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What Job Options Are There?

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Having fallen head over heels in love with the LOS, I’m seriously looking into moving out and finding work there. I’m really after some suggestions of what options are available to me (other than falang boys ago-go) :o

Im an engineer by trade, and a retained fire fighter would either of these be of any use in Thailand? One of the girls I met says her English friend is a ‘gin-gineer’ and claims to earn 100k a month! Is this possible or does it sound like a story to impress the poor girl?

I’ve been told Thai firefighters earn a poor wage, and are foreigners allowed to join?

I’m also considering doing a TEFL course and teaching, with a view to doing private lessons after a while, would this be a good idea or is the country flooded with wannabe teachers?

Any help will be greatly appreciated

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Being an engineer suspect you have a degree which is better than many of the people who play their hand at teaching so if you believe you would like that is should be available. The pay is not great for basic teaching but there is opportunity for those with ability I believe (not a teacher - you should probably start reading the teaching forum). With the current crackdown on illegal employment suspect the need for teachers will increase. Engineering jobs seem to come and go but most would be filled by home company transfers I suspect. I don't believe fire fighting would be open to a non Thai speaker.

But a word of caution - many people get bit and make decisions too quick and later have a hard time. If you have decent employment now I would think it though a few times. Living here and trying to make a living is far different than a few weeks vacation.

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A 100K wow...

Lets explain what a 100K lifestyle is in Thailand.

It is all the food you could ever eat, any clothes you could ever dream of, AC all the time, taxis if you want... basically what you have with around 40K US, a full tank of gas, & warm water. A 100K to a Thai may mean a lot in raising the bar for their standard of living... but it will not mean squat to a farang. Don't kid yourself stay where you are.

No, if you don't care about standards of living etc, by all means come on over. But don't expect a 100K to give a P. Diddy life style of BMW's/Mercedes, 5 acre yards, Huge 6K SQF homes, boats etc.

Nope, you will need more like 500K a month for that. To be rich in US standards in Thailand, you have to be insane rich here to achieve that type of life.

Good luck to you.

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Everyone on this board has been there... :D

You're lucky you've got a trade which I imagine opens up a few job opportunities...But this, FWIW is my advice...

Firstly, I'd take a few months extended "holiday"...maybe it'll get it out of your system...If not, I seriously suggest what a lot of guys do...work abroad on short contracts and then live in LOS...3 months on 3 months off... Work is work...but earning baht ain't the same as earning £'s $'s or €'s ....

I can't imagine living in LOS on schoolteacher money... :D

Remember if you decide to come...What do you want? A long holiday? The women? What is your real motivation? Be honest with yourself... :D

Because it probably isn't going to be for the money... :D

Good luck in whatever you do... :o

Edited by RAZZELL
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Everyone on this board has been there... :D

You're lucky you've got a trade which I imagine opens up a few job opportunities...But this, FWIW is my advice...

Firstly, I'd take a few months extended "holiday"...maybe it'll get it out of your system...If not, I seriously suggest what a lot of guys do...work abroad on short contracts and then live in LOS...3 months on 3 months off... Work is work...but earning baht ain't the same as earning £'s $'s or €'s ....

I can't imagine living in LOS on schoolteacher money... :D

Remember if you decide to come...What do you want? A long holiday? The women? What is your real motivation? Be honest with yourself... :D

Because it probably isn't going to be for the money... :D

Good luck in whatever you do... :o

razzel's right, come down to earth..........best is to earn abroad and visit,, I stayed 2 years strait one time,,,,, big mistake :D

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"Engineer" is a broad term, not usually used in the context of a "trade", as it is considered a profession.

If indeed, you are a degreed engineer, especially with Petrochemical experience, you can get a job in Thailand making a hundred thousand baht a month. We pay Thai Engineers with 10-15 years eperience in that range. Farangs in 3-500K range.


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Until my recent trip to LOS i must admit i was very materialistic, and did indeed want a nice shiney 5 series and a semi-detatched. Now I've realised its not what you have that makes you happy, its what you make of what you've got.

I'm not a degree holder, only ONC and HNC but I was wondering if the 9 years with international Pharmaceutical Co would be worth anything?

Thaihome, any suggestions as to where to start looking for engineering work? I'm currently reading through jobsdb.com

Razzle, I think what i really want is to see smiling faces on my way home from work, to be able to stop off for a drink and make conversation with whoever happens to be sitting there, warm evenings and basic living without the competitive nature the majority of the West has. Hope that made sense?

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Razzle, I think what i really want is to see smiling faces on my way home from work, to be able to stop off for a drink and make conversation with whoever happens to be sitting there, warm evenings and basic living without the competitive nature the majority of the West has. Hope that made sense?

