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'NO SMOKING, NO INDIA': Casual racism in Thailand


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Racism and prejudice is common here, as with other countries, and barely disguised as there's really little comeback as far as I can see.

Imagine the reaction to something like this in western countries.

Well next time I'm in Australia I'll be taking pictures of some of the "flat mates wanted" adverts, some in English only others in Chinese/English or just in Chinese which clearly advertise "Chinese only" or "Asian only". Asian only in their context means no Indians either. It means east Asian.

That's just as racist and IS happening (or at least was happening the last time I checked 2-3 years ago) in Australia.

I am not sure what the reaction was, but I can't remember it making the news.

I told my daughter in Scotland about this and when she stopped laughing and became serious said all over PC Britain all hell would be let loose mostly against the landlord. Any assertion of ' my property my rules ' wouldn't wash with the PC brigade.

In some areas, depending on the makeup of the community, could see a very nasty response.

On the other hand a property owner from an ethnic minority advertising for tenants only from their own community would be understood such is the way the country has gone and the tail is wagging the dog.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Not all Indians annoy people with cooking odours or smell bad. This is a fact. I also remember how foul my friends parents' house stunk growing up. Reeking of lambshanks, cigar butt overflowing ashtrays, stinky cheese and rancid smelling butter left out unrefrigerated. Old furniture and draperies likely not cleaned in years. I remember being shocked that they would wear jumpers (sweaters) all winter without sending them to the cleaners. The entire clan pure blond hair blue eyed "White British"!

Still this malodorous family gets a pass and can rent any BKK condo without any addtional considerations whilst others are to be rejected offhand, solely based on nationality.

A perfect example of the "white privlege" it is so fashionable for bigots to deny, and even to turn around and say they are now the ones being discriminated against.

Spare us the self-hating cultural Marxism. We've had enough of that crap in the west and don't need it here in Thailand.

White privilege doesn't exist in the west anymore. And it's completely irrelevant in Thailand where we are now. Why are you posting this on a Thai based forum?

Look around you. 99% of the population is Thai, i.e. Asian. Westerners are present, but they can't own land, they are often subjected to higher prices, occasionally to stares. That isn't white privilege my friend, that is discrimination.

When legitimate critique is labeled self-loathing one can be sure an intellectually dishonest argument will follow. Yes "cultural marxism", a bit of discredited social theory (a fanciful conspiracy that states in part Liberals are trying to destroy western civilization through multiculturalism) associated with extreme right-wing ideologues such as David Duke and Anders Behring Breivik. The only good thing about such persons is they will openly admit their bigotry.

One will not hear them say something so absurd as "I'm not racist but I won't rent my condo to an Indian".

As for me I would be very embarrased to tell my Indian mates that they are cool and all but you cant rent my condo (A few of them BTW are huntin' fishin' truck drivin' TX/LA rednecks who are more 'Murican then I'll ever be!). Also I don't think it is helpful as someone who grew up ensconsed in a cloak of white privlege to say " I'm not racist". I would rather just state something like "I will continually stuggle against the scourge of racism working to undermine and dismantle its structures". The idea that white privlege has been eliminated in the West is absurd and can be demonstrated by many objective statistics.

As for Thailand obviously this kind of housing discrimination is not illegal, we have dual pricing, and aliens can't buy land. Something to tolerate but not go around celebrating, and I know some people come here to escape "feminism and liberalism" and enjoy some kind of mythical status of neo-colonial Bwana (in their mind only).

As long as they are not hypocrites about it, you wont hear any complaints from me.

Edited by arunsakda
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Not all Indians annoy people with cooking odours or smell bad. This is a fact. I also remember how foul my friends parents' house stunk growing up. Reeking of lambshanks, cigar butt overflowing ashtrays, stinky cheese and rancid smelling butter left out unrefrigerated. Old furniture and draperies likely not cleaned in years. I remember being shocked that they would wear jumpers (sweaters) all winter without sending them to the cleaners. The entire clan pure blond hair blue eyed "White British"!

Still this malodorous family gets a pass and can rent any BKK condo without any addtional considerations whilst others are to be rejected offhand, solely based on nationality.

A perfect example of the "white privlege" it is so fashionable for bigots to deny, and even to turn around and say they are now the ones being discriminated against.

I agree and it's sad that chinese people get discriminated right? I have to specifically state Chinese or east asian because they aren't white but somehow get the "farang" treatment or instead the only group where westerners can openly call them racists and discriminate them and they are victims too.

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Racism and prejudice is common here, as with other countries, and barely disguised as there's really little comeback as far as I can see.

Imagine the reaction to something like this in western countries.

