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Trump notches another win as Rubio bids to elbow past Cruz


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"Stormfront, the most prominent American white supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike."

"The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a talking point in its outreach efforts."

“He’s certainly creating a movement that will continue independently of him even if he does fold at some point.”

"Black of Stormfront said Trump's rhetoric has been a boon to white nationalists."


And lookie here, some even showed up in Nevada wearing their Sunday best:


When did the KKK start recruiting black people?

You do see that they have black hands?

Those black hands can be seen in other pictures of these two yahoos, who I have also seen in photos at other locations, one with black people with out those clown suits, standing next to them!

Why would black people be running around in these clown suits, claiming to be KKK and supporting Trump?

Rumor has it, they are members of blacklivesmatter !

They were. Another regressive set up blows back in their faces, shows their contempt for truth though.


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I appreciate you guys continuing to repost my primary topic. thumbsup.gif

They are black guys in my attached photo? Great! I'll buy them a beer.

They are doing their civic duty bringing nut cases like Stormfront and the KKK supporters of Trump into the light.

Edited by iReason
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This is like watching a slow motion car crash !

I always knew the majority of people in the US were "educationally challenged" but by voting for Trump proves I am/was correct ! smile.png

While I don't disagree with you it also shows me that America is sick and tired of the same

old, same old political hacks who get nothing done and have only the interest of there

financial backers in mind. Free trade deals with third world countries that allow big

corporations to close manufacturing in the US, open in another country and then import

there products back to the US duty free is a scam supported by both Republicans and

Democrats. Shared production with first world countries improves efficiency but closing

production lines does not help the middle class in America. It is time to take a sober second

look at these trade deals by someone who is not beholding to the big money boys. Free

trade great, Corporations that open manufacturing abroad fine, but there products should

have fair market duties when imported back into the US. coffee1.gif

Edited by Ulic
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This is like watching a slow motion car crash !

I always knew the majority of people in the US were "educationally challenged" but by voting for Trump proves I am/was correct ! smile.png

And do you think voting for a proven liar whose owned by the big Wall St. corporations would demonstrate higher education?

You confuse education, knowledge and intelligence. Not surprising for someone who dismisses other political opinions by asserting he's better educated.

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Trump has too many entities and far to many people to micromanage. He hires people that he believes are smarter than he is because he isn't threatened by that. He's well managing a multinational company and he'll put together a better management team than we've had in a long time. He doesn't have to know everything and neither would any other candidate. He just has to have a talent for choosing people.

What would Hillary know about the military as Commander in Chief? Sanders? Rubio? Cruz? No but they'd choose stupid people to match their own IQ's.


Why would Clinton have a low IQ. Donald Chump graduated from a University I would suspect sells degrees or gives them away in Christmas boxes to the needy. Clinton graduated from quite a good university. If she choses a team to match her IQ I think things would go rather well.

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It justs gets better and better but actually it does make you wonder how this could be happening. Of course many Americans are unhappy with their leaders but Donald Trump? Really? I know there is lots of friendly rivalry between us Brits and the US guys but the last thing we would want is for the USA to self destruct.

I completely understand the knee jerk protest voting but you must also recognise the extent that the rest of the world is watching in disbelief.

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The assumption seems to be Trump vs HRC. Well not so fast. If HRC ends up being dragged in front of a commission and/or court for her email and indiscretion it could be Trump vs Sanders. I would be inclined to give Trump the edge in that contest.

In the unlikely event that Obama & Loretta Lynch do not obstruct justice and an indictment comes down, the DNC would throw a hail mary and try to get Biden to insert himself as a stopgap. They completely disrespect Bernie.

Besides...Someone posted a "poll" showing Bernie beating Trump by 10 points!.....lol

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It justs gets better and better but actually it does make you wonder how this could be happening. Of course many Americans are unhappy with their leaders but Donald Trump? Really? I know there is lots of friendly rivalry between us Brits and the US guys but the last thing we would want is for the USA to self destruct.

I completely understand the knee jerk protest voting but you must also recognise the extent that the rest of the world is watching in disbelief.

