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Violence escalates in Israel and West Bank


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The history is complicated.

It's true under international law the Israeli settlements in the west bank are illegal, but they are legal under Israeli law.

In other words, a border dispute. A complicated border dispute, given the state of Palestine doesn't actually exist.

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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price. The world is watching who is doing the extra judicial killing and brings Israel's grossly unjust treatment of Palestinians under the spotlight of the international and social media. It is not winning Israel any friends.The EU in particular, its largest trading partner, notes Israel's actions and drives more nations into recognizing the state of Palestine.

The fact that the fight against illegal Israel occupation is persisting demonstrates, as John Kerry said, that the status quo is untenable.

If Israel ultimately wants to live in permanent peace with its neighbors, this is not the way to go about it.

Pressure on Israel will decrease rather than increase. This is because even the Arabs are sick of Palestinian whining and are rapidly making peace with Israel. Europe has its own self-inflicted problems which will make them realize they are in the same boat as Israel, the U.K. Government has for example banned BDS boycotts from any UK government institution. Here's a picture to make Israel haters heads explode, can anyone guess who it shows?

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Co

Interesting way of puting it mr. terorrist: whining Palestinians. I hope one day the "whiners" will go after you. You are a disgrace.

What a remarkable act of violence, and very revealing. A poster concedes a group of people perpetuate violence ("will go after you") and then hopes this violence upon another poster? Fewer things can so cripple the moral and intellectual strength of a poster. Lets be clear: In thousands of postings I have never noted another poster imprecating violence upon another, .

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The history -- past, present, and future is complicated.

It's true under international law the Israeli settlements in the west bank are illegal, but they are legal under Israeli law.

In other words, a border dispute. A complicated border dispute, given the state of Palestine doesn't actually exist.

Perhaps so, but Israel only legally exists ( under International law ) within the initial borders of 1948. Generally accepted that the 1967 borders are the "real" borders, but they do not include the west bank or Gaza. Not very complicated at all. It is irrelevant if Palestine exists outside those borders or not, but over 100 countries accept that there is a Palestinian state, and Israel exists only because the UN said it does back in 1948.

NB if the 1967 borders were set in stone, Israel would not have handed the Sinai back to Egypt. That they did so, sets a precedent for Israel to give the west bank to the Palestinians in exchange for peace.

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Sums of the Israel demonization agenda in a nutty shell.

Disgusting hate speech.

ALL here please JOIN ME in condemning such hate speech. Including any SINCERE critics of Israeli government policies (like me) that are not infected with the disease of Israel demonization (thinly veiled Jew hating, in the case above, not veiled at all).

Indeed when one of our esteemed members states that I disgust him I regard it as a badge of honor coming from him and his ilk. There truly is nothing more repugnant than foaming at the mouth Antisemites trying to occupy the high ground on the backs of racist Palestinian terrorists.

Edited by seedy
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Illegal occupation persists for some reasons. After Israel return of Gaza to Gazans, Hamas took over. Israelis are just weary that the same does not happen on the west bank - of which:

1/ occupation was the result of a victorious counter-attack as Jordan attacked in 1967 (Six-Day war). Israel did not strike the first blow, but counter-attacked, and

2/ The Mandate granted the West Bank to Israel, but Jordan annexed it in 1948. All this is history and can be verified.

Occupation "persists for some reasons. After..."

I for one do not hold the West Bank as occupied, regardless of what others assert. In your post above I would invite you to go back even further, when the 'West Bank' was agreed to belong to the Jews- by the Arabs. It was here Jordan first stole that land. What happened in 67 was sequel. This is among the valuable lessons the Arab world has learned from the radical left- repeat something often enough and eventually you compromise the premises from which all parties build their argument.

Unfortunately, the UN Security Council, UN General Assembly, the EU, USA, 70% of the world's countries, the International Court of Justice, and even the major Israeli opposition parties all disagree with you.
But feel free to join Netanyahu and the extreme right wing messianics in his present government and formally annex the West Bank, thereby as Israeli Labor Party leader Herzog put it "drown us in an Arab-Jewish state".
He sensibly added, "A separate state for Palestinians is Israel’s only chance to remain a democratic Jewish state with defensible borders."
I disagree with many of Herzog's fine details for a two state solution, but a good start and as a means to end the violence in the OP he suggests separating the two communities by forcibly evacuating 75,000 troublesome Israelis in remote colonies in the occupied West Bank.
I think we are beginning to see the endgame of the illegal occupation.
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You have posted dishonest versions of history on here over and over again and I have provided proof from credible sources to prove you wrong. Please keep your made up stories and hateful, propoganda websites to yourself.

