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SURVEY: Who do you believe would be the best president for the US?


SURVEY: Who do you believe would make the best US President?  

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There appears to be several ThaiVisaForum posters who would be President...from their know-it-all, bleeding social muck, twerpish comments...

And others are Republican members if Congress, obstructing everything and objecting to everything.
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300 million Americans and these are the choices we have? A habitual liar who accomplished absolutely nothing as a senator or secretary of state and is the political version of a Kardashian; aTexas nut job; a New York super rich nut job; an inexperienced robot; and Bernie. Guess I'll go with Bernie but I am not thrilled with the choices.

I have to agree the choices are less than spectacular on both sides. But that's what we've got to deal with this time and we will deal with it by electing the lesser of the evils, Hillary Clinton.

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My theory as to why so many votes for Trump here, is that most of those votes are from non-Americans who harbor ill will to the USA and have nihilist dreams to see the USA self implode by electing that psychopathic demagogue Trump that is making a play to be the American version of Putin.

He resembles Mussolini and Thaksin more than Putin, in my view. Putin is cool-headed. Trump is a hot-head. Putin could steal your wife, clean her clock and have her back in your bed before sunrise and you'd never notice she was gone. Trump would be out on your front lawn with a bullhorn, shouting that you're an idiot if you don't dress like him. He either loves you or hates you, depending upon whether you adulate him or not.

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My theory as to why so many votes for Trump here, is that most of those votes are from non-Americans who harbor ill will to the USA and have nihilist dreams to see the USA self implode by electing that psychopathic demagogue Trump that is making a play to be the American version of Putin.

He resembles Mussolini and Thaksin more than Putin, in my view. Putin is cool-headed. Trump is a hot-head. Putin could steal your wife, clean her clock and have her back in your bed before sunrise and you'd never notice she was gone. Trump would be out on your front lawn with a bullhorn, shouting that you're an idiot if you don't dress like him. He either loves you or hates you, depending upon whether you adulate him or not.

Putin is a current in power dictator who supposedly made Russia great again.

But I agree as far as temperament he's more like Duce and Hitler.

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The megalomania, the nationalist rhetoric, the xenophobia, the scapegoating, the brinksmanship, the temper tamtrums, the contempt for the press, the angry oratory, haughty posture and commanding hand gestures when he speaks, the cult of personality, the encouraging of a goon squad treatment of protesters by supporters?

The comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler are not overblown. Despite his high entertainment value, and the resulting 24/7 coverage he gets from the news, he is a very dangerous demagogue who would almost certainly get America involved in another military conflict due to diplomatic failures and exacerbate already divisive social tensions at home.

People who think it would be entertaining to have Donald Trump as a president should recall that cheering and adoring crowds thronged the roads when Hitler rode into Austria after the 1938 Anschluss as well.

The first sentences are so utterly vacant as to render the remainder of this post drivel. (Remember, in any election, the incumbent is either running directly or his/her platform).

Even if all you said in the first part is true your keen observation apparently has no room for why such a phenomena might present itself today in American psyche. The numbers involved are historic, vast, if not overwhelming. You indict Trump and supporters as the problem, suggesting whatever motivates them is your accepted worldview. What these people protest is the problem (not themselves for protesting it), which you give no voice to here. But perhaps we can tease the underlying issue if we accept your premises.

America is sick of the dissolving glue of national identity being forcibly, insidiously engineered into a transnational amalgam that is repugnant.

Americans are not so much sick of people from elsewhere as the realization that the people from elsewhere are increasingly making America look exactly like the last place [they] left. Americans do not want to embrace others at the expense of no longer being themselves; we should this always be the price they pay for compassion? Americans want to be Americans and the fact that this needs to be defended intellectually suggests the depth of disease they protest.

America has been a nation where racial division has been used as tool to balkanize, divide, and rule the people, especially lately. Now, in the US people are guilty of corruption of blood, because they were born white. Black people have the highest unemployment rates since the jim crowe era under Obama and you suggest people are scapegoating? "Scapegoating" is effectively where the goat was sacrificed for the whole. In the US the resident status quo is the scapegoat for the social engineering progressives. One does not have to agree but a failure to see this, as the post above, suggests the validity of Trump/American's protests.

"Brinkmanship?" Under Obama the Doomsday Clock has inched ever closer to midnight. One cant get any clearer than this but lets try: add to this every other issue on the global calendar right now and the ante has been upped across the globe. Enter regions are moving closer to war. "Brinkmanship?" http://thebulletin.org/timeline

Under Obama, Freedom of the Press rankings for the United States has dropped so far as to be mind numbing. America, land of the free, is roughly dropped to 49th in freedom. Under Obama Namibia and Botswana have more press freedom. "Contempt of the press?" How about contempt for reason? https://index.rsf.org/#!/

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal..." etc, ad naseum. "Haughty posture?" Get on "high horse..."

