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Thai Men And Buddhist Values


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Thai Buddhists are no different from Christians who are against abortion (because only God has the right to take back what He has given) but support the death penalty. Every country, every religious group has its contradiction coffee1.gif

Religion is a farce all over the world, just because they call themselves (insert religion) does not mean they really act like it. People love cherry picking what they need.

Its the same all over the world.

Its NOT a farce its a damn LIE based on nothing with zero evidence......Im always staggered by its grip on people, rather than just accepting we "dont know" the answer to everything we make up some mystical being............incredibly it looks just like us.............CRAP nothing more..... and dont forget to say its "CRAP" is a crime in itself these days!! CRAP!!

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Thai Buddhists are no different from Christians who are against abortion (because only God has the right to take back what He has given) but support the death penalty. Every country, every religious group has its contradiction coffee1.gif

Religion is a farce all over the world, just because they call themselves (insert religion) does not mean they really act like it. People love cherry picking what they need.

Its the same all over the world.

Its NOT a farce its a damn LIE based on nothing with zero evidence......Im always staggered by its grip on people, rather than just accepting we "dont know" the answer to everything we make up some mystical being............incredibly it looks just like us.............CRAP nothing more..... and dont forget to say its "CRAP" is a crime in itself these days!! CRAP!!

It's a game of who has the cooler imaginary friend. Nothing more nothing less

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I came to Thailand with a great interest in Buhhism but my interest soon wavered when I saw how everyday Buddhism in the street seemed to be linked to material wealth. With monks hanging around outside Big C to collec money.... To everyday people going to the temple in the hope of getting luck to get more money from the lottery etc..... So I am heartened to hear your perspective

Know what you mean.

A couple of years back, I was in my office working one afternoon. A 'monk' opened the door, looking around for Thais to 'tamboon' of which at that particular moment there where none so he started his retreat. He maybe then thought he'd possibly lost an opportunity for a donation so back he came. 'Will you make a donation?' He asked in Thai, to which I replied, 'I'm Christian'. 'Farang kee ni-ow' he replied! So just cos I wouldn't make a donation to a guy that maybe wasn't a monk, certainly didn't act like one, I'm a tight-ass!

Too many fake monks here in one form or another in my opinion.

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Thai Buddhists are no different from Christians who are against abortion (because only God has the right to take back what He has given) but support the death penalty. Every country, every religious group has its contradiction coffee1.gif

Religion is a farce all over the world, just because they call themselves (insert religion) does not mean they really act like it. People love cherry picking what they need.

Its the same all over the world.

What if I told you, in all honesty, that Buddhism is not a religion. Then what? Have fun with that thought.

I heard that one before, but that does not change a thing in the argument. Take any set of rules and people will only apply those they like and ignore those they dislike. Take the drinking brigade here, they are often against drunk driving checks but on the same hand condemn anyone using a bit of marijuana. This is how people are obeying the rules (be they religious or not) and ignore the ones they don't like.

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Thai Buddhists are no different from Christians who are against abortion (because only God has the right to take back what He has given) but support the death penalty. Every country, every religious group has its contradiction coffee1.gif

Religion is a farce all over the world, just because they call themselves (insert religion) does not mean they really act like it. People love cherry picking what they need.

Its the same all over the world.

Actually the do act "like it", because religion is a thing invented by humans and exploited by power hungry humans.

One of the "weapons" all religions use is to claim that religion makes human to become good people. Actually the opposite is true.

Take for example human compassion, charity and help for the poor here in Thailand. I do not see many Thai Buddhists giving to charity because they truly want to help or because they see a need. If they give to charity, it's for "making merit". That means they believe that this act of charity will improve their chances of a good next life. Pure selfishness.

And that's also why millions of baht are easily collected for building new temples and Buddha statues, while the children of the really poor rest outside and have not even enough money to go to school or buy shoes.

We see splendid, wedding cake style temples and over-sized monk and Buddha statues erected everywhere with money donated by the rich for making merit, supported and exploited by megalomaniac monks. But do we ever see schools, libraries, water filtration systems built with money form donations from the rich to temples?

I do know a few isolated cases and I know how difficult it was to collect the funds to do this! It was not carried out with charity given to temples. It was done totally without any religious input.

Isn't it time to think about separation of state and religion?

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Thai Buddhists are no different from Christians who are against abortion (because only God has the right to take back what He has given) but support the death penalty. Every country, every religious group has its contradiction coffee1.gif

Religion is a farce all over the world, just because they call themselves (insert religion) does not mean they really act like it. People love cherry picking what they need.

Its the same all over the world.

Actually the do act "like it", because religion is a thing invented by humans and exploited by power hungry humans.

One of the "weapons" all religions use is to claim that religion makes human to become good people. Actually the opposite is true.

Take for example human compassion, charity and help for the poor here in Thailand. I do not see many Thai Buddhists giving to charity because they truly want to help or because they see a need. If they give to charity, it's for "making merit". That means they believe that this act of charity will improve their chances of a good next life. Pure selfishness.

And that's also why millions of baht are easily collected for building new temples and Buddha statues, while the children of the really poor rest outside and have not even enough money to go to school or buy shoes.

We see splendid, wedding cake style temples and over-sized monk and Buddha statues erected everywhere with money donated by the rich for making merit, supported and exploited by megalomaniac monks. But do we ever see schools, libraries, water filtration systems built with money form donations from the rich to temples?

I do know a few isolated cases and I know how difficult it was to collect the funds to do this! It was not carried out with charity given to temples. It was done totally without any religious input.

Isn't it time to think about separation of state and religion?

Couldn't agree more.

Isn't it detrimental to a state's cause when directly linked, maybe even controlled by a religion? Just a thought.

Think it was Karl Marx that quoted something like .... 'Religion is a sign of the oppressed, like an opium of the people'

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In Thailand "Number ONE" is MONEY and combined with LUCK it pretty much forms Thai-Buddhist Religion, in my opinion.

At some temples you will even find an ATM placed inside the temple area. Just in case people forgot to bring cash. Same with lottery sellers outside og inside the temple area. Moral, Ethics, Social Responsibility, Common Sense etc... forget it!... Its all about LUCK and MONEY!

I am pretty sure the 99% of all prayers here in Thailand contains the words MONEY and LUCKY several times. I doubt very few pray to become a harder og smarter worker - or a more decent person towards others.

Edited by khunpa
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If Thai live to the rules and guidelines as provided then why is there a NCPO?

Beside I have seen people become broke, register as monk, stay in temple and 9 months later have 10 buffalos.

Think this tell more about the view and interpretation some people and communities do have.

Edited by Autonuaq
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Religion is a man made scam to control people by fear.

If I had my way it would be banned and I feel the world would be a safer and more pleasnt place.

In my experence people who practice religion are liars, hypocrites and people I have no wish to spend time with.

Russia, China and North Korea gave that a try and the persecution that resulted was a crime against humanity of massive proportions in which thousands of people were summarily executed for their beliefs. Is that what you propose? You need to understand the difference between what religion is meant to be and what organized religion becomes when hijacked by special interests, fanatics and government interests (see my post #15 I think)... If hate and rage are more empowering for you than compassion, forgiveness and love then by all means follow your path....

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