Israel , please continue building this fence around your country to protect you from the predators and the rest of the world from you ...!

Build a wall around your country if you want to - but build it on the 1967 borders that are recognized by the international community.

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Thats because they are the majority and right , unlike Palestine which has never wanted and never will live in peace , even the Saudi govt have said so ,

Or, they simply shout the loudest...

No its always the lefty handwringers that shout the loudest and if they are not listened to just riot and demonstrate

While the righty handwringers just annexe, settle, steal, oppress, and give a middle finger to the world

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Thats because they are the majority and right , unlike Palestine which has never wanted and never will live in peace , even the Saudi govt have said so ,

Or, they simply shout the loudest...

No its always the lefty handwringers that shout the loudest and if they are not listened to just riot and demonstrate

While the righty handwringers just annexe, settle, steal, oppress, and give a middle finger to the world

Well said.

In one concise sentence you've summed it up.

All the rest is hot air and Zionist propaganda.

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How many times does it need to said that the Palestinians don't want a two state solution. Here is Malki once again confirming this by ruling out any more bilateral negotiations with Israel EVER. It bears repeating the Palestinians were offered their own state in 1948, they and their Arab neighbors rejected this and now expect the international community to intervene again to give them what they admit would be a stepping stone from which to annihilate Israel in the long run.


The trouble is their timing sucks as the world is preoccupied with far more pressing issues right now. Still the BDS fantasists will cling to the hope they can wish Israel away by dint of their own hatred and jealousy.

Edited by Steely Dan
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How many times does it need to said that the Palestinians don't want a two state solution. Here is Maliki once again confirming this by ruling out any more bilateral negotiations with Israel EVER. It bears repeating the Palestinians were offered their own state in 1948, they and their Arab neighbors rejected this and now expect the international community to intervene again to give them what they admit would be a stepping stone from which to annihilate Israel in the long run.


The trouble is their timing sucks as the world is preoccupied with far more pressing issues right now. Still the BDS fantasists will cling to the hope they can wish Israel away by dint of their own hatred and jealousy.

lol...jealous of a country dictated by religion, where you cannot get married with someone named Cohen without the biggots looking at your ancestors and family history as you can "corrupt" the name?

Jealous of a country where half of the people just think God speech is the one to follow?

Jealous of a country which is seeing by the majority of the world as a bully country?

No thanks!

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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price.

The Palestinian Arabs started the conflict in the first place, refused an opportunity to get their own country, lost numerous wars and then turned to strictly terrorism which did them no good either. It is about time that the realized that violence has only hurt them and agree to a peace deal. Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light. Islamic terrorism will never win.

really? conflict started more than half a century ago when Israel started to buy or annex land does not belong to them. and still they continue doing so.

still oppressing Palestinians there.

of course shallow minds see a resistance as Islamic terrorism.

i believe Israel is a terrorist and rogue state.

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I find myself having many more days of being disgusted with both sides of this perpetual and incredibly boring disagreement. I was actually looking for somewhere to weigh in here and just couldn't find a spot which I considered worthy of comment.

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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price.

The Palestinian Arabs started the conflict in the first place, refused an opportunity to get their own country, lost numerous wars and then turned to strictly terrorism which did them no good either. It is about time that the realized that violence has only hurt them and agree to a peace deal. Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light. Islamic terrorism will never win.

really? conflict started more than half a century ago when Israel started to buy or annex land does not belong to them. and still they continue doing so.

still oppressing Palestinians there.

of course shallow minds see a resistance as Islamic terrorism.

i believe Israel is a terrorist and rogue state.

Fair enough: If we will use history as a guide to the present why cite the political/military 50 years ago; why not the religious/military 1,500 years ago? Seems a bit arbitrary and necessary to assert your next point.

Why are minds shallow that see... "islamic terrorism?"

Why is it not shallow to see Israel as a "terrorist and rogue state?"

Your point may or may not be valid, but you make the worse argument seem the better by your rationale. Isn't it possible that both points may more or less be true at the same time?

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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price.

