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Major Police Activity at Zoe Area Tonight

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SK is on east side of Charoen Prathet Rd just north of the Iron Bridge.

They asked me for my passport but were happy with my Thai DL.

Closed Sundays.

Thanks. I'll get over there on Monday and give it a try. Most places just want to see something authentic looking that has a photo and a number. As you said, when places ask for a passport, most will accept a Thai driver's license. They want valid 'identification.' So far, the only places that regularly insist on a passport rather than the driver's license have been my bank and the airport (for local flights too.) But both of those accepted my laminated card instead, as do the military checkpoints up north.

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Not do it so often, but it happens once in a while ... going out on a piss & writing a post back home at 8'ish in the morning. Heard about the past days passport checks around various areas. Just did a old fashion Pattaya round ... Insomnia, Marine, JP (or whatever that pool bar is called across the street), and a couple of Arab clubs with my Turkish friend/holiday maker in tow .... all night long, not a single cop in sight. Business as usual ... nothing different. Guess they were all done here yesterday already and all focused on Chiang Mai last night.

Who knows what tomorrow brings ... not losing any sleep over it.


I know being a Know All after the event is not on but I was informed by a local business man, at lunch time, on Thursday 18th that Zoe was to be raided that night.

How he knew I do not know, I know him to be a reliable sort, even though he has no connection with the Police or Military but talks to many customers.

My Drivers licence has seen me through all my encounters with Thai authorities over the years.

That is my licence and a polite attitude and smile.

I do worry, not too much, about some of the folk who post on this board.

If their attitude in the real world is on par with their way with words then so much can be understood of their problems with Thai Authority.



I know being a Know All after the event is not on but I was informed by a local business man, at lunch time, on Thursday 18th that Zoe was to be raided that night.

How he knew I do not know, I know him to be a reliable sort, even though he has no connection with the Police or Military but talks to many customers.

My Drivers licence has seen me through all my encounters with Thai authorities over the years.

That is my licence and a polite attitude and smile.

I do worry, not too much, about some of the folk who post on this board.

If their attitude in the real world is on par with their way with words then so much can be understood of their problems with Thai Authority.


I, for one, have no doubts that if nothing is wrong with your papers, there is not much to worry about. As you say, respect authorities, proof where you come from and where you live (even with copies), there will not be much of a problem at the end. Maybe a little hassle. Tell me a country where you don't have to ID yourself at any time?

It's a wicked time we are globally living in at the moment and every state/country is very much paranoid.


My goodness, I just read the CityNew article. It said the "raid" occurred at 10 pm! Hardly a time of "out-of-hours" drinking and that no drugs, weapons or dangerous items were found on any of the "party-goers" after the 100 police detained everyone. Also, it says they did urine tests (implying the tourists weren't taken to the station, but rather the testing was done on-the-spot) but no one was found to be using illicit drugs (wow!) and said those without a passport were taken to the police station for "processing". It went on to say that no one was found to be on overstay.

My first thought when hearing the news of this raid was "well, everyone knows you shouldn't be out drinking after 12.00 midnight", but I was wrong. This is so excessive. The raid was at 10 pm and no one was found to be in violation of anything.

I wonder how long it will be before they come to raid XXXX's at 10 pm? I've been know to be there at that excessive late hour, still sipping a red wine. Good thing I always wear dresses. It will preserve my modesty when I have to pee in the cup in public. (and I always carry my passport with me -- take that BIB!)

Edit: to remove the name of my local

I'm more concerned about when the day arrives (and it will at this rate) when you're innocently walking along Huay Kaew Road and a pickup truck suddenly pulls up alongside you and somebody gets out and demands that you show them your papersbah.gif

And the apologists will be posting on TV "I just tatttoo'ed my numbers on my arm.. Whats the problem"..

Apologies for the Godwin, but anyone that doesnt recognize the slide in ease of stay, tolerance, value for money, and appreciation of the direct foriegn exchange residents and long stay tourists bring.. Well its denial.. Sure "it doesnt affect me, I am in bed by 9pm and I would never be found out with the riff raff" etc might be a fine excuse, but theres a trend.. And simply sticking your head in the sand doesnt make that trend any the less real.

