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'NO SMOKING, NO INDIA': Casual racism in Thailand


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Tell me one time I have deviated from my position on racism and intolerance.

Tell me once when I have changed my stance because of the nationality on those involved in a story.

Just once.

Don't ignore this request. You have made an accusation now back it up.

Don't fanny around with this "you figure it out" BS.

Back up your accusation with evidence.

All silent from you Asheron?

Why's that now?

Are you or are you not denying that you would go on same kind of SJW crusade if it said "no british"?

I despise bigotry, racism, intolerance and prejudice. And those who practice it. And those who defend it.

Now back up your allegations.

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Tell me one time I have deviated from my position on racism and intolerance.

Tell me once when I have changed my stance because of the nationality on those involved in a story.

Just once.

Don't ignore this request. You have made an accusation now back it up.

Don't fanny around with this "you figure it out" BS.

Back up your accusation with evidence.

All silent from you Asheron?

Why's that now?

Are you or are you not denying that you would go on same kind of SJW crusade if it said "no british"?

I despise bigotry, racism, intolerance and prejudice. And those who practice it. And those who defend it.

Now back up your allegations.

His backup is that he is a racist pig....better than a whole race....no further backup required in his mind.

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Are you or are you not denying that you would go on same kind of SJW crusade if it said "no british"?

I despise bigotry, racism, intolerance and prejudice. And those who practice it. And those who defend it.

Now back up your allegations.

His backup is that he is a racist pig....better than a whole race....no further backup required in his mind.

Awww, butthurt much?

Now, go get some help for that "child love".

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I can understand why some Thai's may get put off by the fact that some Indian people do not like to use deodorant. But, that is about it. The vast majority of Indians possess intelligence and creativity and business acumen that most Thais can only dream about having. They are so superior on so many levels, it is almost unfathomable. Indians have been winning Nobel Peace prizes for almost as long as that institution has been in existence, perhaps starting with the brilliant poet Rabindranath Tagore, back in 1913. Then C.V. Raman in 1930 for his cutting edge Physics discoveries. The Amartya Sen in 1998 for his study of economics, and then Kailash Satharthi for his promotion of peace initiatives and the rights of children to have an education. They you have a world class film industry, that creates more films each year than Hollywood. They have a world class tradition of literature, poetry, and culture. Indians have accomplished so much, in such a relatively short period of time, in the fields of Math, Science, Medicine, Technology, etc. The Indian nation has contributed so many brilliant scientists, and doctors to the world at large. How many of those brilliant minds who are improving the world come from Thailand? How many? India was one of the richest countries in the world until the Dutch, and then the British started plundering the country for four centuries, reducing it to one of the poorest countries in the world. That was not of their own making. Their educational system was one of the best in the world, before the British systematically dismantled it over the course of a century, in an effort to dumb down the population. The fact that they have not only been able to recover, but to become one of the world's largest economies, and intellectually productive nations, says alot. There is no yardstick by which the Thai people can even begin to compare themselves to the Indian people, who are vastly superior on so many levels. The same could be said about the Chinese people, especially when it comes to what they have accomplished in terms of productivity and education. Both the Chinese and the Indian educational standards are so much higher, and both nations realize the value of education and put alot of resources into improving it, unlike the Thais, who have failed dismally, when it comes to education their people. Also, both nations overseas, her tutors to make sure their children are outstanding, when it comes to being a student. How many Thais take education that seriously? The Indian nation and it's people have accomplished so much more, and been able to contribute to the world on a level the Thai people could not even consider, nor dream about. This tremendous lack of accomplishment on the world stage, should make any Thai person quite full of humility. But, due to blind nationalism, they can be quite the opposite. Arrogance is not always a bad thing, when it is backed up with substance. But, arrogance when it is not based on anything except political dribble, hyperbole, and false nationalism, is meaningless and an impediment to personal growth. Any Thai landlord should consider themselves honored to have an Indian tenant. Maybe, they could even learn something from them.

The level of ignorance that would lead to a statement like this, about not renting to Indians just boggles the mind. The small mindedness that some Thai people have is staggering. Talk about not knowing your place in the grand scheme of things. In many countries behavior like this would be rewarded with sanctions. Here, it is normal. Even the government commits these kinds of racist, nationalistic acts regularly. Shame on them for being so small minded.

