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Chiang Mai: 100 armed police arrest foreigners for not carrying passports

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Lots of people are very, very happy comparing and complaining their way through life. I never suggested that you weren't satisfied with your lot. But please don't suppose that this is how everyone goes through their day. Many of us don't feel the need to dwell on the negatives. Personally, I find no joy in it. As you said, we can agree to disagree.

More assumptions from you. Please don't assume that because I disagree with the way the police behaved in one incident that I spend my whole life dwelling on the downside of living here. Instead, try to understand that many of us don't feel the need to ignore the negatives in order to be happy.

For somebody who claims to be so content, you have a strange compulsion to put a wholly negative spin on anybody who disagrees with your point of view.

I'm sure you are very happy. We've seen that in all your complaints.

As for me being negative... could be... but then, I'm not the one making all the complaints, am I? That's not what makes me happy. smile.png

"All" my complaints? That would be the few comments I have made in this thread about one particular incident? I'm going to have to add a passion for hyperbole to your list of sins (weak sarcasm too). I'm glad you're so happy but you and your sidekick do sound rather like you had to have a frontal lobotomy in order to achieve your state of Nirvana. I'll say it again: it is possible to be happy without pretending that everything is perfect. I won't reciprocate your offer and ask you to try joining us though because I really don't think you will like it, or be able to cope with it.

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I agree they don't have very often, because the publicity they generate is very, very bad for business - plus it makes the cops look at best needlessly overzealous and at worst, patently stupid.

Yes, its not as every other Police force in the World ever makes mistakes.

We're not living in every other country in the world, we're living in Thailand so naturally we discuss the shortcomings of the local police force. If I were back in the UK, I'd probably be moaning about the British police. Are you really so sensitive that you find yourself unable to admit there are things going on in this country that are patently wrong, without trying to justify it by saying that things go wrong elsewhere? A rather strange state to be in if you are.

If I were discussing police brutality in the UK and somebody tried to justify it by saying that cops in the US were far worse, I'd think they were a little unbalanced to be honest with you. It's really nothing to do with the topic at hand what goes on anywhere else. You're trying to make it into a competition between Thailand and the rest of the world. Others are simply trying to discuss what they see as issues with local law enforcement, because this is where we live.

We are not talking about Police brutality though, we are talking about just another Police raid , and Police raids are a fact of life in any Country that you live in.

In this instance, the Police didnt do much wrong, , they raided a troublesome night spot that has a history of illegal activity .

Undrage drinking, violence, staying open later than permitted, ripping off customers and attacking them with extreme violence ,

The Police didnt attack anyone, plant drugs or anything else untoward , they just raided a place which was well deserved , IMO .


We are not talking about Police brutality though, we are talking about just another Police raid , and Police raids are a fact of life in any Country that you live in.

But they are not..

In all my years growing up and youth I never once experienced or even heard of a local police raid on a nightclub.. Maybe some major drug den like the hacienda in manchester..

Even during the acid house and rave years with 100s of illegal parties.. there was rarely a 'raid' and usually just left once it got going..

Then in Holland for years.. Never a police raid..

So 'fact of life in any country' seems totally false.


You had to dig back to 2004 to find examples ?? Then you link some of Europe most notorious drug clubs.. the iT and the escape were full on crazy places in amsterdam.. the sunday night monday morning crowd in the escape was a sight to behold !!

The common point is both of those extremely rare 'raids' turned up criminals, they were drug raids that ultimately caught drug dealers shifting large quantities of class A drugs.. Whatever your position on drug legality, obviously these people were breaking the law.. They got monitored, investigated, and finally busted..

What exactly did the Chiang Mai raid do ?? Nothing except cause bad press.. It was a heavy handed operation, with 100 cops, assault rifles, and what did they get ??? Someone without an ID card ?? Obviously worth doing then !!!


You listed places which are drug dens..

I know clubs like this in amsterdam and UK.. Everyones gurning on Es / ketamine / etc and high as a kite.. Off thier tits until dawn.. Its rave clubs in major capital cities.. Does that sound like Zoe ??

As I said "Maybe some major drug den like the hacienda in manchester.." zoe is some half bar with a few drunk tourists, shut at midnight or close, in a provincial city..

No in all my years in UK / europe etc.. Never have I seen any bar like Zoes be 'raided'.. and when they did they found exactly nothing. Its a total heavy handed over reaction..

Zoe was recently shut down for serving under age drinkers, so that was probably the reason for the raid .

Also, I heard that a lot of the big Police from Bangkok were in town, and the CM Police just wanted to demonstrate the them how efficient and hard working that they are


Also, I heard that a lot of the big Police from Bangkok were in town, and the CM Police just wanted to demonstrate the them how efficient and hard working that they are

And at last the light bulb glimmers.



Also, I heard that a lot of the big Police from Bangkok were in town, and the CM Police just wanted to demonstrate the them how efficient and hard working that they are

And at last the light bulb glimmers.


