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Donald Trump falls to 2nd place in new national poll


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"I love the poorly educated." This will probably be a bumper sticker plastered on every pickup across America soon.

What can I say? A latin expression comes to mind: "res ipsa loquitur" - The thing speaks for itself. Interpret that as you will.

As opposed to Hillary, the Democrats, and other Republicans who loathe the poorly educated. Amazing all the leftwing trash talk against Trump eventually comes back to their hatred of the poor and the people who work for a living. This was supposed to be what the Left was all about. But somewhere along the way, it began worshiping race hustlers, upper middle class college kids being radicals on daddy's credit card, lumpen proles, and foreigners from all across the world trying to steal American jobs. Nowadays, the Left has contempt for democracy and American workers.

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"I love the poorly educated." This will probably be a bumper sticker plastered on every pickup across America soon.

What can I say? A latin expression comes to mind: "res ipsa loquitur" - The thing speaks for itself. Interpret that as you will.

As opposed to Hillary, the Democrats, and other Republicans who loathe the poorly educated. Amazing all the leftwing trash talk against Trump eventually comes back to their hatred of the poor and the people who work for a living. This was supposed to be what the Left was all about. But somewhere along the way, it began worshiping race hustlers, upper middle class college kids being radicals on daddy's credit card, lumpen proles, and foreigners from all across the world trying to steal American jobs. Nowadays, the Left has contempt for democracy and American workers.

Yup, that's the argument on the right. Limousine liberals vamping on the lower classes. Meanwhile, you have the right, with all the deep, true net worth and wealth, rolling out country western concerts (they would never deign to be seen at) on Fox news, claiming to affiliate with the "poorly educated" when having obtained degrees at privileged institutions like Wharton.

Truly a dysfunctional situation we're in. Both sides morally bankrupt.

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For those of you like me who remain a bit bewildered by the popularity of Trump I found this explanation of the Trump appeal to certain segments of the American society, this deconstruction of that appeal, to perhaps have some validity. I say perhaps as I don't watch much TV and have little to no familiarity with the reality TV shows mentioned in the video. But I find it a plausible explanation to an otherwise nearly inexplicable phenomena.

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For those of you like me who remain a bit bewildered by the popularity of Trump I found this explanation of the Trump appeal to certain segments of the American society, this deconstruction of that appeal, to perhaps have some validity

This article explains it neatly.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry


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"I love the poorly educated." This will probably be a bumper sticker plastered on every pickup across America soon.

What can I say? A latin expression comes to mind: "res ipsa loquitur" - The thing speaks for itself. Interpret that as you will.

Trump said this right after saying he won the majority of the Nevada vote from the 'highly educated' voters and the 'poorly educated' voters.

Maybe that bumper sticker should have the caveat, "taken out of context", across the bottom of it.

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Here's every right-winger's favorite intellectual's take on the situation:

Chomsky: Trump's rise due to 'breakdown of society'
“Fear, along with the breakdown of society during the neoliberal period,” Chomsky responded. “People feel isolated, helpless, victim of powerful forces that they do not understand and cannot influence.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/02/noam-chomsky-donald-trump-fear-219723#ixzz419nVfjE7
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Trump is sounding more and more presidential by the day...he'll ease into it slowly.

He sounds like an American Putin.

But 10 times more clowny and he won't take off his shirt.

I don't believe Americans will fall for that when push comes to shove.

Cmon JT; they fell for the Obama smoke and mirrors show twice. Anything can happen.

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Trump is sounding more and more presidential by the day...he'll ease into it slowly.

Yes. For now, he needs to keep his name first in the news--free publicity, and he knows how to get it. He taking it in steps: Get the nomination, win the general election, then start making America great again.

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Trump is sounding more and more presidential by the day...he'll ease into it slowly.

Here is Trump sounding presidential: "He's the biggest liar!" "Delay, Delay, Delay" "9-11 happened on your brother's watch!"

Putin and he are gonna be great pals, you'll see. They'll find a common wavelength...no one respects hillary.

Trump is famous for love - hate relationships. Just ask any of his former wives or business associates. He'll act like he loves you one minute, then if something changes (if you question one of his blustering statements, for example), he'll hate you the next minute.

Answer to your 1st comment: Sounds like a president telling it like it is, not couching his views in some PC BS.

Answer to your 2nd comment: That is how truly powerful people wield power….the power comes from keeping their cards close to their chest.

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A lotta wet dreams landing all over the thread today.

Good that you are here to clean it up.

Not at all as one can only report on what's flying around and that everybody else can see.

Judging from the posts so many on the right awake in glee and joy every couple of minutes apparently. Youse guyz really get a rise out of Trump as he struts his stuff each day and night.

The right's wildest dream come true.

Donald Trump.

Happy dreams.

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Not at all as one can only report on what's flying around and that everybody else can see.

Judging from the posts so many on the right awake in glee and joy every couple of minutes apparently. Youse guyz really get a rise out of Trump as he struts his stuff each day and night.

The right's wildest dream come true.

Donald Trump.

Happy dreams.

Your time would be better spent practicing saying "President Trump".

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Trump is famous for love - hate relationships. Just ask any of his former wives or business associates. He'll act like he loves you one minute, then if something changes (if you question one of his blustering statements, for example), he'll hate you the next minute.

