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Becoming A Member Of The Foreign Service


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I have closedly followed this forum for almost 6 months now and feel it is time to step forth and offer each and every one of you a Michelonian citizenship thereby avoiding the many pitfalls that we face as vsiitors to nations within Asia.

Under our Constitution and Bill of Right, all citizens have the right and are even encouraged to maitain dual citizenship.

Requirement for citizenship is that you hold a valid Passport of any Nation recognized by the United Nations, that you are at least 21 years of age and that you are able to communicate in written and spoken English.

Within the next few weeks we will be issuing the requirements for paperwork to attain our nations citizenship. There is a small fee to cover the cost of processing the applications.

Passports can be issued and requirements are very simple. Agian a small fee is required for a 6 year Passport.

There are some upcoming poitions within our Foreign Service and we will announce the Application Requirements in the near future. The positions are pro bono, however, benefits such as Diplomatic Passports are available. Anyone interested should add their comments ot this post. There will also be a web site established in the near future, to handle any qeustions that you may have and to keep you abreast of your rights and duties as future citizens of Michelonia.

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I would like to apply for the position of Consul-General at your future Pattaya-Michelonian Consulate, and any diplomatic immunity that this would incur.

May I suggest purchasing a small island in the Andaman Sea from the Military Junta in Myanmar to base your new country, as this would make visa runs simpler for any citizens who do not qualify for a diplomtic passport.


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Does anyone remember the movie "The Mouse that roared" It was Peter Seller as the head of a small nation that declared war onthe United Staets and then surrendered and received countless millions in foreign aid. Another twist would be to follow the example of Libyia and surrender our potential means of making WMD and then get financial aid from the World Bank, United Nations and other institutions of nations. WISH I HAD THE MONEY TO ACTUALLY BUY A SMALL ISLAND!!!

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Hi Mouse

You should be one of the 2 who escaped from my hospital a couple of months ago.

We already got back "Napoleon" since was pretty easy to recognize, what about you? Do you want go back home? All your friends are waiting for you: spider man, Napoleon, Nerone, Stalin ....

pleaaaaase come back home

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No DUKE69 I am not one that escaped from anywhere. Just a bored farang that has a broadband connection and a lot of time on his hands. And having a great time playing around. Nothing wrong with that is there? It think that the rest of the world takes things too serious.

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I went to your site, mouse  , congrats on your next baby due, your kids look great and your daughter is obviously pretty smart, to upload photos herself

I think that she is a pretty smart cookie and she insist instead that she is cookie smart

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