Well next time I'm in Australia I'll be taking pictures of some of the "flat mates wanted" adverts, some in English only others in Chinese/English or just in Chinese which clearly advertise "Chinese only" or "Asian only". Asian only in their context means no Indians either. It means east Asian.

That's just as racist and IS happening (or at least was happening the last time I checked 2-3 years ago) in Australia.

I am not sure what the reaction was, but I can't remember it making the news.

Please remember to take the pics where they say no chinese or dogs allowed. You seem to leave that bit out.

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Racism has its place. Gross generaliztions can be extreme to the point of being almost anti- human, perhaps even demonic at times..........But to be human is to be racsist at one point or many......get over it. its here forever and thats that...........

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Racism has its place. Gross generaliztions can be extreme to the point of being almost anti- human, perhaps even demonic at times..........But to be human is to be racsist at one point or many......get over it. its here forever and thats that...........

Nah, don't think I will.

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I wouldn't call this racism. I have no problems with indians at all but for a neighbour i wouldn't choose them.

Once in the bts-skytrain a group of 10-15 men came in. Immediatly there was a bad smell everywhere around us, really very bad. People were all searching for what caused it and covering their noses...I almost had to puke from the smell as well.....It happened to be the Indians who produced that smell...it was really awfull.

Now you might call me (and all the Thai in the bts) a racists but i'm married with a Thai wife and live among only Thai.

This is probably the reason why they won't rent to them....i don't call that racism. Charging 10-foulded prices because of skincolor is racism in my opinion and India also does that at the Taj Mahall..

Maybe you don't call it racism, but this is text book racism, and it's norm here.

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You need to find out the reason dont just cry racists.

Nope. They have made a decision based upon racist generalisations. If the renter doesn't like certain behaviours, fine. However to judge a whole nation to represent that behaviour is racist.

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You need to find out the reason dont just cry racists.

Nope. They have made a decision based upon racist generalisations. If the renter doesn't like certain behaviours, fine. However to judge a whole nation to represent that behaviour is racist.

Exactly.....it's like saying 'I'm not racist, but'...

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Not all Indians annoy people with cooking odours or smell bad. This is a fact. I also remember how foul my friends parents' house stunk growing up. Reeking of lambshanks, cigar butt overflowing ashtrays, stinky cheese and rancid smelling butter left out unrefrigerated. Old furniture and draperies likely not cleaned in years. I remember being shocked that they would wear jumpers (sweaters) all winter without sending them to the cleaners. The entire clan pure blond hair blue eyed "White British"!

Still this malodorous family gets a pass and can rent any BKK condo without any addtional considerations whilst others are to be rejected offhand, solely based on nationality.

A perfect example of the "white privlege" it is so fashionable for bigots to deny, and even to turn around and say they are now the ones being discriminated against.

I agree and it's sad that chinese people get discriminated right? I have to specifically state Chinese or east asian because they aren't white but somehow get the "farang" treatment or instead the only group where westerners can openly call them racists and discriminate them and they are victims too.

The East Asians are more of a fit into Thailand as they are Asian and share fairly similar customs. They have more of a right to be here than white people. White people will always be outsiders because this is Asia and not the West. A lot of white people here seem to forget this fact.

Edited by CoreanoOzzie
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I wouldn't rent to Indians unless unfurnished and without a very large cash security deposit, and an agreement to inspect the property quarterly, the horrors I've heard about one or two respectable Indian professionals renting and then a family of 20 moving in are as common as rude Israelis stories, if immigration can apply specific rules to people from specific countries then i don't see why a landlord shouldn't be allowed to too, generalization or not..

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You need to find out the reason dont just cry racists.

Nope. They have made a decision based upon racist generalisations. If the renter doesn't like certain behaviours, fine. However to judge a whole nation to represent that behaviour is racist.

So if that behaviour, as you said, is cooking with spices that make the condo smell like shiet it's ok but not if the person happens to be from a country you feel you should in some way defend. Because you are only ranting and raving as it's about indians, you wouldn't have said a word if it said "no british".

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When I go to Indian restaurants in Thailand (first visits), sporting my white skin, when I request my curries VERY HOT AND SPICY PLEASE, the majority of times the food arrives very bland. That's racism too and I call them on it every time. When confronted they always admit they ignored my request because of my skin color / perceived nationality. I just bring this up as food for thought about how STUPID and OFFENSIVE it is to prejudge people based on skin color / race / nationality. OK, the food thing is trivial but still annoying as they still expect full payment for treating me differently based on skin color, resulting in not getting what a perceived South Asian person would expect even without asking.

But rent to me, with my white skin, and I may just smell up your condo with MY cooking smells too. Gothcha, haters!w00t.gif

Edited by Jingthing
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You need to find out the reason dont just cry racists.

Nope. They have made a decision based upon racist generalisations. If the renter doesn't like certain behaviours, fine. However to judge a whole nation to represent that behaviour is racist.

