Muslims should sit back until they are devoured by [the unbelievers]? Islam says: Kill them [the non-Muslims], put them to the sword and scatter [their armies]. Does this mean sitting back until [non-Muslims] overcome us? Islam says: Kill in the service of Allah those who may want to kill you! Does this mean that we should surrender [to the enemy]? Islam says: Whatever good there is exists thanks to the sword and in the shadow of the sword! People cannot be made obedient except with the sword! The sword is the key to Paradise, which can be opened only for the Holy Warriors! There are hundreds of other [Quranic] psalms and Hadiths [sayings of the Prophet] urging Muslims to value war and to fight. Does all this mean that Islam is a religion that prevents men from waging war? I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.

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In a sense Buddhism IS under threat in Thailand, at least in the 3 southernmost violence afflicted provinces. As is typical when Islam starts to dominate, ethnic and religious cleansing of non-Muslims occurs to the point where eventually 100% of the population becomes Muslim. In the three southernmost provinces, 80% of the population is already Muslim and out of Thailand's 3200 or so mosques, 2100 of them are located in these provinces despite only being home to 18% of Thailand's Muslim population (the vast majority of Thais incorrectly think that 90% or so of all Thai Muslims live there). I heard from a Thai based expat that the Thais are planning on building a mega Wat in one of these three southernmost provinces, perhaps to counter the growing Islamic (and anti-Thai separatist) influence in the region. I could imagine that there will be major religious divisions and possibly violence if this

While I'm not sure it's always been this way (always as in historically over the last couple of hundred years since Islam first arrived in Indonesia/Malaysia/southern Thailand) but around 30% of all southern Thais are Muslim. In fact, even in Phuket there are as many mosques as Buddhist temples 37 vs. 38 (based on figures from a few years ago), while in Krabi you'd be hard pressed to find the Buddhist temples (there are some but not many) whereas mosques are everywhere. Even as far north as Ranong, everywhere from around 50km south of A. Muang is predominanently Muslim. I remember counting 11 mosques driving in from Phang-nga, but only 3 Buddhist temples. A. Muang and northern parts of Ranong are predominanently Buddhist though.

While I don't condone violence against anyone, if Islam becomes even more dominant than it currently is, especially in southern Thailand, the consequences to society could be quite significant. I wouldn't be surprised if Buddhist monks lead the charge against the islamization of Thailand, as has been happening in neighboring Myanmar. However, in Myanmar Buddhism seems to be in a much stronger position than in Thailand from my own observations.

There has been no Islamization in Myanmar, they've been living mostly in their own state minding their own business. The so-called buddhists leading the violence against them are monks in name only.
So the Muslim Bengalis who call themselves Rohinga and have been invading the country are a figment of imagination?
They are certainly a figment of yours...which country have they been invading ?

Don't know how a discourse can be had with you when you don't even remember the country you were talking about and was in the quotes you responded to.

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