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Donald Trump falls to 2nd place in new national poll


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Trump will be the next POTUS because he couldn't give a rats if he doesn't get elected . Air Force 1 is a big draw card for most candidates an ancient 747. It would be a huge step backwards from the state of the art biz jets he flies.

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I tend to agree that he doesn't care in the same sense as the other candidates whole existence is wrapped up in this.. That has allowed him to speak freely....much to the shock & horror of some. To me, he comes across like quite a number of the "in-your face", somewhat abrasive, blue collar New Yorker's that I have encountered over the years.

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Clinton can more than hold her own in a debate. She was grilled for 13 hrs by congressmen and kept her cool. Trump stands on a stage for 5 minutes with other Republicans and loses his cool and commences non-stop red-faced shouting until the end of the debate. He even disparages people (Paul) for their physical appearances. The main thing Clinton has to try to overcome, if debating Trump, is being able to get a few words in without him interrupting and shouting, "She's the biggest liar!" ...as Trump did repeatedly with Cruz and Bush. As for policies, knowledge, wisdom, self-control, eloquence, and caring for people less fortunate, Clinton has a full house to Trump's jack high. Trump's strongest suit is his bullying ability.

The problem with Congressional Committees is that they are composed of politicians. They don't really "grill" anybody in the sense that a lawyer would cross exam a witness. They instead take their turn getting on a soapbox making their prepared, good cop/bad cop speeches primarily intended for media consumption. It's entirely predictable and Hillary's toughest challenge during the 13 hours was keeping her legs crossed until the next bathroom break.

The Gowdy Ben Ghazi committee did not throw softballs at former SecState Clinton during those 13 hours.

The chairman Ben Gowdy Ghazi is a former prosecutor in his home state of South Carolina. Of the five Republican members of the committee, a total of three were prosecutors in their home state. The D side has one former prosecutor, a guy from California.

Former SecState Clinton's toughest challenge during the marathon hearing was to look serious in front of a bunch of Republican partisans and rightwing clowns, Chairman Ghazi being their Number One.

Trump's never been through anything like the hearing, from either side of it. He hasn't any clue. Trump would probably let the media broadcast his bathroom breaks as live interviews.

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Clinton can more than hold her own in a debate. She was grilled for 13 hrs by congressmen and kept her cool. Trump stands on a stage for 5 minutes with other Republicans and loses his cool and commences non-stop red-faced shouting until the end of the debate. He even disparages people (Paul) for their physical appearances. The main thing Clinton has to try to overcome, if debating Trump, is being able to get a few words in without him interrupting and shouting, "She's the biggest liar!" ...as Trump did repeatedly with Cruz and Bush. As for policies, knowledge, wisdom, self-control, eloquence, and caring for people less fortunate, Clinton has a full house to Trump's jack high. Trump's strongest suit is his bullying ability.

The problem with Congressional Committees is that they are composed of politicians. They don't really "grill" anybody in the sense that a lawyer would cross exam a witness. They instead take their turn getting on a soapbox making their prepared, good cop/bad cop speeches primarily intended for media consumption. It's entirely predictable and Hillary's toughest challenge during the 13 hours was keeping her legs crossed until the next bathroom break.

The Gowdy Ben Ghazi committee did not throw softballs at former SecState Clinton during those 13 hours.

The chairman Ben Gowdy Ghazi is a former prosecutor in his home state of South Carolina. Of the five Republican members of the committee, a total of three were prosecutors in their home state. The D side has one former prosecutor, a guy from California.

Former SecState Clinton's toughest challenge during the marathon hearing was to look serious in front of a bunch of Republican partisans and rightwing clowns, Chairman Ghazi being their Number One.

Trump's never been through anything like the hearing, from either side of it. He hasn't any clue. Trump would probably let the media broadcast his bathroom breaks as live interviews.

Clinton's handlers were provided the script line of questioning well in advance. It's a political dog & pony show P

Edited by NovaBlue05
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There were more votes cast for Trump last night than all of the votes that were cast in 2012 due to a record turnout.