It will be ages before another human assumes this mantle from Obama. Period! While some of what is charged against Trump is true, without context it's demagoguery. Obama is the standard against which American protest/Trump now contrast.

"Megalomania." "Cult of personality?" I rest my case below. Only Hitler and Obama have been so universally enshrined in to cult in the modern era.

"Nationally" enshrined surely in the case of Hitler.

And how many people outside of the US do you think have the unreasonably high opinion of Obama that you so detest?

What about Stalin, Mao and the Kim dynasty?

As far as contemporary personality cults go I can think of one person, mentioning no names, a lot closer to "home", who would p*** all over Obama in a "Cult Competition".

Shame you decided to "rest your case" on such a feeble summing up.

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The megalomania, the nationalist rhetoric, the xenophobia, the scapegoating, the brinksmanship, the temper tamtrums, the contempt for the press, the angry oratory, haughty posture and commanding hand gestures when he speaks, the cult of personality, the encouraging of a goon squad treatment of protesters by supporters?

The comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler are not overblown. Despite his high entertainment value, and the resulting 24/7 coverage he gets from the news, he is a very dangerous demagogue who would almost certainly get America involved in another military conflict due to diplomatic failures and exacerbate already divisive social tensions at home.

People who think it would be entertaining to have Donald Trump as a president should recall that cheering and adoring crowds thronged the roads when Hitler rode into Austria after the 1938 Anschluss as well.

The first sentences are so utterly vacant as to render the remainder of this post drivel. (Remember, in any election, the incumbent is either running directly or his/her platform).

Even if all you said in the first part is true your keen observation apparently has no room for why such a phenomena might present itself today in American psyche. The numbers involved are historic, vast, if not overwhelming. You indict Trump and supporters as the problem, suggesting whatever motivates them is your accepted worldview. What these people protest is the problem (not themselves for protesting it), which you give no voice to here. But perhaps we can tease the underlying issue if we accept your premises.

America is sick of the dissolving glue of national identity being forcibly, insidiously engineered into a transnational amalgam that is repugnant.

Americans are not so much sick of people from elsewhere as the realization that the people from elsewhere are increasingly making America look exactly like the last place [they] left. Americans do not want to embrace others at the expense of no longer being themselves; we should this always be the price they pay for compassion? Americans want to be Americans and the fact that this needs to be defended intellectually suggests the depth of disease they protest.

America has been a nation where racial division has been used as tool to balkanize, divide, and rule the people, especially lately. Now, in the US people are guilty of corruption of blood, because they were born white. Black people have the highest unemployment rates since the jim crowe era under Obama and you suggest people are scapegoating? "Scapegoating" is effectively where the goat was sacrificed for the whole. In the US the resident status quo is the scapegoat for the social engineering progressives. One does not have to agree but a failure to see this, as the post above, suggests the validity of Trump/American's protests.

"Brinkmanship?" Under Obama the Doomsday Clock has inched ever closer to midnight. One cant get any clearer than this but lets try: add to this every other issue on the global calendar right now and the ante has been upped across the globe. Enter regions are moving closer to war. "Brinkmanship?" http://thebulletin.org/timeline

Under Obama, Freedom of the Press rankings for the United States has dropped so far as to be mind numbing. America, land of the free, is roughly dropped to 49th in freedom. Under Obama Namibia and Botswana have more press freedom. "Contempt of the press?" How about contempt for reason? https://index.rsf.org/#!/

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal..." etc, ad naseum. "Haughty posture?" Get on "high horse..."

It will be ages before another human assumes this mantle from Obama. Period! While some of what is charged against Trump is true, without context it's demagoguery. Obama is the standard against which American protest/Trump now contrast.

"Megalomania." "Cult of personality?" I rest my case below. Only Hitler and Obama have been so universally enshrined in to cult in the modern era.

"Nationally" enshrined surely in the case of Hitler.

And how many people outside of the US do you think have the unreasonably high opinion of Obama that you so detest?

What about Stalin, Mao and the Kim dynasty?

As far as contemporary personality cults go I can think of one person, mentioning no names, a lot closer to "home", who would p*** all over Obama in a "Cult Competition".

Shame you decided to "rest your case" on such a feeble summing up.

Besides the wild strawman of "Stalin, Mao, and the Kim..." there is nothing here; this is your connection. But since you tied such despots to my post I respond.

1. An incomplete sentence

2. Two rhetorical questions

3. An enigmatic musing or cipher

4. An ironic indictment or projection on "feeble" and "shame."

While its possible 1,2,3 and 4 could have presented some intelligible points they do not. I offered no "case," I only rebutted another's case.

