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Chinese tourists are good for Pattaya


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The trick to dealing with the chinese is to mirror their own practices with them….Ive found that to be the most effective.

Don't say please and thank you….just be brusque…..if they're cutting in front of you just cut back in front like its the most normal thing to do.

Fight chinese with chinese-ness is the motto here.

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as a lone holidayer in Pattaya I can only say that any group of 8+ males from pretty much anywhere descending upon your space whilst round the pool is a nightmare and makes me reach for the headphones and crank the volume up....

what I will say though is Chinese origin and Indian are quite unruly and take zero notice of pool ettiquette, the staff at the Amari where I like to stay constantly have to ask them to remove their clothes before bathing, don't bathe in their underpants, don't wash flip flops out in the pool.... I have witnessed about 30 Indians taking over the pool and it was like a scene from the Ganges... the noise was unbearable!

Anyone else witness the same kind of thing? The worst is when I have found a nice little corner somewhere well away from people and there's loads of other room and they have to plonk themseleves down on a bed next to me facepalm.gif

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You ever had breakfast with the Chinese in a hotel What a disgusting experience, only did it one once.

Wont name the place second road pattaya. Think they lower the tone of any Hotel in seconds.

Last time I spent breakfast with a bunch of Chinese in a Jomtien hotel, the place would have been closed down and bankrupt if they depended on their historical Eastern European clientele, who have been staying home in droves.

Give me a bunch of loud and fun loving Chinese folks over a drunken mob of over-entitled escapees from "the commonwealth" any day of the week.

Do tell, where are you from?

Doubt you will reply though...

No problem there. I'm from Texas. The rednecky-est of the redneck states.

And I'll go on to say this: I have colleagues from China who fly into BKK with a shopping list, and they'll spend more here in one week than I'll spend in a year. And I'm on a big fat (obscenely fat) expat package with 40% hardship bump for living in Bangkok.

Edited by impulse
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"Chinese tourists are good for Pattaya"...is like saying "house flies" are good in your soup!

Flew "China Southern Airlines" out of necessity once...was totally aghast at how rude, crude, and revolting were the Chinese passengers...

The Chinese will reduce Pattaya to another Chinese ghetto...

If you own a Condo there...better to sale now and move elsewhere than to have to give it away after the Chinese invasion...

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Geez, you must be kidding. They are loud rude and just plain dirty. I have personally seen them crapping on Pattaya Beach, when I was forced to walk to the edge of the promenade by the collective mass refusing to let morning walkers through. I have seen them spitting on floors in two Pattaya restaurants, a Sushi Restaurant in Central and a seafood restaurant in South Jomtien. Both times Thai families just got up and walked out.

Yes I agreed that the Chinese you see immigrating to Canada, Australia etc. are stimulating property markets, but in Sydney they are buying up very expensive property on the harbor foreshores, installing security shutters and locking these places up. No one moves in. Although an agent looks after lawns etc, things start looking shabby. One property I know has been locked up for 3 years now. Neighbors are furious because of perceived property value deflation.

Don't be mistaken these Chinese arriving in mass at Pattaya are not the same as the wealthy ones arriving in other countries and buying up property, and sometimes successfully integrating. Those in Pattaya are the first travelling generation in their socio-group, another group of the new rich, but the children of simple merchants etc. They are still relatively uneducated, not the same as the first round of new rich 10 years ago, now the hi-so generation. The Chinese arriving in Pattaya, CM etc. have no idea about about treating Thai culture with respect, or anyone else. The Thai do little to keep these people inline, in other countries they get thrown out of restaurants and shops.

"theguyfromanotherforum" go out and see the damage being caused, talk to Thais, you may change your opinion.

Edited by Mot Dang
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Mongers firstly hated the Russians because " they don't drink in beer bars (whorehouses)" and now it seems the Chinese are not liked because they don't support the hooker beer bar trade and want to go shopping and go to other tourist places.

And the whining about the buses? So you have 400 tourists, you can either put them on ten buses or 100 taxis. I think the buses are better for traffic.

Pattaya is lucky that people from different countries come at different times of the year to keep things ticking over. They are loud at breakfast but we don't see too many drunk and out of control in bars compared to the quality white people with their rental girlfriends. Some may visit the soapies etc but they don't parade the rentals hand in hand in shopping centers or take them out to restaurants that many of our white counterparts do which to non-mongers is just a bit cringeworthy.

