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Let's Go The Opposite Way.


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There is a topic going right now about expats who drink too much, so what about the non drinkers and the

very light, and I mean light, drinkers.

What makes you happy you don't drink or are a very light drinker?

What is your attitude towards problem drinkers.

Feel free to add any reasons why you don't drink, or drink very little.

Edited by possum1931
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JD is "Jack Daniels" (generally) a brand of Tenessee Whiskey.

I dont drink, why ? Never "enjoyed" it, didnt particularly like the taste of any of it, and certainly didnt like the way I felt after drinking. That was in my younger days when I just followed "the lads" etc.

By the age of 23 I was a non-drinker, preferred soft drinks and saved loads of money in comparison.

Have no problem with those who do like to drink, but as with many things, when its done to excess it can be annoying and disruptive.

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One bottle of Rum a month....Whether it lasts for one sitting with friends or a week or a month.....My option how much/when......

Enjoy it now and then as alcohol problems haunt the family tree and this is my way to stay out of harms way.....

We don't do pub/bar stuff or people....On the rare times we do it's a 2 drink limit - typical Thai wife does not drink but might order a Spy (and leave mostly full) but she looks/feels like she's joined in the festivities......

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JD is "Jack Daniels" (generally) a brand of Tenessee Whiskey.

I dont drink, why ? Never "enjoyed" it, didnt particularly like the taste of any of it, and certainly didnt like the way I felt after drinking. That was in my younger days when I just followed "the lads" etc.

By the age of 23 I was a non-drinker, preferred soft drinks and saved loads of money in comparison.

Have no problem with those who do like to drink, but as with many things, when its done to excess it can be annoying and disruptive.

Brilliant post Charlie.

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One bottle of Rum a month....Whether it lasts for one sitting with friends or a week or a month.....My option how much/when......

Enjoy it now and then as alcohol problems haunt the family tree and this is my way to stay out of harms way.....

We don't do pub/bar stuff or people....On the rare times we do it's a 2 drink limit - typical Thai wife does not drink but might order a Spy (and leave mostly full) but she looks/feels like she's joined in the festivities......

I bet you have a far better life here in Thailand than the barstool brigade.

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I nearly never drink alcohol. We are not compatible and is a downer after the buzz . Sure I like a cool beer , but there is no real beer in Thailand and it is too expensive. Alcohol is over taxed here as well in many other countries and I hate taxes.

I can't stand drunks , the secret drunks as well as the loud , puking , aggressive ones.

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I am a non-drinker, prefer soft drinks or coffee, I did go to a Bar in Bangkok once and the only time around Christmas 2001 and had a Orange Juice. as a youngster did try most beers, can't say like any of them , a G & T was better but cannot remember the last time I had one guess 30+ years ago..

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I am a very light drinker and have been for years - and the main reasons is i like to be in some control of the situations no matter where i am .

It was always my role in with my friends when i was younger to get them out of trouble or prevent them from doing stupid things when we went out for a night on the tiles. Many a night i have organised bail, sat in a hospital emergency ward or kept them alive after mixing intoxicants/drugs , stopped them from mouthing off to the wrong person, finished fights they have started and dragged them out of cars or off women before they do more damage. To get that drunk that you can't stay in control of any situation does not compute with me . What fun is that - It is a good way to stuff up an enjoyable night . How can that be enjoyable especially when you have created a difficult situation that requires cleaning up in the aftermath and possible repercussions that may last for years . It is not demonstrating survival skills or being just plain street smart.

Do not get me wrong - i enjoy a G& T or a Pernod at home and i am not saying every person who drinks ends up in a bad situation but my experiences when i was younger makes me wary of people who can't handle their alcohol .

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I nearly never drink alcohol. We are not compatible and is a downer after the buzz . Sure I like a cool beer , but there is no real beer in Thailand and it is too expensive. Alcohol is over taxed here as well in many other countries and I hate taxes.

I can't stand drunks , the secret drunks as well as the loud , puking , aggressive ones.

Excellent post, I agree with everything you say, although I have never even as much as tasted alcohol.