If he gets the nomination then it's him or Hillary. Starts to get way more reasonable to a whole lot of people at that point

The rest of the world has their own problems that they can't handle right now

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Trump has too many entities and far to many people to micromanage. He hires people that he believes are smarter than he is because he isn't threatened by that. He's well managing a multinational company and he'll put together a better management team than we've had in a long time. He doesn't have to know everything and neither would any other candidate. He just has to have a talent for choosing people.

What would Hillary know about the military as Commander in Chief? Sanders? Rubio? Cruz? No but they'd choose stupid people to match their own IQ's.


Why would Clinton have a low IQ. Donald Chump graduated from a University I would suspect sells degrees or gives them away in Christmas boxes to the needy. Clinton graduated from quite a good university. If she choses a team to match her IQ I think things would go rather well.

" Donald Chump graduated from a University I would suspect sells degrees or gives them away in Christmas boxes to the needy."

Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business.

There are only three business schools in the world ranked higher. They are:

Insead France

Harvard Business School

London Business School

I seriously doubt Santa Claus brought Trump his diploma.

Your post is a classic case of...open mouth, insert foot.

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The real party is just beginning. Here comes the first shot across the bow from the GOP... biggrin.png

"Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney stated that Republican presidential candidates...ought to release their taxes for “the last two years that have already been filed,

and that there’s “good reason to believe that there’s a bombshell in Donald Trump’s taxes” on Wednesday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel

“I think there’s something there, either he’s not as anywhere near as wealthy as he says he is, or he hasn’t been paying the kind of taxes we would expect him to pay,

or perhaps he hasn’t been giving money to the vets, or to the disabled, like he’s been telling us he’s been doing."

"But I think it’s pretty clear that, given Donald Trump’s dodging and weaving and delay, I think the last time he was asked about his taxes he said, well, it’s going to be a month.

Look, people have a right to know if there’s a problem in those taxes before they decide.”

Giddy up...

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^Yeah, that's a real serious sign from the establishment that they might try to discredit him now, so they can promote Rubio. They will then do the same to Clinton and probably have a pretty good plan for that. Very interesting move by Romney and GOP.

I wonder if it will backfire on them?

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Something I said on the forum months ago will turn out to be true. Trump will make a sizable inroad into the black vote. First, because a lot of black people simply cannot stand Hillary Clinton. Second, because they, too, want illegals out of the country. And, third, they want some of those jobs back that the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama gave out to China, Mexico, India, and the rest of the world. All Americans are sick and tired of American politicians thinking first and foremost about foreigners. Time for both political parties' establishments to bite the dust.

Black voters do not receive or accept Republicans carrying big buckets of Kool-Aid. And that's all Republicans ever do in respect of black Americans.

Since 1968 black voters have voted 90% for the Democratic party. In 2012 President Obama got 93% of the black vote.

No Republican for potus is going to do any better in this election either. To think otherwise is flat out delusional. A fantasy world. Another rightwhingenut week of wet dreams.

Well, let's wait and see. Trump is not just another Republican. He's taken the evangelical vote and moved it from a single issue, abortion, into the question of who is best to build the nation. Black voters who want to work and hold a decent job, meanwhile, will see the person best able to advance their interests is Trump, not Hillary the importer of illegal aliens or any of the GOPe spokesmen for Sheldon Adelson. And here is one more thing for Hillary supporters to consider: I imagine that there are a LOT of Bernie Sanders supporters who cannot imagine themselves supporting Hillary "Goldman Sachs" Clinton, Chelsea "Hedge Fund" Clinton, or Bill "Deducted his used underwear on his taxes" Clinton. Nor would those Sanders voters ever give even the slightest consideration of Curz or Rubio. But they just might go to the one candidate committed to blowing up the system, Trump. I believe Trump will not only get a significant proportion of the black vote (maybe 25 percent) but also a significant number of disgusted Sanders voters who are really angry at Hillary. The equation is changing. Time to annihilate the existing system. If not Sanders, only Trump is left. Let's wait and see.

Pipe dreams...Don't piss in the wind...


Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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This is like watching a slow motion car crash !

I always knew the majority of people in the US were "educationally challenged" but by voting for Trump proves I am/was correct ! smile.png

It's a Demo Derby not just a car wreck and I luv it. The end result election day in November is President Hillary Clinton.

