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India caste unrest: Ten million without water in Delhi


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India caste unrest: Ten million without water in Delhi

DELHI: -- More than 10 million people in India's capital, Delhi, are without water after protesters sabotaged a key canal which supplies much of the city.

The army took control of the Munak canal after Jat community protesters, angry at caste job quotas, seized it.

Keshav Chandra, head of Delhi's water board, told the BBC it would take "three to four days" before normal supplies resumed to affected areas.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-35627819

-- BBC 2016-02-23

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When I read 'caste unrest,' I foolishly got my hopes up thinking that they were finally coming to their senses. Sadly, it is yet another story about the entitled upper class demanding more, while the woefully ignorant poor continue to willfully subject themselves to abject poverty and slavery due to some magical force that is beyond their control.

When will India ever get around to a one child policy, or even better, a zero child policy?

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Maybe you can't drink it, maybe they don't shower, but you sure as hell need it to flush

the toilet. The Jats that sabotaged the canal should be rounded up and charged.

Open defecation needs flushing? shock1.gif

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Whether they have water or not, it doesn't matter. You cannot drink the water; and no one in India showers !

nonsense and discriminating.

Indian people are a lot cleaner than you might think. I been there for some long time and even the poor people take a shower two times a day. and they do drink that water as that water is not good only for foreigners and who cares about foreigners in India?

Caste system in India is a very harsh system. Bc you born into a certain cast and you cannot leave it all your life and all your life depends on it. I met with Indians from different casts and one guy from milkman cast i met in Varanasi told me that his family is selling milk for a confirmed 3000 years in Varanasi and still doing so! he was proud of his caste as he said their is an important caste as without milk, India does not even run! but he still had some issues and he said he will never able to do any other profession in his life. it is basically unfair but it is their culture for 5000 years before there were Europe, USA or whatever to criticise!

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India has water problems even in the best of times. one a side note: I saw a photo in a Nat'l Geo magazine which showed a Dalat (untouchable) who was covered, head to toe in human manure. He was nearly nude, and had just done the dirtiest job of cleaning out a backed-up sewer. Yet, (and here's the clincher) the women gathered at the 1 community faucet in that area wouldn't allow him to rinse off ! Is that sick or what?! He's cleaning out their sewers, and the beneficiaries won't allow him to rinse the shit off his bare body. I won't ever forget that photo.

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