The Palestinian Arabs started the conflict in the first place, refused an opportunity to get their own country, lost numerous wars and then turned to strictly terrorism which did them no good either. It is about time that the realized that violence has only hurt them and agree to a peace deal. Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light. Islamic terrorism will never win.

really? conflict started more than half a century ago when Israel started to buy or annex land does not belong to them. and still they continue doing so.

still oppressing Palestinians there.

of course shallow minds see a resistance as Islamic terrorism.

i believe Israel is a terrorist and rogue state.

Fair enough: If we will use history as a guide to the present why cite the political/military 50 years ago; why not the religious/military 1,500 years ago? Seems a bit arbitrary and necessary to assert your next point.

Why are minds shallow that see... "islamic terrorism?"

Why is it not shallow to see Israel as a "terrorist and rogue state?"

Your point may or may not be valid, but you make the worse argument seem the better by your rationale. Isn't it possible that both points may more or less be true at the same time?

if you look at history, you can see there were no problems between muslim and jew for more than a millennium.

problems started when us backed un wanted to 'insert' jewish people there on muslim land claiming they need their nation after genocide and funnily claiming those land belong to jews historically!

and reason behind this was all about imperialist powers wanted a grip and fork there close to petrol. and to create constant problems between jew and muslim so that us has more political influence.

i think you did not read my post. damn all islamic terrorists like any terrorists. but saying Palestinian resistance islamic terrorism isnt a shallow thinking?

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The Palestinian Arabs started the conflict in the first place, refused an opportunity to get their own country, lost numerous wars and then turned to strictly terrorism which did them no good either. It is about time that the realized that violence has only hurt them and agree to a peace deal. Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light. Islamic terrorism will never win.

really? conflict started more than half a century ago when Israel started to buy or annex land does not belong to them. and still they continue doing so.

still oppressing Palestinians there.

of course shallow minds see a resistance as Islamic terrorism.

i believe Israel is a terrorist and rogue state.

Fair enough: If we will use history as a guide to the present why cite the political/military 50 years ago; why not the religious/military 1,500 years ago? Seems a bit arbitrary and necessary to assert your next point.

Why are minds shallow that see... "islamic terrorism?"

Why is it not shallow to see Israel as a "terrorist and rogue state?"

Your point may or may not be valid, but you make the worse argument seem the better by your rationale. Isn't it possible that both points may more or less be true at the same time?

if you look at history, you can see there were no problems between muslim and jew for more than a millennium.

problems started when us backed un wanted to 'insert' jewish people there on muslim land claiming they need their nation after genocide and funnily claiming those land belong to jews historically!

and reason behind this was all about imperialist powers wanted a grip and fork there close to petrol. and to create constant problems between jew and muslim so that us has more political influence.

i think you did not read my post. damn all islamic terrorists like any terrorists. but saying Palestinian resistance islamic terrorism isnt a shallow thinking?

Your post is only a few important sentences long; of course I read it- repeatedly- to ensure I understood both your intention and my take on it. I just do not agree with the conclusion. The premises are fair enough:

50 years ago there were dramatic and pivotal events that set in motion the political upheavals we witness today.

Those we call Palestinians clearly came out on the losing side of that pivotal point in time.

Their expressions to right the wrong are perceived by them and others as honorable freedom fighters.

Israeli and those who support (or object to the other) see their efforts as terrorism and not conducive to solution finding.

You count yourself as among those who see Israel as both belligerent and intransigent toward finding a solution.

I think I generously got the gist of your point.

I think you raise many valid points [of view]. I only take exception with the one premise: implicit in your assumption is the idyllic fantasy that prior to 50 years ago muslims and jews had "no problems" for a 1,000 years. This is utter nonsense and now revealing the premise behind your position its clear you choose to believe something fictional. Jews exist in relation to islam only... ONLY as an inferior subhuman. Its cultural for dissing their prophet. Its scriptural by revelation. Its inculcated in their prayers every single day for 1,500+years. To go further would be another OP but the fact is the political may be our observation, it is not their motivation. Land grievances may be valid. But being jewish is the crime, not the land.

I have tried to objectively address this single point (origin/motivation) you raised without getting muddied like so many of us do here on this issue. That is not my intent.

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really? conflict started more than half a century ago when Israel started to buy or annex land does not belong to them. and still they continue doing so.

still oppressing Palestinians there.

of course shallow minds see a resistance as Islamic terrorism.

i believe Israel is a terrorist and rogue state.

Fair enough: If we will use history as a guide to the present why cite the political/military 50 years ago; why not the religious/military 1,500 years ago? Seems a bit arbitrary and necessary to assert your next point.

Why are minds shallow that see... "islamic terrorism?"

