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Trump notches another win as Rubio bids to elbow past Cruz


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Trump notches another win as Rubio bids to elbow past Cruz

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Notching three in a row, Donald Trump decisively won Nevada's Republican caucuses Tuesday as Marco Rubio bid to elbow out Ted Cruz for second place in an increasingly urgent effort to slam the brakes on the Trump juggernaut.

Trump now can claim victories in the West, the South and Northeast — a testament to his broad appeal among the mad-as-hell voters making their voices heard in the 2016 presidential race. His rivals are running out of time to stop him.

"We're winning, winning, winning the country," Trump declared. "Soon, the country is going to start winning, winning, winning."

Ticking off a list of upcoming primary states where he's leading in preference polls, Trump predicted he'll soon be able to claim the GOP nomination. "It's going to be an amazing two months," he told a raucous crowd at a Las Vegas casino. "We might not even need the two months, folks, to be honest."

Entrance polls captured the sentiment propelling Trump's insurgent campaign: Six in 10 caucus goers said they were angry with the way the government is working, and Trump got about half of them.

With time running out, Nevada was a critical test for Rubio and Cruz, the two senators battling to emerge as the clear alternative to the GOP front-runner. Rubio was out to prove he can build on recent momentum, while Cruz was looking for a spark to help him recover from a particularly rocky stretch in his campaign.

Lagging far behind the two senators in the Nevada vote were Ohio Gov. John Kasich and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

Rubio, already campaigning in Michigan as caucus results rolled in, sought to project confidence that he can consolidate the non-Trump voters who have been splintering among an assortment of GOP candidates, saying "we have incredible room to grow."

But after finishing third in Iowa, fifth in New Hampshire and second in South Carolina, Rubio needs a win soon to support the idea he can beat Trump.

Cruz, a fiery conservative popular among voters on the GOP's right, finished a disappointing third in South Carolina after spending much of the past two weeks denying charges of dishonest campaign tactics and defending his integrity. Another disappointing finish in Nevada would raise new questions about his viability heading into a crucial batch of Super Tuesday states on March 1.

In a more muted address across town, Cruz gave Trump his due for winning in Nevada and then pressed the argument that he's the only candidate who can stop the billionaire businessman.

Harking back to own win in Iowa's leadoff caucuses, Cruz told supporters "the only campaign that has defeated Donald Trump is this campaign."

Then, looking for opportunities that lie ahead in his home state of Texas and elsewhere, he added: "One week from today will be the most important night of this campaign: Super Tuesday."

The election calendar suggests that if Trump's rivals don't slow him by mid-March, they may not ever. Trump swept all of South Carolina's 50 delegates, giving him a total of 67 compared to Cruz and Rubio who have 11 and 10, respectively. There were 30 delegates at stake in Nevada, and a whopping 595 available one week later on Super Tuesday.

Trump, in his victory speech, dismissed the notion that if more GOP candidates drop out of the race, they'll coalesce around an alternative.

"They keep forgetting that when people drop out, we're going to get a lot of votes," he said.

Nevada's caucusing played out in schools, community centers and places of worship across the state — a process that's been chaotic in the past.

Count Tracy Brigida, fed up after her husband was laid off from his mining job, among those caucusing for Trump.

"I want a businessman to run the biggest business in the world," Brigida said as she caucused at a Las Vegas high school.

Jeremy Haight drove straight from his marketing job to caucus for Marco Rubio at the same high school.

"He's the most level-headed. He hasn't said anything stupid or crazy ... which is really what I think the country needs," Haight said.

It was Cruz for Megan Ortega, who declared: "He's consistent, he's bold and he's a class act."

Preliminary results of the entrance poll found that about 3 in 10 early caucus goers said the quality that mattered most to them in choosing a candidate was that he shares their values, slightly more than the quarter who said they want a candidate who can win in November. About a quarter said they want a candidate who can bring change. About 2 in 10 want one who "tells it like it is."

Trump — no surprise here — was supported by nearly 9 in 10 of the "tell it like it is" voters.

The entrance poll survey was conducted for The Associated Press and the television networks by Edison Research as Republican voters arrived at 25 randomly selected caucus sites in Nevada.

Benac reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Nicholas Riccardi in Las Vegas and Chad Day in Washington contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-02-24

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The votes Trump is getting shows how dissatisfied America

are with the same old hack platforms.

People want change. And in a general election, I think

that Trump will easily win against Clinton. She has way too much

baggage. Trump will go for the throat in an election against

her, and she will not come out well.... He can start with

Whitewater, and work up from there. :-) This general

election is going to be fun fun fun !!!!!!!