But in general, everything everywhere in the world got more difficult over the years, stricter rules, less tolerance etc. etc. Why should the world all around get more stricter and more difficult to live in, but Thailand has to be the same as 20 years ago?

I remember sitting in the back of an airplane smoking a cigarette and having a brief visit to the inside of the cockpit ... well, it's not happening anymore these days. Not in the world, and not in Thailand.

Countries attitudes & policies (especially security policies) change, also the place where you lived at over the past 10 years.

All this 'hey, it was so much easier 15 years ago' it's changing ... yeah, so what, it's changing everywhere ... adapt and move on, where do you think it's any different?


I know being a Know All after the event is not on but I was informed by a local business man, at lunch time, on Thursday 18th that Zoe was to be raided that night.

How he knew I do not know, I know him to be a reliable sort, even though he has no connection with the Police or Military but talks to many customers.

Would it be possible to find out why they raided Zoe ?

IMO, its just the local Police showing Bangkok that they are doing something .

But, is there any other reason for the raids ?

Maybe you could just casually ask "I wonder why they raided Zoe" :)


Well actually, according to the CityNow article the people "detained" were law-abiding. The raid was within legal open hours.

This is something for law-abiding people to worry about.

Zoe has a history of violence , drugs and prostitution and under age drinkers .

The Police were just doing checks to make sure nothing illegal was going on .

Everyone there was required to show their I.D.

People in Thailand are required to carry I.D with them at all times .

The Police are quite lenient , they will not prosecute you for not having I.D.

They just ask you to get your I.D and once they ve seen it, you are free to go .

Why would law abiding people be worried about this ?


Well actually, according to the CityNow article the people "detained" were law-abiding. The raid was within legal open hours.

This is something for law-abiding people to worry about.

Zoe has a history of violence , drugs and prostitution and under age drinkers .

The Police were just doing checks to make sure nothing illegal was going on .

Everyone there was required to show their I.D.

People in Thailand are required to carry I.D with them at all times .

The Police are quite lenient , they will not prosecute you for not having I.D.

They just ask you to get your I.D and once they ve seen it, you are free to go .

Why would law abiding people be worried about this ?

You're like a broken record... by Aqua.

No-one wants to be detained by Thai coppers at any time of the day. No-one wants to be forced to pee in a cup or to be surrounded by guys with guns.

The whole "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about" assumes that everyone around you will behave rationally. Given that this is a place where booze is consumed - this is not guaranteed. Thais like guns. If somebody had pulled a gun during that little raid... the police would have opened up on all the people in there. What a lovely way to end the day eh?


No-one wants to be detained by Thai coppers at any time of the day. No-one wants to be forced to pee in a cup or to be surrounded by guys with guns.

The whole "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about" assumes that everyone around you will behave rationally. Given that this is a place where booze is consumed - this is not guaranteed. Thais like guns. If somebody had pulled a gun during that little raid... the police would have opened up on all the people in there. What a lovely way to end the day eh?

Nigh clubs getting raided is a fact of life in every Country .

No one in any Country wants to have to show their ID to police .

No one in any Country likes it when the authorities carry guns .

But this happens the World over .

If someone had pulled a gun out and started shooting , I would rather have a policeman there to shoot him, rather then myself becoming a statistic in a massacre


The reason may well be part of the 'tip' the police had about a major drug transport through Thailand, coming from Chiang Rai.

The seizure of 1.9 million meth pills and 10 kg of crystal meth “ice”, the arrests of two suspects, and the arrest of three couples from the same family who were found to be smuggling 400 kg of marijuana may also have played into their reasoning. Better chance of finding 'users' in a venue like that rather than at the temple on Doi Suthep. When you want fish, you don't look in the desert.


The reason may well be part of the 'tip' the police had about a major drug transport through Thailand, coming from Chiang Rai.

