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Chao Phraya murder case highlights potential link between crime and visa overstays


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I have overstayed a few times worst was 20000 Baht worth but never had the urge to chop someone up and dump body in Chao Phrara river so all over stayers are not murderers.

What a compelling argument for allowing overstayers ....

More a compelling argument against the ludicrous link that's been invented by the Thai authorities. As someone has pointed out, any criminal worth his salt would do quite the opposite: no overstaying; no drawing attention to him/herself through ignoring basic rules.

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To the contrary, i would say the majority of folks on overstay are just plain skint rather than criminals.

one dead man and a killer with an overstay hardly a link makes

True, especially when the accused having entered Thailand 200 times previously and it's only mentioned he was on an overstay during the murder.

I think the connection is, the accused murderer's plan, caused the overstay.

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Up ro 3 pages already here of mostly tapdancing, rationalising, excuse making, deflecting, and even accusations of victimization and persecution of those poor, naughty-but-well-meaning-farangs who do a little harmless extra time here.

All visas have an expiry date clearly marked, and only a mentally handicapped person could fail to realize this is important and means something and ignore it....mentally handicapped OR CRIMINALS, and say, doesn't the very act of itself qualify you for one of those two designations?


Nobody says overstaying is legal.Just said over stayers are no murderers therefor there is no connection at all.So the Thai newspaper article is incorrect

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Just another load of garbage spouted by witless buffoons..and that covers many both on and off ‘tinternet

It is painfully obvious that the Hotels/guest houses, private renters etc INSIDE this messed up place are not doing their guest/ rental agreement notifications as required by Thai Immigration rules.

This guy had ALREADY LEFT thailand …he was in Cambodia for <deleted> sake

I suggest your get your facts right, he was on a 2 month overstay when the Police suspect he committed the murder, when his face was shown on TV he THEN fled to Cambodia

Yeah it was an overstay but the more relevant thing is the number of trips he had had in and out in the past 7 or 10 years, something like 200 trips reported?

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I have read several other posts...I still believe these overstays are criminals, should be fined

B50,000 for overstay and banned from entering Thailand for 5-10 years. This should

Illuminate the drunks, no money trash that lie about their income and hopefully have a

Better group of Westerners remaining in Thailand. I am all for the Embassy's checking

For outstanding arrest warrants as the US Embassay does when you renew your financial

letter each year. This should send some of the deadbeats back to their home Countries,

Especially thiose that ran out on their child support and financial obligations. Irresponsible


Trully hope that u r not part of that group of better westerners u rant abt ! (well most likely u never even have been in Thailand once.

How about putting a high fence around Thailand and ban all foreigners from visiting this will really lower the death rate from foreigners getting killed by Thais.

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Thailand would be a much safer and better place

To live and retire if the only Visas that were allowed

We're the OA if you meet criminal,and medical

As well as financial requirements, issued in your own

Country. Educational, never to exceed 24 months,Tourist

30days per year with the abilityto renew for an additional

30 days per year, work for true professionals, ( only certified,

Qualified,licensed teachers in their own Country may apply,to

Teach). Marriage Visa only with proof of income to support

Wife and child, minimum monthly income B40K.

Life would be much better, less criminals, drunks,perverts

And low life trash running from the police in their own

Countries. It would really be "Land Of Smiles"

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Thailand would be a much safer and better place

To live and retire if the only Visas that were allowed

We're the OA if you meet criminal,and medical

As well as financial requirements, issued in your own

Country. Educational, never to exceed 24 months,Tourist

30days per year with the abilityto renew for an additional

30 days per year, work for true professionals, ( only certified,

Qualified,licensed teachers in their own Country may apply,to

Teach). Marriage Visa only with proof of income to support

Wife and child, minimum monthly income B40K.

Life would be much better, less criminals, drunks,perverts

And low life trash running from the police in their own

Countries. It would really be "Land Of Smiles"

Can you possibly imagine the number of retired people in Thailand you would upset if your wishes were to come true with your rant?

And of course don't forget the volunteer visas, or does human rights fall against your agenda as well? Lets not even mention TE either........................wink.png

As stated in an earlier post in this thread, the people doing the most damage to Thailand are already here and active on a proper visa status. What you are suggesting, IMO, is cleaning up the facade but not addressing the real problem.