The Thais have alot of lovely qualities. But, their racism and bigotry, and closed mindedness when it comes to the outside world is positively a detriment to Thai society, on so many levels. It really holds them back, as a nation. Surely, there must be a percentage of the population that does not buy into the nonsense. But, far too many do. It is unjustifiable on every level.

they also have the highest number of people that shit in the street , a big problem in every big indian city , i read the chinese are a close second in their own country but are in first place for tourists doing the same in thailand , so well done to both

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I can understand why some Thai's may get put off by the fact that some Indian people do not like to use deodorant. But, that is about it. The vast majority of Indians possess intelligence and creativity and business acumen that most Thais can only dream about having. They are so superior on so many levels, it is almost unfathomable. Indians have been winning Nobel Peace prizes for almost as long as that institution has been in existence, perhaps starting with the brilliant poet Rabindranath Tagore, back in 1913. Then C.V. Raman in 1930 for his cutting edge Physics discoveries. The Amartya Sen in 1998 for his study of economics, and then Kailash Satharthi for his promotion of peace initiatives and the rights of children to have an education. They you have a world class film industry, that creates more films each year than Hollywood. They have a world class tradition of literature, poetry, and culture. Indians have accomplished so much, in such a relatively short period of time, in the fields of Math, Science, Medicine, Technology, etc. The Indian nation has contributed so many brilliant scientists, and doctors to the world at large. How many of those brilliant minds who are improving the world come from Thailand? How many? India was one of the richest countries in the world until the Dutch, and then the British started plundering the country for four centuries, reducing it to one of the poorest countries in the world. That was not of their own making. Their educational system was one of the best in the world, before the British systematically dismantled it over the course of a century, in an effort to dumb down the population. The fact that they have not only been able to recover, but to become one of the world's largest economies, and intellectually productive nations, says alot. There is no yardstick by which the Thai people can even begin to compare themselves to the Indian people, who are vastly superior on so many levels. The same could be said about the Chinese people, especially when it comes to what they have accomplished in terms of productivity and education. Both the Chinese and the Indian educational standards are so much higher, and both nations realize the value of education and put alot of resources into improving it, unlike the Thais, who have failed dismally, when it comes to education their people. Also, both nations overseas, her tutors to make sure their children are outstanding, when it comes to being a student. How many Thais take education that seriously? The Indian nation and it's people have accomplished so much more, and been able to contribute to the world on a level the Thai people could not even consider, nor dream about. This tremendous lack of accomplishment on the world stage, should make any Thai person quite full of humility. But, due to blind nationalism, they can be quite the opposite. Arrogance is not always a bad thing, when it is backed up with substance. But, arrogance when it is not based on anything except political dribble, hyperbole, and false nationalism, is meaningless and an impediment to personal growth. Any Thai landlord should consider themselves honored to have an Indian tenant. Maybe, they could even learn something from them.

The level of ignorance that would lead to a statement like this, about not renting to Indians just boggles the mind. The small mindedness that some Thai people have is staggering. Talk about not knowing your place in the grand scheme of things. In many countries behavior like this would be rewarded with sanctions. Here, it is normal. Even the government commits these kinds of racist, nationalistic acts regularly. Shame on them for being so small minded.

The Thais have alot of lovely qualities. But, their racism and bigotry, and closed mindedness when it comes to the outside world is positively a detriment to Thai society, on so many levels. It really holds them back, as a nation. Surely, there must be a percentage of the population that does not buy into the nonsense. But, far too many do. It is unjustifiable on every level.

Are we talking about the same CV Ramen that went to the university of Calcutta? i thought the Brits destroyed indian education ? seems enhanced if we are talking about the same guy . You may see the Brits as evil occupiers but i believe without the Brits building more schools than India ever had in their history was the reason they had the scholars you mentioned , yeah ...they "stole" billions of minerals that used to only owned by the mahrajas and the like , in return it was invested in what is still a world class rail system, problem is it is so corrupt they still use rolling stock from the 30s , there are probably near 2m Indians in the uk all sending money back to their homeland to support their families still living in poverty and have yet to get electricity to some 100m homes , they also still get 100s of millions in aid from the UK but prefere to have a space programme instead of feeding the poor , the Brits would have electrified India by now if still there imo ,.....a recent poll in india said 60% would welcome the return of British rule to clean up the corruption , the schools also still learn english in a british style education system for those fortunate enough to afford it . I guess what i am saying is the Brits left India in a much better place to go forward but the oppotunity seems to have gone ,....the truth is , Indians smelling has nothing to do with not using deodourent, it's everything to do with their diet which seeps through their skin and to me a disgusting smell as it is to millions of others . I have rented rooms to them once and as so many have learned it ain't good business if you can't rent it again due to the lingering smell, nothing to do with skin colour , my wife is a dark skinned , i find it a turn on ,....unless they smell of course !