Trump won 46% of the Latino vote, confounding those who heard his "wall" and bashing of illegals when he opened his campaign.

Trump got more votes than Cruz and Rubio combined.

Hillary for prison.



Edited by NeverSure
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Trumpies ... you underestimate the passion of the majority of Americans that hate his guts. Could he win? Yes but only because of the weaknesses of HRC.

True, that why everywhere he goes there are record turn outs and voting, thats why he is topping just about every poll, thats why he will probably win every caucus. Yes the public really hate him, may because he is so honest and forthright, they are just not used to it

Probably lose to the witch by a landslide, not

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Trumpies ... you underestimate the passion of the majority of Americans that hate his guts. Could he win? Yes but only because of the weaknesses of HRC.

The weakness of HRC? I see a lot of power lifting potential in those thighs.

The "Pantsuit Presidency"TM will never get off the ground. thumbsup.gif

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It's still early to say with any real level of certainty what will happen in a general

Election at this early stage

So much time and nobody really what will happen over the next 6-7 months

All I can say for sure is if you look at the candidates on both sides...

The only 2 candidates that seem to be generating any real 'excitement' are Trump and Sanders

The rest of the campaigns are very .. Ho hum.. Same 'ol same 'ol ... Boring average corporate politicians bought and paid for

If the trend continues through the out the months and only 1 of those 2 candidates remain..

Well... I guess we will have to wait a bit longer to to see how it all really pans out...

As unfortunately , I left my crystal ball in my other Porsche...

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..... that why everywhere he goes there are record turn outs and voting, thats why he is topping just about every poll, thats why he will probably win every caucus. Yes the public really hate him, may because he is so honest and forthright, they are just not used to it

Probably lose to the witch by a landslide, not

It is easy to be honest and forthright when one has little to say other than meaningless platitudes that pander to the disenfranchised and the frightened. And yes, it is also easy to appear honest in comparison to Clinton. But let us face the truth and that is that neither Trump nor the tea-party Republican core have anywhere near enough votes to win a national election. Certainly they can win congressional seats in some districts, and there are some, how shall we say, rural states where they can control the entire state. But in the larger general election they have no chance as they represent a minority of the voters. That is why no truly viable candidate wishes to run as a Republican, only the outliers like Rubio and Cruz. Trump is not really a Republican but he is hitching his horse to this driverless carriage because he knows he personally wins regardless of the outcome of the election. None of the current Republican crop of candidates can win and that is why, if I were a gambling man, and I am not, that I would place my money on Bloomberg coming in and swooping up all the hardcore neocon donations and making a run representing all the entrenched interests so that the rich can continue to get richer while the country falls apart from the rot within. The only possible other scenario is that Sanders announces Elizabeth Warren as his running mate and captures all those votes for Clinton solely based upon her being a woman as represented by Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright thereby paving the way for Warren to run in 2020.

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Trumpies ... you underestimate the passion of the majority of Americans that hate his guts. Could he win? Yes but only because of the weaknesses of HRC.

True, that why everywhere he goes there are record turn outs and voting, thats why he is topping just about every poll, thats why he will probably win every caucus. Yes the public really hate him, may because he is so honest and forthright, they are just not used to it

Probably lose to the witch by a landslide, not

Republican party activists do not represent the nation. Polls of republicans. Duh.

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Trump is sounding more and more presidential by the day...he'll ease into it slowly.

He sounds like an American Putin.

But 10 times more clowny and he won't take off his shirt.

I don't believe Americans will fall for that when push comes to shove.

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump is sounding more and more presidential by the day...he'll ease into it slowly.

He sounds like an American Putin.

But 10 times more clowny and he won't take off his shirt.

I don't believe Americans will fall for that when push comes to shove.