The seizure of 1.9 million meth pills and 10 kg of crystal meth “ice”, the arrests of two suspects, and the arrest of three couples from the same family who were found to be smuggling 400 kg of marijuana may also have played into their reasoning. Better chance of finding 'users' in a venue like that rather than at the temple on Doi Suthep. When you want fish, you don't look in the desert.

There were Razzias the same time in at least Pattaya and Bangkok. So either they were completely clueless where to find the mule from the north, or it had a different reason smile.png


No-one wants to be detained by Thai coppers at any time of the day. No-one wants to be forced to pee in a cup or to be surrounded by guys with guns.

The whole "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about" assumes that everyone around you will behave rationally. Given that this is a place where booze is consumed - this is not guaranteed. Thais like guns. If somebody had pulled a gun during that little raid... the police would have opened up on all the people in there. What a lovely way to end the day eh?

Nigh clubs getting raided is a fact of life in every Country .

No one in any Country wants to have to show their ID to police .

No one in any Country likes it when the authorities carry guns .

But this happens the World over .

If someone had pulled a gun out and started shooting , I would rather have a policeman there to shoot him, rather then myself becoming a statistic in a massacre

Every backward country, maybe, but not a civilised one.

No-one wants to be detained by Thai coppers at any time of the day. No-one wants to be forced to pee in a cup or to be surrounded by guys with guns.

The whole "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about" assumes that everyone around you will behave rationally. Given that this is a place where booze is consumed - this is not guaranteed. Thais like guns. If somebody had pulled a gun during that little raid... the police would have opened up on all the people in there. What a lovely way to end the day eh?

Nigh clubs getting raided is a fact of life in every Country .

No one in any Country wants to have to show their ID to police .

No one in any Country likes it when the authorities carry guns .

But this happens the World over .

If someone had pulled a gun out and started shooting , I would rather have a policeman there to shoot him, rather then myself becoming a statistic in a massacre

Every backward country, maybe, but not a civilised one.

OK, tell me which "Civilised" Country that some of the above doesnt happen ?


No-one wants to be detained by Thai coppers at any time of the day. No-one wants to be forced to pee in a cup or to be surrounded by guys with guns.

The whole "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about" assumes that everyone around you will behave rationally. Given that this is a place where booze is consumed - this is not guaranteed. Thais like guns. If somebody had pulled a gun during that little raid... the police would have opened up on all the people in there. What a lovely way to end the day eh?

Nigh clubs getting raided is a fact of life in every Country .

No one in any Country wants to have to show their ID to police .

No one in any Country likes it when the authorities carry guns .

But this happens the World over .

If someone had pulled a gun out and started shooting , I would rather have a policeman there to shoot him, rather then myself becoming a statistic in a massacre

Every backward country, maybe, but not a civilised one.

OK, tell me which "Civilised" Country that some of the above doesnt happen ?

The UK, NZ, Australia probably a few Western European countries.

OK, tell me which "Civilised" Country that some of the above doesnt happen ?

Never seen police with assult rifles raiding a tourist nightclub in the UK.

If someone had pulled a gun out and started shooting , I would rather have a policeman there to shoot him, rather then myself becoming a statistic in a massacre

As for shootouts ...... the police worldwide seem to shoot randomly.

Plenty of bystanders shot by police, I wouldn't want a Thai one shooting anywhere near me.



Not happening in Europe, police shits in their pants if they would be ask to do anything like that. And the "guests" in European countries would not take it as light hearted as farangs in TH if approached with automatic guns.

Good or bad? Not judging. At least police in TH has still control.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the UK now have MACHINEGUN carrying cops stationed at every major airport, bus terminal and train station in most major cities? I sure saw a lot of 'em when I was there. But it was comforting to know that no matter where I stood, I could be seen by Big Brother and his CCTV cameras monitoring my every move...

Give me Thailand any day.


OK, tell me which "Civilised" Country that some of the above doesnt happen ?

Never seen police with assult rifles raiding a tourist nightclub in the UK.I

How many nightclubs being raided have you actually witnessed in the UK ?