On the other hand I see your point in the thais being racist , they are , but like another poster said , i think there is some racism in everyone , it's just how far you take it that matters .

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I can understand why some Thai's may get put off by the fact that some Indian people do not like to use deodorant. But, that is about it. The vast majority of Indians possess intelligence and creativity and business acumen that most Thais can only dream about having. They are so superior on so many levels, it is almost unfathomable. Indians have been winning Nobel Peace prizes for almost as long as that institution has been in existence, perhaps starting with the brilliant poet Rabindranath Tagore, back in 1913. Then C.V. Raman in 1930 for his cutting edge Physics discoveries. The Amartya Sen in 1998 for his study of economics, and then Kailash Satharthi for his promotion of peace initiatives and the rights of children to have an education. They you have a world class film industry, that creates more films each year than Hollywood. They have a world class tradition of literature, poetry, and culture. Indians have accomplished so much, in such a relatively short period of time, in the fields of Math, Science, Medicine, Technology, etc. The Indian nation has contributed so many brilliant scientists, and doctors to the world at large. How many of those brilliant minds who are improving the world come from Thailand? How many? India was one of the richest countries in the world until the Dutch, and then the British started plundering the country for four centuries, reducing it to one of the poorest countries in the world. That was not of their own making. Their educational system was one of the best in the world, before the British systematically dismantled it over the course of a century, in an effort to dumb down the population. The fact that they have not only been able to recover, but to become one of the world's largest economies, and intellectually productive nations, says alot. There is no yardstick by which the Thai people can even begin to compare themselves to the Indian people, who are vastly superior on so many levels. The same could be said about the Chinese people, especially when it comes to what they have accomplished in terms of productivity and education. Both the Chinese and the Indian educational standards are so much higher, and both nations realize the value of education and put alot of resources into improving it, unlike the Thais, who have failed dismally, when it comes to education their people. Also, both nations overseas, her tutors to make sure their children are outstanding, when it comes to being a student. How many Thais take education that seriously? The Indian nation and it's people have accomplished so much more, and been able to contribute to the world on a level the Thai people could not even consider, nor dream about. This tremendous lack of accomplishment on the world stage, should make any Thai person quite full of humility. But, due to blind nationalism, they can be quite the opposite. Arrogance is not always a bad thing, when it is backed up with substance. But, arrogance when it is not based on anything except political dribble, hyperbole, and false nationalism, is meaningless and an impediment to personal growth. Any Thai landlord should consider themselves honored to have an Indian tenant. Maybe, they could even learn something from them.

The level of ignorance that would lead to a statement like this, about not renting to Indians just boggles the mind. The small mindedness that some Thai people have is staggering. Talk about not knowing your place in the grand scheme of things. In many countries behavior like this would be rewarded with sanctions. Here, it is normal. Even the government commits these kinds of racist, nationalistic acts regularly. Shame on them for being so small minded.

The Thais have alot of lovely qualities. But, their racism and bigotry, and closed mindedness when it comes to the outside world is positively a detriment to Thai society, on so many levels. It really holds them back, as a nation. Surely, there must be a percentage of the population that does not buy into the nonsense. But, far too many do. It is unjustifiable on every level.

Are we talking about the same CV Ramen that went to the university of Calcutta? i thought the Brits destroyed indian education ? seems enhanced if we are talking about the same guy . You may see the Brits as evil occupiers but i believe without the Brits building more schools than India ever had in their history was the reason they had the scholars you mentioned , yeah ...they "stole" billions of minerals that used to only owned by the mahrajas and the like , in return it was invested in what is still a world class rail system, problem is it is so corrupt they still use rolling stock from the 30s , there are probably near 2m Indians in the uk all sending money back to their homeland to support their families still living in poverty and have yet to get electricity to some 100m homes , they also still get 100s of millions in aid from the UK but prefere to have a space programme instead of feeding the poor , the Brits would have electrified India by now if still there imo ,.....a recent poll in india said 60% would welcome the return of British rule to clean up the corruption , the schools also still learn english in a british style education system for those fortunate enough to afford it . I guess what i am saying is the Brits left India in a much better place to go forward but the oppotunity seems to have gone ,....the truth is , Indians smelling has nothing to do with not using deodourent, it's everything to do with their diet which seeps through their skin and to me a disgusting smell as it is to millions of others . I have rented rooms to them once and as so many have learned it ain't good business if you can't rent it again due to the lingering smell, nothing to do with skin colour , my wife is a dark skinned , i find it a turn on ,....unless they smell of course !