"Shame?" I commented on another's post in relation to Trump comparing it to the standard of the election- the incumbent.

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If America thinks a reality show star would make a good leader, they should consider Rick Harrison., from HBO's" Pawn Stars".

He's smarter than Trump, He's more honest than Trump. He works better with others than Trump and unlike Trump, he treats other people with respect.

Rick Harrison for President!

(if you insist on a TV star who has no experience in government and has no idea of how it works!)


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If America thinks a reality show star would make a good leader, they should consider Rick Harrison., from HBO's" Pawn Stars".

He's smarter than Trump, He's more honest than Trump. He works better with others than Trump and unlike Trump, he treats other people with respect.

Rick Harrison for President!

(if you insist on a TV star who has no experience in government and has no idea of how it works!)


Never hoid of him. Sounds like a total LOSER!
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A word to the wise, hopefully sufficient: next time you quote me, kindly quote the entire post.

It is within forum rules to snip a post to reply to one thought as long as the snip doesn't change the original meaning of what's quoted.


It was out of context.

Do it again, and I'll be forced to taunt you, and possibly fart in your general direction...

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If America thinks a reality show star would make a good leader, they should consider Rick Harrison., from HBO's" Pawn Stars".

He's smarter than Trump, He's more honest than Trump. He works better with others than Trump and unlike Trump, he treats other people with respect.

Rick Harrison for President!

(if you insist on a TV star who has no experience in government and has no idea of how it works!)


Never hoid of him. Sounds like a total LOSER!

I've seen Pawn Stars and I like the guy. But a better candidate, in my view, would be Jerry Brown, former and current gov of California. He's everything Trump isn't. In other words, he's thoughtful, savvy, cool-headed, forward-looking, and a cool cat. I'm subjective, as I've met him. In fact he and I were courting the same woman while he was gov. He won because he had a private helicopter. whistling.gif

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My theory as to why so many votes for Trump here, is that most of those votes are from non-Americans who harbor ill will to the USA and have nihilist dreams to see the USA self implode by electing that psychopathic demagogue Trump that is making a play to be the American version of Putin.

You really do have a wild imagination.

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Ted Cruz of course as he's the only one who commands respect for his Conservative positions.

That said, let the Donald have a 'go'. Better than that Felon or the Commie! smile.png

There isn't a felon running for Potus nor is there a communist running. Nor is there a Hispanic running to include Cruz and Rubio. The two are Latino but each being from Cuba, are not considered Hispanic by Cuban Americans. For that vital reason, neither can count on the support of Hispanic Americans in their campaign for the Republican party nomination for Potus. That is because generally and historically almost all Cuban American object strongly to being called Hispanic Americans.

So I and many Hispanic Americans know we do not want either to be elected Potus. Hillary Clinton is the favorite as all reliable and credible polling indicates.

Check out for instance the objection of Cuban-Americans in Florida to the US Census form that provides for no self-identification process that is not Hispanic to self-describe immigrants from Latin America. USA Cubans on the whole object to it.

Hispanics are historically those who reside on the South America sub-continent and in the Isthmus of Central America. Most Cubans consider themselves to be and have been neither.

Cubans consider themselves to instead be white descendants of Spain in the Carribbean of some mixed genetic development in the Western Hemisphere. Cuban Americans object to the US Census Bureau form because it provides for only either "White (non-Hispanic)" or "Hispanic", no more or nothing else. Nothing for "Latino" and nothing either for "Cuban" or "Carribbean." Most Cuban Americans identify as one or both of the latter two.

To wit:

Perhaps too many Cubans naively pride themselves over a few economic successes, both on the historical and personal level. This is one of the consequences of the “Cuban Adjustment Act,” which facilitates the entire migratory process. For many, entering the country, obtaining a green card, and ultimately becoming a citizen is as easy as pie. This empirical community has been deprived of the usual migratory procedure and is thus, generally speaking, unsympathetic towards the typical struggles of a Latino.

This “special” treatment not only distances Cubans from the rest of Latin American immigrants by not permitting similar, shared experiences, but it mistakenly gives them a false sense of superiority. It’s a feeling of individual accomplishment, without touching reality. This, in part, might start explaining why in the world Cubans are typically the only Latinos vehemently voting Republican… while still impoverished.


It is also the case Cubans consider themselves culturally and intellectually superior to Hispanics of the subcontinent and of the isthmus. It also helps to explain why Cubans in the USA whose parents or grandparents quit Castro's Cuba, became Republican voters in the USA --concentrated in south Florida --and oppose normalised USA relations with Cuba while the rest of Latin Americas residing in the USA widely support it.