Don't kid yourself Americans actually like Putin who by the way has endorsed Trump

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Don't kid yourself Americans actually like Putin who by the way has endorsed Trump

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Get a clue, dude.facepalm.gif

Americans' opinions of Putin are declining as well, the report notes. Only 19% of the 1,010 adults surveyed rated Putin favorably, while 54% said they don't like what they see. The survey reported a plus-or-minus 4% margin for error.


As with opinions on Russia generally, attitudes toward Putin are more uniformly negative in the U.S. and Europe. Eight-in-ten Americans say they have not too much or no confidence at all in the Russian leader, and majorities in every country surveyed in Europe agree.


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Trumpies ... you underestimate the passion of the majority of Americans that hate his guts. Could he win? Yes but only because of the weaknesses of HRC.

Well, that's the nature of American politics these last few decades. You never could have had a G.W. Bush if American's tolerance for the immoral and dishonest weren't inured by the presidency of Bill Clinton. You never could have had an Obama presidency if not for Americans becoming inured to the incompetency and perpetual war footing of a Bush/Cheney. Obama's spent 8 years managing the decline of America in service to oligarchs. He talks a good game but there's no real will there to pursue meaningful initiatives. When you're this far down the rabbit hole people become desperate.

I don't blame the people like Trump for stepping in and seeing what they can make of the weakness and division that presents itself. I blame the people that support horribly flawed candidates only in the interests of "winning", whatever that means now. It's not the candidates that are the problem. They're just who you'd expect at this point in our history. It's the people that are the problem.

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Don't kid yourself Americans actually like Putin who by the way has endorsed Trump

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Get a clue, dude.facepalm.gif

Americans' opinions of Putin are declining as well, the report notes. Only 19% of the 1,010 adults surveyed rated Putin favorably, while 54% said they don't like what they see. The survey reported a plus-or-minus 4% margin for error.


As with opinions on Russia generally, attitudes toward Putin are more uniformly negative in the U.S. and Europe. Eight-in-ten Americans say they have not too much or no confidence at all in the Russian leader, and majorities in every country surveyed in Europe agree.


That's the thing with Google there is always another opinion. I think the whole world likes Putin bad ass attitude supported by riding horses half naked, although I don't think trump should go shirtless even around his pool

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Here is a really interesting article...

Actually agree with most of it so far

Moreover, there's evidence that human polling undercounts Trump's votes, as people support him in larger numbers when they don't have to admit their leanings to a live human being. Like autoerotic asphyxiation, supporting Donald Trump is an activity many people prefer to enjoy in a private setting, like in a shower or a voting booth.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-america-made-donald-trump-unstoppable-20160224#ixzz417xVICXn

Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook

This excerpt could be the downfall of the democrats in a General election it trend continues ..

Unions have been abused so much by both parties in the past decades that even mentioning themes union members care about instantly grabs the attention of workers. That's true even when it comes from Donald Trump, a man who kicked off the fourth GOP debate saying "wages [are] too high" and who had the guts to tell the Detroit News that Michigan autoworkers make too much money.

You will find union members scattered at almost all of Trump's speeches. And there have been rumors of unions nationally considering endorsing Trump. SEIU president Mary Kay Henry even admitted in January that Trump appeals to members because of the "terrible anxiety" they feel about jobs.

"I know guys, union guys, who talk about Trump," says Rand Wilson, an activist from the Labor for Bernie organization. "I try to tell them about Sanders, and they don't know who he is. Or they've just heard he's a socialist. Trump they've heard of."

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-america-made-donald-trump-unstoppable-20160224#ixzz4182M9BHU

Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook

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I blame the people that support horribly flawed candidates only in the interests of "winning", whatever that means now. It's not the candidates that are the problem. They're just who you'd expect at this point in our history. It's the people that are the problem.

But can't the above also apply to all Hillary supporters as well?

Don't know anyone who actually likes her or believes in her or trusts her..

If all democrats actually voted truly with their beliefs , they would all be voting for Bernie

Instead most Democrats are just acting like sheeple voting how their party leaders tell them as they are being told Hillary has a better chance of winning instead of being true to their beliefs

I actually think that Hillary has less of a chance of winning..