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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This is like watching a slow motion car crash !

I always knew the majority of people in the US were "educationally challenged" but by voting for Trump proves I am/was correct ! smile.png

So in your esteemed opinion, a vote for Clinton in

the general election when it occurs would class

the voter as properly educated ??? Wow.....

I actually think he would make a reasonable

president. I suspect during his term, the Muslim

terrorists would be keeping a low profile... cheesy.gif

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YEEEEEESSSSSS! Win the Republican nominee! Its a gift to the Democracts. Then watch Hillary,on November 16, 2016, win The Presidential Election by a landslide. I will have CNN on the notebook and Fox News on the 70 inch (Because i want to see the shock on drunk Fox anchors faces when Wolf annnounces CNN's historic presedential prediction that Hillary Rodem Clinton will become the first woman president of The United Freaking State Of America)

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YEEEEEESSSSSS! Win the Republican nominee! Its a gift to the Democracts. Then watch Hillary,on November 16, 2016, win The Presidential Election by a landslide. I will have CNN on the notebook and Fox News on the 70 inch (Because i want to see the shock on drunk Fox anchors faces when Wolf annnounces CNN's historic presedential prediction that Hillary Rodem Clinton will become the first woman president of The United Freaking State Of America)

Hillary may be answering questions from the FBI by then, good luck with your aged communist.
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Donald Trump's list of stated goals and policies for the American people:

#1. Build a wall.


Donald Trump on his foreign policy "advisers":

"In August, NBC’s Chuck Todd pressed him where he got his military advice, drawing an eyebrow-raising response:"

“Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great-- you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows and you have the generals,” Trump responded.


cheesy.gif clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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Trump has too many entities and far to many people to micromanage. He hires people that he believes are smarter than he is because he isn't threatened by that. He's well managing a multinational company and he'll put together a better management team than we've had in a long time. He doesn't have to know everything and neither would any other candidate. He just has to have a talent for choosing people.

What would Hillary know about the military as Commander in Chief? Sanders? Rubio? Cruz? No but they'd choose stupid people to match their own IQ's.


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This is like watching a slow motion car crash !

I always knew the majority of people in the US were "educationally challenged" but by voting for Trump proves I am/was correct ! smile.png

It's a Demo Derby not just a car wreck and I luv it. The end result election day in November is President Hillary Clinton.

So you are very wrong. The majority of people in the US have not voted for anyone or anything. Trump is a Republican running for potus in the Republican party primary votes and the Republican party caucus votes.

The majority of people in the US will express our will only on election day as we call it in the USA, November 8th. So the mule you're riding on is slow but it will get there eventually. Then you can see how the "majority of people in the US" do vote.

In the meantime yodel to the mule or something to try to keep from making ill informed statements about the 140 million people in the US who will vote in the general election Tuesday November 8th. There is a mass of middle Americans out there you and too many other yodelers know nothing of or about.

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Something I said on the forum months ago will turn out to be true. Trump will make a sizable inroad into the black vote. First, because a lot of black people simply cannot stand Hillary Clinton. Second, because they, too, want illegals out of the country. And, third, they want some of those jobs back that the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama gave out to China, Mexico, India, and the rest of the world. All Americans are sick and tired of American politicians thinking first and foremost about foreigners. Time for both political parties' establishments to bite the dust.

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This is like watching a slow motion car crash !

I always knew the majority of people in the US were "educationally challenged" but by voting for Trump proves I am/was correct ! smile.png

It's a Demo Derby not just a car wreck and I luv it. The end result election day in November is President Hillary Clinton.

So you are very wrong. The majority of people in the US have not voted for anyone or anything. Trump is a Republican running for potus in the Republican party primary votes and the Republican party caucus votes.

The majority of people in the US will express our will only on election day as we call it in the USA, November 8th. So the mule you're riding on is slow but it will get there eventually. Then you can see how the "majority of people in the US" do vote.

In the meantime yodel to the mule or something to try to keep from making ill informed statements about the 140 million people in the US who will vote in the general election Tuesday November 8th. There is a mass of middle Americans out there you and too many other yodelers know nothing of or about.

The Demo Derby is happening on the Demo side. Hillary is a one-woman train wreck. She couldn't inspire the family dog to take a doggie treat. Trump is drawing record crowds to his speeches and to the voting booth. Hillary may be able to draw 5 people nationally. That bale of hay will lose from lack of motivating people if for no other reason.