Perfect Sense :o

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Until my recent trip to LOS i must admit i was very materialistic, and did indeed want a nice shiney 5 series and a semi-detatched. Now I've realised its not what you have that makes you happy, its what you make of what you've got.

I'm not a degree holder, only ONC and HNC but I was wondering if the 9 years with international Pharmaceutical Co would be worth anything?

Thaihome, any suggestions as to where to start looking for engineering work? I'm currently reading through jobsdb.com

Razzle, I think what i really want is to see smiling faces on my way home from work, to be able to stop off for a drink and make conversation with whoever happens to be sitting there, warm evenings and basic living without the competitive nature the majority of the West has. Hope that made sense?




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I’ve been told Thai firefighters earn a poor wage, and are foreigners allowed to join?

Professional firefighters are part of the police (no hope to join), and the rest are unpaid community volonteers, where you can join if they take you. Thai language skills though would be more than an advantage.

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Razzle, I think what i really want is to see smiling faces on my way home from work, people telling me how hansum I am, to be able to stop off for a drink and make conversation with whoever happens to be sitting there, warm evenings and basic living without the competitive nature the majority of the West has. Hope that made sense?

I think what you are referring to is a vacation, not real life.

Can I ask if there's a woman involved here ?

I may be a cynic - but it sounds like you went to Pattaya/Phuket on holiday, were probably very popular with the ladies/boys/tailors/waitresses, had a great time & now want to make it permanent.

I've been working here for 9 years, there are not smiling faces everywhere and you cannot strike up a conversation with anyone that happens to be sitting there. Try it in the Q Bar, try it on the skytrain, try it in Tops, Central or Emporium !

Places that cater for tourists & single gentlemen ARE like that - but when you live here - you won't be spending the majority of your time there - ESPECIALLY if you take a low paid job.

Tread carefully my friend.


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maybe not in bangkok, but there are plenty of smiling faces to chat with in smaller villages, especially on the islands. try to think of a way to do business online and you can work from anywhere.

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After 5 years of work in Bkk, I can only agree with Pedro. Appart, well, in general people are nice, but yes, try to speak with a secretary in the BTS at 7 pm when come back home after work, she will react like a secreatary in USA or europe at the same moment ... Well as she is thai she will smile, but fact she will also think ...

The dream about the work online and earn money as proposed by girlx is a great , very great ... dream.

In work online yopu have the word work. To generate revenue by internet it need as for any work lot of energy, self dedication , entrpeneurial sense and the most of all, you have to be able to put yourself at your office (read in front of the puter) during the same amount of time as if you were in an office. Also, the rules on internet is : the only people who earn regualry money are the technies (mean people who run servers and host your site) or people like I who are developper maintener or installer. People like you need people like us and by so you have to pay us. But do not be so sure clients are waiting for you ... If yo uhave an idea, be assured at least 1 000 person got it BEFORE you. And if by miracle you can find a new niche , be also assured 10 000 others will run to fill that niche.

thailand is one of the best (maybe the best) places where people from west can go. But for the work, it have to be consdered as any other places (work is work, business is business) with the additional disadvantage (comparable in that to the French Riviera or Los Angeles or Gold Coast or any other hot spot) to attract more qualified people that is needed.

On the other hand, it's almost 5 years I went here with almost nothing, I found a job 2 days after I landed, I quitted, decided to work as freelance and I am still still here. you just have to be strong, bold, to not fall in your own weakness (thailand is great to show us our weaknesses), and you can be okie.

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Razzle, I think what i really want is to see smiling faces on my way home from work, people telling me how hansum I am, to be able to stop off for a drink and make conversation with whoever happens to be sitting there, warm evenings and basic living without the competitive nature the majority of the West has. Hope that made sense?

I think what you are referring to is a vacation, not real life.

Can I ask if there's a woman involved here ?

I may be a cynic - but it sounds like you went to Pattaya/Phuket on holiday, were probably very popular with the ladies/boys/tailors/waitresses, had a great time & now want to make it permanent.

I've been working here for 9 years, there are not smiling faces everywhere and you cannot strike up a conversation with anyone that happens to be sitting there. Try it in the Q Bar, try it on the skytrain, try it in Tops, Central or Emporium !

Places that cater for tourists & single gentlemen ARE like that - but when you live here - you won't be spending the majority of your time there - ESPECIALLY if you take a low paid job.

Tread carefully my friend.