So you are very wrong. The majority of people in the US have not voted for anyone or anything. Trump is a Republican running for potus in the Republican party primary votes and the Republican party caucus votes.

The majority of people in the US will express our will only on election day as we call it in the USA, November 8th. So the mule you're riding on is slow but it will get there eventually. Then you can see how the "majority of people in the US" do vote.

In the meantime yodel to the mule or something to try to keep from making ill informed statements about the 140 million people in the US who will vote in the general election Tuesday November 8th. There is a mass of middle Americans out there you and too many other yodelers know nothing of or about.

Such a load of mindless partisan nonsense. I'm amazed with the folks here that are so smitten with HRC and keep massaging their mental nether regions endlessly with her name. Only committed ideologues and it also looks like psychic astrologers as well who speedily declare who will be Potus without a shade of doubt. Strangely though no thought that they are actually wishing for a representative of Goldman Sachs and other special interest groups rather than a President representing them. This is what CAREER politicians cannot help but do when they are owned by banks or anyone else.

The Clinton donor network: $3 billion in 41 years, political support $1 billion: You Marxists support this?


and the 2016 election cycle list:


Trump is not the problem, he is a symptom of middle and lower Americans economic discontent. There is the problem, and Trump is tapping into that. You declare you know what others don't about middle America, but you don't seem to realize even that.

Same popularity with Sanders because they are outside being held hostage by banks, who are crapping themselves that they may face prosecution for crimes from an independent not bought over in the white House.

Odd don't you think that through a Republican Trump the "uneducated" are rallying to him. and while you and others sneer at him and them because of some superiority fantasy, he is conducting a very intelligent campaign and doesn't really care what you think. Although I don't particularly like his rhetoric, it's called electioneering and if he gets the job, he is more capable of changing course and modifying if he makes mistakes than HRC who having political masters cannot EVER admit to making mistakes OR changing course.

You and Pinot should abandon the mindless "leftwingnut" schoolyard slinging match and as you seem to consider yourself as your avatar says " Watchdog against the far right" think about "Watchdog against the far left" too and get some balance.

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Unfortunately Trump will win the Presidency..because Obama/Clinton are Military, Corporations, and Wall Street clowns, even worst than the Bushes....

Unfortunately Sanders do not have chances if nominated, just because Socialism is a bad word for most Americans...

Unfortunately Trump is a very smart millionaire and it is playing everybody with his show.....and he will gain the vote of the Americans thinking that the American Dream is to make fortune easily, and in any way permitted by the system....like Trump did with his real estate "empire" and its planed bankruptcies. Trump have an American Dream too..to make trillions during the next 9 years....because billions are not enough for crooks...

He was short to be mentioned in this brand new movie.....


Edited by umbanda
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Unfortunately Trump will win the Presidency..because Obama/Clinton are Military, Corporations, and Wall Street clowns, even worst than the Bushes....

Unfortunately Sanders do not have chances if nominated, just because Socialism is a bad word for most Americans...

Unfortunately Trump is a very smart millionaire and it is playing everybody with his show.....and he will gain the vote of the Americans thinking that the American Dream is to make fortune easily, and in any way permitted by the system....like Trump did with his real estate "empire" and its planed bankruptcies. Trump have an American Dream too..to make trillions during the next 9 years....because billions are not enough for crooks...

He was short to be mentioned in this brand new movie.....


Middle America will suffer more, not sure how it can be made Great again. Gone are the jobs like Ford production lines that helped make America great and almost everyone could aspire to a home a car and a boat etc and the wife stayed at home. Welcome to the world of robots and electronics and the new poor.Not sure what Trump can do about that.

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Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business.