Indeed, south Florida Republican US Reps. Lincoln Diaz-Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen quit the Congressional Hispanic Caucus specifically because the newly elected chairman Rep Rep. Xavier Becerra, a Democrat from California favors ending the US embargo against Cuba.

Sen Marco Rubio opposes the Dream Act which would allow infant children brought to the US by their parents to remain in the US and to apply to college. Rubio in contrast opposes US policy to return to Cuba those stopped at sea trying to get to Florida and the USA. Cruz and Rubio both holler about ending "welfare benefits" for Hispanics in the USA illegally. Yet neither opposes it for instantly arrived Cubans to the USA (primarily in Florida).

The attitude of most Cuban Americans is that there are Hispanics and then there are Cubans.....

There Are Hispanics and Then There Are Cubans

The immigration laws have created a chasm within the Latino Community to such a degree that you might as well say: “There are Hispanics and then there are Cubans.”

That different [sic] was originally because Cubans were viewed as refugees from Communism. Add to that the political clout of the Cubans, especially in the presidential swing state of Florida.

How does it work?

Any Hispanic who enters the U. S. without permission can look forward to someday being dropkicked back over the border.

Except for Cubans. They get to stay.

Any immigrant, legal or illegal, who catches a felony can look forward to a one-way trip back home.

Except for Cubans. They get to stay.


A blatant instance of the Cuban-Hispanic divide in the USA is the upset family of a dead Fort Meyers FL police officer. The policeman was gunned down by a Cuban exile who was recently released from prison but undeportable because he is Cuban.


Sen Marco Rubio on the one hand has opposed The Dream Act. It would allow illegals brought here by parents as infants to remain and go to college. So does Sen Ted Cruz.

Rubio at the same time has vehemently supported overturning the Wetfoot/Dryfoot policy that sends Cubans back to the island if they are intercepted at sea. Indeed, once a Cuban escaping Cuba sets foot on US soil the Cuban is received and guaranteed one year of welfare subsidies and other federal (and state provided) benefits.

So it could seem and very strongly so that the more Cubans arrive in Florida from the island the more Republican voters there get to be in the important swing state.

Miami journalist Pepe Billett wrote of how he is not Hispanic and is not Latino but is Cuban American. He observes that of the tens of millions of people the US Census Bureau has as listed as Hispanic, 50 percent of the millionaires are Cuban Americans, whereas the other 50 percent have ancestry of Mexican, Columbian, Argentinian etc. Billett continues that....

"I'm Not a Latino, I'm Not a Hispanic, I'm a Cuban American!"

Much of this prosperity and success can be attributed to the fact that Cubans don't have the same immigration and naturalization problems that other countries do. Cubans who manage to make it to our shores are welcomed with open arms as exiles, while Mexicans and other Spanish-speaking people are denied residency and basically treated like criminals. I am fully aware that this has a huge impact on the success rate of a group of people...with so many significant differences between the Cuban population and the general "Hispanic" population in America, incorrectly using an umbrella term to describe these two very different groups of people is a [expletive deleted] travesty! If you are of Cuban decent, it is your duty to put a stop to this bullsh*t!


Cruz got elected to the Senate in Texas with only 40% of the Hispanic vote. Rubio got 55% of the "Hispanic" vote in his 2010 Florida election to the Senate, most of those however considering themselves Cuban Americans. So I know who I do not want for Potus. I want Hillary Clinton who has none of these serious hangups.

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My theory as to why so many votes for Trump here, is that most of those votes are from non-Americans who harbor ill will to the USA and have nihilist dreams to see the USA self implode by electing that psychopathic demagogue Trump that is making a play to be the American version of Putin.

You really do have a wild imagination.

Yes, I'm quite brilliant. Somebody noticed! wai.gif

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My theory as to why so many votes for Trump here, is that most of those votes are from non-Americans who harbor ill will to the USA and have nihilist dreams to see the USA self implode by electing that psychopathic demagogue Trump that is making a play to be the American version of Putin.

You really do have a wild imagination.

When one considers the combined TVF vote of HRC and Bernie Sanders that's' pretty good for the Democratic party and the USA. It also sticks it to the foreigners who voted for Trump. And it shoots down the reprehensible theory continually presented by some on the far out right that all foreigners who choose to post to thread topics on USA are lefty far out liberals European socialists or even commies who should be keeping their mouths shut about USA politics, society, economy, gun culture.

More myths punctured regardless.

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My theory as to why so many votes for Trump here, is that most of those votes are from non-Americans who harbor ill will to the USA and have nihilist dreams to see the USA self implode by electing that psychopathic demagogue Trump that is making a play to be the American version of Putin.

You really do have a wild imagination.

