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Why don't you forget about hookers and look for a normal woman,they do exist,even in Thailand.

I can assure you the Cowboy bargirls are normal women - except those working in Cockatoo...

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I meant normal as in they are not lavicious hookers,up for any perversion.

Wow, you must have struck lucky with your barfines! "Up for any perversion" is not always easy to find and comes at quite a price!


Thailand in general has gone downhill. Too many things have risen in price beyond their worth, Thais have become more rude, more materialistic, and just less pleasant to deal with. I know, not your gf or her family. I'm generalizing about observations in different cities over 15 years. Thais have incorporated the worst of the West but ignored some of the good things like attention to detail, customer service, and critical thinking.

Overall there is far less value for your money than years ago. I don't do the bar girl scene, I'm talking about life here in general. We used to joke (in a great way) about how nice the girls who worked at 7-11 were. Now, most won't say hi when you say hi (in Thai), and forget about them saying thank you. It was sort of a barometer for how nice people were here. There still are some, but it seems like the anti-foreigner sentiment has spread. There are exceptions, of course, but there is also a trend.

And to top it off, it's still better than living in the West. The West, at least some countries, and gone downhill at an even faster rate.

Yes Soi Cowboy has really gone DOWN HILL.

And no wonder with the cost of a beer as much as Baht 300.

And the Bar Fines as much as Baht 3000.

And the girls are getting restless and aggressive due to the lack of customers.

Jeeze, what bars are you going into? I usually pay about 160 baht for a beer, and, last I checked, bar fines were 600 baht in most. I know Tilac has upped it to 800 baht, which I think is too much. But 3000 baht? No way.

But yes, the girls are definately getting restless due to a slow high season, and a super slow low season. All I hear is complaints of 'no customers'. Of course, raising the prices of drinks and bar fines couldn't have something to do with it.

As for Soi Cowboy going downhill, well the whole country has been circling the drain for the past 5 to 10 years, so no surprise there.


Sorry but you're older, uglier and poorer

Not only that, but the OP is bemoaning the fact that the girls are now aware of their market value due to the fact they all talk on LINE and facebook to each other. I suggest the OP takes off to some backwards part of Laos or Cambodia where the village girls are too poor to even be able to afford a mobile phone. Maybe you'll find "value for money" there. Expecting things to stay that way in a mega city like Bangkok is not only selfish, its denying reality.


I can't seem to type anything in the above post, so I shall just type it here.

Eskatonia, would you please tell us where OP talks about their market value??

The OP talks about being harassed and even violently threatened to buy EVERY girl in the bar a drink. There is no mention of their rates or what they are worth. Unless, of course, you think every girl in the bar deserves at drink bought for them by one guy. I can't imagine what all of them had done to deserve that. Maybe you could enlighten us?

The think he said the bar was empty, except him, then he walked out after being irritated, which would have left a bunch of hookers sitting alone (at which point they would have begun sent messages to their friends boasting about their really high market value...according to you).

Really excited to hear your response to this. The only sensible response is, "I don't know what OP means".

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