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Kasikorn Bank - Grrrrr

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Although I have numerous - grrrrrr moments - with kasikorn, for me cyber banking is of little trouble.

The girl just hasn't updated the system to include your number, I have had to go in twice to update my passport number number.

I thought you could add/amend your number through the ATM ?

Correct recom273....You can amend/change your phone number at any KB ATM in less than a minute......any change you make to the number "spreads" itself throughout all of your a/c's/cards

You can change the ph. no. online too. What you can't do is add a number for the first time.

But you can add your first time number at the ATM.

Actually I'm surprised your were able to set up cyberbanking at all without the phone number added, because they will send you a confirmation sms when you set up the service, so they need a confirmed number when you set up.

Obviously they didn't, or I wouldn't have an account. I'll check out that possibility next time I'm at an ATM, but I'm not optimistic.

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And for the banking phone app, it won't work on WiFi or etc. Because again of security issues, they wouldn't want anyone that can access it with your login and password. They specifically authenticate access by your phone number's registration. Maybe someone who is more into techs could elaborate on this. Maybe somehow, by using your number's mobile data to log in, Kbank can differentiate it from someone logging in through wifi? Which prevents people from using other phones to log in with your username and password.

Sorry but that's just wrong. I log into the Kbank website, and indeed other banking websites, frequently over WiFi. Having a website that works over WiFi but an app that does not just defies logic.

Also, the notion that WiFi is wide open to anyone and everyone is an urban myth stemming from the early days. In the course of my work I sometimes access highly secure sites over WiFi using encryption protocols that not even the CIA can break. Nowadays it's quite easy to make WiFi connections secure.

Logging on to any banking websites with WiFi is fine, but with the banking app, it's not looked upon as a website, it's looked upon as a delivery of a security mechanism. So users can use whatever they like to log on banking websites, but when transactions need to be made, a security password needs to be sent through a different delivery to enhance security, a 2nd double check basically. Just like how HSBC gives you an OTP tag to take with you, and it gives you a password with no correlation to the internet banking delivery.

Having 2 separate channels improves security. Now that I think about it, I would stay away from the banking app for mobile phones. I would recommend SMS-OTP. Imagine the horror when you are not in Thailand and need to use K-Cyber Banking, and your applied method is banking app OTP, but you are not using your "phone number's internet mobile data" (expensive). I'm using SMS-OTP, and mostly use K-Cyber Banking when in other countries. No problems at all for years.

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The underlying principle behind 2 factor authentication is that it requires "Something you have" and "Something you know".

An ATM card is 2 factor because you need physical possession of the card and you need to know the PIN number.

Likewise the OTP by SMS system requires that you know your logon/password and have physical possession of the mobile phone. Therefore even if a hacker in China manages to get your logon credentials, he still doesn't have your phone. Same thing in reverse. Someone can steal your phone but they won't know your credentials. The chance of a criminal obtaining both is extremely low.

Therefore it is vital that the 2nd factor, PIN number slip or mobile number registration, is given to you physically NOT electronically.

KBank (and others) will allow you to use a PIN 2 instead of OTP by SMS but they try hard to discourage it and even then restrict what you can do because they know that it is defeating the purpose of 2 factor authentication and therefore relatively insecure. Your risk.

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But you can add your first time number at the ATM.

Actually I'm surprised your were able to set up cyberbanking at all without the phone number added, because they will send you a confirmation sms when you set up the service, so they need a confirmed number when you set up.

Obviously they didn't, or I wouldn't have an account. I'll check out that possibility next time I'm at an ATM, but I'm not optimistic.

You seem to be an exception then, because this is the only way to apply for Cyber service. Having an account doesn't mean you have cyberbanking.

Application process

1. Register via KBank branch

Please bring Thai national ID card or Passport (for foreign nationality) and passbook (for saving account)/ cheque or cheque book request form (for current account), then submit the application form with the required documents to KBank's staff via any local KBank Branches

Remark: You are able to add own account in K-Cyber Banking service later on. After apply for the service, the system will send the Password via e-mail and SMS within 24 hours

2. Register via K-ATM (apply between 06.00-22.00)

After the customer insert KBank’s Card and Enter PIN, please follow the step below:

1.) Select “Transaction Alert/Apply for all Service/K-Mobile Banking/Others”


2.) Select “Apply for K-Cyber Banking/K-Cyber Trade”


3.) Select “Apply for K-Cyber Banking”


4.) Select account type


5.) Please Input Mobile No.