When one considers the combined TVF vote of HRC and Bernie Sanders that's' pretty good for the Democratic party and the USA. It also sticks it to the foreigners who voted for Trump. And it shoots down the reprehensible theory continually presented by some on the far out right that all foreigners who choose to post to thread topics on USA are lefty far out liberals European socialists or even commies who should be keeping their mouths shut about USA politics, society, economy, gun culture.

More myths punctured regardless.

And exactly how do you know who voted for who in the poll and where they are from?

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My theory as to why so many votes for Trump here, is that most of those votes are from non-Americans who harbor ill will to the USA and have nihilist dreams to see the USA self implode by electing that psychopathic demagogue Trump that is making a play to be the American version of Putin.

You really do have a wild imagination.

When one considers the combined TVF vote of HRC and Bernie Sanders that's' pretty good for the Democratic party and the USA. It also sticks it to the foreigners who voted for Trump. And it shoots down the reprehensible theory continually presented by some on the far out right that all foreigners who choose to post to thread topics on USA are lefty far out liberals European socialists or even commies who should be keeping their mouths shut about USA politics, society, economy, gun culture.

More myths punctured regardless.

Europeans have problems with illegal aliens similar to Americans. Cameron is also in the grip of his big money donors who like an oversupply of cheap labor and being able to have things done where it's cheapest. His puppet masters insist that he use every trick on the people to avoid a Brexit. He's tricky, too.

The privileged class in Europe and the US are trampling the middle class with a loss of solid, good paying jobs. Why would this upper class want to pay a decent wage to anyone if they can both import cheap labor and export jobs that require more skill?

I think there are many Europeans who actually wish they had a Trump. This Trump advance is no accident. It is a middle class revolt against the sneaky power brokers who have all but decimated the middle class while they get richer. Many liberals complain about this but they don't see the real problem. They think the answer is to simply tax the rich for income equality. The answer is to soak the rich by insisting they stop supporting foreign countries by sending them jobs.

The answer is to look after the home country and its people. Trump is the only one who's talking about doing that. No surprise he has a big following.


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I doesn't matter who would be best, that person is arguably not in the race.

The best people allegedly don't go into politics..

But if pressed, I'll probably go with an older version of Lady Gaga, or a kinder, gentler Spike Lee, or maybe Tom Hanks perchance - save us Captain Phillips..wub.png

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Ted Cruz of course as he's the only one who commands respect for his Conservative positions.

That said, let the Donald have a 'go'. Better than that Felon or the Commie! smile.png

There isn't a felon running for Potus nor is there a communist running. Nor is there a Hispanic running to include Cruz and Rubio. The two are Latino but each being from Cuba, are not considered Hispanic by Cuban Americans. For that vital reason, neither can count on the support of Hispanic Americans in their campaign for the Republican party nomination for Potus. That is because generally and historically almost all Cuban American object strongly to being called Hispanic Americans.

So I and many Hispanic Americans know we do not want either to be elected Potus. Hillary Clinton is the favorite as all reliable and credible polling indicates.

Check out for instance the objection of Cuban-Americans in Florida to the US Census form that provides for no self-identification process that is not Hispanic to self-describe immigrants from Latin America. USA Cubans on the whole object to it.

Hispanics are historically those who reside on the South America sub-continent and in the Isthmus of Central America. Most Cubans consider themselves to be and have been neither.

Cubans consider themselves to instead be white descendants of Spain in the Carribbean of some mixed genetic development in the Western Hemisphere. Cuban Americans object to the US Census Bureau form because it provides for only either "White (non-Hispanic)" or "Hispanic", no more or nothing else. Nothing for "Latino" and nothing either for "Cuban" or "Carribbean." Most Cuban Americans identify as one or both of the latter two.

To wit:

Perhaps too many Cubans naively pride themselves over a few economic successes, both on the historical and personal level. This is one of the consequences of the “Cuban Adjustment Act,” which facilitates the entire migratory process. For many, entering the country, obtaining a green card, and ultimately becoming a citizen is as easy as pie. This empirical community has been deprived of the usual migratory procedure and is thus, generally speaking, unsympathetic towards the typical struggles of a Latino.

This “special” treatment not only distances Cubans from the rest of Latin American immigrants by not permitting similar, shared experiences, but it mistakenly gives them a false sense of superiority. It’s a feeling of individual accomplishment, without touching reality. This, in part, might start explaining why in the world Cubans are typically the only Latinos vehemently voting Republican… while still impoverished.


It is also the case Cubans consider themselves culturally and intellectually superior to Hispanics of the subcontinent and of the isthmus. It also helps to explain why Cubans in the USA whose parents or grandparents quit Castro's Cuba, became Republican voters in the USA --concentrated in south Florida --and oppose normalised USA relations with Cuba while the rest of Latin Americas residing in the USA widely support it.