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"I love the poorly educated." This will probably be a bumper sticker plastered on every pickup across America soon.

What can I say? A latin expression comes to mind: "res ipsa loquitur" - The thing speaks for itself. Interpret that as you will.

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I blame the people that support horribly flawed candidates only in the interests of "winning", whatever that means now. It's not the candidates that are the problem. They're just who you'd expect at this point in our history. It's the people that are the problem.

But can't the above also apply to all Hillary supporters as well?

Yes, of course. She's primarily who I had in mind.

Don't know anyone who actually likes her or believes in her or trusts her..

If all democrats actually voted truly with their beliefs , they would all be voting for Bernie

Establishment Democrats are basically what the old Republican party used to be. Bill Clinton, with no particular vision of his own, tread that middle ground that created a voting block that brought in Independents and Big Money interests and ignored the base, which he took for granted. Hillary working from the same playbook. When the Democratic Party moved right, the Republican party moved even further right.

Instead most Democrats are just acting like sheeple voting how their party leaders tell them as they are being told Hillary has a better chance of winning instead of being true to their beliefs

Right. It's never been more evident than now, when the leading establishment candidates from both parties are virtually the same. Goldman Sachs doesn't care if Hillary, Cruz or Rubio wins. They win in any case.

I actually think that Hillary has less of a chance of winning..

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"I love the poorly educated." This will probably be a bumper sticker plastered on every pickup across America soon.

What can I say? A latin expression comes to mind: "res ipsa loquitur" - The thing speaks for itself. Interpret that as you will.

Yeah, he's a piece of work, though to be fair, there was a lot more to the quote that's not included. A good spinmeister can spin that into something Jesus might have said. laugh.png

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"I love the poorly educated." This will probably be a bumper sticker plastered on every pickup across America soon.

What can I say? A latin expression comes to mind: "res ipsa loquitur" - The thing speaks for itself. Interpret that as you will.

You didnt finish his quote.

He was referring to himself as one of the uneducated.

Watch the speech again.

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"We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated. We’re the smartest people, we’re the most loyal people, and you know what I’m happy about? Because I’ve been saying it for a long time. 46% were the Hispanics—46%, No. 1 one with Hispanics. I’m really happy about that"

Notice the word We're.. We're the smartest and most loyal.

Donald sees himself as uneducated which is fine but people jump all over the quote of "i love the poorly educated" without reading the end of the quote.

Edited by sebastion
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Yeah, right...A graduate of Wharton is poorly educated. laugh.png

Thats because he never graduated. Two years attended but never completed.

Somebody better tell biography.com and wiki then:

He then entered Fordham University and two years later transferred to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1968 with a degree in economics.


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No wonder Trump is winning in Vegas, he built it. People are afraid of losing their jobs.

That's the argument Trump often uses "people will lose jobs at my companies" whenever a bank tries to call in one of his debts which he doesn't want to pay. Trump will carry that same strategy, if he gains the WH: He will borrow, borrow borrow, and when the lenders ask for some payments, he'll say something like, "you can't ask me to pay back loans. I'm too big and rich! And now I control the biggest army in the world. What are you gonna do, threaten me?"

Trump is sounding more and more presidential by the day...he'll ease into it slowly.

Here is Trump sounding presidential: "He's the biggest liar!" "Delay, Delay, Delay" "9-11 happened on your brother's watch!"

Putin and he are gonna be great pals, you'll see. They'll find a common wavelength...no one respects hillary.

Trump is famous for love - hate relationships. Just ask any of his former wives or business associates. He'll act like he loves you one minute, then if something changes (if you question one of his blustering statements, for example), he'll hate you the next minute.

In contrast, Hillary is liked and respected by many world leaders, some of whom have known her for decades. They're not speaking up now, but if H gets the Dem nod, some will. In contrast, Trump is seen as the horse's ass he is, by many world leaders. They're not impressed by redneck-talk in broken sentences.

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