On the other hand I see your point in the thais being racist , they are , but like another poster said , i think there is some racism in everyone , it's just how far you take it that matters .

No, the CV Ramen I refer to was from Madras.

Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (7 November 1888 – 21 November 1970), an Indian physicist born in the former Madras Province in India, carried out ground-breaking work in the field of light scattering which earned him the 1930 Nobel Prize for Physics. He discovered that when light traverses a transparent material, some of the deflected light changes in wavelength. This phenomenon, subsequently known as Raman scattering, results from the Raman effect. In 1954 India honoured him with its highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna. He has also been the recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize for his remarkably brilliant discoveries.

This is a fascinating and controversial discussion. On the one hand India benefitted greatly, from their colonization by England, in terms of infrastructure, their international and cosmopolitan view of the world, their english skills, and more. The same argument could be made for Thailand. I have often argued what a benefit it would have been to the nation had they been colonized by one of the Western powers. Certainly they would have become far more aware of the outside world, have learned to speak better english, and hopefully developed a far better educational system, than the one they are presently cursed with. But, would the Thai people have been able to retain their pleasant and lighthearted nature? Maybe not.

On the other hand the systematic plunder that the UK engaged in with India, was staggering. Many forget how wealthy India was prior to this plunder.

Perhaps many of us do not know that India was the richest land till the British came here. Whereas Britain’s share in world exports before was only 9% as against India’s share of 19% today our share is only 0.5%. Most of the foreigners came to India in search of her fabulous wealth. Ernest Wood, in the book “A Foreigner defends Mother India” states, “In the middle of the eighteenth century, Phillimore wrote that ‘the droppings of her soil fed distant regions‘. No traveller found India poor until the nineteenth century, but foreign merchants and adventurers sought her shores for the almost fabulous wealth, which they could there obtain. ‘To shake the pagoda tree’ became a phrase, somewhat similar to our modern expression ‘to strike oil’.”


In regard to India's education, the UK was largely responsible for destroying a once great system.

Due to the land policy of the British, born out of their greed, the farmers had become landless labourers in their own lands, and the landlords the cruel stooges of the British. The systematic destruction of the Indian system of education deprived certain castes of education. Thus over a hundred years these castes had become impoverished and ignorant and the Brahmins who were supposed to lead the society became distorted in their understanding of things, due to foreign education.

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  • 3 months later...

Racism is alive & well in Thailand and has been for many years.

They are taught from an early age that Thai's are superior to any other alien.

Are you very sure of this statement?

Have a look here >>>



Who REALLY started racism?

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Landladies in the UK ,use to put signs in the window, ROOM FOR RENT,

NO Irish,Blacks or Dogs,but that was a long long time ago,just shows how

far Thailand is behind the times.

regards Worgeordie

Or perhaps it shows that Thailand does not wish to be a PC nanny state where an individual can not express their likes and dislikes

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Racism is alive & well in Thailand and has been for many years.

They are taught from an early age that Thai's are superior to any other alien.

Are you 100% sure it is 'alive & well' ONLY in Thailand?

So, the rest of the world is non-racist?


In my experience, China is far more racist. It starts when the locals stare at you with their eyeballs popped out as if you came from the moon. It continues when groups of teenagers (and sometimes people aged well into their 20s and 30s) smile as they walk past you, then run and hide behind the bushes after which a long howl of "HELLLLLOOOOO" is yelled out. Then you have elderly people who give you a death stare, it's even worse if you hold hands with a Chinese girl (who could be Thai but if you bring your Thai gf to China and she is of ethnic Chinese origin the locals will mistake her for being Chinese) and then mutter some racist nonsense under their breath. Jealous young men will start making racist remarks to you, while the "local" will be slured as being a "prostitute".

