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A Dengue Fever Vaccine for Thailand is just around the corner


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As the vaccine has already been developed and marketed, I would think within a year. Main issue is the drug registration process and (for availability through the public health system) MoPH procurement process, which can be slow.

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I moved to Thailand from Singapore. They had a dengue problem a few years back. The government (basically benevolent) started a program on addressing mosquito breeding. The citizens are compliant as well as business. Lots of education on the problem and many inspections with associate fines at worksites and even residences. Looking for free standing water where the mosquitos breed. Lots of fogging carried out too. YET SINGAPORE STILL HAS A BIG DENGUE PROBLEM AND NOT WAITING FOR A VACCINE!!!! They openly provide statistics on clusters and encourage individual "self-defense".: Spray under beds and in closets; apply repellent; clear out water catching spots; contain and;remove food waste (Mosquitos love leftovers)

So this isn't an easy problem that will go away waiting for a vaccine. Strong effort is still being applied to the prevention battle but the problem is still far from over.

Despite the efforts of the Singapore Government a significant Dengue problem still exists in Singapore.

Concentrating on environmental issues, such as eliminating standing water, will reduce the problem but not eliminate it.


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Vaccines KILL people ! [... and at the same time make other people rich !!!]

Might be time to find out for some people in here how much suffering VACCINES have caused

over the years ... proven again and again.

Dengue is easily cureable just like any other virus or flu ... it's all a hoax from the pharma industry and

the so called "health industry" to generate enormous amounts of profits !!! Nothing else.


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Vaccines KILL people ! [... and at the same time make other people rich !!!]

Might be time to find out for some people in here how much suffering VACCINES have caused

over the years ... proven again and again.

Dengue is easily cureable just like any other virus or flu ... it's all a hoax from the pharma industry and

the so called "health industry" to generate enormous amounts of profits !!! Nothing else.


All troll comments are warmly welcome ... sheep usually write [what others tell them] before they think clap2.gif

You of course are free to accept or reject any vaccine but do not attempt to influence others with your faulty "tin hat brigade" ideas.

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Vaccines KILL people ! [... and at the same time make other people rich !!!]

Might be time to find out for some people in here how much suffering VACCINES have caused

over the years ... proven again and again.

Dengue is easily cureable just like any other virus or flu ... it's all a hoax from the pharma industry and

the so called "health industry" to generate enormous amounts of profits !!! Nothing else.


All troll comments are warmly welcome ... sheep usually write [what others tell them] before they think clap2.gif

I take it you are advocating we bring back smallpox?

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Somewhat off topic... relevant all the same

Zika is around for at least 60 Years but as long as it was only Africa and other poor Places noone in the Media cared.

Doesnt mean the Pharma companies didnt see that outbreak coming because it was spreading for years now.

Everyone who works in Pharma did see it jump from africa to asia and micronesia and then to south america.

it was just a question of when it would reach countries wealthy enough so a vaccine will make money.


now that its at the US Border its all bit Media frenzy but even a year ago when it was already running crazy in many places like Brasil the media didnt care.

Why didn't you fund it last year?

You know they are working on the Zika Vaccine for years already thats why they are nearly done ?

After 2007 all the Vaccine companies did start their research because it was just a matter of time and the first will be a megaseller.

But Vaccines take a lot of time to design and test.

The first Trials of Dengue Vaccines are now more than 10 yearsold and the vaccines are still not on market and perfected.

If they had one ready dont you think they would sell it and corner that market as fast as possible ? with a average of 3 doses per person needed it would be a megaseller with around 2.5 BILLION people living in countries with dengue right now. Even at a low price of say 5$ per dose thats 7.5 BILLION $ in just one year and the first can most likely charge a lot more !

And who tells you i didnt invest in that ;-)

Not all vaccines are as difficult as Dengue - the problem with Dengue was/is that there are at least 4 strains and each one requires different antibodies.

I don't think Zika presents the same problem. Furthermore it was largely regarded as nothing more than a mild fever until recent associations with mycrocephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome. So there was no real motivation to produce a vaccine quickly

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post-246745-0-43735700-1447998843_thumb. International law professor Francis A. Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, revealed the Zika virus was souped up as a bioweapon by world governments and non-government organizations during a Jan. 29 interview Not long after, the mainstream media admitted the Zika outbreak was possibly caused by the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil.
According to The Mirror: The Zika virus outbreak currently gripping the Americas could have been sparked by the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in 2012, critics say.

The insects were engineered by biotechnology experts to combat the spread of dengue fever and other diseases and released into the general population of Brazil in 2012.

But with the World Health Organisation(WHO) now meeting in Geneva to desperately discuss cures for the Zika virus, speculation has mounted as to the cause of this sudden outbreak.

The Zika virus was first discovered in the 1950s but the recent outbreak has escalated alarmingly, causing birth defects and a range of health problems in South and central America.

In 2010, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded Australian researchers to release GMO mosquitoes infected with a bacterium.

That same year, Bill Gates admitted he believed in population reduction.