That is quite unfair, because I also posted the same previously in the thread at the beginning, but, I was just repeating it for the benefit to the posters who havent bothered to read all the thread


Also, I heard that a lot of the big Police from Bangkok were in town, and the CM Police just wanted to demonstrate the them how efficient and hard working that they are

And at last the light bulb glimmers.


That is quite unfair, because I also posted the same previously in the thread at the beginning, but, I was just repeating it for the benefit to the posters who havent bothered to read all the thread

So after all that, you essentially admit that there was no basis for this pointless harrassment of tourists other than a PR exercise to impress the Bangkok bigwigs?


Looking forward to the Chiang Mai Songkhran crackdown.

Or down by the beach in Pattaya.

On the boats in the Gulf. Deep diving scuba Farang expected to stuff passport in budgie smuggler. Lodged between meat and two veg.


Police raids are fact of life in the UK. Clubs and pubs all over the UK have been raided-some infamous raids in Notting Hill caused riots. I was at the Factory in Hume when it was raided and at the Nags Head in High Wycombe when it was raided. The Thames valley police constantly raided the The Reading music festivals. As for the raves of the late 80 and early 90s they were cancelled by the police when they could and we're raided. That's why they don't happen any more.


Police raids are fact of life in the UK. Clubs and pubs all over the UK have been raided-some infamous raids in Notting Hill caused riots. I was at the Factory in Hume when it was raided and at the Nags Head in High Wycombe when it was raided. The Thames valley police constantly raided the The Reading music festivals. As for the raves of the late 80 and early 90s they were cancelled by the police when they could and we're raided. That's why they don't happen any more.

I've never heard of the UK police raiding a nightclub just to impress some boss from the big city.

Have you?


Police raids in the Uk appease the bosses of public opinion, The Daily Mail and yes local council leaders.

Normally, if you ever hear of such things in the UK, they carry out raids for a specific reason and they name it.

Tip off for Drugs, Weapons, or looking for specific individuals.

There is no comparison with the keystone kops harrassing naughty farang for their passports because some bigwig is in town.


No the raids I was referring to were to harass, blacks and white non conformists because they had long hair and perhaps smoked pot. I do not regard these as suffcient reason to waste police resources or interfere with people's basic freedoms. You keep asserting theraid in CM was not about serious criminality or violence/terrorism -that it was a show for the big wigs-maybe it was both - maybe neither- certainly you have no evidence either way. Your contempt for the Thai police seems to be matched by your trust in the UK filth. Both are unfounded and believe me - the Bill in the UK have their keystone cops moments often resulting in tragedy with incompetent corrupt cops in the case of the Yorkshire Ripper and the Fred West murders.


No the raids I was referring to were to harass, blacks and white non conformists because they had long hair and perhaps smoked pot. I do not regard these as suffcient reason to waste police resources or interfere with people's basic freedoms. You keep asserting theraid in CM was not about serious criminality or violence/terrorism -that it was a show for the big wigs-maybe it was both - maybe neither- certainly you have no evidence either way. Your contempt for the Thai police seems to be matched by your trust in the UK filth. Both are unfounded and believe me - the Bill in the UK have their keystone cops moments often resulting in tragedy with incompetent corrupt cops in the case of the Yorkshire Ripper and the Fred West murders.

And now we enter the manic world of exaggerations and non sequiturs....


Personal insults are cheap. But all you have to do is study the two examples of UK police malpractice I mentioned and learn something. And you should try to be less arrogant towards the Thai police and towards people who have more life experience than you and more knowledge. Your predudices are based on scurrilous gossip. My views are based on fact, research and real experiences.


Personal insults are cheap. But all you have to do is study the two examples of UK police malpractice I mentioned and learn something. And you should try to be less arrogant towards the Thai police and towards people who have more life experience than you and more knowledge. Your predudices are based on scurrilous gossip. My views are based on fact, research and real experiences.

It wasn't an insult.

It was simply a definition.

Neither institutional police racism nor incompetent murder investigations in the UK have anything to do with a bunch of incompetent buffoons showing up at a bar en masse and demanding to see passports just because the big boys were staying at the Empress.

If you think they were acting on intelligence suggesting a terrorist attack or terrorist suspects drinking at Zoe's, then I would suggest you have a more than fertile imagination.

If you know you have more "life experience and knowledge" than me, then you should add telepathy to your seemingly boundless list of skills.


Personal insults are cheap. But all you have to do is study the two examples of UK police malpractice I mentioned and learn something. And you should try to be less arrogant towards the Thai police and towards people who have more life experience than you and more knowledge. Your predudices are based on scurrilous gossip. My views are based on fact, research and real experiences.

It wasn't an insult.

It was simply a definition.

Neither institutional police racism nor incompetent murder investigations in the UK have anything to do with a bunch of incompetent buffoons showing up at a bar en masse and demanding to see passports just because the big boys were staying at the Empress.

If you think they were acting on intelligence suggesting a terrorist attack or terrorist suspects drinking at Zoe's, then I would suggest you have a more than fertile imagination.

If you know you have more "life experience and knowledge" than me, then you should add telepathy to your seemingly boundless list of skills.

"And you should try to be less arrogant towards the Thai police and towards people who have more life experience than you and more knowledge. "

That statement says it all about who is arrogant!