Why is it not shallow to see Israel as a "terrorist and rogue state?"

Your point may or may not be valid, but you make the worse argument seem the better by your rationale. Isn't it possible that both points may more or less be true at the same time?

if you look at history, you can see there were no problems between muslim and jew for more than a millennium.

problems started when us backed un wanted to 'insert' jewish people there on muslim land claiming they need their nation after genocide and funnily claiming those land belong to jews historically!

and reason behind this was all about imperialist powers wanted a grip and fork there close to petrol. and to create constant problems between jew and muslim so that us has more political influence.

i think you did not read my post. damn all islamic terrorists like any terrorists. but saying Palestinian resistance islamic terrorism isnt a shallow thinking?

Your post is only a few important sentences long; of course I read it- repeatedly- to ensure I understood both your intention and my take on it. I just do not agree with the conclusion. The premises are fair enough:

50 years ago there were dramatic and pivotal events that set in motion the political upheavals we witness today.

Those we call Palestinians clearly came out on the losing side of that pivotal point in time.

Their expressions to right the wrong are perceived by them and others as honorable freedom fighters.

Israeli and those who support (or object to the other) see their efforts as terrorism and not conducive to solution finding.

You count yourself as among those who see Israel as both belligerent and intransigent toward finding a solution.

I think I generously got the gist of your point.

I think you raise many valid points [of view]. I only take exception with the one premise: implicit in your assumption is the idyllic fantasy that prior to 50 years ago muslims and jews had "no problems" for a 1,000 years. This is utter nonsense and now revealing the premise behind your position its clear you choose to believe something fictional. Jews exist in relation to islam only... ONLY as an inferior subhuman. Its cultural for dissing their prophet. Its scriptural by revelation. Its inculcated in their prayers every single day for 1,500+years. To go further would be another OP but the fact is the political may be our observation, it is not their motivation. Land grievances may be valid. But being jewish is the crime, not the land.

I have tried to objectively address this single point (origin/motivation) you raised without getting muddied like so many of us do here on this issue. That is not my intent.


but think about how jews behaved christians during christ times.

of course all religions tried to oppress each other. this is human history. thats why better always be away from all of them!

still it does not mean we dont criticise them.

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really? conflict started more than half a century ago when Israel started to buy or annex land does not belong to them. and still they continue doing so.

still oppressing Palestinians there.

of course shallow minds see a resistance as Islamic terrorism.

i believe Israel is a terrorist and rogue state.

Fair enough: If we will use history as a guide to the present why cite the political/military 50 years ago; why not the religious/military 1,500 years ago? Seems a bit arbitrary and necessary to assert your next point.

Why are minds shallow that see... "islamic terrorism?"

Why is it not shallow to see Israel as a "terrorist and rogue state?"

Your point may or may not be valid, but you make the worse argument seem the better by your rationale. Isn't it possible that both points may more or less be true at the same time?

if you look at history, you can see there were no problems between muslim and jew for more than a millennium.

problems started when us backed un wanted to 'insert' jewish people there on muslim land claiming they need their nation after genocide and funnily claiming those land belong to jews historically!

and reason behind this was all about imperialist powers wanted a grip and fork there close to petrol. and to create constant problems between jew and muslim so that us has more political influence.

i think you did not read my post. damn all islamic terrorists like any terrorists. but saying Palestinian resistance islamic terrorism isnt a shallow thinking?

Your post is only a few important sentences long; of course I read it- repeatedly- to ensure I understood both your intention and my take on it. I just do not agree with the conclusion. The premises are fair enough:

50 years ago there were dramatic and pivotal events that set in motion the political upheavals we witness today.

Those we call Palestinians clearly came out on the losing side of that pivotal point in time.

Their expressions to right the wrong are perceived by them and others as honorable freedom fighters.

Israeli and those who support (or object to the other) see their efforts as terrorism and not conducive to solution finding.

You count yourself as among those who see Israel as both belligerent and intransigent toward finding a solution.

I think I generously got the gist of your point.

I think you raise many valid points [of view]. I only take exception with the one premise: implicit in your assumption is the idyllic fantasy that prior to 50 years ago muslims and jews had "no problems" for a 1,000 years. This is utter nonsense and now revealing the premise behind your position its clear you choose to believe something fictional. Jews exist in relation to islam only... ONLY as an inferior subhuman. Its cultural for dissing their prophet. Its scriptural by revelation. Its inculcated in their prayers every single day for 1,500+years. To go further would be another OP but the fact is the political may be our observation, it is not their motivation. Land grievances may be valid. But being jewish is the crime, not the land.