They don't seem to make the crime news in Pattaya much. They also generally dress a bit more in line with polite Thai standards more so than the average monger. Some of their women are also quite attractive.

Good for pattaya! But not good according to the racist people, who are also more often than not, are also Thai bashers and were recently the Russian/Indain/Arab bashers.

Pattaya is for everyone.

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The Chinese arriving in Pattaya, CM etc. have no idea about about treating Thai culture with respect, or anyone else.

Before you start making complaints like that about the Chinese arrivals, you should probably read this nostalgic thread about the Good old days being over in Pattaya.


The biggest complaint? Traffic. Okay no big deal. I'll concede that one.

The #2 complaint? Hookers used to be better looking, easier, and cheaper. Which, of course, is very respectful of Thai culture, and has been since the GI's first started treating "Thai culture" as a sperm receptacle, back in the '60's.

Edited by impulse
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The trick to dealing with the chinese is to mirror their own practices with them….Ive found that to be the most effective.

Don't say please and thank you….just be brusque…..if they're cutting in front of you just cut back in front like its the most normal thing to do.

Fight chinese with chinese-ness is the motto here.

it helps to grunt too
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I think the guy from the another forum should stay there or join the Chinese forum if he thinks there good for Pattaya. I would rather eat with the Soi dogs , the Chinese are a pain in the ass. I was in DM airport the other day and nobody could get a seat at the gate as the Chinese decided to make beds out off them. There rude , loud and care about nobody but themselves. When the bus loads of them travel to Pattaya they block the streets and the side walks. Ask the room cleaners at the hotels they stay what there like.

and nobody could get a seat at the gate as the Chinese decided to make beds out off them.

I think you need to grow a pair, if you want to sit down, just tell them to move, if they won't

then you move them.

I have done just that at various airports from time to time.

Each time, all of them were Oriental or Asian so I guess they are the same, same as a China person...no different to me ...so the way I asked them to kindly get up and move so other people can use the seats to sit on was no different ( no discrimination at all on my part ) while some of them wake up and stare at you like they are entitled to take up four seats in a crowded airport and they are thinking they should resist the white skinned devil with the round eyes.

Sometimes I said: Better you sleep on the floor ..over there.


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Chinese good for Thailand? I doubt very much. Maybe because otherwise there would be not enough business for hotels, restaurants and third class Thai attractions to even keep their doors open. Some entrepreneurs, i.e. dinner shows on sea, are profiting big times, however.

Traffic jams with many hundreds of buses is reaching ridiculous, unregulated levels. Chinese are some of the most uneducated, rudest and most disgusting people I have ever seen. Any hotel booking these groups will go down the drain in every respect. Friend just told me how now even Samet is overrun by thousands of them and has lost any appeal to "better" tourists. Thailand is slowly declining into a low class Asian tour group destination and has left very little of it's charm it had about 20 years ago. BTW. Much fewer Indians this season compered to last year. Another classy group of tourists :-) MS>

Any group is good for the economy, so doubting the Chinese would be is purely idiotic!. "Chinese are some of the most uneducated, rudest and most disgusting people I have ever seen" I guess you have not seen the drunken Brits about? For you my friend...Just GO HOME!

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'Some serious trolling going on here... No one can possibly take the OP seriously. If you have any doubt, just chat up some of the locals and ask them what THEY think of the Chinese. (Ethnic chinese hisos don't really count...). Don't be surprised if they just make a sour face.

Agree 100%. The Chinese got themselves banned from Wat Rong Kuhn ( White Temple ) near Chiang Rai for some fairly disgusting toilet habits. In Chiang Mai, I know of several Thai businesses who refuse to take them as customers because they waste so much of the business's time trying to argue the price down. Tighter than a fish's a##e.

When I was in Hong Kong, I was amazed by the Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde character of Chinese people I met there. As individuals, polite, helpful and considerate. In a crowd, the rudest pigs on the planet.

Perhaps the Ugly American is being replaced by the Ugly Chinese. Good luck with that, Pattaya.

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And I'll go on to say this: I have colleagues from China who fly into BKK with a shopping list, and they'll spend more here in one week than I'll spend in a year.

I'm curious. What is it they're shopping here that you can't buy anywhere else? Obviously must be something expensive, a new liver perhaps?

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11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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Geez, you must be kidding. They are loud rude and just plain dirty. I have personally seen them crapping on Pattaya Beach, when I was forced to walk to the edge of the promenade by the collective mass refusing to let morning walkers through. I have seen them spitting on floors in two Pattaya restaurants, a Sushi Restaurant in Central and a seafood restaurant in South Jomtien. Both times Thai families just got up and walked out.