“The world today has 6.8 billion people; that’s headed up to about 9 billion,” he said during the TED 2010 Conference. “Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

FOLLOW for more BREAKING news:https://www.facebook.com/RealKitDaniels http://www.infowars.com/top-expert-zika-virus-a-bioweapon/

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The principal problems with a vaccine "cure" are availability, distribution and cost. The root cause still needs to be addressed. That is to minimize mosquito population. Yesterday it was malaria, then dengue and now zika. There are basic steps to still be taken in mosquito minimization and people may gain false hope from a vaccine "cure". Prevention should still be the primary activity.

Although I agree in principle the fight against the mozzie needs to continue, if the vaccine is effective enough in the end to produce a herd immunity then the virus itself may get irradicated or cease to transmit.

This would of course be a long-term goal.

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International law professor Francis A. Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, revealed the Zika virus was souped up as a bioweapon by world governments and non-government organizations during a Jan. 29 interview Not long after, the mainstream media admitted the Zika outbreak was possibly caused by the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil.
According to The Mirror: The Zika virus outbreak currently gripping the Americas could have been sparked by the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in 2012, critics say.

In 2010, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded Australian researchers to release GMO mosquitoes infected with a bacterium.

The insects were engineered by biotechnology experts to combat the spread of dengue fever and other diseases and released into the general population of Brazil in 2012.

But with the World Health Organisation(WHO) now meeting in Geneva to desperately discuss cures for the Zika virus, speculation has mounted as to the cause of this sudden outbreak.

The Zika virus was first discovered in the 1950s but the recent outbreak has escalated alarmingly, causing birth defects and a range of health problems in South and central America.

That same year, Bill Gates admitted he believed in population reduction.

“The world today has 6.8 billion people; that’s headed up to about 9 billion,” he said during the TED 2010 Conference. “Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

FOLLOW for more BREAKING news:https://www.facebook.com/RealKitDaniels http://www.infowars.com/top-expert-zika-virus-a-bioweapon/

Why not read up first? - you are misquoting the Mirror who in turn gave an inaccurate article on the GM mozzie as does everyone else.

You really need to be more critical of your sources.

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You got to love the Thai smugness. This vaccine is already registered in Mexico, Brazil and the Philipinnes but in their funny little heads, if it's accepted by Thailand, it will gain approval for Worldide use...

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whoever developed that should get the Nobel prize

yea right , just a little behind the paper coffee filter inventor . anythig that is 60% effective in a fluid population is considered useless . thailand pharm tech peeps are just puking out what they were told by phillip pharm tech peeps . oh and another thing no one is talking about the people getting the fever after their 60% EFFECTIVE shot were they bitten or .....

Edited by mikiea
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whoever developed that should get the Nobel prize

yea right , just a little behind the paper coffee filter inventor . anythig that is 60% effective in a fluid population is considered useless . thailand pharm tech peeps are just puking out what they were told by phillip pharm tech peeps . oh and another thing no one is talking about the people getting the fever after their 60% EFFECTIVE shot were they bitten or .....

Sorry you've lost me on this one........please explain a bit more.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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whoever developed that should get the Nobel prize

yea right , just a little behind the paper coffee filter inventor . anythig that is 60% effective in a fluid population is considered useless . thailand pharm tech peeps are just puking out what they were told by phillip pharm tech peeps . oh and another thing no one is talking about the people getting the fever after their 60% EFFECTIVE shot were they bitten or .....

Flu vaccine is 50% to 60% and they reckon it's saved thousands or millions of lives...it also slows down transmission

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Thailand does something good and only a few give praise. Where are all the old moaners? Saying "tee rak Thai mosquito make better me" Maybe on the learn Thai sub forum lol.

Well done Thailand!

It's cos most people like to have a moan about Thailand but yet deep down they love living here. Great news about the vaccine, I would get one ASAP once it's readily available to the public.....

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What's the cure for Dengue?

Vaccines KILL people ! [... and at the same time make other people rich !!!]

Might be time to find out for some people in here how much suffering VACCINES have caused

over the years ... proven again and again.

Dengue is easily cureable just like any other virus or flu ... it's all a hoax from the pharma industry and

the so called "health industry" to generate enormous amounts of profits !!! Nothing else.


All troll comments are warmly welcome ... sheep usually write [what others tell them] before they think clap2.gif

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When are they starting clinical trials with this vaccine?

The clinical trials are done ! The vaccine is available!


The Thai Health Authorities are now seeking formal approval for the vaccine to be used in Thailand. ( The same process as is used by every country wishing to introduce a new vaccine/medication)

Edited by sunnyjim5
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Where do we sign up ?

I have no idea but if you are talking about the vaccine I want the vast majority of the initial supply to be directed toward the children of Thailand in the first instance.

You should check with your local Private hospital once the vaccine is approved for use in Thailand.

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Where do we sign up ?

I have no idea but if you are talking about the vaccine I want the vast majority of the initial supply to be directed toward the children of Thailand in the first instance.

You should check with your local Private hospital once the vaccine is approved for use in Thailand.

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