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Anyone out there getting high % rates on their money...whether it be CD's, Money Market, Microfinance.....any

legitimate responses are much appreciated. Truly tired of the 1.5% or so we get here in Pattaya.

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I use a formula of investing inflow risk high dividend stocks with quarterly returns of 5 to 9%. (U.S. markets), but I believe most countries will offer the same.

Do not invest in this country.


Even investing in US stocks can be risky.It's like trying to catch A falling knife.It is not uncommon to purchase A stock and in A few days it's gone down.Be careful


If you're looking for return, you're not going to get much safety. If you want safety, you're going to get a very low return. Choose your objective and invest accordingly. And remember: there is no such thing as a free lunch. The various Vanguard funds are a good place to start looking.


I invested in pop art was worth 100 x what i brought for, was going great till

Rolf Harris got arrested, and my collection of his painting became worthless


Good method is to invest in Thai companies with significant investments in Pattaya, like Central Pattana PLC, by following the signals given off by the Pattaya Doom Indicator (PDI) ©2016 JSixpack, free licensing to CFPs. Turns out that TVF doom threads are excellent inverse economic indicators. Upon PDI signal confirmations by our economists and the mighty Tea Money Chorus, invest 60-70% of the amount you have to invest. Sell shares as the price rises unless there's another signal. Buy more shares as the share price later falls and double up on a signal.

I'll give more details with a chart soon. smile.png


Good method is to invest in Thai companies with significant investments in Pattaya, like Central Pattana PLC, by following the signals given off by the Pattaya Doom Indicator (PDI) ©2016 JSixpack, free licensing to CFPs. Turns out that TVF doom threads are excellent inverse economic indicators. Upon PDI signal confirmations by our economists and the mighty Tea Money Chorus, invest 60-70% of the amount you have to invest. Sell shares as the price rises unless there's another signal. Buy more shares as the share price later falls and double up on a signal.

I'll give more details with a chart soon. smile.png

What a wisdom. I can't wait for your charts from the past, where is indicated where you should have bought and sold, all in the past perfect tense.


Good method is to invest in Thai companies with significant investments in Pattaya, like Central Pattana PLC, by following the signals given off by the Pattaya Doom Indicator (PDI) ©2016 JSixpack, free licensing to CFPs. Turns out that TVF doom threads are excellent inverse economic indicators. Upon PDI signal confirmations by our economists and the mighty Tea Money Chorus, invest 60-70% of the amount you have to invest. Sell shares as the price rises unless there's another signal. Buy more shares as the share price later falls and double up on a signal.

I'll give more details with a chart soon. smile.png

What a wisdom. I can't wait for your charts from the past, where is indicated where you should have bought and sold, all in the past perfect tense.

hahaha, exactly what I was thinking about :-)


3% in Santander 123 account, max 20 000 GBP, and can have 3 accounts if married

There are loads of other small accounts, if you use them all you can invest about 120k GBP and get reasonable rate of return.

You could of course look at purchasing an annuity


if you want income flow in THB,

the SET has bunch of property funds, REITs, and such trading with avarage dividends between 6-9% (-tax) most case with quarterly div.pay.

you can pick a bunch of them based on what sector they invest, and their yield, also they are quite loosely relate to the performance of the index, for example in the past year.

the money not invested also pays 1.4% ( just cut now from 1.5%) a year on the broker account...so, beats the bank anyhow, without a time deposit.

oh, and no interest tax on that! :)


Santander 12 acount is only available to UK residents, unless you lie, and tax is deducted

To qualify for an account :You must permanently reside in the UK (excluding the Channel

Islands and the Isle of Man). If you are a Crown employee serving overseas or are married to or in a civil partnership with aperson who performs such duties, you must retain a permanent residential address in the UK for the account to remain open.
Also rates on annuities are very very low and lets not forget, once invested in an annuity you cannot generally ever change it!

3% in Santander 123 account, max 20 000 GBP, and can have 3 accounts if married

There are loads of other small accounts, if you use them all you can invest about 120k GBP and get reasonable rate of return.