A minor incident in Kunming involving a black foreigner who complained about some street vendors blocking his way as he tried to park his electric scooter in front of a well known foreign run restaurant/café escalated to the point it nearly turned into a race riot when I was there in 2013. The shop, though not directly related to the incident was shut down by the authorities for 5 days in the aftermath. The foreigner involved and a few more who helped him hide inside the café were all taken into temporary custody by the police.

I've lived in China and can speak reasonable Chinese. It's hell there for foreigners. Thailand is still way, way more tolerant.

Edited by Tomtomtom69
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yes they dont like Indians and yet So many of their Gods are Hindu Gods. The Irony.

Lets also not forget the Thai Language has origins and borrows half the words from Pali and Sanskrit (originated from India) and old Khmer (again from Pali and Sanskrit from India).

U can apply whitening cream all u want but u cant hide from your dark roots. lol

Edited by Moonmoon
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I can understand why some Thai's may get put off by the fact that some Indian people do not like to use deodorant. But, that is about it. The vast majority of Indians possess intelligence and creativity and business acumen that most Thais can only dream about having. They are so superior on so many levels, it is almost unfathomable. Indians have been winning Nobel Peace prizes for almost as long as that institution has been in existence, perhaps starting with the brilliant poet Rabindranath Tagore, back in 1913. Then C.V. Raman in 1930 for his cutting edge Physics discoveries. The Amartya Sen in 1998 for his study of economics, and then Kailash Satharthi for his promotion of peace initiatives and the rights of children to have an education. They you have a world class film industry, that creates more films each year than Hollywood. They have a world class tradition of literature, poetry, and culture. Indians have accomplished so much, in such a relatively short period of time, in the fields of Math, Science, Medicine, Technology, etc. The Indian nation has contributed so many brilliant scientists, and doctors to the world at large. How many of those brilliant minds who are improving the world come from Thailand? How many? India was one of the richest countries in the world until the Dutch, and then the British started plundering the country for four centuries, reducing it to one of the poorest countries in the world. That was not of their own making. Their educational system was one of the best in the world, before the British systematically dismantled it over the course of a century, in an effort to dumb down the population. The fact that they have not only been able to recover, but to become one of the world's largest economies, and intellectually productive nations, says alot. There is no yardstick by which the Thai people can even begin to compare themselves to the Indian people, who are vastly superior on so many levels. The same could be said about the Chinese people, especially when it comes to what they have accomplished in terms of productivity and education. Both the Chinese and the Indian educational standards are so much higher, and both nations realize the value of education and put alot of resources into improving it, unlike the Thais, who have failed dismally, when it comes to education their people. Also, both nations overseas, her tutors to make sure their children are outstanding, when it comes to being a student. How many Thais take education that seriously? The Indian nation and it's people have accomplished so much more, and been able to contribute to the world on a level the Thai people could not even consider, nor dream about. This tremendous lack of accomplishment on the world stage, should make any Thai person quite full of humility. But, due to blind nationalism, they can be quite the opposite. Arrogance is not always a bad thing, when it is backed up with substance. But, arrogance when it is not based on anything except political dribble, hyperbole, and false nationalism, is meaningless and an impediment to personal growth. Any Thai landlord should consider themselves honored to have an Indian tenant. Maybe, they could even learn something from them.

The level of ignorance that would lead to a statement like this, about not renting to Indians just boggles the mind. The small mindedness that some Thai people have is staggering. Talk about not knowing your place in the grand scheme of things. In many countries behavior like this would be rewarded with sanctions. Here, it is normal. Even the government commits these kinds of racist, nationalistic acts regularly. Shame on them for being so small minded.

The Thais have alot of lovely qualities. But, their racism and bigotry, and closed mindedness when it comes to the outside world is positively a detriment to Thai society, on so many levels. It really holds them back, as a nation. Surely, there must be a percentage of the population that does not buy into the nonsense. But, far too many do. It is unjustifiable on every level.

