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Trump notches another win as Rubio bids to elbow past Cruz


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Kasich "the moderate wingnut" actually managed to finish behind Carson with under 3%. If I had the least bit of concern about a Republican candidate it was a Kasich. He occasionally sounds lucid. Lately he's been getting a little more exposure and obviously he's not acceptable to the crazed base.

The results are a pretty good indication of where the Republicans will end up at the convention. Trump/Cruz/Rubio (doesn't matter) are all disaster for the Republican party.

A freaking disaster

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The liberals are correct in saying that the republicans will have a difficult time winning the election regardless of who the candidate is. The bloated government's unneeded employees and the welfare professionals will ALWAYS vote for a democrat. If only literate and working taxpayers were allowed to vote the country would be entirely different. Socialism would be dead.

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YEEEEEESSSSSS! Win the Republican nominee! Its a gift to the Democracts. Then watch Hillary,on November 16, 2016, win The Presidential Election by a landslide. I will have CNN on the notebook and Fox News on the 70 inch (Because i want to see the shock on drunk Fox anchors faces when Wolf annnounces CNN's historic presedential prediction that Hillary Rodem Clinton will become the first woman president of The United Freaking State Of America)

No chance hahaha
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I think Hillary is losing a LOT of support. Who would have ever thought that a dreamer socialist would be competitive with the former chosen one.

Forget about her fbi issues for the moment.

Shes shitting her pantsuit at the prospect of releasing her speeches which no doubt will reveal what a wall street puppet she is.

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Forget it.

It's all in your head.


Still not awake yet I see. Anyone who wants to wait and see should retire to the waiting room where the view is also idyllic.

There are just 330 days left until Trump is inaugurated as president. 330 days for you to bloviate after which you can go hide somewhere.

Hillary for prison. Trumps AG and Justice Department won't be corrupt.


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I actually think he would make a reasonable president. I suspect during his term, the Muslim terrorists would be keeping a low profile... cheesy.gif

Trump, if prez, would be a Godsend for Muslim extremists. They've tried to paint every president since Carter with the hated 'Crusader' label, with mixed results. If Trump were in the US driver's seat, ISIS would celebrate, as it would bring millions more angry young Muslims into the fold, screaming, "Death to America!"

Here's what the Dems will hammer home about the Republican nominee, from mid-summer to November 8: They're dividers! Nearly everything Rep candidates are saying is driving wedges between various groups of Americans. In contrast, the Dem candidates are trying to unite Americans, while appreciating the diversity of its peoples. Reps, on the other hand, have a fixed version of America (white, rich, Christian) and want all Americans to fit in that mold.

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The liberals are correct in saying that the republicans will have a difficult time winning the election regardless of who the candidate is. The bloated government's unneeded employees and the welfare professionals will ALWAYS vote for a democrat. If only literate and working taxpayers were allowed to vote the country would be entirely different. Socialism would be dead.

You saw where Trump lauded his "poorly educated" minions?

"I love the poorly educated," said the Donald in his bizarre victory speech.

It's really the only explanation for why he keeps winning...dumb, delusional, fearful people.

By saying, "If only literate and working taxpayers were allowed to vote, the country would be entirely different," you mean if only old white people got to vote?

Welfare professionals, unneeded government employees...like from the IRS, Education, EPA, that ilk?

If only, literate and working were ALLOWED to vote...yeah, the chosen white people. Okay.

I never understood why anyone making under 250k a year would vote Republican. They vote against their own self interest. Fear wins out over bread and butter? And Republicans are a fearful lot. Maybe why they've thrown in behind an authoritarian figure like the Donald?

I still see him declaring victory and taking a powder before the convention. His egoism knows no bounds but even he must realize he hasn't a prayer. Exit stage right.

HRC vs Trump will be a bloodbath. Dems will grab the Senate.

Edited by Pinot
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It's ironic, to put it nicely, that Republicans at the voting places keep mentioning how screwed up the federal government is. Hello! it's mostly Republicans who are screwing things up in Washington. They've been dragging their feet on everything - for years. Trump's latest mantra: 'delay, delay, delay.'

Reps can't come up with any decent ideas. When has a Republican politician put forth a halfway viable plan for universal health care? When has a Republican put forth a viable policy for dealing with the Iranians? Answer: never in the past 20 years.