Just to add to the topic although a little bit off track, I noticed in the missus bar last night that all the labels for booze in her fridge were facing the wrong way.

Upon questioning her about this as saying that customers usually like to see what they want to drink, she replied that during the police ust a few days ago she was told that there is to be no alcohol advertising and that displaying beers with labels showing is a breach of this law.

My reply was <deleted>?

Some people really need to have a good look at how they are applying these rules/laws. I though perhaps she was just pulling my leg but a quick walk around and I noticed Zoe also had all their alcohilic drinks facing the opposite way. I must say that this has to be one of the most stupid enforcements I have come across.

Most of the other minor bars in the area obviously didnt get visitied by this idiot as they were doing business as usual without changing the booze displays.

Whats next? I know there is to be no advertising of cigarettes or booze on ashtrays and glassware but hell where does one draw the line?


The reason may well be part of the 'tip' the police had about a major drug transport through Thailand, coming from Chiang Rai.

The seizure of 1.9 million meth pills and 10 kg of crystal meth “ice”, the arrests of two suspects, and the arrest of three couples from the same family who were found to be smuggling 400 kg of marijuana may also have played into their reasoning. Better chance of finding 'users' in a venue like that rather than at the temple on Doi Suthep. When you want fish, you don't look in the desert.

Pure speculation. Zoe surely is not the only place in town where backpackers hang out. 100 police ???? Maybe 20 at 5 venues might have been a better option.

Perhaps Zoe was more convenient


The reason may well be part of the 'tip' the police had about a major drug transport through Thailand, coming from Chiang Rai.

The seizure of 1.9 million meth pills and 10 kg of crystal meth “ice”, the arrests of two suspects, and the arrest of three couples from the same family who were found to be smuggling 400 kg of marijuana may also have played into their reasoning. Better chance of finding 'users' in a venue like that rather than at the temple on Doi Suthep. When you want fish, you don't look in the desert.

Pure speculation. Zoe surely is not the only place in town where backpackers hang out. 100 police ???? Maybe 20 at 5 venues might have been a better option.

Perhaps Zoe was more convenient

Of course it was pure speculation! This is ThaiVisa not Britannica Encyclopedia! None of us have ANY 'real' information to bring to this table, only speculation, no matter how many cousins of friend's wives have brothers on the police force...


The reason may well be part of the 'tip' the police had about a major drug transport through Thailand, coming from Chiang Rai.

The seizure of 1.9 million meth pills and 10 kg of crystal meth “ice”, the arrests of two suspects, and the arrest of three couples from the same family who were found to be smuggling 400 kg of marijuana may also have played into their reasoning. Better chance of finding 'users' in a venue like that rather than at the temple on Doi Suthep. When you want fish, you don't look in the desert.

Pure speculation. Zoe surely is not the only place in town where backpackers hang out. 100 police ???? Maybe 20 at 5 venues might have been a better option.

Perhaps Zoe was more convenient

How did the optics of this pan out in the local Thai press? Heavy handed crackdown on what seems a righteous lot, at least at 10pm. No wrongdoing, drugs, or overstays detected.

Perhaps next time they could raid the unwashed horde down at the Moonmuang "Bus for Bangkok" stop at Zero Dark Thirty?


Just to add to the topic although a little bit off track, I noticed in the missus bar last night that all the labels for booze in her fridge were facing the wrong way.

Upon questioning her about this as saying that customers usually like to see what they want to drink, she replied that during the police ust a few days ago she was told that there is to be no alcohol advertising and that displaying beers with labels showing is a breach of this law.

My reply was <deleted>?

Some people really need to have a good look at how they are applying these rules/laws. I though perhaps she was just pulling my leg but a quick walk around and I noticed Zoe also had all their alcohilic drinks facing the opposite way. I must say that this has to be one of the most stupid enforcements I have come across.

Most of the other minor bars in the area obviously didnt get visitied by this idiot as they were doing business as usual without changing the booze displays.