Yes I agreed that the Chinese you see immigrating to Canada, Australia etc. are stimulating property markets, but in Sydney they are buying up very expensive property on the harbor foreshores, installing security shutters and locking these places up. No one moves in. Although an agent looks after lawns etc, things start looking shabby. One property I know has been locked up for 3 years now. Neighbors are furious because of perceived property value deflation.

Don't be mistaken these Chinese arriving in mass at Pattaya are not the same as the wealthy ones arriving in other countries and buying up property, and sometimes successfully integrating. Those in Pattaya are the first travelling generation in their socio-group, another group of the new rich, but the children of simple merchants etc. They are still relatively uneducated, not the same as the first round of new rich 10 years ago, now the hi-so generation. The Chinese arriving in Pattaya, CM etc. have no idea about about treating Thai culture with respect, or anyone else. The Thai do little to keep these people inline, in other countries they get thrown out of restaurants and shops.

"theguyfromanotherforum" go out and see the damage being caused, talk to Thais, you may change your opinion.

Mot, it amuses me how you perceive that the Chinese are driving up prices while at the same time devaluing them.

There are good and bad in every race, there have been some fairly Aussies here, a murder in jomtien not that long ago for instance. The Chinese that I have crossed paths with here are a bit of a mixed bag, some really nice ones and some annoying ones. Like all nationalities really.

Live and let live.

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theguyfromanotherforum says

"In Canada Chinese immigrants have already made some pretty dodgy cities liveable. "

What dodgy cities in Canada? In what way have they made them more livable? In Vancouver wealthy Chinese have been blamed for driving up the prices of real estate so high that actual citizens and long time residents of Vancouver can no longer afford to buy homes. That doesn't make Vancouver more livable for most people, except for the people who sold their houses to rich Chinese people and then got the hell out. I'll take Japanese, Koreans, Filipinos, Thais and Vietnamese any day over the Chinese.

​Please, guyfromanotherforum, what in hell's name are you talking about?

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Having lived and worked in China I can only say that their table manners are worse than starving labradors. Salivating spitting and snorting through a meal. Jabbing their chop sticks into every bowl after slurping all over over them. The noise level of what they consider a normal conversation is louder than a 747 at take off.

99% of them smoke and totally inconsiderate of others around them or non smoking signs.

They think nothing of blasting snot out of their nose in swimming pools and hacking up phlegm and spitting it anywhere nearby.

Lovely people, even more bad news is that have strated to buy property in Jomtien.

Coming to your neighbourhood soon..... your worst nightmare.

I live in a condo full of transient ex-soviets and also long term ones, they bother no one and keep themselves to themselves. Perfect, nothing like the well publicised moronic tourists from big red china.

A pretty good description. :)

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90% of the Chinese are on a prepaid tourist trip ( usually ) controlled by a wealthy group.They are escorted to certain hotels (controlled by said group) taken to a massage parlor ( once again controlled) taken on a tour in a group down walking street to a night club(controlled) for a free drink to watch one show.They are cautioned not to drink in other places as the locals may poison or take advantage of them.They spend very little money on small tourist items receiving a ball type cap at the hotel and urged to only spend with the spongers.When they were bused to a massage parlor next to The OK Corral bar in South Pattaya some were waiting for the others to Finnish so they ask the price of a pitcher of beer on tap.We charged them the same as anyone..When loading the bus the group's Thai leader ask what we charged them.He then told us that when they come again with any other group the price should be charged triple as that is what their hotel charged.Good for the economy ? No as the small people trying to elk out a living get none or very little of their money.Good for the wealthy groups controlling the Chinese tourist ? Yes.

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90% of the Chinese are on a prepaid tourist trip ( usually ) controlled by a wealthy group.They are escorted to certain hotels (controlled by said group) taken to a massage parlor ( once again controlled) taken on a tour in a group down walking street to a night club(controlled) for a free drink to watch one show.They are cautioned not to drink in other places as the locals may poison or take advantage of them.They spend very little money on small tourist items receiving a ball type cap at the hotel and urged to only spend with the spongers.When they were bused to a massage parlor next to The OK Corral bar in South Pattaya some were waiting for the others to Finnish so they ask the price of a pitcher of beer on tap.We charged them the same as anyone..When loading the bus the group's Thai leader ask what we charged them.He then told us that when they come again with any other group the price should be charged triple as that is what their hotel charged.Good for the economy ? No as the small people trying to elk out a living get none or very little of their money.Good for the wealthy groups controlling the Chinese tourist ? Yes.

