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Cost of cigarettes in Thailand rises 5-10 baht


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Typical arrogant reply from the likes of you.

You'll be happy to know Iam currently in process of swapping my Bt.1600 per week ciggie habit for an equally priced per week vaping (E-Cig) habit.

And I'll still blow it in your or anyone elses face that like to have a whinge.

But you'd not be blowing 2nd hand smoke as there is none to blow, even though it looks as f there is.

As I recall, no smoke from exhaled vaping.

Nice one Einstein. good to see you understand the function of an E-Cig.... did you notice I did not mention smoke. Or are your eyes painted on ?
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In our village the rice for the red L&M went up from 68 Baht to 90 Baht. Told the lady she can stick the cigis in her back as I will not buy again at the shop. Spend around 10,000 Baht a month at the shop and on average 300B a day.

Yeah cause the price rise is all her fault.

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Yep, 87 baht for my L&m's today :) coming from 68, 5 to 10 baht raise ?? I must be really bad at math........or are they ? :)

ANd no, I'm not going to smoke less for it.

Now for the anti smoking brigade, lots of posters have already mentioned the emissions, diesel and so on...... locals burning plastic and rubber.......A lot worse then cigs.

Back in the mid eighties when I was a teenager, you could smoke everywhere, remember sitting at Mc donalds, in my home town, anno 1986, having a Big mac and cig, nobody had an issue with it in those days. I remember my first flight to Thailand 1996, smoking seat :). I miss the ol' days 5555

Now, it is all hyped up, smoking is bad smoking pollutes, ........AS other posters said, well then get the cars off the road, planes out of the sky, ...........

I Will respect the non smoker no issues at all, but I expect the same from a non smoker. It is my personal freedom to smoke !!

Oh and u anti smokers, do not fart please, bad gasses..... especially not in public places.

If people would be a bit more accepting towards each other, the world could be a different place ! No I'm going to smoke a cig :)

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Fags being so cheap in LOS, I've spent the past six months smoking my face off, Wonder Kee-ow (the menthol ones, like smoking a tube of Colgate).


My lungs are in crisis. Genuinely, serious respiratory problems.

I did have the intention of giving up by using an electronic vapour fag but couldn't find them for sale there, apparently they've been banned.

Really want to pack it up now.


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As a non tobacco smoker I can give you my perspective. I can't smell air pollution but I can smell it when someone lights up a cigarette in a room behind me.

As someone with asthma, walking through a cloud of cigarette smoke on the street, or worse yet, walking behind someone who's smoking, makes my bronchial passages constrict within a few seconds. Sometimes it's not too bad and only lasts a few seconds but other times it feels like I'm breathing through a straw.

Other pollutants are triggers, certain dusts, smoke or the smell of a woman who marinated in perfume can cause it but cigarette smoke is the worst and the most obsequious.

I rarely went to restaurants in the Netherlands for over 10 years because of cigarette smoke and almost never went to bars.

About 10% of the world population has COPD. I'm sure most of them feel they should be able to go out to eat, drink, listen to bands, go to clubs, walk down the street without worrying if they're going to be able to breath.

People without COPD have other reasons not wanting to be around cigarette smokers:They don't want their clothes or hair to smell like smoke, don't want to get burned by some careless smoker walking by etc.

I'm sure most anti-smokers don't care what smokers do in private, as long as it doesn't inconvenience them. I'm sure they do think that their right to breath and be free of cigarette smoke outweighs any right of smokers to impose their habit on nonsmokers.

All those people hating on smokers. You don't drive a car then I reckon. And offcourse you walk around wearing a face mask right because you're so concerned about your health?! And if it's not about health please stop eating fish next to me, I really can't stand the smell. What...restaurant policy is to let people eat fish? Well then if that restaurant also allows people to smoke, <deleted>.

Most of us smokers smoke where it's allowed and truly we do care and try to minimise our habits around you. But when I walk down the street on sukhumvit road and a passenger covers there mouth and nose when they walk past me but ignore the insane traffic pollution next to them I smile and think ignorance is bliss.

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the finance ministry need to explain/investigate how their proposed 5-10 baht increase turned into 20-25 baht or 26-30%, something just not quite right there

or have they somehow managed to only apply such an increase to farangs - nothing would surprise me, don't understand why Thais are not complaining about this increase

Edited by smedly
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the finance ministry need to explain/investigate how their proposed 5-10 baht increase turned into 20-25 baht or 26-30%, something just not quite right there

or have they somehow managed to only apply such an increase to farangs - nothing would surprise me, don't understand why Thais are not complaining about this increase

My explanation is the media reported 3% 5-10 bht increase was solely focused on Thai manufactured cigs all imported tobacco was neglected to report on -typically happen with copy/paste journalism -Everything possible in amazing Thailand - so beer /wine next ready for the ride? I take it as a heavy smoker as a signal point to reconsider and try again to get rid of the habit a friend just passed me this book and the start is promising : Allan carr's "easy way to stop smoking" Edited by blueyeshk
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the finance ministry need to explain/investigate how their proposed 5-10 baht increase turned into 20-25 baht or 26-30%, something just not quite right there

or have they somehow managed to only apply such an increase to farangs - nothing would surprise me, don't understand why Thais are not complaining about this increase

My explanation is the media reported 3% 5-10 bht increase was solely focused on Thai manufactured cigs all imported tobacco was neglected to report on -typically happen with copy/paste journalism -Everything possible in amazing Thailand - so beer /wine next ready for the ride?