Indeed, south Florida Republican US Reps. Lincoln Diaz-Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen quit the Congressional Hispanic Caucus specifically because the newly elected chairman Rep Rep. Xavier Becerra, a Democrat from California favors ending the US embargo against Cuba.

Sen Marco Rubio opposes the Dream Act which would allow infant children brought to the US by their parents to remain in the US and to apply to college. Rubio in contrast opposes US policy to return to Cuba those stopped at sea trying to get to Florida and the USA. Cruz and Rubio both holler about ending "welfare benefits" for Hispanics in the USA illegally. Yet neither opposes it for instantly arrived Cubans to the USA (primarily in Florida).

The attitude of most Cuban Americans is that there are Hispanics and then there are Cubans.....

There Are Hispanics and Then There Are Cubans

The immigration laws have created a chasm within the Latino Community to such a degree that you might as well say: “There are Hispanics and then there are Cubans.”

That different [sic] was originally because Cubans were viewed as refugees from Communism. Add to that the political clout of the Cubans, especially in the presidential swing state of Florida.

How does it work?

Any Hispanic who enters the U. S. without permission can look forward to someday being dropkicked back over the border.

Except for Cubans. They get to stay.

Any immigrant, legal or illegal, who catches a felony can look forward to a one-way trip back home.

Except for Cubans. They get to stay.


A blatant instance of the Cuban-Hispanic divide in the USA is the upset family of a dead Fort Meyers FL police officer. The policeman was gunned down by a Cuban exile who was recently released from prison but undeportable because he is Cuban.


Sen Marco Rubio on the one hand has opposed The Dream Act. It would allow illegals brought here by parents as infants to remain and go to college. So does Sen Ted Cruz.

Rubio at the same time has vehemently supported overturning the Wetfoot/Dryfoot policy that sends Cubans back to the island if they are intercepted at sea. Indeed, once a Cuban escaping Cuba sets foot on US soil the Cuban is received and guaranteed one year of welfare subsidies and other federal (and state provided) benefits.

So it could seem and very strongly so that the more Cubans arrive in Florida from the island the more Republican voters there get to be in the important swing state.

Miami journalist Pepe Billett wrote of how he is not Hispanic and is not Latino but is Cuban American. He observes that of the tens of millions of people the US Census Bureau has as listed as Hispanic, 50 percent of the millionaires are Cuban Americans, whereas the other 50 percent have ancestry of Mexican, Columbian, Argentinian etc. Billett continues that....

"I'm Not a Latino, I'm Not a Hispanic, I'm a Cuban American!"

Much of this prosperity and success can be attributed to the fact that Cubans don't have the same immigration and naturalization problems that other countries do. Cubans who manage to make it to our shores are welcomed with open arms as exiles, while Mexicans and other Spanish-speaking people are denied residency and basically treated like criminals. I am fully aware that this has a huge impact on the success rate of a group of people...with so many significant differences between the Cuban population and the general "Hispanic" population in America, incorrectly using an umbrella term to describe these two very different groups of people is a [expletive deleted] travesty! If you are of Cuban decent, it is your duty to put a stop to this bullsh*t!


Cruz got elected to the Senate in Texas with only 40% of the Hispanic vote. Rubio got 55% of the "Hispanic" vote in his 2010 Florida election to the Senate, most of those however considering themselves Cuban Americans. So I know who I do not want for Potus. I want Hillary Clinton who has none of these serious hangups.

And before 2008, African American descendants of slaves DID NOT like newcomer African immigrants and vice versa. But once the real chance of Obama winning the White House came, all those differences were put aside. Same could happen with the whole Latino-Hispanic-Cuban thing,

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What an absolute load of contrived balderdash. America is fast becoming a failed State. Every Institution has been infiltrated by the greed of the wealthy elite and Corporate America. Although Obama has managed to repair some of the damage done by his Republican predecessor W Bush it is systemic reform that is now required. His move to provide affordable health care for millions of Americans and unemployment numbers have improved, although they are shitty low paid jobs the Budget is now in surplus and the national debt has decreased slightly and Obama his gained the respect of nations around the world and restored some self respect for the American people. With an obstructionist Conservative Congress it is amazing he has managed to achieve what he has.

What is required now is someone who can really continue Obama's legacy and push for institutional reform using the best ideas from other countries that outperform America in health, education, financial sector and social justice. That person is Bernie Sanders.

Your comments sound intellectual but on scant analysis they are just apologetic Right Wing drivel.

America is moving toward a failed state and under Obama a banana republic. Offering an argument that Bush did this and Obama's 8 years still requires more effort to undo it is hardly believable. In fact, underlying the entire issue about Trump's cult of personality rise in America is the fact that people see America as a failed state, and worse than before- they do not believe much of anything Obama & Company say. Yes, IMO, Obama did not do [this] to America, but he escalated it.Obama is a lightening rod to America's decline, he is not the storm.

