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Math teacher under investigation for slapping schoolgirls in Pathum Thani


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When I was at school, if we did anything wrong we'd be made to come to front of the class and be belted across the backside with a tennis shoe or a cane.

I got smacked a few times before I learned to not talk, pass notes, or whatever it was I was doing :-)

I'm 100% in favour of corporal punishment. Although it was banned in most schools in the UK in 1987, and in 1999 at Private Schools (I left private school in 1985).

A good article about corporal punishment in the UK here - http://www.corpun.com/counuks.htm

This bit is particularly interesting

"In 2008 a new round of controversy over the issue was set off when a survey found that one teacher in five, and almost a quarter of all secondary school teachers, would still like to see corporal punishment reinstated. In 2011 another survey found that half of parents and 19% of students also wanted to bring back the cane.

And as recently as 2012 the co-founder and chairman of the governors of the most high-profile of the present government's brand-new so-called "Free Schools" said he would happily restore CP if it were allowed.

One consequence of the perceived collapse in school discipline has been a tendency for some (especially immigrant-descended) parents to send their teens abroad to complete their secondary studies, often to Africa or the Caribbean, where a stricter and more structured education, including CP where necessary, is still available. See e.g. this Nov 1997 news item about an under-achieving 13-year-old whose parents sent him to school in Ghana, with miraculous results, and this similar Nov 2007 report in which a British 17-year-old, sent away, also to Ghana, to study for his GCSEs, admitted he had been caned several times and agreed he was benefiting academically from the novel experience of strict discipline. See likewise Children sent to Caribbean for 'basic' schooling, a news report from July 1996, and UK Ugandans rush kids to Kampala schools, from May 1998."

To smack or not to smack is always a debate that is going to split the room.

But I'm with you on this one. I don't agree that you can always reason with kids over matters of right and wrong - a few you can, but a lot will just nod their heads and 20 minutes later when they think no one is watching will simply carry on as before.

However what young people are quick to learn is cause and effect, If I do something wrong it is going to hurt is something that can be taken on board very readily.

However things have moved on nowadays, and it's much more socially correct not to smack kids for misbehaving. That is the reason why kids nowadays have so much more respect for teachers and authority in general, and why we never hear about any cases of kids beating up or assaulting teachers. No need any more to exclude kids from school because they are unmanageable\out of control - the teachers can simply 'reason' with them and all will be good.

PS. Just in case - the sarcasm flag is raised on the last 2 sentences!

Edited by Shadychris
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When I was in the 6th grade, we had a teacher who was a total monster bitch. One day I got out of my seat to throw away some papers. She went nuts! Grabbed my shirt and started shaking me violently enough to tear the shirt, then slapped me in the face twice. Hard. Later that night, when my father found out, he went ballistic. Him and my mom took me to school the next day. Mom quietly, and politely, asked the teacher if she had done it. Dumb ass smugly admitted it proudly. My mom cold cocked her and broke her jaw, sending her unconscious to the floor. Keep in mind, my mom was all of 5'3" and 100 pounds, while the teacher was nearly twice her size.

Anyway, the commotion caused the Principal to come running into the room, demanding to know what happened. My dad (6'1", 210, black belt and former boxer) snatched him up and slammed him against the wall and told him that if any teacher ever hit any kid again, not just me, their ass would end up in the hospital, with the Principal in the bed next to them. My class mates thought I had the "Coolest Dad in the World". lol

Not surprisingly, there was never another incident of a teacher hitting a student. Oh, and the one who hit me was fired, then arrested on child abuse charges, and given a 3 year sentence.

Wow. What did the principal ever do to deserve such treatment? I'd be ashamed of your father.

Entertaining story anyway.

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whatever these girls are guilty of I am sure they wont do again a smack on the head isn't going to do much damage but it is something they will remember I applaud the teacher to some degree but he musnt let his emotions get the better of him.

Once an adult strikes a child they have lost control of their emotions.

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whatever these girls are guilty of I am sure they wont do again a smack on the head isn't going to do much damage but it is something they will remember I applaud the teacher to some degree but he musnt let his emotions get the better of him.

This is Thailand and the head is the most sacred part of the body. A book is knowledge. The positive side of this thread is that a Thai teacher did it because if it was a foreigner they would be in jail and then deported.
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Erotic. These girls are 16, right?

They are as erotic as they are dangerous should an old perv feel the urge to play.

@JAG You can only guess the kind of places he likes to hang out.

Frankly my friend, as the father of a young daughter, I really don't want to think about it.

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Being caught up in momentary rage appears to be a character flaw of many Thai men

White men never have this flaw. Hypocrite. All white men ever do is get drunk and racially abuse minorities.

White people is a minority in the world.

Not by land mass.

Your point?

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Being caught up in momentary rage appears to be a character flaw of many Thai men

White men never have this flaw. Hypocrite. All white men ever do is get drunk and racially abuse minorities.

White people is a minority in the world.

Not by land mass.

many chinese are whiter than us farang.... just fyi

So you have no concept of what is generally defined as "white"?

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No, we are not burning many witches anymore, but what the education system is producing (not blaming them completely) are

too many lazy, unmotivated young people who do not seem to want a purpose in life.

"Spare the rod, spoil the child" within reason is still very significant I think as a disciplinary measure

What a load of old pony. You are obviously assuming this and perhaps because you were smacked at school and you are ok you think it's ok. Well, it's not and the fact that they smacked you and you are ok with it shows that they have taught you to condone violence as a disciplinary measure,, not what any sensible person wants.