6.) Read and select "Confirm" Terms and Conditions


7.) The system displays the transaction complete


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Kasikorn is one of the better banks in Thailand and yes they sometimes do things 'Thai way' - Its annoying to have to go to the bank to set up ur mobile number but play along and u will get excellent on line banking

The app on your smart phone initially requires access via your mobile number. It needs to be activated at an ATM and initially when you do transfer, the first time will need to be via your mobile network. You have the option to save the transferee as a favourite and then can make transfer in future via wifi. I just tested now via my wifi

My suggestion is to go to the bank with a smile on your face. If you are closer to old than to young, make out that you are not quite sure what is going on and in my experience the staff are more than happy to assist. Just remember it will involve, initially, Customer Service at the bank, then ATM access to initiate your mobile app (you will need to have phone data package)

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Never mind On-line banking, EVERY time I am forced to visit KBank in person at Tesco Lotus Pattaya, it takes 30 minutes to get served. I now go to BKK Bank & pay 50 baht service charge to save 30 minutes of my life.

I agree.

Yesterday I waited 45 minutes at same Tesco branch to pay in a cheque !

I also closed 3 accounts at K Bank in Big C Extra building due entirely to staff rudeness. They don't seem to care and the accounts had a few bob in them too.

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And for the banking phone app, it won't work on WiFi or etc. Because again of security issues, they wouldn't want anyone that can access it with your login and password. They specifically authenticate access by your phone number's registration. Maybe someone who is more into techs could elaborate on this. Maybe somehow, by using your number's mobile data to log in, Kbank can differentiate it from someone logging in through wifi? Which prevents people from using other phones to log in with your username and password.

Sorry but that's just wrong. I log into the Kbank website, and indeed other banking websites, frequently over WiFi. Having a website that works over WiFi but an app that does not just defies logic.

Also, the notion that WiFi is wide open to anyone and everyone is an urban myth stemming from the early days. In the course of my work I sometimes access highly secure sites over WiFi using encryption protocols that not even the CIA can break. Nowadays it's quite easy to make WiFi connections secure.

If the CIA was breaking the encryption protocols, I doubt they would tell us.

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I don't want or need cyber banking in Thailand with a Thai bank. I have an Australian Visa card and backup ATM card.

I love the Thai passbook system. Fill out form, sign form in the presence of a teller, hand over passport. Sign passport copy as well. Security second to none.

IMHO cyber banking with a Thai bank is fraught with risk. A fraudulent transaction on my Australian cards is resolved by email very simply and quickly. With the language barrier, if your Thai card is hacked, skimmed or otherwise compromised, I anticipate weeks or months of frustration.

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You get the same crap with Bangkok Bank.

It took them 7 days to change my phone number!!!! I even printed the forms off there own site. When I went to the bank she told me these forms no good make you new ones to sign, Ye Gods !! When I told her I had printed the forms from the bank's website she just laughed. I must admit so did I lol

I have learned one thing with the banks here, their so called on line banking only allows you to do limited actions on line.

They are still obsessed with pieces of paper and millions of photo copies of everything even with online banking.

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In my experience, the K-Bank Android app is 100% useless. It works only on *some* Thai 3G networks.

And last time I've checked it was only very partially translated.

It doesn't let you do anything you can't do from the web K-Cyber Banking site anyway (AFAIK).

As a previous poster mentioned, you can change your OTP password mobile phone # at an ATM using your credit/debit card. Much easier.

On the other hand, the amount of things I can do from the K-Cyber Banking web site compares very favourably to what my local bank's web site (or app) here in France lets me do. And much, much faster too (like real-time inter-bank money transfers).

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Although I have numerous - grrrrrr moments - with kasikorn, for me cyber banking is of little trouble.

The girl just hasn't updated the system to include your number, I have had to go in twice to update my passport number number.

I thought you could add/amend your number through the ATM ?

Correct recom273....You can amend/change your phone number at any KB ATM in less than a minute......any change you make to the number "spreads" itself throughout all of your a/c's/cards

Yes you can change it at ATM as I did but it certainly did not propagate through their system. I was not getting my OTP when purchasing online so I went to the branch. The girl there told me you have to update in 3 or 4 (don't remember now) different places and it has to be done with all the paperwork. Did it and she even had to phone her head office for some reason but I didn't have any problems since.


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I realised a long time ago that Thai banks are about job creation, not customer service. After all, if you could do things on line then all those important people at head office who spend their days shuffling through paper forms would be out of a job. The customer is a very peripheral consideration in all of this.

