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You can take the amino acid arginine to encourage your own body to produce HGH.

I haven't used HGH supplement (yet) because it regulates numerous functions (bone strength, brain function, organ health, enzyme production, cell replacement...) and should be researched fully before use.

The information I have says that it strengthens the immune system. It also promotes tissue repair, so supplements should be taken with it to give the body nutrients required for that construction project. I would like to know what the long term results are for people who take HGH.

Sometimes taking a particular supplement seems to help for a month or so, then it stops working so well and another problem pops up. My theory is that this is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. The supplement you take may leech some other nutrient from another part of your body. When that other nutrient peters out (pardon the pun) the supplement "stops working" and you have another problem to resolve.

If you come across any good resources on the subject, I'd appreciate it if you let me know.

Loretta berry



took it for about 5 years---direct from manufacturer---I thought it was great...had to have 2 operations in that time (Auto related) & both times doctors commented on speed of recovery ---I will be 70 next year.----- but I got priced out the market. ---if you are living in America John Hopkins University Panama anti ageing clinic, superscribes it, as does many other well known American Anti ageing groups. or you can take your chances with Across the counter stuff in Mexico. Asia = China

The guy below is also a doctor & worked for American anti ageing group American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M)

Its not photo shopped I have met the guy---However do not think you take a few jabs & end up like this------There is an old saying in the health circles.

You can not out train a bad diet

What you eat or drink is so very important to your health----- Look at the juicing site, I mean the fruit and vegetable juicing sites. If you live in Thailand there is such an abundance of product to juice-just make sure you clean all the toxics off of it..---go look on Youtube at stuff like ..."Fat Sick & Nearly Dead" Yes you must do a certain amount of exercise---as even Einstein said----"life is like ridding a bicycle --to keep the right balance---you must keep moving".

HRT is now a big thing in America--- there are not many Americans that I know who haven't been recommended that they wear a Testosterone patch, or rub some testo cream at night. They usually bring back 3 months supply from America...anyway it is HGH we are relating to ....so as we are not allowed to post where to get it--PM me sailinghome & I will give you my full story





took it for about 5 years---direct from manufacturer---I thought it was great...had to have 2 operations in that time (Auto related) & both times doctors commented on speed of recovery ---I will be 70 next year.----- but I got priced out the market. ---if you are living in America John Hopkins University Panama anti ageing clinic, superscribes it, as does many other well known American Anti ageing groups. or you can take your chances with Across the counter stuff in Mexico. Asia = China

The guy below is also a doctor & worked for American anti ageing group American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M)

Its not photo shopped I have met the guy---However do not think you take a few jabs & end up like this------There is an old saying in the health circles.

You can not out train a bad diet

What you eat or drink is so very important to your health----- Look at the juicing site, I mean the fruit and vegetable juicing sites. If you live in Thailand there is such an abundance of product to juice-just make sure you clean all the toxics off of it..---go look on Youtube at stuff like ..."Fat Sick & Nearly Dead" Yes you must do a certain amount of exercise---as even Einstein said----"life is like ridding a bicycle --to keep the right balance---you must keep moving".

HRT is now a big thing in America--- there are not many Americans that I know who haven't been recommended that they wear a Testosterone patch, or rub some testo cream at night. They usually bring back 3 months supply from America...anyway it is HGH we are relating to ....so as we are not allowed to post where to get it--PM me sailinghome & I will give you my full story

attachicon.gifDr Life.jpg


Testo only is proving bad for the HPTAxis, testicles, etc. There is a new formulation out about to be written up in the journals.

As for pricing on hGH or the new HRT treatments, PM me... I have a legit source at affordable price and I did a soectroscopic test at a 3rd party lab for purity. I will share the name and contact in PM

You can take the amino acid arginine to encourage your own body to produce HGH.
I haven't used HGH supplement (yet) because it regulates numerous functions (bone strength, brain function, organ health, enzyme production, cell replacement...) and should be researched fully before use.
The information I have says that it strengthens the immune system. It also promotes tissue repair, so supplements should be taken with it to give the body nutrients required for that construction project. I would like to know what the long term results are for people who take HGH.
Sometimes taking a particular supplement seems to help for a month or so, then it stops working so well and another problem pops up. My theory is that this is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. The supplement you take may leech some other nutrient from another part of your body. When that other nutrient peters out (pardon the pun) the supplement "stops working" and you have another problem to resolve.
If you come across any good resources on the subject, I'd appreciate it if you let me know.
Loretta berry