I have tried to objectively address this single point (origin/motivation) you raised without getting muddied like so many of us do here on this issue. That is not my intent.


but think about how jews behaved christians during christ times.

of course all religions tried to oppress each other. this is human history. thats why better always be away from all of them!

still it does not mean we dont criticise them.

What does Christ times have to do with this?
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Galactus, on 16 Feb 2016 - 19:50, said:


but think about how jews behaved christians during christ times.

of course all religions tried to oppress each other. this is human history. thats why better always be away from all of them!

still it does not mean we dont criticise them.

We see all too often what happens to the critics of Islam.

I do not think we need to labour the point.

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Every colonial enterprise in history has either failed or ended up absorbing the people colonized.

You mean like the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia? They did not fail. They "absorbed" the few enemies who were left.
Colonial conquests are far different from religious prosyletism.


The Israeli Arabs were indeed 'absorbed' but they have 50 Israeli Jewish constitutional laws who seperates them from the other Israeli but Jewish citizens. It's a religious demarcation. Remember the unfamous one liner from Netanyahu during last elections.

The remaining Palestinians are divided in 2 groups. The ones who were exiled and the ones who remained under Israeli occupancy in the occupied territories.

None of the countries you've mentioned like USA, Canada, New-Zealand and Australia :

- haven't nowadays religious separate laws for civil matters in their constitution,

- didn't exiled autochtones and refused them re-entry

- didn't occupy neighbouring countries and applied martial laws for the local authorities in terms of free movement, education, employment, productivity, import&export, health care, energy and many other sociologic vital aspects.

-... (See all my other posts on TV concerning Israeli-Palestian conflict)

More than 90% of the Palestinian children in the West-Bank are under psychological stress due to drones, military laws, checkpoints, arrests, unemployment, discrimination, etc.

None of the countries you've mentioned made ever in their colonial past a separation wall based on religious differences.

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None of the countries you've mentioned made ever in their colonial past a separation wall based on religious differences.

No wall needed. They wiped the enemy out until one wasn't needed. The Palestinians are lucky that Israel is more humanitarian and patient.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price.

The Palestinian Arabs started the conflict in the first place, refused an opportunity to get their own country, lost numerous wars and then turned to strictly terrorism which did them no good either. It is about time that the realized that violence has only hurt them and agree to a peace deal. Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light. Islamic terrorism will never win.

Israel was part created by terrorism. Begin was a terrorist along with the Stern gang et al and he got to be a PM. There are no clean hands in the formation of Israel, but I guess you'd rather sweep that little fact under the carpet out of sight.

Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light

How many centuries do you want to keep doing that for?

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None of the countries you've mentioned made ever in their colonial past a separation wall based on religious differences.

No wall needed. They wiped the enemy out until one wasn't needed. The Palestinians are lucky that Israel is more humanitarian and patient.

No wall needed. They wiped the enemy out until one wasn't needed

The white Rhodesians and Sth Africans would disagree with you

The Palestinians are lucky that Israel is more humanitarian and patient.

WOW, are you really saying that genocide is an option at all??????? Seems you forget why Israel was created by the UN in the first place. Besides if Israel did that, every right thinking person on the planet would turn against them.

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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price. The world is watching who is doing the extra judicial killing and brings Israel's grossly unjust treatment of Palestinians under the spotlight of the international and social media. It is not winning Israel any friends.The EU in particular, its largest trading partner, notes Israel's actions and drives more nations into recognizing the state of Palestine.

The fact that the fight against illegal Israel occupation is persisting demonstrates, as John Kerry said, that the status quo is untenable.

If Israel ultimately wants to live in permanent peace with its neighbors, this is not the way to go about it.

Pressure on Israel will decrease rather than increase. This is because even the Arabs are sick of Palestinian whining and are rapidly making peace with Israel. Europe has its own self-inflicted problems which will make them realize they are in the same boat as Israel, the U.K. Government has for example banned BDS boycotts from any UK government institution. Here's a picture to make Israel haters heads explode, can anyone guess who it shows?

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Co

Interesting way of puting it mr. terorrist: whining Palestinians. I hope one day the "whiners" will go after you. You are a disgrace.