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They sent me two credit cards in the post about 4 days ago, one Mastercard and the other Visa with a limit of 100,000 Bt. on each one, just waiting for the PIN No's to come in the post, I hadn't applied for these cards. Oddly enough, i have to make a sudden "flying visit' home for a week and would have liked to have used one of them but had no pin for them. I tried using the Debit card and got to the very end and clicked to "pay' around and around it went and then I got a sms saying I wasn't allowed to withdraw that much along with a sort of phone No. I went in to them this morning and they told me I was only allowed to withdraw 20,000Bt on my Debit card but they would increase that limit if I wanted. After the chap spending at least 10 mins on his phone fiddling with the No. in the sms plus entering loads more I got my Debit card back with a new withdrawal limit of 200,000 Bt.

So, all in all...not a bad week's experience with the "K" Bank.

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Here's a laugh...my brain has just being struck by a shaft of light. About 30 mins. ago I posted in this topic about having received two credit cards from the K Bank and waiting for the pin No's to come in the post. I said I need to make a quick journey home and would have found it useful to have used one of the cards (already had them activated) except i hadn't yet received the pin No's.....................

It has just dawned on me this second......I didn't need a pin No. to use the cards online........dumber and dumber...r555

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They sent me two credit cards in the post about 4 days ago, one Mastercard and the other Visa with a limit of 100,000 Bt. on each one, just waiting for the PIN No's to come in the post, I hadn't applied for these cards. Oddly enough, i have to make a sudden "flying visit' home for a week and would have liked to have used one of them but had no pin for them. I tried using the Debit card and got to the very end and clicked to "pay' around and around it went and then I got a sms saying I wasn't allowed to withdraw that much along with a sort of phone No. I went in to them this morning and they told me I was only allowed to withdraw 20,000Bt on my Debit card but they would increase that limit if I wanted. After the chap spending at least 10 mins on his phone fiddling with the No. in the sms plus entering loads more I got my Debit card back with a new withdrawal limit of 200,000 Bt.

So, all in all...not a bad week's experience with the "K" Bank.

You can call them and request an increased limit as a one-off, at any time. As many one-offs as you need.

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I'm impressed with Kasikorn compared to, say, Barclays with their OTP system.

The only problem I've had with my bank is them issuing me with a hello kitty debit card and then charging me for the insult.

Yep, TiT. Not bank linked, but looking in Boots for multi-vitamins a while ago, they didn't have what I was looking for, so the girl offered me ... liquid pep-me-up for geriatrics. My language wasn't as ripe as it might have been.

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The only problem I've had with my bank is them issuing me with a hello kitty debit card and then charging me for the insult.

Hello Kitty! Hilarious!

Maybe you need to get some matching underwear - I've seen it on sale in BKK.

Pardon my ignorance; however, what is a hello kitty card and why is it insulting?

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The only problem I've had with my bank is them issuing me with a hello kitty debit card and then charging me for the insult.

Hello Kitty! Hilarious!

Maybe you need to get some matching underwear - I've seen it on sale in BKK.

Pardon my ignorance; however, what is a hello kitty card and why is it insulting?

Below is a picture of a Hello Kitty card from the Kbank website...its design may not appeal to everyone.


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The only problem I've had with my bank is them issuing me with a hello kitty debit card and then charging me for the insult.

Pardon my ignorance; however, what is a hello kitty card and why is it insulting?

Below is a picture of a Hello Kitty card from the Kbank website...its design may not appeal to everyone.


Thanks, I see what you mean. Price of life not exactly high in Thailand.

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Sounds like another case of: You have been stymied by inept or often incompetent Thai people employees who do not know what they are doing.

Eventually you will get to the right person who will resolve your problem because amongst all the brain dead employees there are some Thai people employees that you would consider brilliant, as there are so many brain dead Thai employees in company positions it is easy to make themselves look brilliant.

I say this as a matter of fact and not Thai bashing as my Wife has ongoing stories about the Thai employees that she works with and everyday she has to tolerate their varying degrees of ineptness and incompetence and seemingly inability to perform their routine tasks correctly and or resolve a work related or business related problem that them created....for themselves...by way of how they think.

While listening to her stories and explanations about what she has to tolerate everyday and all day long it is frustrating and or infuriating while making you want to go there and smack some of them up the side of the head for the incredible amount of incompetence they display................ repeatedly.

Once in awhile is a whole different matter....but all the time and everyday for some issues makes you realize that there are a lot of the Thai employees that do not know how to think correctly about the job that they are required to perform.

They do not really understand the job that they do and what is required of them and they do not understand the business that the company is involved in

When my wife asks me: "I do not understand their thinking on some obvious issues that are routine and standard practice yet they will screw it up over and over again and then argue that it was not them and always try to blame someone else...or duck and run for cover from any accountability or responsibility for their screw up.

Then they will come to my wife with the same problem and ask her to help fix this or that problem....again.

