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Trump predicts he'll face Clinton, break turnout records


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Trump predicts he'll face Clinton, break turnout records
By Eric Bradner, CNN

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump's general election prediction: He'll face Hillary Clinton, and the two will bring out "the greatest turnout in history."

"Frankly, if she gets indicted, that's the only way she's going to be stopped. I think it's going to be Hillary and myself," the Republican real estate mogul said Sunday in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."

Trump's comments came the morning after he cruised to victory in South Carolina's primary -- giving him two wins and one second-place finish in the first three GOP contests.

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/02/21/politics/donald-trump-predicts-hillary-clinton-highest-turnout/index.html

-- CNN 2016-02-22

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I always wanted to watch the fall of a Nation....coffee1.gif

You're French. Just look around you.

Bada bing !!! :-)

Hillary has lots and lots of baggage, which will be

brought out in a hard fought race. And I suspect that

Trump has a few skeletons rattling around as well.

So should make for a nasty interesting race...

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Oh boy!

Trump's going to be the Republican nominee.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. clap2.gif

... And many thought George W. winning a second term was a historic blunder for America ... Here comes Trump to win that booby prize.

That so called historic blunder was rendered inconsequential with the elections of 2008 and 2012.

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Oh boy!

Trump's going to be the Republican nominee.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. clap2.gif

While you clap your hands, you really think there's an alternative? .

HRClinton's going to be the Democrat nominee...

So Goldman Sachs will have their representative in the White House

$675,000 for speeches she will not release the transcripts of, and $125M for speaking fees since 2001, you think you're going to get an independent in the White House?

All countries need to get rid of career politicians who court banks who are too big to fail and too big to jail

As some have said women must vote for Hillary because she's a woman otherwise it's a betrayal of womankind

and as you said in an earlier post Hillary will be in the White House so get used to it...

Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy

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Be careful what you wish for. Big turnout equals Democrat win by a landslide. The only time Republicans win is if voter turnout is low. Very much what happened in State elections. Low turnout is better for Republicans than Democrats. Trump lets his ego get in the way of his goal. Fatal.

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Trump (who speaks his mind, rarely from autocues or notes)

. . . . or

Clinton (who is basically a liar!)

The choice is yours America

(And I thought Obama was bad! Jeeeez)

It really is the 'catch cry' with Trump isn't it. He supposedly speaks his mind. It's actually rubbish. Trump simply verbalises the racism and xenophobic hatreds of the Far Right Wing lunatics. He 'speaks his mind' okay but 90% of the electorate cringe with embarrassment. It's a little like the racist hate speech from the old drunk Uncle at the party. He sure speaks his mind but no one really wants to hear it other than a few like minded redneck racists. I often hear the excuse from people 'oh, I just speak my mind and tell it the way it is'. Ah well, no actually, your just an uneducated rude tosser.

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There are too many running against Trump at the moment. Once we get to two or three total you will see Trump's percentage stay the same but the other one or two move up to match or pass.

As as far as HRC goes, Sanders has a huge following of supporters and his message is about real change and not business as usual as is Hillary's.

My prediction is Sanders and Rubio.

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I always wanted to watch the fall of a Nation....coffee1.gif

You're French. Just look around you.

lol, the worst President in France will never rival with the stupidity of a Bush or Trump, but It gives some hint to the IQ of the followers...especially if they live in a city of light like Pattaya..

The Pot calling the kettle black

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Be careful what you wish for. Big turnout equals Democrat win by a landslide. The only time Republicans win is if voter turnout is low. Very much what happened in State elections. Low turnout is better for Republicans than Democrats. Trump lets his ego get in the way of his goal. Fatal.

The two demographics who traditionally have a low voter turnout, 18-25's and Blacks, likely won't be flocking to the polls without Bernie or an Obama-like figure.to entice their interest.

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Trump versus Clinton for President- Is it any wonder Americans who can are leaving......It's hopeless if this occurs.

Really? I haven't noticed

Who cares....millions from latin america and asia queuing up to get in.

Almost half our office staff is foreign born....and that's a government agency not a multi-national. Haven't seen anyone leave though

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Trump versus Clinton for President- Is it any wonder Americans who can are leaving......It's hopeless if this occurs.

The most fringe crackpot rightwhingers left the USA long ago, the last of 'em in 2008 right after Barack Obama won.

You're new around here so keep reading to see where they went and are. coffee1.gif

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Trump versus Clinton for President- Is it any wonder Americans who can are leaving......It's hopeless if this occurs.

