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Why Do Farang Men Often Go Overboard When Discussing Their Thai Wives?


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Demeaning to women, reporting this rubbish.

Thanks for the heads up, you are making a difference on thaivisa, draining the ocean of misogyny one thimbleful at a time.

Have a good look around the site, I would venture that repetitive tendonitis is in your future from clicking report ad infinitum.

As an aside, while I view many of the attitudes on this board with disdain, I am even more disdainful of people like you who would report or hide from sight everything they don't agree with.

Perhaps you are uniquely suited for a PR job with the junta, you certainly seem to have what it takes - tolerance is overrated anyways

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I never doubt anything. However, for the purposes of idle banter, I think speculation on an expertise in tropical diseases offers far more potential than kicking off a bickering argument about whether someone is telling the truth or not, when only one person knows.

Anyway, this thread highlights why I try to steer a conservative course around personal topics, and you'll not find me being effusive about my wife or my Thai girlfriend or any of the rest of them


Fair point.

You're obviously aware of a story doing the rounds at present about how the evil Mr Fabricus is accusing someone of having done something "regrettable" way back in the year 2000.

In this instance two people know the truth. I know who the guy is and what he did. And he knows that I know.

I intended to start a thread about the psychology of lying. It would have been quite interesting to explain some of the ways in which people incriminate themselves online, but I figured this kind of stuff is perhaps a bit too academic for ThaiVisa.

Another interesting topic would concern the psychology of insults.

It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what. What s this story doing the rounds? Forgive the ignorance of a new poster.

Please expand. I'd indeed enjoy a thread about the psychology of lying. Never underestimate the academic contingent on here.

Here is the thread I intended to start. It's not formatted and I've not checked it for SPAG errors. You're welcome to use it as the basis of your own thread.


Forum Psychology: The Fine Art of Detecting Liars and Interpreting Insults
If you and I were to sit face to face in a pub you'd probably notice one or two strange mannerisms.
You might be puzzled, for example, by the way I nervously scratch my left hand when explaining that you can't see my Maserati today because it's being serviced.
Perhaps you'd pick up on how I fiddle with my index fingure when pointing out that unfortunately I have no photos of my penthouse in Monte Carlo.
And I'm sure you'd ponder this strange tendency of mine to blink repeatedly when I discuss my private Rothschilds account in Zurich.
Simply put, it's usually quite easy to detect liars in the real world, but often much harder online.
But it can be done, and usually only requires a basic understanding of easily-explained psychology.
Have you ever been insulted on this or any other online forum. If so, what did the other guy say about you?
And did you stop to consider the meaning of his insult?
The psychology here is also quite interesting: people will generally insult you using words and phrases which convey their own fears, sensitivities or insecurities.
Learning to "read" other people's insults is quite revealing.
1. Have you ever "outed" a liar online? How did the guy give himself away?
2. What insults have been levelled at you? And what do you think they said about the guy making them?
If this thread develops I'll tell you an extraordinary story I've come across over the last year or so.
It's the story of how Sherlock "Fabricus" Holmes employed the psychology of lying to track down and expose, well, perhaps I'll go into that later.
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Demeaning to women, reporting this rubbish.

Thanks for the heads up, you are making a difference on thaivisa, draining the ocean of misogyny one thimbleful at a time.

Have a good look around the site, I would venture that repetitive tendonitis is in your future from clicking report ad infinitum.

As an aside, while I view many of the attitudes on this board with disdain, I am even more disdainful of people like you who would report or hide from sight everything they don't agree with.

Perhaps you are uniquely suited for a PR job with the junta, you certainly seem to have what it takes - tolerance is overrated anyways

Sometimes a simple threat is all it takes, whether the action is actually carried out is another matter. Cry wolf once too many times and the forum gawds will ignore it rather than jumping for the' whack that post' button.

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I never doubt anything. However, for the purposes of idle banter, I think speculation on an expertise in tropical diseases offers far more potential than kicking off a bickering argument about whether someone is telling the truth or not, when only one person knows.

Anyway, this thread highlights why I try to steer a conservative course around personal topics, and you'll not find me being effusive about my wife or my Thai girlfriend or any of the rest of them


Fair point.

You're obviously aware of a story doing the rounds at present about how the evil Mr Fabricus is accusing someone of having done something "regrettable" way back in the year 2000.

In this instance two people know the truth. I know who the guy is and what he did. And he knows that I know.

I intended to start a thread about the psychology of lying. It would have been quite interesting to explain some of the ways in which people incriminate themselves online, but I figured this kind of stuff is perhaps a bit too academic for ThaiVisa.

Another interesting topic would concern the psychology of insults.

It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what. What s this story doing the rounds? Forgive the ignorance of a new poster.

Please expand. I'd indeed enjoy a thread about the psychology of lying. Never underestimate the academic contingent on here.