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@Post 12

"He hires people that he believes are smarter than he is because he isn't threatened by that."

"He just has to have a talent for choosing people."

Well, he'd better find that talent right quick because his smart picks he's chosen in the past haven't done so well.



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@Post 12

"He hires people that he believes are smarter than he is because he isn't threatened by that."

"He just has to have a talent for choosing people."

Well, he'd better find that talent right quick because his smart picks he's chosen in the past haven't done so well.



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Trump's numbers go up the more people see and hear him. That's why he makes himself available for every possible off the cuff interview and TV discussion.

The more people see of Hillary, the more they hate her. That's why she is hiding from the press, which is on her side, and why she needs to speak through her husband.

"Bale of hay," I like that.

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"He hires people that he believes are smarter than he is because he isn't threatened by that."

"He just has to have a talent for choosing people."

Well, he'd better find that talent right quick because his smart picks he's chosen in the past haven't done so well.


He hired Katrina Pierson…..who I believ to be whip smart….she rarely puts a foot wrong in front of the media….watch how she reamed out this poor CNN jour no recently.

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"Stormfront, the most prominent American white supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike."

"The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a talking point in its outreach efforts."

“He’s certainly creating a movement that will continue independently of him even if he does fold at some point.”

"Black of Stormfront said Trump's rhetoric has been a boon to white nationalists."


And lookie here, some even showed up in Nevada wearing their Sunday best:


Edited by iReason
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"Stormfront, the most prominent American white supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike."

"The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a talking point in its outreach efforts."

“He’s certainly creating a movement that will continue independently of him even if he does fold at some point.”

"Black of Stormfront said Trump's rhetoric has been a boon to white nationalists."


And lookie here, some even showed up in Nevada wearing their Sunday best:

Nice try but no cigar. Bernie Sanders dined with Al Sharpton and Hillary Clinton's 'second daughter' has Muslim brotherhood connections the FBI will soon examine.

P.S there was one line you quoted that made me laugh though.

Black of Stormfront...

Edited by Steely Dan
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Something I said on the forum months ago will turn out to be true. Trump will make a sizable inroad into the black vote. First, because a lot of black people simply cannot stand Hillary Clinton. Second, because they, too, want illegals out of the country. And, third, they want some of those jobs back that the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama gave out to China, Mexico, India, and the rest of the world. All Americans are sick and tired of American politicians thinking first and foremost about foreigners. Time for both political parties' establishments to bite the dust.

Black voters do not receive or accept Republicans carrying big buckets of Kool-Aid. And that's all Republicans ever do in respect of black Americans.

Since 1968 black voters have voted 90% for the Democratic party. In 2012 President Obama got 93% of the black vote.

No Republican for potus is going to do any better in this election either. To think otherwise is flat out delusional. A fantasy world. Another rightwhingenut week of wet dreams.

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@Post #19

"He hired Katrina Pierson"

That's all you got? blink.png

Some Fox Views Tea Party bubblehead? facepalm.gif

Are you suggesting a celebrity media mouthpiece qualifies as an adviser?

Shes also a shoplifter....only in america can anyone get a second chance....shes done well.

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Something I said on the forum months ago will turn out to be true. Trump will make a sizable inroad into the black vote. First, because a lot of black people simply cannot stand Hillary Clinton. Second, because they, too, want illegals out of the country. And, third, they want some of those jobs back that the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama gave out to China, Mexico, India, and the rest of the world. All Americans are sick and tired of American politicians thinking first and foremost about foreigners. Time for both political parties' establishments to bite the dust.

Black voters do not receive or accept Republicans carrying big buckets of Kool-Aid. And that's all Republicans ever do in respect of black Americans.

Since 1968 black voters have voted 90% for the Democratic party. In 2012 President Obama got 93% of the black vote.

No Republican for potus is going to do any better in this election either. To think otherwise is flat out delusional. A fantasy world. Another rightwhingenut week of wet dreams.

Well, let's wait and see. Trump is not just another Republican. He's taken the evangelical vote and moved it from a single issue, abortion, into the question of who is best to build the nation. Black voters who want to work and hold a decent job, meanwhile, will see the person best able to advance their interests is Trump, not Hillary the importer of illegal aliens or any of the GOPe spokesmen for Sheldon Adelson. And here is one more thing for Hillary supporters to consider: I imagine that there are a LOT of Bernie Sanders supporters who cannot imagine themselves supporting Hillary "Goldman Sachs" Clinton, Chelsea "Hedge Fund" Clinton, or Bill "Deducted his used underwear on his taxes" Clinton. Nor would those Sanders voters ever give even the slightest consideration of Curz or Rubio. But they just might go to the one candidate committed to blowing up the system, Trump. I believe Trump will not only get a significant proportion of the black vote (maybe 25 percent) but also a significant number of disgusted Sanders voters who are really angry at Hillary. The equation is changing. Time to annihilate the existing system. If not Sanders, only Trump is left. Let's wait and see.