Well thank you for today's bar stool view of the world. The "we charged the same" bit gave you away.

No one is claiming that the Chinese are beer bar types.

This 90% figure you got from where?

You made it up didn't you? Come on, admit it. This lovely round figure you present as fact is made up isn't it.

Or you heard it from someone else who made it up.

Let's stick to the facts.

What part of China are they from? The biggest number come from Hong Kong.

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I think the guy from the another forum should stay there or join the Chinese forum if he thinks there good for Pattaya. I would rather eat with the Soi dogs , the Chinese are a pain in the ass. I was in DM airport the other day and nobody could get a seat at the gate as the Chinese decided to make beds out off them. There rude , loud and care about nobody but themselves. When the bus loads of them travel to Pattaya they block the streets and the side walks. Ask the room cleaners at the hotels they stay what there like.

and nobody could get a seat at the gate as the Chinese decided to make beds out off them.

I think you need to grow a pair, if you want to sit down, just tell them to move, if they won't

then you move them.

I have done just that at various airports from time to time.

Each time, all of them were Oriental or Asian so I guess they are the same, same as a China person...no different to me ...so the way I asked them to kindly get up and move so other people can use the seats to sit on was no different ( no discrimination at all on my part ) while some of them wake up and stare at you like they are entitled to take up four seats in a crowded airport and they are thinking they should resist the white skinned devil with the round eyes.

Sometimes I said: Better you sleep on the floor ..over there.


Not the most worldly and politically correct individual......"Oriental", "I guess they are the same".....what a joker.

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I was in one of the restaurants at Tukcom about 2 months ago. A Chinese husband and wife came in, I thought they were having a domestic. They were literally shouting at each other. They proceeded to shout at each other throughout their meal, with no consideration of anyone else.

Edited by Seizetheday
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The next wave of quality tourists inspired by TAT's campaigning...


Oh i didn realize they were zombies ,i thought they were economic migrants trying to get to Britain .

Songkran water hooligans grabbing for water guns and PVC pipes sold from back of a truck.

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90% of the Chinese are on a prepaid tourist trip ( usually ) controlled by a wealthy group.They are escorted to certain hotels (controlled by said group) taken to a massage parlor ( once again controlled) taken on a tour in a group down walking street to a night club(controlled) for a free drink to watch one show.They are cautioned not to drink in other places as the locals may poison or take advantage of them.They spend very little money on small tourist items receiving a ball type cap at the hotel and urged to only spend with the spongers.When they were bused to a massage parlor next to The OK Corral bar in South Pattaya some were waiting for the others to Finnish so they ask the price of a pitcher of beer on tap.We charged them the same as anyone..When loading the bus the group's Thai leader ask what we charged them.He then told us that when they come again with any other group the price should be charged triple as that is what their hotel charged.Good for the economy ? No as the small people trying to elk out a living get none or very little of their money.Good for the wealthy groups controlling the Chinese tourist ? Yes.

Well thank you for today's bar stool view of the world. The "we charged the same" bit gave you away.

No one is claiming that the Chinese are beer bar types.

This 90% figure you got from where?

You made it up didn't you? Come on, admit it. This lovely round figure you present as fact is made up isn't it.

Or you heard it from someone else who made it up.

Let's stick to the facts.

What part of China are they from? The biggest number come from Hong Kong.

From Hong Kong ! Silly ignorant man. HongKongers will not waste money on beach trips, they want to gamble, have Macau and Singapore on their doorsteps and family over their SEZ borders . The rich are richer than you and I and the others want to work work work to get rich. Why do you make such stupid assumptions?

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I think the guy from the another forum should stay there or join the Chinese forum if he thinks there good for Pattaya. I would rather eat with the Soi dogs , the Chinese are a pain in the ass. I was in DM airport the other day and nobody could get a seat at the gate as the Chinese decided to make beds out off them. There rude , loud and care about nobody but themselves. When the bus loads of them travel to Pattaya they block the streets and the side walks. Ask the room cleaners at the hotels they stay what there like.

I was also at The Don recently and all you have to do is put your Chinese hat on for 5-10 minutes.Told a couple of struggling Thais to follow me,just push your trolley into them and shout Thai at them,they get the message.As far as sleeping on seats,just wake them up.

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