Here is the thread I intended to start. It's not formatted and I've not checked it for SPAG errors. You're welcome to use it as the basis of your own thread.


Forum Psychology: The Fine Art of Detecting Liars and Interpreting Insults
If you and I were to sit face to face in a pub you'd probably notice one or two strange mannerisms.
You might be puzzled, for example, by the way I nervously scratch my left hand when explaining that you can't see my Maserati today because it's being serviced.
Perhaps you'd pick up on how I fiddle with my index fingure when pointing out that unfortunately I have no photos of my penthouse in Monte Carlo.
And I'm sure you'd ponder this strange tendency of mine to blink repeatedly when I discuss my private Rothschilds account in Zurich.
Simply put, it's usually quite easy to detect liars in the real world, but often much harder online.
But it can be done, and usually only requires a basic understanding of easily-explained psychology.
Have you ever been insulted on this or any other online forum. If so, what did the other guy say about you?
And did you stop to consider the meaning of his insult?
The psychology here is also quite interesting: people will generally insult you using words and phrases which convey their own fears, sensitivities or insecurities.
Learning to "read" other people's insults is quite revealing.
1. Have you ever "outed" a liar online? How did the guy give himself away?
2. What insults have been levelled at you? And what do you think they said about the guy making them?
If this thread develops I'll tell you an extraordinary story I've come across over the last year or so.
It's the story of how Sherlock "Fabricus" Holmes employed the psychology of lying to track down and expose, well, perhaps I'll go into that later.

Can you do a thread please? Off topic but will answer. Go thread is better.

It's actually an involved process in determining online 'lies' where one has to sift through information, then it can become an obsessive disorder to the point of stalking someone. Just my take. Forums are for infotainment.

1) Several, but the trick is to let them out themselves, more fun.

2) Insults can be separated into several quantifiers. when all intelligent witty retorts fail, name calling and schoolyard bullying are last resorts.

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Posts removed.

If people have personal issues with others, Thai Visa is NOT the place to air them nor provoke others into an emotional response, that is regarded as Trolling.

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

I strongly suggest the parties concerned desist or take it elsewhere.

Thank you

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Can you do a thread please?

Nope. You now "control" the subject I intended to discuss.

Re-write my text in your own words and use that as your OP.

Keep the thread alive with replies that are simple, jaunty, and anecdotal.

Don't be shy!!

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Farang: Excuse me sir, are you happy with your wife?

Fabricus: Oh, she's a former model with two degrees.

Farang: So you're obviously quite happy then?

Fabricus: I am reasonably happy. I met her on a dating site.

Farang: I see. Let's leave it that.

Fabricus: But Admittedly I've not said this before that it's her cousin who I want to s**g, she's is one of Thailand's leading experts on tropical diseases.

Farang: Righon mate.

Fabricus: This would probably invite envy rather genuine curiosity.


Minnie you little devil you are truly a minx
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You have to admit, some guys on this forum do gush over their Thai wives a tad excessively. I don't have a problem with this as all these guys seem pretty happy. But farang men wouldn't typically gush over their farang wives like that. Maybe the difference is that older men with older wives are pretty used to the situation and see nothing special going on, as opposed to older men finding new love with a younger woman and actually having it work out well. Anyways, I see your point OP but these guys aren't hurting anybody.

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Farang: Excuse me sir, are you happy with your wife?

Fabricus: Oh, she's a former model with two degrees.

Farang: So you're obviously quite happy then?

Fabricus: I am reasonably happy. I met her on a dating site.

Farang: I see. Let's leave it that.

Fabricus: But Admittedly I've not said this before that it's her cousin who I want to s**g, she's is one of Thailand's leading experts on tropical diseases.

Farang: Righon mate.

Fabricus: This would probably invite envy rather genuine curiosity.


Minnie you little devil you are truly a minx


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Two different worlds....

Many started out and built a life with a western wife/advanced/had children......Mom and Dad working - mentally divorced from each other during the work day world....No real communication or it breaks down.....One's forced to be a workaholic - maybe one let's themself go or finds other interests....Pretty soon they are more apart than unioned/partnered.....

Paychecks might not be enough & a source of stress at payday and the growing family/raising prices & the must have status "things" to make believe they are still climbing aren't working anymore.....Bickering/lack of support/escapes/pressures take their toll.....Everybody's working at it - going through the motions of the grind of trying to be happy - but nobody is.....The cracks become 20+ year angry fractures ---> then the break/break up......Everyone did what they could - what they thought was right but still turned out bitter, angry, and wrong.....What they've been grinding away at/for for years has ended in hurt and disillusioned misery with some shame of failure for good measure & caring itimacy long buried under years of hurtful scar tissue......

Mine was a different path as a single dad.....I'm sure others also got here in other ways.....

Now - most are still stuck in the grind of their home country - a few ended up in other places/havens such as here....