So if that behaviour, as you said, is cooking with spices that make the condo smell like shiet it's ok but not if the person happens to be from a country you feel you should in some way defend. Because you are only ranting and raving as it's about indians, you wouldn't have said a word if it said "no british".

That just proves how little you know about me.

If ignorance is bliss you must be ecstatic.

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You need to find out the reason dont just cry racists.

Nope. They have made a decision based upon racist generalisations. If the renter doesn't like certain behaviours, fine. However to judge a whole nation to represent that behaviour is racist.

So if that behaviour, as you said, is cooking with spices that make the condo smell like shiet it's ok but not if the person happens to be from a country you feel you should in some way defend. Because you are only ranting and raving as it's about indians, you wouldn't have said a word if it said "no british".

That just proves how little you know about me.

If ignorance is bliss you must be ecstatic.

Not his only problem..

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So if that behaviour, as you said, is cooking with spices that make the condo smell like shiet it's ok but not if the person happens to be from a country you feel you should in some way defend. Because you are only ranting and raving as it's about indians, you wouldn't have said a word if it said "no british".

That just proves how little you know about me.

If ignorance is bliss you must be ecstatic.

Not his only problem..

Aww how cute of you two to "tag-team-like" each others posts.

Anyhow, atleast i'm a extremely consistant with my posts, you two change the variable(s) like a politician flip-flops depending on what the subject is about. Or more importantly, what skin color the subject has. Because that's what this is really about for you two, skin color. And you two fail to realize that you two are the real racists here. I can let you two ponder why that is the case but i wont hold my breath that you guys will figure out why.

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Tell me one time I have deviated from my position on racism and intolerance.

Tell me once when I have changed my stance because of the nationality on those involved in a story.

Just once.

Don't ignore this request. You have made an accusation now back it up.

Don't fanny around with this "you figure it out" BS.

Back up your accusation with evidence.

Edited by Bluespunk
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A dude that likes to drop the pedo accusation willy nilly is certainly the type to possess racist traits.

Yes, and anyone trying to plaster "racist" on anyone not agreeing with one self certainly is the type that possess paedophile traits.

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A dude that likes to drop the pedo accusation willy nilly is certainly the type to possess racist traits.

Yes, and anyone trying to plaster "racist" on anyone not agreeing with one self certainly is the type that possess paedophile traits.

Strange how you make that comparison. ....on one hand we have someone that does not want a particular race near them ..... on the other hand, we have nothing......except your constant thoughts of pedophilia.....how odd

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Tell me one time I have deviated from my position on racism and intolerance.

Tell me once when I have changed my stance because of the nationality on those involved in a story.

Just once.

Don't ignore this request. You have made an accusation now back it up.

Don't fanny around with this "you figure it out" BS.

Back up your accusation with evidence.

All silent from you Asheron?

Why's that now?

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Racism is alive & well in Thailand and has been for many years.

They are taught from an early age that Thai's are superior to any other alien.

Are you 100% sure it is 'alive & well' ONLY in Thailand?

So, the rest of the world is non-racist?


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Racism is alive & well in Thailand and has been for many years.

They are taught from an early age that Thai's are superior to any other alien.

Are you 100% sure it is 'alive & well' ONLY in Thailand?

So, the rest of the world is non-racist?


He didn't say ONLY ....and of course it is not ....far from it unfortunately

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A dude that likes to drop the pedo accusation willy nilly is certainly the type to possess racist traits.

Yes, and anyone trying to plaster "racist" on anyone not agreeing with one self certainly is the type that possess paedophile traits.

Strange how you make that comparison. ....on one hand we have someone that does not want a particular race near them ..... on the other hand, we have nothing......except your constant thoughts of pedophilia.....how odd

So you are one of those "i'm not a paedophile, but...." type of people eh?

And you should really stop (or start again?) taking whatever medication you are on if you read "i do not want indian people to rent my condo as because of reason A, B and C" as "i do not want indian people near me".

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Tell me one time I have deviated from my position on racism and intolerance.

Tell me once when I have changed my stance because of the nationality on those involved in a story.

Just once.

Don't ignore this request. You have made an accusation now back it up.

Don't fanny around with this "you figure it out" BS.

Back up your accusation with evidence.

All silent from you Asheron?

Why's that now?

Are you or are you not denying that you would go on same kind of SJW crusade if it said "no british"?

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Why wouldn't anyone defend the Dirty Brits? The seem like good honest folk when they aren't up to shenanigans.

This line of reasoning is like arguing the difference between an aardvark and an anteater. In the age of Zika Virus, the mosquitoes are making a mockery of us all... so why focus on the ants?

But, of course, this thread is about smelly food.

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