Edited by Usernames
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YEEEEEESSSSSS! Win the Republican nominee! Its a gift to the Democracts. Then watch Hillary,on November 16, 2016, win The Presidential Election by a landslide. I will have CNN on the notebook and Fox News on the 70 inch (Because i want to see the shock on drunk Fox anchors faces when Wolf annnounces CNN's historic presedential prediction that Hillary Rodem Clinton will become the first woman president of The United Freaking State Of America)

Hillary may be answering questions from the FBI by then, good luck with your aged communist.

If that was true she would have abandoned her bid for presidency. Evidently, you have never had a Q-Clearance nor Top Secrect Clearance and work with highly classified information. If you have and you know how one day something classified becomes unclassified and vice-versa. At the time she had the information on her server it was unclassified. Even the information that remained on her server was unclassified. Later the classification changed. To her knowledge she had no classified information on her server. There is nothing criminal unless she shared confidential - Top Sercret information with someone not possessing the proper security clearance or shared said classifications with a foreign power or surrogate. The FBI is following protocal. Its when they dont follow protocal is when you worry.

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Something I said on the forum months ago will turn out to be true. Trump will make a sizable inroad into the black vote. First, because a lot of black people simply cannot stand Hillary Clinton. Second, because they, too, want illegals out of the country. And, third, they want some of those jobs back that the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama gave out to China, Mexico, India, and the rest of the world. All Americans are sick and tired of American politicians thinking first and foremost about foreigners. Time for both political parties' establishments to bite the dust.

Black voters do not receive or accept Republicans carrying big buckets of Kool-Aid. And that's all Republicans ever do in respect of black Americans.

Since 1968 black voters have voted 90% for the Democratic party. In 2012 President Obama got 93% of the black vote.

No Republican for potus is going to do any better in this election either. To think otherwise is flat out delusional. A fantasy world. Another rightwhingenut week of wet dreams.

Well, let's wait and see. Trump is not just another Republican. He's taken the evangelical vote and moved it from a single issue, abortion, into the question of who is best to build the nation. Black voters who want to work and hold a decent job, meanwhile, will see the person best able to advance their interests is Trump, not Hillary the importer of illegal aliens or any of the GOPe spokesmen for Sheldon Adelson. And here is one more thing for Hillary supporters to consider: I imagine that there are a LOT of Bernie Sanders supporters who cannot imagine themselves supporting Hillary "Goldman Sachs" Clinton, Chelsea "Hedge Fund" Clinton, or Bill "Deducted his used underwear on his taxes" Clinton. Nor would those Sanders voters ever give even the slightest consideration of Curz or Rubio. But they just might go to the one candidate committed to blowing up the system, Trump. I believe Trump will not only get a significant proportion of the black vote (maybe 25 percent) but also a significant number of disgusted Sanders voters who are really angry at Hillary. The equation is changing. Time to annihilate the existing system. If not Sanders, only Trump is left. Let's wait and see.

Forget it.

It's all in your head.

It is quite a stretch to have one's feet on the ground while his head is in the clouds listening to trumpets.

Because that's all they are, trumplets. Just one speech contains many Trumplets, each one precious. Trouble is black voters don't relate to Bernie Sanders and his white as snow Scandinavian socialism. Black Americans are even more alienated by Donald Trump's wild nonsense talk and his attitude along with his redneck supporters. Trump isn't only supported by rednecks but The Donald has most of 'em.

Hillary isn't Bill in the black community but she has the loyalty and respect of black voters in the absolute. HR Clinton became President Obama's SecState after the nasty campaign and the hot election. Blacks like the humility, the mutuality, the team player statements it makes.

Hillary has done decades of yeoman work with black America. You just can't put together a voting constituency of racial Republican shooter cops whose fraternal brotherhood unions always endorse the Republican for potus together with black American voters.

The sofa you're on is being shaken because I'm trying to wake you up. No millennial will be so disgusted by Hillary's nomination and Bernie Sanders glorious exit at the D national convention to vote for Trump.

Still not awake yet I see. Anyone who wants to wait and see should retire to the waiting room where the view is also idyllic.