My L&M's went up by 23%. I believe they are not imported.

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the finance ministry need to explain/investigate how their proposed 5-10 baht increase turned into 20-25 baht or 26-30%, something just not quite right there

or have they somehow managed to only apply such an increase to farangs - nothing would surprise me, don't understand why Thais are not complaining about this increase

My explanation is the media reported 3% 5-10 bht increase was solely focused on Thai manufactured cigs all imported tobacco was neglected to report on -typically happen with copy/paste journalism -Everything possible in amazing Thailand - so beer /wine next ready for the ride?
My L&M's went up by 23%. I believe they are not imported.
They are look on the pack!
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the finance ministry need to explain/investigate how their proposed 5-10 baht increase turned into 20-25 baht or 26-30%, something just not quite right there

or have they somehow managed to only apply such an increase to farangs - nothing would surprise me, don't understand why Thais are not complaining about this increase

My explanation is the media reported 3% 5-10 bht increase was solely focused on Thai manufactured cigs all imported tobacco was neglected to report on -typically happen with copy/paste journalism -Everything possible in amazing Thailand - so beer /wine next ready for the ride?
My L&M's went up by 23%. I believe they are not imported.
They are look on the pack!

If you want to go local you either have to look in the bottom row of 7/11 or buy your pack of tobacco at the market and do a YouTube course on how to enrich and treat natural tobacco

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the finance ministry need to explain/investigate how their proposed 5-10 baht increase turned into 20-25 baht or 26-30%, something just not quite right there

or have they somehow managed to only apply such an increase to farangs - nothing would surprise me, don't understand why Thais are not complaining about this increase

My explanation is the media reported 3% 5-10 bht increase was solely focused on Thai manufactured cigs all imported tobacco was neglected to report on -typically happen with copy/paste journalism -Everything possible in amazing Thailand - so beer /wine next ready for the ride?
My L&M's went up by 23%. I believe they are not imported.
They are look on the pack!

You are correct. seems they come from the Philippines.

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I wonder if there was one journalist out there doing a proper research and put 10 min of his own work behind the news and mentioned that insane increase on imported tobacco instead of copy and paste from your neighbor. So far I couldn't see any news about it what a poor mirror they have to look into.

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Cigarette tobacco is rated in 5 ratings.The US Tobacco companies buy the number one and two rated leaves,blend them together for their products.The number three mixed with number four is the blend that is used in ALL tobacco that sold here in Asia that does not have a correct BLUE stamp on the top.The number five tobacco is normally used for snuff and chewing tobacco.So if you smoke cigarettes here you are paying for a poor quality product,but what do you care what grade of tobacco kills you.Keep smoking but please leave your wife or girlfriend enough money for the both of us.

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I bought a carton of L&M Red, a couple of days ago, from the 'kaai song' & paid 690, up from 640. That's bang on 5B per pack which seems a bit low for the brand.

I was paying Bt.680 for a sleeve of L&M Blue. Today it is Bt.825.

Today I was quoted 870, at the same shop, but she gave me back 160 change from 1000. Maybe it was a refund for overcharging me on the old stock last time...

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Just bought a pack of Krong Thip at a 7-11. Yesterday the price was 67, this morning 86. RIP OFF!

I paid 87 for LM red. Time to order more taxfree cigalettes.

So that's a raise of 20! baht, not 5-10....

Edited by Thian
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Just bought a pack of Krong Thip at a 7-11. Yesterday the price was 67, this morning 86. RIP OFF!

LM from 68 to 87 THB as well, slightly over 5-10 baht it seems....

I guess that soon there will be illegal cigarettes sold on the markets.....Or homemade ones with thai tobacco inside.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't read the entire thread as it degenerated into the usual sand-box fight after the holier-than-thou anti-tobacco lobby wanted their opinion to be heard.

Smokes have gone up 25 Bt. Just in case it wasn't mentioned earlier.

Edited by KarenBravo
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LM up 20 Baht in 711

Yup, but how is it possible when the government said they would raise the price with 5-10 baht????

The 5 to 10b rise was for locally produced cigarette.... imported ciggies seem to have been hit nearly double.

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LM up 20 Baht in 711

Yup, but how is it possible when the government said they would raise the price with 5-10 baht????

The 5 to 10b rise was for locally produced cigarette.... imported ciggies seem to have been hit nearly double.

Can someone name any locally produced cigarettes? Can anyone name any cigarettes that have increased price by between 5 and 10 Baht?

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LM up 20 Baht in 711

Yup, but how is it possible when the government said they would raise the price with 5-10 baht????

The 5 to 10b rise was for locally produced cigarette.... imported ciggies seem to have been hit nearly double.

Can someone name any locally produced cigarettes? Can anyone name any cigarettes that have increased price by between 5 and 10 Baht?

Wonder,sms... And a half dozen more which are in the lower rack of 7/11

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