I don't know about this. I live and teach in CM and everyday I end up talking to someone new, and often in the places you mentioned. Sure I flirted like a total bak waan in the clubs, but taking home random Thai girls never happened since it isn't my scene. (soon to be married to a highly educated Thai girl anyways)

If you are friendly/smiling, outgoing and have a command of the Thai language, you will meet friendly people anywhere you go.

Btw I eeked out a living on a CM 1st year teacher salary just fine. Sure comming from a family where my dad makes more per day than I make in a month is a change, but this is my life. Now combined with tutoring and my fiancee we are making very good money for CM. While I could easily raise a family with what we have I will agree it's better to get a higher paying job. So I will be getting my MBA next year. I have some high up contacts at citigroup, lets see what happens :o

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After 5 years of work in Bkk, I can only agree with Pedro. Appart, well, in general people are nice, but yes, try to speak with a secretary in the BTS at 7 pm when come back home after work, she will react like a secreatary in USA or europe at the same moment ... Well as she is thai she will smile, but fact she will also think ...

The dream about the work online and earn money as proposed by girlx is a great , very great ... dream.

In work online yopu have the word work. To generate revenue by internet it need as for any work lot of energy, self dedication , entrpeneurial sense and the most of all, you have to be able to put yourself at your office (read in front of the puter) during the same amount of time as if you were in an office. Also, the rules on internet is : the only people who earn regualry money are the technies (mean people who run servers and host your site) or people like I who are developper maintener or installer. People like you need people like us and by so you have to pay us. But do not be so sure clients are waiting for you ... If yo uhave an idea, be assured at least 1 000 person got it BEFORE you. And if by miracle you can find a new niche , be also assured 10 000 others will run to fill that niche.

thailand is one of the best (maybe the best) places where people from west can go. But for the work, it have to be consdered as any other places (work is work, business is business) with the additional disadvantage (comparable in that to the French Riviera or Los Angeles or Gold Coast or any other hot spot) to attract more qualified people that is needed.

On the other hand, it's almost 5 years I went here with almost nothing, I found a job 2 days after I landed, I quitted, decided to work as freelance and I am still still here. you just have to be strong, bold, to not fall in your own weakness (thailand is great to show us our weaknesses), and you can be okie.

And your line of business is?

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After 5 years of work in Bkk, I can only agree with Pedro. Appart, well, in general people are nice, but yes, try to speak with a secretary in the BTS at 7 pm when come back home after work, she will react like a secreatary in USA or europe at the same moment ... Well as she is thai she will smile, but fact she will also think ...

The dream about the work online and earn money as proposed by girlx is a great , very great ... dream.

In work online yopu have the word work. To generate revenue by internet it need as for any work lot of energy, self dedication , entrpeneurial sense and the most of all, you have to be able to put yourself at your office (read in front of the puter) during the same amount of time as if you were in an office. Also, the rules on internet is : the only people who earn regualry money are the technies (mean people who run servers and host your site) or people like I who are developper maintener or installer. People like you need people like us and by so you have to pay us. But do not be so sure clients are waiting for you ... If yo uhave an idea, be assured at least 1 000 person got it BEFORE you. And if by miracle you can find a new niche , be also assured 10 000 others will run to fill that niche.

thailand is one of the best (maybe the best) places where people from west can go. But for the work, it have to be consdered as any other places (work is work, business is business) with the additional disadvantage (comparable in that to the French Riviera or Los Angeles or Gold Coast or any other hot spot) to attract more qualified people that is needed.

On the other hand, it's almost 5 years I went here with almost nothing, I found a job 2 days after I landed, I quitted, decided to work as freelance and I am still still here. you just have to be strong, bold, to not fall in your own weakness (thailand is great to show us our weaknesses), and you can be okie.

And your line of business is?

Line of business? Does it mean what is my work?

I told it in my post, I freelance coder, working exclusively with abroad companies. The local market is full of genius of CSS, wizard of HTML, evendually gods of photoshop, so I prefer export my very limitate skills in php,perl,javasript, java or eventually C/C++/C#, at least I do not get client claiming I am moron because I am not fluent in us/english or australian/english, but who pay for coding.

I precise I was first working for RS as sound ingenior in 2002, and then decided to return to programmation.

Does it make sense?

Precesion, freelance in my case mean lot of hours, the need to be highly competitive in both price and quality (say excellence is the minimum acceptable, but mostly perfection is needed by the clients before they pay), lot of stress (easily visible in my posts), let say also you have to be ready to get huge slap, because people will not necessary accept your 'I am sorry' in case of problems. So it's not easy, and smilling faces is something that I do not know in that business (well I smile when I get my bucks, but the rest of the time ...)

Edited by sting01
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