You could of course look at purchasing an annuity


Taking out an annuity with a large stable insurance company would be pretty secure but annuities are not a good deal. You might be able to get an 8% return on the money that you put in but when the term of the annuity is up, your money disappears. Also, as a previous comment mentioned, once committed to an annuity, it is very expensive to withdraw from the plan. Even getting 1.5% on your principal would be preferable to an annuity depending on how many more years you expect to live. There are calculators online that will allow you to determine how much and for how many years you could draw down an amount put in a bank. In order to get more than 1.5% you would probably have to commit to a time deposit which would lock your money up. A bond ladder might be your best option if you want a high degree of safety and a decent return. I won't go into explaining it here but you can Google it. There are lots of financial resources online. Personally, I have put my invetments into the hands of an income securities advisor but I have lost money for the past four years. I have a certain cash target in mind and if the value of my investments approaches it, I will sell everything and simply live on cash that I draw down from the principal deposited with some bank for a modest return. That's not a good option but I simply won't allow my principal to go below a certain amount. Investing isn't easy, especially in the present financial climate. Good luck.


India's growth is at 7% and will weather upcoming troubles. Vapor gains leaps and bounds as it is considered healthy compare to traditional cigarettes .

nobody believes the 7%, a fair estimate is 5-5.5%


here is another way for looking at the low returns.

In history you could earn 5% on your investments but the general inflation was about 3%.

Nowadays the return is about 1,5% but the inflation is 0,5%. conclusion: look at another way at the returns and feel better!

Of course you could argue about the inflation because for you the inflation is .... . Ok just a viewpoint


Bangkok Bank has Ministry of Finance 3% Bonds - Remaining Term is 2 2/3 years. Offered only until February 29. Max per person is 2,000,000 Baht.

3%? I believe the OP was looking for a decent return


You can get high 7% in Cambodia 21% of interest is tax your still earning well over 5% paid monthly., Or invest in yourself these days thats about the only investment you can trust.


safe and high return never fit together.

if invest, invest outside this country, the same as the Thai them selves do too.

most of them do everything off shore


Anyone out there getting high % rates on their money...whether it be CD's, Money Market, Microfinance.....any

legitimate responses are much appreciated. Truly tired of the 1.5% or so we get here in Pattaya.

Yes I get 8 % but not in thailand, so I think if you want a good return you will not get it here you would have to go back to your country and invest your money.


Buy solar panels on your roof with a long term contract to supply back to the grid at a higher price than you pay for taking from the grid.

A colleague of me invested 300,000 Baht and gets 4-5,000 Baht per month back.


India's growth is at 7% and will weather upcoming troubles. Vapor gains leaps and bounds as it is considered healthy compare to traditional cigarettes .

I thought this was a good idea some 10-15 years ago, was a big believer. Visited India a couple times. Invested in two mutual funds in the States, IIF and IFN. They went well for a while but not now. I bailed out about a year ago. OP please have a look at the 5 year IIF chart before considering.


Buy solar panels on your roof with a long term contract to supply back to the grid at a higher price than you pay for taking from the grid.

A colleague of me invested 300,000 Baht and gets 4-5,000 Baht per month back.

that is like 15-20% return, not that easy to believe.

but I have plenty roofs if it turn out to be true, (and safe enough).

details? :)


if you want income flow in THB,

the SET has bunch of property funds, REITs, and such trading with avarage dividends between 6-9% (-tax) most case with quarterly div.pay.

you can pick a bunch of them based on what sector they invest, and their yield, also they are quite loosely relate to the performance of the index, for example in the past year.

the money not invested also pays 1.4% ( just cut now from 1.5%) a year on the broker account...so, beats the bank anyhow, without a time deposit.

oh, and no interest tax on that! smile.png

The OP's parameters are rather broad, but if the money is already in THB then this is as good a risk/reward bet as any in Thailand.

If however he is bringing money into the country, he runs the exchange risk in addition, about which, in the event of major global economic disruption, it's anybody's guess where the THB will end up. But if the income, and eventually the capital, are to be used within the country, then this is not such a concern.

For myself, I plan eventually to put a proportion of savings into things like Central property funds, possibly BTS, and so on - mainly for the dividend as you say, but also for the stability and long term growth of the capital.


Government owned banks in Costa Rica pay 6% right now in 360 day CD's in local currency, and about 2.25% in dollars. I've been there for almost 10 years. 140 year old bank, and deposits are guaranteed by the govt for 100%, no max limit of say 250k like the u.s.

The Central bank has a 'band' policy where they keep the colon currency between 490 and 610 to the dollar. They've never deviated. When its in the mid to high 500's, I buy colones, then when it drops to low 500's I buy dollars. The moves are consistent and stable. Never violent. Play it like a flute. Doing this has added about 5-7% a year to my returns.


Gold is the most stable money for more than 4.000 years, all over the world,

except when it falls from $1,909 to $1,053 per ounce sick.gifbah.gifcrying.gif


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