Edited by Publicus
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Something I said on the forum months ago will turn out to be true. Trump will make a sizable inroad into the black vote. First, because a lot of black people simply cannot stand Hillary Clinton. Second, because they, too, want illegals out of the country. And, third, they want some of those jobs back that the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama gave out to China, Mexico, India, and the rest of the world. All Americans are sick and tired of American politicians thinking first and foremost about foreigners. Time for both political parties' establishments to bite the dust.

Black voters do not receive or accept Republicans carrying big buckets of Kool-Aid. And that's all Republicans ever do in respect of black Americans.

Since 1968 black voters have voted 90% for the Democratic party. In 2012 President Obama got 93% of the black vote.

No Republican for potus is going to do any better in this election either. To think otherwise is flat out delusional. A fantasy world. Another rightwhingenut week of wet dreams.

Well, let's wait and see. Trump is not just another Republican. He's taken the evangelical vote and moved it from a single issue, abortion, into the question of who is best to build the nation. Black voters who want to work and hold a decent job, meanwhile, will see the person best able to advance their interests is Trump, not Hillary the importer of illegal aliens or any of the GOPe spokesmen for Sheldon Adelson. And here is one more thing for Hillary supporters to consider: I imagine that there are a LOT of Bernie Sanders supporters who cannot imagine themselves supporting Hillary "Goldman Sachs" Clinton, Chelsea "Hedge Fund" Clinton, or Bill "Deducted his used underwear on his taxes" Clinton. Nor would those Sanders voters ever give even the slightest consideration of Curz or Rubio. But they just might go to the one candidate committed to blowing up the system, Trump. I believe Trump will not only get a significant proportion of the black vote (maybe 25 percent) but also a significant number of disgusted Sanders voters who are really angry at Hillary. The equation is changing. Time to annihilate the existing system. If not Sanders, only Trump is left. Let's wait and see.

Forget it.

It's all in your head.

It is quite a stretch to have one's feet on the ground while his head is in the clouds listening to trumpets.

Because that's all they are, trumplets. Just one speech contains many Trumplets, each one precious. Trouble is black voters don't relate to Bernie Sanders and his white as snow Scandinavian socialism. Black Americans are even more alienated by Donald Trump's wild nonsense talk and his attitude along with his redneck supporters. Trump isn't only supported by rednecks but The Donald has most of 'em.

Hillary isn't Bill in the black community but she has the loyalty and respect of black voters in the absolute. HR Clinton became President Obama's SecState after the nasty campaign and the hot election. Blacks like the humility, the mutuality, the team player statements it makes.

Hillary has done decades of yeoman work with black America. You just can't put together a voting constituency of racial Republican shooter cops whose fraternal brotherhood unions always endorse the Republican for potus together with black American voters.

The sofa you're on is being shaken because I'm trying to wake you up. No millennial will be so disgusted by Hillary's nomination and Bernie Sanders glorious exit at the D national convention to vote for Trump.

Still not awake yet I see. Anyone who wants to wait and see should retire to the waiting room where the view is also idyllic.

Yes, I can wait. The Future is coming. Trump is coming. And the Great Awakening is coming.

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YEEEEEESSSSSS! Win the Republican nominee! Its a gift to the Democracts. Then watch Hillary,on November 16, 2016, win The Presidential Election by a landslide. I will have CNN on the notebook and Fox News on the 70 inch (Because i want to see the shock on drunk Fox anchors faces when Wolf annnounces CNN's historic presedential prediction that Hillary Rodem Clinton will become the first woman president of The United Freaking State Of America)

Hillary may be answering questions from the FBI by then, good luck with your aged communist.

If that was true she would have abandoned her bid for presidency. Evidently, you have never had a Q-Clearance nor Top Secrect Clearance and work with highly classified information. If you have and you know how one day something classified becomes unclassified and vice-versa. At the time she had the information on her server it was unclassified. Even the information that remained on her server was unclassified. Later the classification changed. To her knowledge she had no classified information on her server. There is nothing criminal unless she shared confidential - Top Sercret information with someone not possessing the proper security clearance or shared said classifications with a foreign power or surrogate. The FBI is following protocal. Its when they dont follow protocal is when you worry.

Everybody that is issued a security clearance by the DSS is required to sign form SF-312.

let me suggest you get a copy of this form off the internet and read it carefully. This form will tell you exactly what responsibility the clearance holder has regarding handling classified information.

It is signed under oath and there are two specific instances in this form alone that she violated over and over. People are serving time for less than what she has done.

Her problem is she didn't follow protocal (sic).

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