All Reps can do is figuratively kick Dems in the knees, and find fault. One of the chief spokespeople (and Trump loves her because he got her endorsement) is Tea Party favorite, Sarah Palin - a person who is incapable of putting together a legible sentence. You don't have to believe me. Instead look or listen to any of her speeches, and you'll see that she is incapable of making a coherent point. She is to the English language what a tortoise is to crafting wedding cakes.

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Trump, if prez, would be a Godsend for Muslim extremists. They've tried to paint every president since Carter with the hated 'Crusader' label, with mixed results. If Trump were in the US driver's seat, ISIS would celebrate, as it would bring millions more angry young Muslims into the fold, screaming, "Death to America!"

And if hillary got elected, they would just burst into tears and lay down their weapons.

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Trump, if prez, would be a Godsend for Muslim extremists. They've tried to paint every president since Carter with the hated 'Crusader' label, with mixed results. If Trump were in the US driver's seat, ISIS would celebrate, as it would bring millions more angry young Muslims into the fold, screaming, "Death to America!"

And if hillary got elected, they would just burst into tears and lay down their weapons.

They are attracted to weakness, not strength..same way a lion picks the one wounded or slow antelope out of a herd

Edited by NovaBlue05
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"I love the poorly educated." This will probably be a bumper sticker plastered on every pickup across America soon.

What can I say? A latin expression comes to mind: "res ipsa loquitur" - The thing speaks for itself. Interpret that as you will.

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Huffington Post Average of Recent Polls (24-2-16), if Trump gets the nod from the Divider Republican Party
Sanders: 51% to Trump: 41%
Clinton: 48% to Trump: 44%

Trump, if prez, would be a Godsend for Muslim extremists. They've tried to paint every president since Carter with the hated 'Crusader' label, with mixed results. If Trump were in the US driver's seat, ISIS would celebrate, as it would bring millions more angry young Muslims into the fold, screaming, "Death to America!"

And if hillary got elected, they would just burst into tears and lay down their weapons.

They are attracted to weakness, not strength..same way a lion picks the one wounded or slow antelope out of a herd

When Carter was prez, there were nearly no terrorist threats actions the US, other than the Iranian students taking over the US embassy in Tehran. When Reagan took over, there were scores of US marines killed in Beirut by terrorists.

Terrorists are like hornets - they look for targets any way they can get them. It doesn't much matter (to them) who's the top banana a half world away. The difference with having a Democrat or a Republican as Commander in Chief, is a Democrat would consider all options for a response, including getting advice from allied foreign leaders, some of whom have years more experience, and are closer to conflict zones. Dems would think before they act. Reps, on the other hand, are motivated by anger, and are apt to fly off the handle. Cruz spoke of nuking the Middle East. Trump paints all Muslims with the label 'terrorists' even though there are Muslims in Homeland Security and the US armed forces.

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Democrats want to unite the country? Do you actually believe that? Are you saying that Obama has done a good job at everything he has done? WOW! Johnson's Great Society caused untold problems and he got us mired in Vietnam and then made that situation even worse by telling the military how to fight the war. Carter did nothing except make mistakes. Carter and Obama are neck and neck as being the worst presidents the US has ever had with Obama comfortably taking the lead. Trading a traitor for five terrorists was a good move?

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Huffington Post Average of Recent Polls (24-2-16), if Trump gets the nod from the Divider Republican Party
Sanders: 51% to Trump: 41%
Clinton: 48% to Trump: 44%

Trump, if prez, would be a Godsend for Muslim extremists. They've tried to paint every president since Carter with the hated 'Crusader' label, with mixed results. If Trump were in the US driver's seat, ISIS would celebrate, as it would bring millions more angry young Muslims into the fold, screaming, "Death to America!"

And if hillary got elected, they would just burst into tears and lay down their weapons.

They are attracted to weakness, not strength..same way a lion picks the one wounded or slow antelope out of a herd

When Carter was prez, there were nearly no terrorist threats actions the US, other than the Iranian students taking over the US embassy in Tehran. When Reagan took over, there were scores of US marines killed in Beirut by terrorists.