She spends most of her time fixing the many problems that the Thai employees create and when she tries to explain to them how to avoid the problems and or anticipate the problems they argue about wanting to do it ( their way ) and in the end walk away with attitude and then...go and repeat the same mistake soon there after and the same routine begins again.

I tell my Wife: They have Som Tum on their minds while commonly day dreaming about their next meal and how they want to be somewhere else and Sabia, Sabai .....as they did not go to university to obtain a degree and obtain a better paying job and actually have to work efficiently and or use their brains at work.

A job is simply a place they go to for 8 to 10 hours to collect a pay check and do as little as possible.

** I know..I know ..that attitude exists in other countries also and common place amongst wage earning employees but the difference being they will get fired eventually...but here in Thailand they just carry on tolerating the ineptness and incompetence of the employee that continually displays their inability to do their job correctly..........Lah Dee Dah...Sabai , Sabai

Seriously...everything they are required to do or tasks assigned to them is considered a overwhelmingly big headache to them while they feel they are being treated unfairly or unjustly when asked to do something other than relative to their scope of responsibilities or designated job tasks.

While my Wife is literally juggling 20 ongoing issues per day needing to be taken care of and or addressed and or fixed...and fixed today......not tomorrow or not later... the Thai employees literally struggle to perform their routine designated job tasks and seldom nothing more...rather just what they are designated to do, while asking them to take care of something or do something that is outside their usual realm of routine employment activities is just asking for disaster.

Something as simple as asking them to come to a meeting that requires their input is argued and avoided.

Asking them to send an email to a client explaining something needing to be addressed concerning their department or their scope of employment tasks is met with disdain while they have to be more or less forcefully told that they need to take care of this issue...Because... it is your department and....and...... it is you who crated the problem in the first place because you did not do your job correctly...once again...and now this problem is in our face once again and you need to address it and resolve the problem.

Then...after reluctantly agreeing to take care of the matter...they do nothing about it and leave it hanging in the air and then display attitude along with any number of BS reasons and or excuses as to why they did not take care of what they were instructed to take care of.

And on and on it goes and around and around it goes everyday while my wife, once again and most often ends up doing the job that a particular employee is and or was required to do...and often repeatedly told to do ...but did not do it...again.

90 percent of them are younger girls or women that come with attitude while very few of them have that "can do", I will handle that and do it correctly attitude while actually thinking and using their brains and solve the problem on their own rather that try to dump the problem back onto another person and or avoid any responsibility for their repeated mistakes....and then .....come to my wife .....once again as a matter of routine with the fake back stabbing smile and all friendly like and making like they are graciously and respectfully needing the help of my wife to fix their problem that they are and were responsible for

Once the problem(s) are resolved by my wife then it is back to their entitled talk like they know it all attitude and back to all the back stabbing and ongoing Thai gossip and Thai employee inter office small minded politics and back to their inept and incompetent routine...until it starts again...next day and without a doubt inevitable.


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I've been busy putting together as much information as I can. I'll go back to the branch on monday and phone the head office while I'm sitting in front of the branch employee. I'll then have a three way conversation until I get what I want, and I don't care who loses face.

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That's exactly what you should do. That's how I got my otp sms problem solved, the girl did not even speak English. She called someone in the headquarters from the mobile and passed the phone onto me, and that guy spoke perfect English. That's how I found changing from the old number to the new number for online purchases can be done at the ATM. They already had my new number in the system at the branch but every time I would try to pay online with the debit card it would show it's sending the sms to the previous number. And that simcard was long lost.

Yes, the girl did not seem extremely happy, I'm sure she felt stupid, I'm sure she lost face, but I could not care less. Her English level was worse than in 7-11 and I'm not convinced she would have understood the problem in Thai also.

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I had to change my SIM at one point 3 years back.

Walked into KBank branch, filled out the paperwork, two days later online OTP SMS working just fine.

Perhaps you are talking about receiving the OTP SMS while doing a transaction using K Cyber Banking.

I was talking about the OTP SMS for using the K-Debit Card for online payments in the Verified by Visa (I believe) -or the last screen anyway - , that I had to change at the ATM, although my new number had been updated previously in the branch.

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Another hour of my life wasted. The branch was jammed with other people waiting so I had to stand in the middle of the floor for about half an hour. There was a cash dellivery came in while I was waiting and I saw the two delivery guys check with the bank guard before edging carefully past the big farang.

However, this time around I was fortunate enough to find myself dealing with a male bank employee who knew what he was doing. After the customary round of photocopying and signing he got the job done. Said it would take three days to go through the system but I got confirmation back just 24 hours later, so credit where it's due.

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