If that's what they told you when you asked them, then I will take it under consideration.......blink.png

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A lotta wet dreams landing all over the thread today.

Good that you are here to clean it up.

Not at all as one can only report on what's flying around and that everybody else can see.

Judging from the posts so many on the right awake in glee and joy every couple of minutes apparently. Youse guyz really get a rise out of Trump as he struts his stuff each day and night.

The right's wildest dream come true.

Donald Trump.

Happy dreams.

People who want to enforce the borders and the rule of law are "nut jobs".

People who send millions of dollars to the "good Muslims" in Syria are our "educated class".

It sure as hell gets confusing in the real world.


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Except Trump is also appealing to Democrats who are fed up with business as usual, lost jobs, and politicians being bought by special interest groups and even foreign entities. If Trump wins big in SC, he'll "run the table" as he says. After that it will be child's play to defeat either a jailbird or a bum.

SC is not that important. The longer Trump campaigns, the more the voters with a modicum of common sense will turn off to him. In the past 2 days he has suffered 2 set-backs, both of his own doing. 2 days ago it was talk of suing Cruz because Cruz had an attack ad which showed some video footage of Trump supporting women's right to choose what's right for their own bodies. It made Trump angry because during the primaries, the Reps are trying to appeal to right-wingers. In contrast, when the Reps pick a candidate, that person will try to appeal to the general public, so he will have to be kinder, more reasonable, less of a dick-head.

The 2nd set-back for Trump in the past 2 days is his clash with the Pope. Any reasonable observer will see that as further proof that Trump is not qualified to interact with world leaders. He's a hate-you or love-you guy who is very defensive (borderline paranoic), very quick to anger and name-calling. Is that what Americans want in the top seat? Well, maybe some rednecks (5% of the populace), but few others.

I've been out of touch with the internet for a bit, and it's big Tuesday in the US about now, so we'll get to see just how well the Donald will be faring soon.

I have the feeling that he's going to be doing well, and there will obviously be a lot of sad posters on TV. Sooooooo, they have to cling to the only hope they will have left, that the US population will prefer HRC ( 55555555555 ) or someone portrayed as a Socialist to the Donald.

I still reckon that he never was serious at the start, and he is probably just as surprised as anyone as to how well he is doing. I guess that few understood just how much the general public despise the establishment pollies.

I heard some pundit on the radio expounding that the establishment don't want the Donald because he will make the GOP look bad ( as if it were possible to make them look worse that they are ), but I reckon that they ( of both parties ) are terrified of him winning because he won't do what they tell him to do. That, of course is why I, and millions of Americans, want him to win, so he can give the politics as usual, nose in the trough pollies a jolly good kicking.

Good luck today, Donald.

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Meanwhile, back to reality, Trump takes Nevada while they trot out Romney with some BS story about Trumps taxes! LOL

and, today I heard on the radio some tosser expounding on how Trump was endorsed by the KKK and how he was a very "bad" man because he didn't say that he rejected the KKK at a news "conference". When he played Trump's actual words, all Trump had to say was that he knew nothing about white supremacists, and couldn't comment on anything he didn't know about. Hardly a ringing endorsement of the KKK philosophy, but the opposition are clearly so desperate for anything to smear the Donald with, that they are clutching at any straw, no matter how flimsy, and hoping that if they throw enough "mud", something will stick.

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For those of you like me who remain a bit bewildered by the popularity of Trump I found this explanation of the Trump appeal to certain segments of the American society, this deconstruction of that appeal, to perhaps have some validity

This article explains it neatly.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry


paired with the sight of Trump humiliating establishment empty suits like Scott Walker, stuffed shirts like Jeb Bush, party pets like Marco Rubio and habitual liars like Ted Cruz. The fact that Trump himself is frequently lying doesn’t matter to those that see themselves as the establishment’s victims if he’s lying in service of exposing another government predator.

Brilliant. At last someone has worked it out.

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Hillary has a perfect record. She's never had a single business that failed. Go ahead. Name one.

Even her $100 million dollar business of getting donations for the Clinton foundation was a roaring success. That includes the donations from foreign governments "who didn't expect anything in return".

What's not to like?

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I think Trump is finished. There's no way he can survive not knowing anything about some KKK guy.

He lied about not knowing about him.

That's been well documented already.

He lies about almost everything.

He's a psychopathic demagogue -- what do you expect?

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This quote is hilarious.

But the tactics the Clintons have used for years to take down opponents may fall short in a contest between the blunt and unpredictable Mr. Trump and the cautious and scripted Mrs. Clinton: a matchup that operatives on both sides predicted would be an epic, ugly clash between two vastly disparate politicians.

“Hillary has built a large tanker ship, and she’s about to confront Somali pirates,” said Matthew Dowd, the chief strategist for former President George W. Bush’s 2004 campaign, who is now an independent.

Hillary expects to the be running against Donald, so the tactics are cooking already:


Edited by Jingthing
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It's Super Tuesday. The thing to watch that the pundits are missing is the number of R's who turn out to vote, and the number of D's. In the general election, Hillary can't survive a record number of R voters when hers are apathetic.


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