Terrorists are like hornets - they look for targets any way they can get them. It doesn't much matter (to them) who's the top banana a half world away. The difference with having a Democrat or a Republican as Commander in Chief, is a Democrat would consider all options for a response, including getting advice from allied foreign leaders, some of whom have years more experience, and are closer to conflict zones. Dems would think before they act. Reps, on the other hand, are motivated by anger, and are apt to fly off the handle. Cruz spoke of nuking the Middle East. Trump paints all Muslims with the label 'terrorists' even though there are Muslims in Homeland Security and the US armed forces.

The US Marines and French troops killed in Beirut were part of a UN peacekeeping force...not an offensive force. And don't forget the two embassies and the World Trade Center bombed by Islamic Terrorists under Clinton since you are keeping score.

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Democrats want to unite the country? Do you actually believe that? Are you saying that Obama has done a good job at everything he has done? WOW! Johnson's Great Society caused untold problems and he got us mired in Vietnam and then made that situation even worse by telling the military how to fight the war. Carter did nothing except make mistakes. Carter and Obama are neck and neck as being the worst presidents the US has ever had with Obama comfortably taking the lead. Trading a traitor for five terrorists was a good move?

If we start dragging up stories of former presidents, we could expand this discussion inexorably. I will say however, that Carter and Clinton were good examples of leaders who checked with everyone in the halls of power, literally. They would go down the halls each morning, checking with power brokers, to see what was on their minds, gauging the mood. They would drop in to offices to get peoples' opinions. I assume that's what Obama does also, and why he is also so well-liked by so many. That's the opposite of how Republicans do business. Republicans (and Thai politicians) like to operate in isolation, with just their small cadre of 'yes men' surrounding them. Nixon is the poster-boy for that.

If you claim Carter and Obama are the worst presidents the US has ever had, it's just sour grapes (your boys didn't win, boo hoo) and shows you don't know much about US presidents for the past 235 years.

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The main problem with inept politicians is that they surround themselves with even less competent people than themselves. They do this in order to remain being the shining star. A successful leader cannot possibly know everything about everything. They realize this shortcoming and try to find people more knowledgeable than they are. Check out Eric Holder and Joe Biden. both leave a LOT to be desired and only play follow the leader..

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Democrats want to unite the country? Do you actually believe that? Are you saying that Obama has done a good job at everything he has done? WOW! Johnson's Great Society caused untold problems and he got us mired in Vietnam and then made that situation even worse by telling the military how to fight the war. Carter did nothing except make mistakes. Carter and Obama are neck and neck as being the worst presidents the US has ever had with Obama comfortably taking the lead. Trading a traitor for five terrorists was a good move?

Maybe democrats don't want to unit the country but at least we are sure that republicans and especially the Tumpet doesn't want this unity

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Democrats want to unite the country? Do you actually believe that? Are you saying that Obama has done a good job at everything he has done? WOW! Johnson's Great Society caused untold problems and he got us mired in Vietnam and then made that situation even worse by telling the military how to fight the war. Carter did nothing except make mistakes. Carter and Obama are neck and neck as being the worst presidents the US has ever had with Obama comfortably taking the lead. Trading a traitor for five terrorists was a good move?

Maybe democrats don't want to unit the country but at least we are sure that republicans and especially the Tumpet doesn't want this unity

You're a self proclaimed French citizen. Do you vote the Democrat ticket in the US as well?

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"I love the poorly educated." This will probably be a bumper sticker plastered on every pickup across America soon.

What can I say? A latin expression comes to mind: "res ipsa loquitur" - The thing speaks for itself. Interpret that as you will.

Gosh! You don't think there are some "poorly educated" on TV, do you?

How Awful......

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The assumption seems to be Trump vs HRC. Well not so fast. If HRC ends up being dragged in front of a commission and/or court for her email and indiscretion it could be Trump vs Sanders. I would be inclined to give Trump the edge in that contest.

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"Stormfront, the most prominent American white supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike."

"The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a talking point in its outreach efforts."

“He’s certainly creating a movement that will continue independently of him even if he does fold at some point.”

"Black of Stormfront said Trump's rhetoric has been a boon to white nationalists."


And lookie here, some even showed up in Nevada wearing their Sunday best:


When did the KKK start recruiting black people?

You do see that they have black hands?

Those black hands can be seen in other pictures of these two yahoos, who I have also seen in photos at other locations, one with black people with out those clown suits, standing next to them!

Why would black people be running around in these clown suits, claiming to be KKK and supporting Trump?

Rumor has it, they are members of blacklivesmatter !

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