Whats next? I know there is to be no advertising of cigarettes or booze on ashtrays and glassware but hell where does one draw the line?

She could put the Chang and Singha labels around the other way and say she's advertising water.

The reason may well be part of the 'tip' the police had about a major drug transport through Thailand, coming from Chiang Rai.

The seizure of 1.9 million meth pills and 10 kg of crystal meth “ice”, the arrests of two suspects, and the arrest of three couples from the same family who were found to be smuggling 400 kg of marijuana may also have played into their reasoning. Better chance of finding 'users' in a venue like that rather than at the temple on Doi Suthep. When you want fish, you don't look in the desert.

Pure speculation. Zoe surely is not the only place in town where backpackers hang out. 100 police ???? Maybe 20 at 5 venues might have been a better option.

Perhaps Zoe was more convenient

How did the optics of this pan out in the local Thai press? Heavy handed crackdown on what seems a righteous lot, at least at 10pm. No wrongdoing, drugs, or overstays detected.

Perhaps next time they could raid the unwashed horde down at the Moonmuang "Bus for Bangkok" stop at Zero Dark Thirty?

About the only places left in town where deadbeat westerners congregate openly are the burger joints. Who knows, maybe burgers could be a threat to peace and order!


The reason may well be part of the 'tip' the police had about a major drug transport through Thailand, coming from Chiang Rai.

The seizure of 1.9 million meth pills and 10 kg of crystal meth “ice”, the arrests of two suspects, and the arrest of three couples from the same family who were found to be smuggling 400 kg of marijuana may also have played into their reasoning. Better chance of finding 'users' in a venue like that rather than at the temple on Doi Suthep. When you want fish, you don't look in the desert.

Pure speculation. Zoe surely is not the only place in town where backpackers hang out. 100 police ???? Maybe 20 at 5 venues might have been a better option.

Perhaps Zoe was more convenient

How did the optics of this pan out in the local Thai press? Heavy handed crackdown on what seems a righteous lot, at least at 10pm. No wrongdoing, drugs, or overstays detected.

Perhaps next time they could raid the unwashed horde down at the Moonmuang "Bus for Bangkok" stop at Zero Dark Thirty?

About the only places left in town where deadbeat westerners congregate openly are the burger joints. Who knows, maybe burgers could be a threat to peace and order!

"deadbeat westerners"? Are you referring to tourists, working expats or retirees? Why such a pejorative term?


About the only places left in town where deadbeat westerners congregate openly are the burger joints. Who knows, maybe burgers could be a threat to peace and order!

"deadbeat westerners"? Are you referring to tourists, working expats or retirees? Why such a pejorative term?

Sigh......it's a tongue-in-cheek statement reflective of the real or perceived attitude by government officials towards westerners of all types resulting in police/ government interference of ordinary, law abiding people going about their business, as described in detail in this topic and many more on Thai Visa. Why such a opprobrious question? Are you worried about your burger joint being raided?


Just to add to the topic although a little bit off track, I noticed in the missus bar last night that all the labels for booze in her fridge were facing the wrong way.

Upon questioning her about this as saying that customers usually like to see what they want to drink, she replied that during the police ust a few days ago she was told that there is to be no alcohol advertising and that displaying beers with labels showing is a breach of this law.

My reply was <deleted>?

Some people really need to have a good look at how they are applying these rules/laws. I though perhaps she was just pulling my leg but a quick walk around and I noticed Zoe also had all their alcohilic drinks facing the opposite way. I must say that this has to be one of the most stupid enforcements I have come across.

Most of the other minor bars in the area obviously didnt get visitied by this idiot as they were doing business as usual without changing the booze displays.

Whats next? I know there is to be no advertising of cigarettes or booze on ashtrays and glassware but hell where does one draw the line?

Yes this is all part of the Dear Leaders moral crusade.. All alcohol advertising and promotions to be banned.. Ask a waiter what beer or wine would be a suggested food pairing and he can be arrested for advising.. Drink labels, beer glasses with logos, etc etc all illegal..

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