And as for young people today being lazy, what are you talking about. in the West (UK where I am from) young people are educated now more then ever before. More leave school and go on and get a degree. In 1950 17,000 students went on to get a degree in 2011 it was 331,000. It is clear that since the banning of corporal punishment in 1971 it has had zero effect on education and achievement, indeed you can sensibly draw conclusion that childrens education has improved significantly. So, where do you get the information from that they are lazy?

I suspect it is your blinkered perception and nothing more.

The UK is constantly reviewing and the education system, it is constantly under scrutiny which means it is constantly improving. Yes, there are schools better than others but on the whole things are better then they have ever been regarding education.

Lastly, read the extract below and do some research yourself,, the evidence that corporal punishment has a negative effect longer term and achieves nothing is overwhelming and undeniable.

Here's a breakdown of what science has to say:

Physical punishment makes kids more aggressive.

Researchers from Tulane University found that children who are spanked frequently at age 3 are more likely to show aggressive behavior by the time they're 5 than kids who are not.

Physical punishment doesn't actually work (even if it appears to).

Yes, spanking may stop problematic behavior, says Sandra Graham-Bermann, Ph.D., a psychology professor and principal investigator for the Child Violence and Trauma Laboratory at the University of Michigan, but that's because the child is afraid. In the long term, physical punishment will only make kids' behavior worse.

Reporting on several studies on the topic for CNN, Sarah Kovac wrote, "The sad irony is that the more you physically punish your kids for their lack of self-control, the less they have. They learn how to be controlled by external forces (parents, teachers, bosses), but when the boss isn't looking, then what?"

Physical punishment encourages kids to continue the cycle of abuse.

A 2011 study published in Child Abuse and Neglect confirmed that physical punishment is cyclical -- children who are hit are more likely to use the action to solve problems with their peers and siblings.

Later on, they're at a higher risk for delinquency and criminal behavior, according to a 2013 article, "Spanking and Child Development: We Know Enough Now to Stop Hitting Our Children," also by Gershoff.

The negative effects of physical punishment are colossal, well into adulthood.

A 2012 study published in the journal Pediatrics found that "harsh physical punishment was associated with increased odds of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug abuse/dependence, and several personality disorders."

A review published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that same year analyzed 20 years of data and came to similar conclusions regarding those risks -- and also found that spanking yields no positive outcome.

Spanking actually alters kids' brains.

A 2009 study concluded that children who were frequently spanked (defined as at least once a month for more than three years) "had less gray matter in certain areas of the prefrontal cortex that have been linked to depression, addiction and other mental health disorders."

According to CNN, another study -- also looking at how corporal punishment affects the brain -- found that children who receive it have a decrease in cognitive ability, compared with other kids.

The bottom line:

Stacy Drury, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at Tulane University, told the New Republic, "The goal of discipline, which actually comes from the Latin root meaning 'to teach,' is to change behavior. And physical discipline across many, many, many studies is ineffective at changing behavior and it’s ineffective for many reasons ... corporal punishment actually teaches children is that aggression is an acceptable method of problem solving."

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I can't believe that in today's day and age with all the violence being performed by children that people are still defending the fact that children should not be smacked for being bad.

Kids today need a good kick in the arse to keep them in line otherwise it's only going to get worse.

And I'm sure none of you were ever slapped around by your parents when you were a kid I guess because you were all so perfect.

So, your idea of them keeping in line and being non violent later in life is to use enough violence early in life to knock it out of them!

I am gobsmacked at how many dinosaurs are on this thread. There is massive, overwhelming evidence that violence against children (no matter how controlled or uncontrolled the teacher / parent is) does no good whatsoever. It actually causes long term harm in many.

We have known this for decades in the West which why corporal punishment was abolished nearly 50 years ago in the UK.

Stop "guessing" at conclusions. Kids do not get worse because they were not smacked at school, they get worse if they are...

I have posted a couple of things on here already but please feel free to do you own research on the topic.

This teacher needs to be fired but also if what is being said is true that this is a common occurrence in Thailand then it would be good to use this example as a springboard for reform and ban this kind of behavior immediately.

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Wow. I did expect to be flamed for my former post but not up to the point of seeing insults come out right away.
Won't even bother replying to those. And with 40+ likes to my post, seems that I'm not the only "dinosaur" around, right.

We have known this for decades in the West which why corporal punishment was abolished nearly 50 years ago in the UK.

Yes, we certainly have seen what laxist education and parents giving up has given us in the west.
You know, I feel safe most of the time when alone, surrounded by teens while in Thailand. Even in so-called "bad" places.
There are so many places here around Paris I would run away from if left alone with a group of 12+ year-olds around me. And these are not even the worst places.

Yes, a slap in the face of a kid is a worst case scenario, when all else has failed. But it works, most of the time. And no, it can't be compared to real abuse. I work at an hospital. I have seen what real child abuse looks like.

Parents still have the right to use to this admittedly last resort here in France i.e. a slap, preferably on the butt. Not for long I've heard. How stupid.

Feel free to flame away, my fellow liberals and leftists (that's what I'm usually considered as being)

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As someone who works with children I can confirm it is 100% BS that hitting a child works. It has no place in education.

None at all.

Any educator that strikes a child is an abysmal failure and should leave the profession.

Edited by Bluespunk
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If one of those girls was my daughter..that teacher would pay in the biggest way!!!


..use your imagination....eye for an eye 10 fold maybe

Very easy to be big.brave and threatening on TV !

I wonder how "brave" you would be when charged with assault ?

So what would you do then? Go to the police who would do nothing? Stop defending this abusive teacher!

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