There are always ways around immigration problems and these will always be exploited.

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Their tightening of the rules on overstay will not affect anyone other than those who overstay. None of the other Visas or extensions have been tightened. If you are referring to questioning why someone resides on tourist visas- this has always been against the rules. This has nothing to do with over-stayers. Overstay is victim-less- the police simply have another tool to either blacklist someone or make 'arrangements' so they can stay. Most overstays are skint, just can't come up with money to extend or leave to get a new Visa. They are not criminals and do not engage in criminal activities. The actual foreign criminals are here on valid visas and extensions because their criminal enterprises fund them. You will find most of them in the tourist areas- they are visible- You will also find others 'working' behind closed doors.

Changes in the rules for overstaying is just one example. There is an overall tightening of immigration rules—enforcement of rules, where they were slack before, is tightening. Back to back visa-runs were not against the rules before, but are not allowed now. Several of the multiple entry visa options are no longer available. More questioning and double-checking on long-term visas is occurring. More police-checks, hotels, and in-country transport are requiring your passport, etc. ad infinitum.

Whether or not overstayers--anyone who wants to stay here on a tourist-entry, people who do not complete the required reporting, those who falsify needed documents, or even those who enter the country without going through immigration--are criminals may be debatable, but they are breaking the law.

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To the contrary, i would say the majority of folks on overstay are just plain skint rather than criminals.

one dead man and a killer with an overstay hardly a link makes

i agree, however we are all waiting for the links in the murder case between the Money Artur had and his GF and the Thai male whatever he is, might never hear anything as economic inducement silnces many things.wai2.gif

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To the contrary, i would say the majority of folks on overstay are just plain skint rather than criminals.

one dead man and a killer with an overstay hardly a link makes

Agreed, but it makes a great headline if your a young upwardly mobile journalist don't ya think?

And it then it makes such a great topic for w@nking over the word overstay--again. thumbsup.gif

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hmm so overstayers are now criminals /murderers etccoffee1.gif

I lived and worked in Bangkok from 2000/2012 in that time i met a few dodgy souls and a few hardened criminals

The criminals had their papers in order because they could pay for it( and NO DOUBT still can and do) so they could stay under the radar, they might be criminals stupid they aren't facepalm.gif

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Just another load of garbage spouted by witless buffoons..and that covers many both on and off ‘tinternet

It is painfully obvious that the Hotels/guest houses, private renters etc INSIDE this messed up place are not doing their guest/ rental agreement notifications as required by Thai Immigration rules.

This guy had ALREADY LEFT thailand …he was in Cambodia for <deleted> sake

I agree with most of your point; however, perhaps hotels, etc... are reporting guests to the proper authorities. Definition of proper authorities: black hole.

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Overstaying your visa is a victimless crime and has been treated that way for years. the majority of people on overstay are without funds and living from day to day or month to month on a meager stipend. They do not steal or cause other problems for anyone. The real criminals are ones that comply with the Visa requirements and continue their criminal enterprise or have enough funds to get 'fixers' to handle their Visa issues. To those posters who want to expel over-stayers, jail them, or worse- you should try some human compassion. None of these people are bothering you and they have no affect on your lifestyle. You can see the real criminals everywhere- try looking- they are among you.

Some farang without funds????? You are joking man. They overstay not because they cannot afford a little extension fee but because these brainless guys show macho behavior when they drink their beers on a bar stool. Oh, just 3 years overstay? I am already on 5 years.... Any overstayer is either somebody who wants to disappear from the radar (therefore a criminal) or because he has no brains!. And I am talking about farang here not about Burmese daywage workers...

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I have read several other posts...I still believe these overstays are criminals, should be fined

B50,000 for overstay and banned from entering Thailand for 5-10 years. This should

Illuminate the drunks, no money trash that lie about their income and hopefully have a

Better group of Westerners remaining in Thailand. I am all for the Embassy's checking

For outstanding arrest warrants as the US Embassay does when you renew your financial

letter each year. This should send some of the deadbeats back to their home Countries,

Especially thiose that ran out on their child support and financial obligations. Irresponsible


I think every foreigner who comes here and pays to sleep with a prostitute should be deported. They are breaking the law too, so they must also be disrespecting this wonderful country in which they are guests. Strangely though, Thai Visa posters such as yourself are far more vocal about those who break the law by overstaying their visas than you are about those who break the law by sleeping with hookers. I wonder why that is..........? If we are aiming for a 'better group of Westerners' in Thailand, I'd rather we started by slinging out the pathetic idiots who sleep with, then marry, prostitutes. They are an embarrassment to the rest of us.