I have a rule I always go by, if I am at a social gathering of any kind, and a drunk approaches me even if he is well mannered,

and holds out his hand for me to shake, I will do so, but if he approaches me a second time, and wants to shake my hand, he will

find himself in a bit of trouble.

By the way, I am talking about someone who is unknown to me.

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I am a very light drinker and have been for years - and the main reasons is i like to be in some control of the situations no matter where i am .

It was always my role in with my friends when i was younger to get them out of trouble or prevent them from doing stupid things when we went out for a night on the tiles. Many a night i have organised bail, sat in a hospital emergency ward or kept them alive after mixing intoxicants/drugs , stopped them from mouthing off to the wrong person, finished fights they have started and dragged them out of cars or off women before they do more damage. To get that drunk that you can't stay in control of any situation does not compute with me . What fun is that - It is a good way to stuff up an enjoyable night . How can that be enjoyable especially when you have created a difficult situation that requires cleaning up in the aftermath and possible repercussions that may last for years . It is not demonstrating survival skills or being just plain street smart.

Do not get me wrong - i enjoy a G& T or a Pernod at home and i am not saying every person who drinks ends up in a bad situation but my experiences when i was younger makes me wary of people who can't handle their alcohol .

I never went out in a group with guys, for a social night out, I went with three or four girls.

No drink problems there, I was never what you would call a mans man, but definitely a ladies man.

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I nearly never drink alcohol. We are not compatible and is a downer after the buzz . Sure I like a cool beer , but there is no real beer in Thailand and it is too expensive. Alcohol is over taxed here as well in many other countries and I hate taxes.

I can't stand drunks , the secret drunks as well as the loud , puking , aggressive ones.

Excellent post, I agree with everything you say, although I have never even as much as tasted alcohol.

I have a rule I always go by, if I am at a social gathering of any kind, and a drunk approaches me even if he is well mannered,

and holds out his hand for me to shake, I will do so, but if he approaches me a second time, and wants to shake my hand, he will

find himself in a bit of trouble.

By the way, I am talking about someone who is unknown to me.

So, in your circunstance not being a drinker is a good thing. People with personnal problems shouldn't drink.

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I am a very light drinker and have been for years - and the main reasons is i like to be in some control of the situations no matter where i am .

It was always my role in with my friends when i was younger to get them out of trouble or prevent them from doing stupid things when we went out for a night on the tiles. Many a night i have organised bail, sat in a hospital emergency ward or kept them alive after mixing intoxicants/drugs , stopped them from mouthing off to the wrong person, finished fights they have started and dragged them out of cars or off women before they do more damage. To get that drunk that you can't stay in control of any situation does not compute with me . What fun is that - It is a good way to stuff up an enjoyable night . How can that be enjoyable especially when you have created a difficult situation that requires cleaning up in the aftermath and possible repercussions that may last for years . It is not demonstrating survival skills or being just plain street smart.

Do not get me wrong - i enjoy a G& T or a Pernod at home and i am not saying every person who drinks ends up in a bad situation but my experiences when i was younger makes me wary of people who can't handle their alcohol .

I never went out in a group with guys, for a social night out, I went with three or four girls.

No drink problems there, I was never what you would call a mans man, but definitely a ladies man.

at least you have the honesty to use the past tense.

the whole topic begs the question why are you so concerned with the habits of others?

i would suspect it is because you have little else going on.

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I nearly never drink alcohol. We are not compatible and is a downer after the buzz . Sure I like a cool beer , but there is no real beer in Thailand and it is too expensive. Alcohol is over taxed here as well in many other countries and I hate taxes.

I can't stand drunks , the secret drunks as well as the loud , puking , aggressive ones.

Excellent post, I agree with everything you say, although I have never even as much as tasted alcohol.

I have a rule I always go by, if I am at a social gathering of any kind, and a drunk approaches me even if he is well mannered,

and holds out his hand for me to shake, I will do so, but if he approaches me a second time, and wants to shake my hand, he will

find himself in a bit of trouble.

By the way, I am talking about someone who is unknown to me.

So, in your circunstance not being a drinker is a good thing. People with personnal problems shouldn't drink.

IMO. No one should drink to an extent that makes them different to when they are sober. I have no time or patience for anyone obviously affect by drink.