The only long term study was done by DR Daniel Rudman,

The results were printed New England Journal of Medicine. They can be Googled & are good----a larger study was then suggested---however Rudman died. You can look up his study and even download a PDF of it, As Dr Rudman died over 25 years ago---& his first finding were good----other than the fact it would cost the government $18--$20,000 for each patient --& no other funds have been made available for further studies---so of course conspire theory's abounded. There have been private studies, but nothing on the scale he had suggested

His report--Here are the bare bones of it.....It is a cut & Paste from an anti ageing site---but I have read the full report & I think this conclusion is fair---re your comment about putting anything good into the body "Possibly" means taking something away---I find hard to understand----so taking vitamins isn't a good thing ?? HRT Hormone replacement therapy has been recognised as something needed in women---for over 40 years---with the same comments....its natural --let it happen, its just being recognised that it happens in men as well.

Dr. Rudman's Conclusions

Diminished secretion of growth hormone is responsible in part for the decrease of lean body mass, the expansion of adipose-tissue mass, and the thinning of the skin that occurs in old age. (New England Journal of Medicine, 1990; 323:1-6)

In middle and late adulthood, all people experience a series of progressive alterations in body composition. The lean body mass shrinks and the mass of adipose tissue expands. The contraction in lean body mass reflects atrophic processes in skeletal muscle, liver, kidney, spleen, skin, and bone.

These structural changes have been considered unavoidable results of aging. It has recently been proposed, however, that reduced availability of growth hormone in late adulthood may contribute to such changes.

These alterations in body composition caused by growth hormone deficiency can be reversed by replacement doses of the hormone, as experiments in children, and adults 20 to 50 years old have shown. These findings suggest that the atrophy of the lean body mass and its component organs and the enlargement of the mass of adipose tissue that are characteristic of the elderly result at least in part from diminished secretion of growth hormone. If so, the age-related changes in body composition should be correctable in part by the administration of human growth hormone, now readily available as a biosynthetic product.

Dr. Daniel Rudman joined the Medical College of Wisconsin, where this study was conducted, in 1988 as Professor and Associate Chief of Staff for Geriatrics and Extended Care at the Zablocki VA Medical Center. He continued his human nutrition research with the elderly until his untimely death in 1994. Dr. Rudman's life and creativity as a clinical investigator was highlighted by his ability to focus basic knowledge on important problems in clinical medicine.

Advanced Clinical hGH Studies

Since Dr. Rudman's initial findings, thousand of additional studies have supported the fact the hGH not only retards aging, but reverses the process as well.

Injectable hGH was first approved by the FDA for children suffering from dwarfism. In August 1996 the FDA approved hGH injections as anti-aging therapy with a doctors prescription. This could cost anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000 a year, and only movie stars and other wealthy individuals could obtain it and take advantage of the costly program.

Today hGH is made in the laboratory by genetic engineering methods generating an identical protein to the one made naturally in the human body. Allergic reactions are rare and it is extremely safe for adult use.



took it for about 5 years---direct from manufacturer---I thought it was great...had to have 2 operations in that time (Auto related) & both times doctors commented on speed of recovery ---I will be 70 next year.----- but I got priced out the market. ---if you are living in America John Hopkins University Panama anti ageing clinic, superscribes it, as does many other well known American Anti ageing groups. or you can take your chances with Across the counter stuff in Mexico. Asia = China

The guy below is also a doctor & worked for American anti ageing group American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M)

Its not photo shopped I have met the guy---However do not think you take a few jabs & end up like this------There is an old saying in the health circles.

You can not out train a bad diet

What you eat or drink is so very important to your health----- Look at the juicing site, I mean the fruit and vegetable juicing sites. If you live in Thailand there is such an abundance of product to juice-just make sure you clean all the toxics off of it..---go look on Youtube at stuff like ..."Fat Sick & Nearly Dead" Yes you must do a certain amount of exercise---as even Einstein said----"life is like ridding a bicycle --to keep the right balance---you must keep moving".

HRT is now a big thing in America--- there are not many Americans that I know who haven't been recommended that they wear a Testosterone patch, or rub some testo cream at night. They usually bring back 3 months supply from America...anyway it is HGH we are relating to ....so as we are not allowed to post where to get it--PM me sailinghome & I will give you my full story

attachicon.gifDr Life.jpg


Whether or not this guy looks the way he does due to HGH is anyone's guess. He is most likely on a decent dose of Testosterone (and quite possibly some other steroid as well) in order to look like that at 74 years old. Diet and exercise alone will not produce that type of body at that age.

  • 2 years later...

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