There are only three business schools in the world ranked higher. They are:

Insead France

Harvard Business School

London Business School

Frankly, I don't have any respect for business schools, no matter how high they're ranked. Some of the savviest and best paid businessmen hang out at Wall Street. They get bonuses of millions of dollars, even when they lose money for their clients. All but a few got caught with their pants down around their ankles when Wall Street went belly-up in 2008. Summer of '08, I inherited a few stocks from a relative who died. She had old stocks like GE and Lehman Brothers. The deceased relative's broker told me I could open an account with her and keep the portfolio intact. I told her to sell all the stocks. 3 weeks later, Wall Street shit in its pants and the stocks were worth pennies. Am I smarter than all the Business school scholars who spent tens of thousands of dollars to have impressive diplomas to hang in their offices? No, I was just dumb lucky. I have yet to see anything done by a Business School graduate that's done one iota of good for disadvantaged people or improving the environment. They should re-name all those schools and replace the word 'Business' with 'Mega-Selfish pricks'.

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The Democrats seem to think that this anti-establishment basklash only applies to the GOP and everyone on their plantation is happy with the status quo. Bernie wouldn't even be in the discussion if that were the case.

You have 35-40% of the electorate who are completely obedient, in a box and will vote Democrat regardless of what scoundrel they run and about the same percentage who will similarly vote Republican. The target audience for the $$$billions being spent on a long campaign is the remaining 20-30%

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This is like watching a slow motion car crash !

I always knew the majority of people in the US were "educationally challenged" but by voting for Trump proves I am/was correct ! smile.png

It's a Demo Derby not just a car wreck and I luv it. The end result election day in November is President Hillary Clinton.

So you are very wrong. The majority of people in the US have not voted for anyone or anything. Trump is a Republican running for potus in the Republican party primary votes and the Republican party caucus votes.

The majority of people in the US will express our will only on election day as we call it in the USA, November 8th. So the mule you're riding on is slow but it will get there eventually. Then you can see how the "majority of people in the US" do vote.

In the meantime yodel to the mule or something to try to keep from making ill informed statements about the 140 million people in the US who will vote in the general election Tuesday November 8th. There is a mass of middle Americans out there you and too many other yodelers know nothing of or about.

Such a load of mindless partisan nonsense. I'm amazed with the folks here that are so smitten with HRC and keep massaging their mental nether regions endlessly with her name. Only committed ideologues and it also looks like psychic astrologers as well who speedily declare who will be Potus without a shade of doubt. Strangely though no thought that they are actually wishing for a representative of Goldman Sachs and other special interest groups rather than a President representing them. This is what CAREER politicians cannot help but do when they are owned by banks or anyone else.

The Clinton donor network: $3 billion in 41 years, political support $1 billion: You Marxists support this?


and the 2016 election cycle list:


Trump is not the problem, he is a symptom of middle and lower Americans economic discontent. There is the problem, and Trump is tapping into that. You declare you know what others don't about middle America, but you don't seem to realize even that.

Same popularity with Sanders because they are outside being held hostage by banks, who are crapping themselves that they may face prosecution for crimes from an independent not bought over in the white House.

Odd don't you think that through a Republican Trump the "uneducated" are rallying to him. and while you and others sneer at him and them because of some superiority fantasy, he is conducting a very intelligent campaign and doesn't really care what you think. Although I don't particularly like his rhetoric, it's called electioneering and if he gets the job, he is more capable of changing course and modifying if he makes mistakes than HRC who having political masters cannot EVER admit to making mistakes OR changing course.

You and Pinot should abandon the mindless "leftwingnut" schoolyard slinging match and as you seem to consider yourself as your avatar says " Watchdog against the far right" think about "Watchdog against the far left" too and get some balance.

The posts are a great plus so do keep at it cause this is great.

You declare you know what others don't about middle America, but you don't seem to realize even that.

The right relates so readily and naturally to Trump and his 'style' that it overlooks the fact it's all about the authoritarian personality. The authoritarian personality that is intolerant of different others, foreign and domestic. Trump's world and its supporters consist of white old and older cultural reactionaries and admirers of the strong leader. That is not Middle America which are the vast moderate center-middle of the society, the economy, the electorate. The Supreme Court in its rulings of the past 50 years reflects Middle America, not the fringe loony reactionary right.

you seem to consider yourself as your avatar says " Watchdog against the far right" think about "Watchdog against the far left" too and get some balance.

The far right dominated here decidedly and until only recently. And it has been the whackjob far out and marginal racial and cultural right and rightist nutjobs.