It makes no matter to me if Obama is defended by insulting me personally. By definition my point is made stronger when I am attacked personally. I read it like this, as do others. Thanks. The facts remain, Obama is repudiated by two midterm elections and the entire phenomena behind Trump is that which opposes Obama. Hardly requires ad hominen to avoid this reality. Obama may be incompetent. Obama may be brilliant and Marxist. Obama may be many things; who knows. Who cares. Obama is a disaster whatever the motive.

I lump the Republican Congress into the same boat as Obama- failures. Indeed, the greatest benefit these past congresses may have provided was to actually obstruct every single thing Obama offered; a wholly valid prerogative. There is not one single effort of Obama's that is wholesome, productive, useful, or even genuine.

The debt is increased under Obama greater than all presidents to date combined.- Untrue

Real unemployment is double digits higher then the fictitious numbers DL uses. - Untrue

More people are out of work and not looking then... generations. - false

Obama has the respect of no nations, and no allies. - Untrue Obama murders Americans without due process, has unelected men sit in Star Chamber, bombs innoncents across the world, eviscerated habeus corpus, and compromises our closest allies spying and otherwise. Obama has given license to Iran, North Korea, DAESH, and Islamic Jihad. He has opened the White House, Dept of State, and Homeland Security to the Muslim Brotherhood and deposed those in other countries the Muslim Brotherhood opposed. No one respects Obama. No one.

There are hardly any opeds or news pieces or journalists on earth with a shred of courage to write such garbage. Indeed, the entire planet earth realizes that the hot spots on earth are largely caused by Obama's omission or commission. Everyone quietly or otherwise concedes Obama's policies are disasters. From Strategic Patience to Obamacare to Alternative Energy all he and his Rasputin, Jarret, have touched has become ill.

One has to actually live on a different planet to believe such things, or presume others are just plain stupid and will believe them.

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Ted Cruz of course as he's the only one who commands respect for his Conservative positions.

That said, let the Donald have a 'go'. Better than that Felon or the Commie! smile.png

There isn't a felon running for Potus nor is there a communist running. Nor is there a Hispanic running to include Cruz and Rubio. The two are Latino but each being from Cuba, are not considered Hispanic by Cuban Americans. For that vital reason, neither can count on the support of Hispanic Americans in their campaign for the Republican party nomination for Potus. That is because generally and historically almost all Cuban American object strongly to being called Hispanic Americans.

So I and many Hispanic Americans know we do not want either to be elected Potus. Hillary Clinton is the favorite as all reliable and credible polling indicates.

Check out for instance the objection of Cuban-Americans in Florida to the US Census form that provides for no self-identification process that is not Hispanic to self-describe immigrants from Latin America. USA Cubans on the whole object to it.

Hispanics are historically those who reside on the South America sub-continent and in the Isthmus of Central America. Most Cubans consider themselves to be and have been neither.

Cubans consider themselves to instead be white descendants of Spain in the Carribbean of some mixed genetic development in the Western Hemisphere. Cuban Americans object to the US Census Bureau form because it provides for only either "White (non-Hispanic)" or "Hispanic", no more or nothing else. Nothing for "Latino" and nothing either for "Cuban" or "Carribbean." Most Cuban Americans identify as one or both of the latter two.

To wit:

Perhaps too many Cubans naively pride themselves over a few economic successes, both on the historical and personal level. This is one of the consequences of the “Cuban Adjustment Act,” which facilitates the entire migratory process. For many, entering the country, obtaining a green card, and ultimately becoming a citizen is as easy as pie. This empirical community has been deprived of the usual migratory procedure and is thus, generally speaking, unsympathetic towards the typical struggles of a Latino.

This “special” treatment not only distances Cubans from the rest of Latin American immigrants by not permitting similar, shared experiences, but it mistakenly gives them a false sense of superiority. It’s a feeling of individual accomplishment, without touching reality. This, in part, might start explaining why in the world Cubans are typically the only Latinos vehemently voting Republican… while still impoverished.



And before 2008, African American descendants of slaves DID NOT like newcomer African immigrants and vice versa. But once the real chance of Obama winning the White House came, all those differences were put aside. Same could happen with the whole Latino-Hispanic-Cuban thing,

Forget it.

The post is a headcase.

GW Bush in 2004 won 40% of the national Hispanic vote

John McCain in 2008 got 31% of it

Mitt "self-deportation" Romney in 2012 managed only 27% of the national Hispanic vote

Looks dismal for the Republican nominee in 2016, maybe 20% and only at best

These data include of course Cuban Americans.