Here they find pretty much what they were looking for when they first married - only - no money/living pressure....

No mental divorce through forced separation.....They are free to give each other unbridled quality affection and attention.....

It's a 24/7 honeymoon......And they feel good about it/life - and themselves - maybe for the first time in years....

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Farang: Excuse me sir, are you happy with your wife?

Fabricus: Oh, she's a former model with two degrees.

Farang: So you're obviously quite happy then?

Fabricus: I am reasonably happy. I met her on a dating site.

Farang: I see. Let's leave it that.

Fabricus: But Admittedly I've not said this before that it's her cousin who I want to s**g, she's is one of Thailand's leading experts on tropical diseases.

Farang: Righon mate.

Fabricus: This would probably invite envy rather genuine curiosity.


Minnie you little devil you are truly a minx


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Re: Post # 1

I'm a Yank, successfully married with a British lady, for more years than many of you blokes (on TVF) have been alive.

Am I happy with my wife? Absolutely, yes! Have we had our "ups & downs", throughout the years, you may ask? Yes again, and for the following reasons:

1- She can "cognitively" think for herself, and occasionally for me, as well.

2- She's a "no bull" personality, with plenty of character "grit", to plow thru the rough patches of life.

3- She has a keen sense of accountability, loyalty & responsibility.

4- She's got cockney street-smarts, but always friendly to people, who are friendly.

5- She's an avid reader, a challenging chess, and other board & card-games player.

6- She's a firm "no-nonsense, but loving, and devoted mother, grandmother, and gourmet cooking home-maker.

7- She's learned to speak conversational French, and Spanish, quite well, in addition to her fantastic Gaelic accented, guitar-player singing voice.

8- She's a 74-years young physically fit (eye-candy) looker, who still (easily) manages to get my number-one standing-up, and pay very close attention!

9- She earned her BA degree, and worked 20-years, in Houston, Texas, to (independently) earn her own retirement income base. She needs me not!

10- She's been a great first mate, since 1968. Plus, she's exemplary of a great many, and still available such womenfolk, remaining in Oceania, the EU, UK and USA.

Thus, I could never begin to fathom referring to my British bird, as "the bleedin mississ". Huh? Phew!coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Off topic posts and bickering removed.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

8) You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages, vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.

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The SoiBiker type forum personality, is the very subtle form of general troll "stalker", in my considered opinion. I'm amazed the moderators have failed to notice that behavior pattern, on his (SoiBiker) part, by now!coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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The SoiBiker type forum personality, is the very subtle form of general troll "stalker", in my opinion. I'm amazed the moderators have failed to notice that behavior pattern, on his part, by now!coffee1.gif

Agree 100%..... And aggressive.....

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I think there's a certain degree of 'trophy wife' displaying that goes on. Look at how many guys have their wife as their avatar, or take any opportunity to tell us their age, weight, educational status or degree of skin paleness.

You say it like it's a negative

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I think there's a certain degree of 'trophy wife' displaying that goes on. Look at how many guys have their wife as their avatar, or take any opportunity to tell us their age, weight, educational status or degree of skin paleness.

You say it like it's a negative

Kindly disregard my previous pre-edited post reply Bookman. In my haste, I failed to distinguish the difference, in reply poster name. Re: the SB bloke, just consider the source.

Cheers, and Happy Valentines Day, to you & your's wai.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Re: Post # 1

I'm a Yank, successfully married with a British lady, for more years than many of you blokes (on TVF) have been alive.

Am I happy with my wife? Absolutely, yes! Have we had our "ups & downs", throughout the years, you may ask? Yes again, and for the following reasons:

1- She can "cognitively" think for herself, and occasionally for me, as well.

2- She's a "no bull" personality, with plenty of character "grit", to plow thru the rough patches of life.

3- She has a keen sense of accountability, loyalty & responsibility.

4- She's got cockney street-smarts, but always friendly to people, who are friendly.

5- She's an avid reader, a challenging chess, and other board & card-games player.

6- She's a firm "no-nonsense, but loving, and devoted mother, grandmother, and gourmet cooking home-maker.

7- She's learned to speak conversational French, and Spanish, quite well, in addition to her fantastic Gaelic accented, guitar-player singing voice.

8- She's a 74-years young physically fit (eye-candy) looker, who still (easily) manages to get my number-one standing-up, and pay very close attention!

9- She earned her BA degree, and worked 20-years, in Houston, Texas, to (independently) earn her own retirement income base. She needs me not!

10- She's been a great first mate, since 1968. Plus, she's exemplary of a great many, and still available such womenfolk, remaining in Oceania, the EU, UK and USA.

Thus, I could never begin to fathom referring to my British bird, as "the bleedin mississ". Huh? Phew!coffee1.gif

The only thing I got out of this is that your 74 year old wife can still give you the woody. Impressive.

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