The most fringe crackpot rightwhingers left the USA long ago, the last of 'em in 2008 right after Barack Obama won.

You're new around here so keep reading to see where they went and are. coffee1.gif

The most truly fringe crackpots on the right wing side didn't leave. They just organized armed militia camps out in the mountains

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Trump (who speaks his mind, rarely from autocues or notes)

. . . . or

Clinton (who is basically a liar!)

The choice is yours America

(And I thought Obama was bad! Jeeeez)

It really is the 'catch cry' with Trump isn't it. He supposedly speaks his mind. It's actually rubbish. Trump simply verbalises the racism and xenophobic hatreds of the Far Right Wing lunatics. He 'speaks his mind' okay but 90% of the electorate cringe with embarrassment. It's a little like the racist hate speech from the old drunk Uncle at the party. He sure speaks his mind but no one really wants to hear it other than a few like minded redneck racists. I often hear the excuse from people 'oh, I just speak my mind and tell it the way it is'. Ah well, no actually, your just an uneducated rude tosser.

Wow! You say Trump talks cr@p and you come out with the race card without good reason? If stopping immigration is considered racist in your opinion, I'm fear for you. Have you been wrapped up in cotton wool all your life?

Funny how you don't mention his other subjects that he feels strongly about? Such as the economy and looking after veterans, doing something about ISIS to name a few?

I will tell you what is more racist than anything Trump stands for, and that is the way blacks are segregated as a target group for a candidate to try and win votes!! How backward is that?

We have black people in the UK too, but they are part of the population that vote for a party or an electorate's ideas and values. NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE DIFFERENT!

You talk about far right wing? Hitler was "far right" Trump certainly is not. The far left is way more dangerous than the far right IMO

In England, if a right wing march/demonstration takes place, the far left/socialists come out spoiling for a fight. If the lefties do the same, I cannot remember a time when the right wing had a counter demo. Funny how the left wants to not be told what to and have freedom of speech, yet they don't want the right to have their say?


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Trump versus Clinton for President- Is it any wonder Americans who can are leaving......It's hopeless if this occurs.

The most fringe crackpot rightwhingers left the USA long ago, the last of 'em in 2008 right after Barack Obama won.

You're new around here so keep reading to see where they went and are. coffee1.gif

The most truly fringe crackpots on the right wing side didn't leave. They just organized armed militia camps out in the mountains

So lemme modify that for you to say the most maritally stable USA rightwhingenuts are still there because they're happily with the one and only spouse, they own property and physical assets such as livestock, and they have a home arsenal of rifles, shotguns, handguns, assault rifles, automatic weapons, tons of ammunition; jeeps, an an occasional tank here and there all of which the ones who left the country didn't have and can't have over here.

The radical fringe right over here self-deported cause they couldn't hack the changes occurring back there in society, culture, election outcomes at the national level, Supreme Court rulings, the MSM, immigration trends of the past 40 years, civilian rulers, republicanism and democracy, or Bill Clinton as potus nevermind Hillary. And that's just for openers.

(Regret I almost always have to expand as trying to be pithy in posts seems to result in my point getting lost.)

Reread some of the narratives just to this thread to get the drift if not everything here and then some, literally.

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Trump versus Clinton for President- Is it any wonder Americans who can are leaving......It's hopeless if this occurs.

The most fringe crackpot rightwhingers left the USA long ago, the last of 'em in 2008 right after Barack Obama won.

You're new around here so keep reading to see where they went and are. coffee1.gif

Reading a lot of your wordy statements which seem to be ideologically driven as per your avatar, are you a Marxist?

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So lemme modify that for you to say the most maritally stable USA rightwhingenuts are still there because they're happily with the one and only spouse, they own property and physical assets such as livestock, and they have a home arsenal of rifles, shotguns, handguns, assault rifles, automatic weapons, tons of ammunition; jeeps, an an occasional tank here and there all of which the ones who left the country didn't have and can't have over here.

The radical fringe right over here self-deported cause they couldn't hack the changes occurring back there in society, culture, election outcomes at the national level, Supreme Court rulings, the MSM, immigration trends of the past 40 years, civilian rulers, republicanism and democracy, or Bill Clinton as potus nevermind Hillary. And that's just for openers.

(Regret I almost always have to expand as trying to be pithy in posts seems to result in my point getting lost.)

Reread some of the narratives just to this thread to get the drift if not everything here and then some, literally.

Would you please ask your caregiver in The Home to help you write that in English? As usual, it doesn't make any sense.


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