Personal insults are cheap. But all you have to do is study the two examples of UK police malpractice I mentioned and learn something. And you should try to be less arrogant towards the Thai police and towards people who have more life experience than you and more knowledge. Your predudices are based on scurrilous gossip. My views are based on fact, research and real experiences.

It wasn't an insult.

It was simply a definition.

Neither institutional police racism nor incompetent murder investigations in the UK have anything to do with a bunch of incompetent buffoons showing up at a bar en masse and demanding to see passports just because the big boys were staying at the Empress.

If you think they were acting on intelligence suggesting a terrorist attack or terrorist suspects drinking at Zoe's, then I would suggest you have a more than fertile imagination.

If you know you have more "life experience and knowledge" than me, then you should add telepathy to your seemingly boundless list of skills.

And allso in England, the English Police have never raided a club called Zoe in Yellow in Chiang mai


In China they have a phrase for people who go online to blindly support the actions of those in power; it's "wu mao" (essentially "5 cents" which is what they get paid for each post). I'm wondering if this is a case of "ha satang"?


In China they have a phrase for people who go online to blindly support the actions of those in power; it's "wu mao" (essentially "5 cents" which is what they get paid for each post). I'm wondering if this is a case of "ha satang"?

Who are the people whom you are claiming " blindly support the actions of those in power"?

Or are you just making a baseless accusation ?


In China they have a phrase for people who go online to blindly support the actions of those in power; it's "wu mao" (essentially "5 cents" which is what they get paid for each post). I'm wondering if this is a case of "ha satang"?

Who are the people whom you are claiming " blindly support the actions of those in power"?

Or are you just making a baseless accusation ?

It's funny - there's no accusation there at all, just a question. But if the cap fits...


In China they have a phrase for people who go online to blindly support the actions of those in power; it's "wu mao" (essentially "5 cents" which is what they get paid for each post). I'm wondering if this is a case of "ha satang"?

Who are the people whom you are claiming " blindly support the actions of those in power"?

Or are you just making a baseless accusation ?

It's funny - there's no accusation there at all, just a question. But if the cap fits...

So you are saying that you didnt actually mean that there are people in this thread who "blindly support the actions of those in power ?

It was just a random post that you decided to post in this thread which has no connection to this thread ?

OK........if you say so.

Seems like I was mistaken about your post, either that, or you re being deceptive and dishonest


Stop trying to put words into my mouth Luke. Your behaviour on this thread is disgraceful. You seem to have confused your role in life between "expat" and "police enforcer". Whichever badge you bought in Toys'r'Us - it does not confer any authority upon you. You're like everyone else here. Your arrogance is breathtaking at times but sadly you don't back it up with any substance. Is that clear enough for you? The ability to read between lines seems to be completely lost on you.


Stop trying to put words into my mouth Luke. Your behaviour on this thread is disgraceful. You seem to have confused your role in life between "expat" and "police enforcer". Whichever badge you bought in Toys'r'Us - it does not confer any authority upon you. You're like everyone else here. Your arrogance is breathtaking at times but sadly you don't back it up with any substance. Is that clear enough for you? The ability to read between lines seems to be completely lost on you.

Could you confirm whether that is an actual allegation or just another passing random thought unconnected with this thread :)


Stop trying to put words into my mouth Luke. Your behaviour on this thread is disgraceful. You seem to have confused your role in life between "expat" and "police enforcer". Whichever badge you bought in Toys'r'Us - it does not confer any authority upon you. You're like everyone else here. Your arrogance is breathtaking at times but sadly you don't back it up with any substance. Is that clear enough for you? The ability to read between lines seems to be completely lost on you.

Could you confirm whether that is an actual allegation or just another passing random thought unconnected with this thread smile.png

I can confirm I have entered a battle of wits with an unarmed man. Does that help?


Personal insults are cheap. But all you have to do is study the two examples of UK police malpractice I mentioned and learn something. And you should try to be less arrogant towards the Thai police and towards people who have more life experience than you and more knowledge. Your predudices are based on scurrilous gossip. My views are based on fact, research and real experiences.

It wasn't an insult.

It was simply a definition.

Neither institutional police racism nor incompetent murder investigations in the UK have anything to do with a bunch of incompetent buffoons showing up at a bar en masse and demanding to see passports just because the big boys were staying at the Empress.

If you think they were acting on intelligence suggesting a terrorist attack or terrorist suspects drinking at Zoe's, then I would suggest you have a more than fertile imagination.

If you know you have more "life experience and knowledge" than me, then you should add telepathy to your seemingly boundless list of skills.

And allso in England, the English Police have never raided a club called Zoe in Yellow in Chiang mai

Well I do believe you finally understand how absurd it was of you to attempt to link this act of unnecessary and comedic incompetence with any UK police operation.

Well done.



Love all these Elephant experts trying to explain what happened... Why not just chalk it up to "Sheet Happens". Maybe the elephant was just having a bad day or maybe someone had just tossed him a banana with a hot pepper stuffed inside. An infinite number of unknown reasons could have set it off.

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