Are we talking about the same CV Ramen that went to the university of Calcutta? i thought the Brits destroyed indian education ? seems enhanced if we are talking about the same guy . You may see the Brits as evil occupiers but i believe without the Brits building more schools than India ever had in their history was the reason they had the scholars you mentioned , yeah ...they "stole" billions of minerals that used to only owned by the mahrajas and the like , in return it was invested in what is still a world class rail system, problem is it is so corrupt they still use rolling stock from the 30s , there are probably near 2m Indians in the uk all sending money back to their homeland to support their families still living in poverty and have yet to get electricity to some 100m homes , they also still get 100s of millions in aid from the UK but prefere to have a space programme instead of feeding the poor , the Brits would have electrified India by now if still there imo ,.....a recent poll in india said 60% would welcome the return of British rule to clean up the corruption , the schools also still learn english in a british style education system for those fortunate enough to afford it . I guess what i am saying is the Brits left India in a much better place to go forward but the oppotunity seems to have gone ,....the truth is , Indians smelling has nothing to do with not using deodourent, it's everything to do with their diet which seeps through their skin and to me a disgusting smell as it is to millions of others . I have rented rooms to them once and as so many have learned it ain't good business if you can't rent it again due to the lingering smell, nothing to do with skin colour , my wife is a dark skinned , i find it a turn on ,....unless they smell of course !

On the other hand I see your point in the thais being racist , they are , but like another poster said , i think there is some racism in everyone , it's just how far you take it that matters .

I like spidermike007's post, for the most part. It is beautifully written and well constructed with lots of facts. However, I have to agree more with osiboy that the Brits most likely helped to advance the state of Indian education, not destroy it. Also, since there is no way of proving what really happened hundreds of years ago or what India would have been like if it hadn't been colonized, I would say osiboy is right on the money here that if the British had stayed longer, the country could perhaps have developed more. They have after all had nearly 70 years to clean up the corruption, build infrastructure, reduce class inefficiencies, get their people out of poverty but for the most part they have failed miserably. Having said that, India continues to shine when it comes to education and indeed, many of the country's brightest minds have made enormous contributions to humanity, particularly in the fields of science, mathematics, medicine, engineering and even cultural fields such as poetry as mentioned by Spidermike, despite the problems their homeland has. Many of these people have immigrated to other countries and found success there.

I think a better yardstick would be to compare why Singapore/Malaysia and Hong Kong have become so successful DESPITE being British colonies who achieved their independence around about the time as India (except Hong Kong, which was only handed back to China in 1997) yet India has struggled to do the same. Myanmar (formerly Burma), which was the easternmost province in British India managed to do exceptionally well in the years just after independence, when it was far more advanced than Thailand and even Singapore. A military dictatorship took over in 1962 and the rest is history. Only since abandoning the old guard in late 2011 have things started to improve and the imbalances in the level of its development started to be reduced, relative to its neighbors. It remains to be seen whether the ingenuity and hard work of it's people can restore its rightful place as being one of ASEAN's most prosperous states. However, if the ethnic conflicts, particularly in the north don't simmer down soon, then there can be little chance of that. A strong, stable and functioning country with no conflicts inside or on the periphery are needed for prosperity and success, amongst other things.

Not everything should be blamed on colonialism - the history of the world is about conquest of different empires. It's what countries do to advance their societies, in spite of obstacles that makes them successful. Japan was able to, after being almost completely destroyed in the aftermath of World War 2. It's location in a seismically active zone and subject to frequent bad weather such as typhoons has not been a deterrent. Given Thailand's relatively stable geology, rare instances of harsh weather (apart from droughts and wet season flooding), relatively good infrastructure and connectivity to neighboring countries, it is actually in a much better position than many countries to prosper. Pity however that for a number of reasons these advantages have not been realized to their full potential.

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The box says "no smoking, no Indians" because there's not enough room to write "no smoking, only two maximum tenants allowed, no cooking horrendously smelling foods that no amount of cleaning will remove the odours, no ladyboy guest/s, no gang banging coconut bar hookers, no shisha pipes, no sitting by the pool and perving at the girls for hours on end."

On a side note, I once overheard an Indian looking gentleman being barred from entering a gogo bar. I heard him saying "yeah man, well I may look like a freaking Indian but I'm actually from Canada". Immediately allowed into the bar.

Which suggests to me that he was not being initially barred entry simply and totally based on the colour of his skin, but for the perceived unwelcome behaviour that others that share his skin colour and ethnic origins have previously demonstrated at the bar. This is fact - I checked with the doorman who I know.

Is that racism? Or is it merely a form of selected admission using a certain visible criteria that is really no different than a dress code?

My bar doesn't let anybody in who is bare chested - and a bloody good thing too. I don't care if they come from Australia, India, Peru, or Norway. If they have the poor manners not to wear at least a wife-beater, I don't want to have to look at the uncouth drips.