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I am a very light drinker and have been for years - and the main reasons is i like to be in some control of the situations no matter where i am .

It was always my role in with my friends when i was younger to get them out of trouble or prevent them from doing stupid things when we went out for a night on the tiles. Many a night i have organised bail, sat in a hospital emergency ward or kept them alive after mixing intoxicants/drugs , stopped them from mouthing off to the wrong person, finished fights they have started and dragged them out of cars or off women before they do more damage. To get that drunk that you can't stay in control of any situation does not compute with me . What fun is that - It is a good way to stuff up an enjoyable night . How can that be enjoyable especially when you have created a difficult situation that requires cleaning up in the aftermath and possible repercussions that may last for years . It is not demonstrating survival skills or being just plain street smart.

Do not get me wrong - i enjoy a G& T or a Pernod at home and i am not saying every person who drinks ends up in a bad situation but my experiences when i was younger makes me wary of people who can't handle their alcohol .

I never went out in a group with guys, for a social night out, I went with three or four girls.

No drink problems there, I was never what you would call a mans man, but definitely a ladies man.

at least you have the honesty to use the past tense.

the whole topic begs the question why are you so concerned with the habits of others?

i would suspect it is because you have little else going on.

I have no interest in the habits of others as long as they don't affect me.

and your last sentence, you are obviously not good at suspecting.

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I don't drink because it doesn't 'push my buttons'.

I probably get through 1 - 2 botlles of cold Singha a week. I just don't feel any urge to drink more.

If someone puts a bottle in my hand I may turn it down and order a cold soda instead.

I don't dislike it, I just feel no compulsion whatsoever to rely on alcohol as a mood changer.

Simple as that.

As far as my opinion on the heavier drinkers in this world, I object to their loud justification for their need to drink, and dislike it when someone tries to insist that I must have one too.

Having seen the other post you refer to, I'll probably get a few people who drink more then me sending me their opinion now. Drinkers don't like criticism.


Edited by Andyfez
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I had been a very heavy drinker all my life, from the age of 17, when we owned an hotel with a public bar. It was just normal to drink with the customers. I am now 70 yrs. old and very healthy. Have regular health checks. Liver, Kidneys etc. are perfect !I was drinking five large Chiang Export and 3/4 very large whiskies every night. Five months ago, I quit, because I felt it would be better for me !! I just can not sleep. I have been prescribed strong sleeping pills, but when I stop taking them I still can not sleep. I will try one more month and if I still can not sleep, I will start drinking again and sleep like a baby again !!!

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A long time ago I used to have a few pints with my mates every weekend, but over the years I've been drinking less and less. A few years back I was down to like 2 beers a year, a small glass of single malt 2-3 times a year, and a shot of schnapps at christmas. Today I haven't been drinking any alcohol in two 2.5 years since I'm on a strict non-carb diet.

I really like both beer, whiskey and of course a nice frosty cold mojito ^_^ , but I rather stay clear-headed than indulging in alcohol.... Life is too short to go about having a buzz in the evenings and headaches in the mornings.

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Im a social drinker, will go a long time in between, don't normally have any alcohol with food, i like to stay in control so i don't get drunk i know my limit and will normally know when to stop, of course I've don't the binge drinking in my younger days with hangovers.

I feel for the alcoholics and gamblers but the problems often stem form another place within.

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30 years ago I stopped drinking alcohol beverages. I used to be a heavy drinker. I drank 3 to 4 bottles of Chivas and around 15 l of beer /week.To my defense I have to say that I was at the army and alcohol was soooo cheap at the army shop...

My wife was pregnant and I saw her big belly through the whiskey glas bottom and I imagined my child having the same childhood as I had. My dad was also a heavy drinker. I pour the glass in the sink and said to myself "I won' touch alcoohol anymore". And I didn't do it anymore.

Now, when we go out, I drink a sip of whine or a sip of beer when I have to say "Cheers" but that's all. I don't like the taste anymore.

And anyway, when I see drunk people's behavior, I am happy that the all sh!t is behind me... and sometimes I shame that I could have been like that.

No drinker anymore and happy of it !


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