Impossible, the sex business is too important for Thailand's economy! But what about this: any foreigner staying on a tourist visa for more than 3 months per year needs to pay 30 USD per day in order to continue to stay in beautiful Siam? We would get rid of all these cheap charlies, move more towards quality tourists as Bhutan does and get a lot of money for GO budget.

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Of. Course there are exceptions to every rule, that being

Said, a responsible father who wants to support his two children

Should never "slip" and forget to report to Immigration. It is

A privilege and to live in another Country and you are a guest

In the Country. And should have respect for its rules?

not necessarily, at least that was the conclusion of the Nuremberg trials

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Im offering reasonably priced counseling for people that are having problems controlling their stress levels due to the sight of people that they perceive to have a lower income then themselves. if you suffer from a percecution complex caused by the sight of people that you suspect are cheap charlies please pm me for details

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Im offering reasonably priced counseling for people that are having problems controlling their stress levels due to the sight of people that they perceive to have a lower income then themselves. if you suffer from a percecution complex caused by the sight of people that you suspect are cheap charlies please pm me for details


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hmm so overstayers are now criminals /murderers etccoffee1.gif

I lived and worked in Bangkok from 2000/2012 in that time i met a few dodgy souls and a few hardened criminals

The criminals had their papers in order because they could pay for it( and NO DOUBT still can and do) so they could stay under the radar, they might be criminals stupid they aren't facepalm.gif

They don't care about criminals, they can suddenly wash their sins and enjoy their life for the next 5/6 years at 500,000 baht "only".

For the ones younger than 50.

It's all about milking more money, nothing to do with "ethics" or "making Thailand a better place".

Edited by lkv
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Thailand would be a much safer and better place

To live and retire if the only Visas that were allowed

We're the OA if you meet criminal,and medical

As well as financial requirements, issued in your own

Country. Educational, never to exceed 24 months,Tourist

30days per year with the abilityto renew for an additional

30 days per year, work for true professionals, ( only certified,

Qualified,licensed teachers in their own Country may apply,to

Teach). Marriage Visa only with proof of income to support

Wife and child, minimum monthly income B40K.

Life would be much better, less criminals, drunks,perverts

And low life trash running from the police in their own

Countries. It would really be "Land Of Smiles"

You benefit from corruption too. If the country were the safe, sanitized, rule-heavy country you describe there, then eventually it would become similar to the developed country you left to come here.

How does a higher cost of living sound? A higher retirement age and more stringent financial requirements than a measly 800k Baht?

Local women that don't require a western husband? With a smart, educated populace the bar and prostitution scene would dry up and let's face it, the majority of us become involved with impoverished women from or connected to that scene.

Be careful what you wish for. Sure there'd be less criminals but it'd be a lot less fun too.

Edited by jspill
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Overstaying your visa is a victimless crime and has been treated that way for years. the majority of people on overstay are without funds and living from day to day or month to month on a meager stipend. They do not steal or cause other problems for anyone. The real criminals are ones that comply with the Visa requirements and continue their criminal enterprise or have enough funds to get 'fixers' to handle their Visa issues. To those posters who want to expel over-stayers, jail them, or worse- you should try some human compassion. None of these people are bothering you and they have no affect on your lifestyle. You can see the real criminals everywhere- try looking- they are among you.

Just as a Spaniard, overstaying, no money, forces a countryman to transfer $1M+, then kills him, is not bothering me, not affecting my lifestyle.

This is an extreme case, admittedly, but I'm sure there is a whole range of petty crime committed by down and outs In an effort to dtay afloat.

These people are worthless to Thailand, contributing little to nothing to the economy.

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First they came for the overstayers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not an overstayer.

Then they came for the perpetual tourists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a perpetual tourist.

Then they came for the English teachers, and I did not speak out

Because I was not an English teacher.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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