So if a bare chested Indian rocks up and he's barred entry, why is that conceivably labelled as racism, but if a Norwegian is barred, that's not considered racism?

Yes unfortunately, you need to be "dark skinned" to be able to throw the racism word at others. Kind of sucks that us "white people" do not have that option :-(

The whole term "racism" is so old fashioned it should be a banned word.

It came from the buses in South Africa where blacks were not allowed to sit among whites, right?

In W-Europe i wouldn't take a bus because of the groups of north africans sitting in it and misbehaving badly, even harassing (white) other travellers or robbing them. Girls in short skirts better not use public transport in my homecountry because of all the immigrants.

That's called racism according to the books but i would think it's time to get separate buses/trains again.....not because of skincolor but because of bad behaviour.

I think you will find the bus thing cane from the US way before South Africa...education will set your mind free

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yes they dont like Indians and yet So many of their Gods are Hindu Gods. The Irony.

Lets also not forget the Thai Language has origins and borrows half the words from Pali and Sanskrit (originated from India) and old Khmer (again from Pali and Sanskrit from India).

U can apply whitening cream all u want but u cant hide from your dark roots. lol

Ironic as some on here bleating on about how racist Thai,s and then reading some of the racist stuff written on TV by the old whiteys

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On a side note, I once overheard an Indian looking gentleman being barred from entering a gogo bar. I heard him saying "yeah man, well I may look like a freaking Indian but I'm actually from Canada". Immediately allowed into the bar.

I think I know the guy you're talking about. In fact he is a freaking Indian, born in India to Indian parents, but he holds a Canadian passport. laugh.png

The bloke I saw spoke standard Canuck with no accent and his head didn't move. Same bloke? Maybe six months ago at Sweethart's on WS.

I guess so. He lives here and is a frequent gogo visitor, and indeed he speaks Canadian without accent, as he moved to Canada in his late teens.

Don't Canadians speak English with a lower level second language being French ?

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Racism is alive & well in Thailand and has been for many years.

They are taught from an early age that Thai's are superior to any other alien.

So what's your opinion about racism in other countries.

Or are you suggesting it's only in Thailand?

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Racism is alive & well in Thailand and has been for many years.

They are taught from an early age that Thai's are superior to any other alien.

Are you 100% sure it is 'alive & well' ONLY in Thailand?

So, the rest of the world is non-racist?


In my experience, China is far more racist. It starts when the locals stare at you with their eyeballs popped out as if you came from the moon. It continues when groups of teenagers (and sometimes people aged well into their 20s and 30s) smile as they walk past you, then run and hide behind the bushes after which a long howl of "HELLLLLOOOOO" is yelled out. Then you have elderly people who give you a death stare, it's even worse if you hold hands with a Chinese girl (who could be Thai but if you bring your Thai gf to China and she is of ethnic Chinese origin the locals will mistake her for being Chinese) and then mutter some racist nonsense under their breath. Jealous young men will start making racist remarks to you, while the "local" will be slured as being a "prostitute".

A minor incident in Kunming involving a black foreigner who complained about some street vendors blocking his way as he tried to park his electric scooter in front of a well known foreign run restaurant/café escalated to the point it nearly turned into a race riot when I was there in 2013. The shop, though not directly related to the incident was shut down by the authorities for 5 days in the aftermath. The foreigner involved and a few more who helped him hide inside the café were all taken into temporary custody by the police.

I've lived in China and can speak reasonable Chinese. It's hell there for foreigners. Thailand is still way, way more tolerant.

Not only China, my experience living / working in Japan not much different, including walk up to an expensive Indonesian restaurant with 3 Japanese professional colleagues, all of us in coat and tie, doorman stepped across the door, put his arms in the X position, quickly the captain came and made it plain foreigners not welcome. I prompted my Japanese colleague to ask if Indonesians are welcome. Answer: a prompt abrupt NO. Whole group walked away.

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Racism is alive & well in Thailand and has been for many years.

They are taught from an early age that Thai's are superior to any other alien.