I am 'biased' in this issue. But consider this: 800,000 Palestinians have been fleeing from their villages. Some chose to stay. An organization [uNRWA] was created to feed them ad perpetuum, and de facto keeping them from looking from employment. No Arab state would want to assimilate them, they had to struggle, and still are wandering today unless they are living in refugee camps, at the mercy of whichever ruler's mood.

At the same time, over 800,000 Jews were evicted from their homes in Arab countries on one-day notice, stolen all their belongings, including land the surface of which would be twice the west bank's surface. Google "Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries".

Jews did not raise their voice, and integrated these displaced people. If the term "whining" is not appropriate - even shameful, at least successive governments in Arab countries could have helped integrate these populations.

Now, translate this to current situation in Syria.

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I think it would be interesting but not possible of course, to plot where every minimally education person in our world sees Israel in terms of total world value. I would expect a very natural bell curve with 10 fairly normal standard deviations. Pretty much like every thing else.

Then, have the 15-18 million Jews do the same thing. I would not expect a bell curve as would normally be the case with all things.

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Israel was part created by terrorism.

Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

Arabs started the conflict?

Do you really believe that to be true?

It was the invasion of Palestine by European Jews that created this inferno.

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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price. The world is watching who is doing the extra judicial killing and brings Israel's grossly unjust treatment of Palestinians under the spotlight of the international and social media. It is not winning Israel any friends.The EU in particular, its largest trading partner, notes Israel's actions and drives more nations into recognizing the state of Palestine.

The fact that the fight against illegal Israel occupation is persisting demonstrates, as John Kerry said, that the status quo is untenable.

If Israel ultimately wants to live in permanent peace with its neighbors, this is not the way to go about it.

Pressure on Israel will decrease rather than increase. This is because even the Arabs are sick of Palestinian whining and are rapidly making peace with Israel. Europe has its own self-inflicted problems which will make them realize they are in the same boat as Israel, the U.K. Government has for example banned BDS boycotts from any UK government institution. Here's a picture to make Israel haters heads explode, can anyone guess who it shows?

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Co

Interesting way of puting it mr. terorrist: whining Palestinians. I hope one day the "whiners" will go after you. You are a disgrace.

I am 'biased' in this issue. But consider this: 800,000 Palestinians have been fleeing from their villages. Some chose to stay. An organization [uNRWA] was created to feed them ad perpetuum, and de facto keeping them from looking from employment. No Arab state would want to assimilate them, they had to struggle, and still are wandering today unless they are living in refugee camps, at the mercy of whichever ruler's mood.

At the same time, over 800,000 Jews were evicted from their homes in Arab countries on one-day notice, stolen all their belongings, including land the surface of which would be twice the west bank's surface. Google "Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries".

Jews did not raise their voice, and integrated these displaced people. If the term "whining" is not appropriate - even shameful, at least successive governments in Arab countries could have helped integrate these populations.

Now, translate this to current situation in Syria.

Refugees flee during times of war. We are still witnessing that today in several countries. 800,000 Palestinians fled some voluntarily, but many terrorized by Jewish terrorist gangs at the time. But we won't go into that.
The war crime that Israel has committed and is stll doing so, is not allowing back Palestinian refugees to their homes and transferring their own population into their homes and lands contrary to the Geneva Convention. That is a war crime. And that is why I condemn Israel.
The rights and wrongs of Jews fleeing other Arab countries is a separate issue, and should be treated as war crimes too where applicable and compensation paid where proven. The Palestinians didn't expel them, but Israel expelled the Palestinians...twice now. The OP may be part of the process of a 3rd ethnic cleansing.
Edited by dexterm
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Israel was part created by terrorism.

Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

Arabs started the conflict?

Do you really believe that to be true?

It was the invasion of Palestine by European Jews that created this inferno.

Do you really think that Jews immigrating to the area - where there had been Jews forever - gave the Arabs the right to start murdering them? Well, whatever you think, Jews were forced to fight back and they ended up winning the war that the Arabs started. The Arabs started the war and the Jews finished it.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The rights and wrongs of Jews fleeing other Arab countries is a separate issue, and should be treated as war crimes too where applicable and compensation paid where proven. The Palestinians didn't expel them, but Israel expelled the Palestinians

No. It is not a separate issue. There was no such thing as "Palestinians" back then (actually that is what the Jews in the area were called. They Arabs did not start calling themselves that until Israel had been a country for quite a while. They called themselves ARABS because that is what they were. The ARABS attacked Israel and lost and then expelled the Jews from the Arab countries. The ARABS that flew from Israel during the war are NEVER going back.

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