You Marxists support this?

Surely you see what I mean. Many readers of the post do indeed see what.

Fortunately however it's all changing and it is evolving spontaneously as more new posters enter the scene to balance it. Increasingly so. My counterbalance to the lunatic right will soon be unnecessary as one can be pleased to know.

So I decided some months ago to change my avatar statement after the November election (but not the avatar itself which you seem to associate with Marxism). Do stay tuned. And by all means keep posting.

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It justs gets better and better but actually it does make you wonder how this could be happening. Of course many Americans are unhappy with their leaders but Donald Trump? Really? I know there is lots of friendly rivalry between us Brits and the US guys but the last thing we would want is for the USA to self destruct.

I completely understand the knee jerk protest voting but you must also recognise the extent that the rest of the world is watching in disbelief.

Yeah, like Americans aren't watching Europe with utter disbelief, taking lessons, and trying to assure that nothing similar happens here. Build a wall.

Pot, kettle...

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It justs gets better and better but actually it does make you wonder how this could be happening. Of course many Americans are unhappy with their leaders but Donald Trump? Really? I know there is lots of friendly rivalry between us Brits and the US guys but the last thing we would want is for the USA to self destruct.

I completely understand the knee jerk protest voting but you must also recognise the extent that the rest of the world is watching in disbelief.

Yeah, like Americans aren't watching Europe with utter disbelief, taking lessons, and trying to assure that nothing similar happens here. Build a wall.

Pot, kettle...

In the US, I doubt Europe even crosses people minds much more frequently than does Thailand

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It justs gets better and better but actually it does make you wonder how this could be happening. Of course many Americans are unhappy with their leaders but Donald Trump? Really? I know there is lots of friendly rivalry between us Brits and the US guys but the last thing we would want is for the USA to self destruct.

I completely understand the knee jerk protest voting but you must also recognise the extent that the rest of the world is watching in disbelief.

Yeah, like Americans aren't watching Europe with utter disbelief, taking lessons, and trying to assure that nothing similar happens here. Build a wall.

Pot, kettle...

In the US, I doubt Europe even crosses people minds much more frequently than does Thailand

You would be mistaken. What's happening in Europe is front dead center and is part of what's pushing the desire for "the wall". It's also part of what's pushing record gun and ammo sales as Americans "get ready".

We had 9/11. Do you really think Americans don't know what happened in France or the train bombing or the rapes in Germany and elsewhere or the scenes at the borders?


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Get ready?

For what? The Apocalypse?

Right. In the world leader of mass shootings.

au contraire my friend, it's europe and much of the world that is looking at 'murica in utter disbelief when it comes to murdering their own people. en masse.

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It justs gets better and better but actually it does make you wonder how this could be happening. Of course many Americans are unhappy with their leaders but Donald Trump? Really? I know there is lots of friendly rivalry between us Brits and the US guys but the last thing we would want is for the USA to self destruct.

I completely understand the knee jerk protest voting but you must also recognise the extent that the rest of the world is watching in disbelief.

Yeah, like Americans aren't watching Europe with utter disbelief, taking lessons, and trying to assure that nothing similar happens here. Build a wall.

Pot, kettle...

In the US, I doubt Europe even crosses people minds much more frequently than does Thailand

You would be mistaken. What's happening in Europe is front dead center and is part of what's pushing the desire for "the wall". It's also part of what's pushing record gun and ammo sales as Americans "get ready".

We had 9/11. Do you really think Americans don't know what happened in France or the train bombing or the rapes in Germany and elsewhere or the scenes at the borders?


Sure, big event's like Paris but which was covered nonstop but, in general, the mainstream news likes to tamp down as much of the negative muslim PR as possible in order to better align with the current Presidents message. People have to seek out the news on their own online. Otherwise, they get some sanitized 30 second nightly news soundbite followed by a few minutes of how well Hillary is soldiering on despite the vast rightwing conspiracy.

Americans don't obsess with Europe the way they do with the US.

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The leftwingnuts at can are now asking mr trump to show his tax returns….like he would be dumb enough to run if he'd committed fraud.

They are getting desperate now.

In that case, they better get their angst under control because this is just starting

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