Interesting...superior in what?....world education?...that must be one of them

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When I go to Indian restaurants in Thailand (first visits), sporting my white skin, when I request my curries VERY HOT AND SPICY PLEASE, the majority of times the food arrives very bland. That's racism too and I call them on it every time. When confronted they always admit they ignored my request because of my skin color / perceived nationality. I just bring this up as food for thought about how STUPID and OFFENSIVE it is to prejudge people based on skin color / race / nationality. OK, the food thing is trivial but still annoying as they still expect full payment for treating me differently based on skin color, resulting in not getting what a perceived South Asian person would expect even without asking.

But rent to me, with my white skin, and I may just smell up your condo with MY cooking smells too. Gothcha, haters!w00t.gif

Oh yes, Rosa Parks has nothing on you.

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Rent out a room or apartment for one week to Indians and see the condition they leave it in (Majority of them)..

(I am saying this with first hand experience, observing for a long period of time)

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Landladies in the UK ,use to put signs in the window, ROOM FOR RENT,

NO Irish,Blacks or Dogs,but that was a long long time ago,just shows how

far Thailand is behind the times.

regards Worgeordie

Or perhaps it shows that Thailand does not wish to be a PC nanny state where an individual can not express their likes and dislikes

Or perhaps it is racism and should be condemned as such. Racism is wrong and it is not being PC to say so.

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Whats the problem?

I cannot have a dog or smoke in my building.. follow the rules..

There are similar rules like this in India regarding minorities.

What's the problem?


let's see...

wait I know...

It's racism.

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Racism is alive & well in Thailand and has been for many years.

They are taught from an early age that Thai's are superior to any other alien.

Are you 100% sure it is 'alive & well' ONLY in Thailand?

So, the rest of the world is non-racist?


In my experience, China is far more racist. It starts when the locals stare at you with their eyeballs popped out as if you came from the moon. It continues when groups of teenagers (and sometimes people aged well into their 20s and 30s) smile as they walk past you, then run and hide behind the bushes after which a long howl of "HELLLLLOOOOO" is yelled out. Then you have elderly people who give you a death stare, it's even worse if you hold hands with a Chinese girl (who could be Thai but if you bring your Thai gf to China and she is of ethnic Chinese origin the locals will mistake her for being Chinese) and then mutter some racist nonsense under their breath. Jealous young men will start making racist remarks to you, while the "local" will be slured as being a "prostitute".

A minor incident in Kunming involving a black foreigner who complained about some street vendors blocking his way as he tried to park his electric scooter in front of a well known foreign run restaurant/café escalated to the point it nearly turned into a race riot when I was there in 2013. The shop, though not directly related to the incident was shut down by the authorities for 5 days in the aftermath. The foreigner involved and a few more who helped him hide inside the café were all taken into temporary custody by the police.

I've lived in China and can speak reasonable Chinese. It's hell there for foreigners. Thailand is still way, way more tolerant.

Not only China, my experience living / working in Japan not much different, including walk up to an expensive Indonesian restaurant with 3 Japanese professional colleagues, all of us in coat and tie, doorman stepped across the door, put his arms in the X position, quickly the captain came and made it plain foreigners not welcome. I prompted my Japanese colleague to ask if Indonesians are welcome. Answer: a prompt abrupt NO. Whole group walked away.

Interesting. I have heard many stories about places in Japan where foreigners are unwelcome. Haven't been to Japan since I was a young kid but plan to go there sometime in the next year or so.

​I'm surprised there would be a restaurant that refuses service to foreigners though - especially of all places, an Indonesian restaurant? Presumably said restaurant also employs Indonesians, so to not allow you and even Indonesians in, seems very odd indeed. That would be like a French restaurant refusing service to non-Italians in Italy.

In Kunming, the only place where foreigners are occasionally not welcome is the city's bar and club district known as Kundu, though the restrictions have always been specific to certain bars/clubs and not across the board. Back in 2011, there was an incident where an Australian expat pissed in the DJ booth because he didn't like the music. End result was said club banned all foreigners from entering, for a few weeks. Other clubs have followed suit for temporary periods, for reasons including foreigners "stealing" local girls from Chinese men etc. In one case a Thai student was stabbed to death by a Chinese guy, not sure of the exact reason. Though in general, foreigners are welcome most of the time, tensions have developed thus prompting this reaction. Many of the locals at these clubs seem to have more of a problem with Thai and Lao students (who are much more numerous than westerners) than westerners.

Never any problems anywhere else though. Karaoke bars, small pubs, restaurants, all welcome foreigners, though rarely expected because they are such a tiny minority.

Edited by Tomtomtom69
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