The Hispanic voting history for Potus going back 30 years says GW Bush in 2004 was the Republican candidate's historic high. Sen Bob Dole in 1996 was the historic low, 21%. New low coming soon. Everyone concurs the R for Potus must get at least 40% of the Hispanic-Cuban vote to win.

So the post looks like a salmon and here's more about why...

Hispanic American vote for President History 1980-2012

--1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21

--1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24

--1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39

--1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36

--1996 Bill Clinton, 72% Bob Dole, 21% +51

--2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27

--2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18

--2008 Barack Obama, 67% John McCain, 31% +36

--2012 Barack Obama, 71% Mitt Romney, 27% +44


The Republican nominee candidate in 2016 starts out with a 4.5 million vote deficit from the 2012 election. That's the difference of votes between Romney losing and Obama winning.

Then add new Democratic party voters and also more Hispanics fleeing the Republican party since then, especially lately.

The inherited 4.5 million vote deficit the R party has gets even greater. Really greater. The Republican party needs but doesn't have about 8 million new and more angry white rightwhingenuts and other assorted rednecks and creeps to cover the inherited and new deficits respectively.

Game over.

Edited by Publicus
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Ted Cruz of course as he's the only one who commands respect for his Conservative positions.

That said, let the Donald have a 'go'. Better than that Felon or the Commie! smile.png

There isn't a felon running for Potus nor is there a communist running. Nor is there a Hispanic running to include Cruz and Rubio. The two are Latino but each being from Cuba, are not considered Hispanic by Cuban Americans. For that vital reason, neither can count on the support of Hispanic Americans in their campaign for the Republican party nomination for Potus. That is because generally and historically almost all Cuban American object strongly to being called Hispanic Americans.

So I and many Hispanic Americans know we do not want either to be elected Potus. Hillary Clinton is the favorite as all reliable and credible polling indicates.

Check out for instance the objection of Cuban-Americans in Florida to the US Census form that provides for no self-identification process that is not Hispanic to self-describe immigrants from Latin America. USA Cubans on the whole object to it.

Hispanics are historically those who reside on the South America sub-continent and in the Isthmus of Central America. Most Cubans consider themselves to be and have been neither.

Cubans consider themselves to instead be white descendants of Spain in the Carribbean of some mixed genetic development in the Western Hemisphere. Cuban Americans object to the US Census Bureau form because it provides for only either "White (non-Hispanic)" or "Hispanic", no more or nothing else. Nothing for "Latino" and nothing either for "Cuban" or "Carribbean." Most Cuban Americans identify as one or both of the latter two.

To wit:

Perhaps too many Cubans naively pride themselves over a few economic successes, both on the historical and personal level. This is one of the consequences of the “Cuban Adjustment Act,” which facilitates the entire migratory process. For many, entering the country, obtaining a green card, and ultimately becoming a citizen is as easy as pie. This empirical community has been deprived of the usual migratory procedure and is thus, generally speaking, unsympathetic towards the typical struggles of a Latino.

This “special” treatment not only distances Cubans from the rest of Latin American immigrants by not permitting similar, shared experiences, but it mistakenly gives them a false sense of superiority. It’s a feeling of individual accomplishment, without touching reality. This, in part, might start explaining why in the world Cubans are typically the only Latinos vehemently voting Republican… while still impoverished.



And before 2008, African American descendants of slaves DID NOT like newcomer African immigrants and vice versa. But once the real chance of Obama winning the White House came, all those differences were put aside. Same could happen with the whole Latino-Hispanic-Cuban thing,

Forget it.

The post is a headcase.

GW Bush in 2004 won 40% of the national Hispanic vote

John McCain in 2008 got 31% of it

Mitt "self-deportation" Romney in 2012 managed only 27% of the national Hispanic vote

Looks dismal for the Republican nominee in 2016, maybe 20% and only at best

These data include of course Cuban Americans.

The Hispanic voting history for Potus going back 30 years says GW Bush in 2004 was the Republican candidate's historic high. Sen Bob Dole in 1996 was the historic low, 21%. New low coming soon. Everyone concurs the R for Potus must get at least 40% of the Hispanic-Cuban vote to win.

So the post looks like a salmon and here's more about why...

Hispanic American vote for President History 1980-2012

--1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21

--1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24

--1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39

--1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36

--1996 Bill Clinton, 72% Bob Dole, 21% +51

--2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27

--2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18

--2008 Barack Obama, 67% John McCain, 31% +36

--2012 Barack Obama, 71% Mitt Romney, 27% +44


The Republican nominee candidate in 2016 starts out with a 4.5 million vote deficit from the 2012 election. That's the difference of votes between Romney losing and Obama winning.

Then add new Democratic party voters and also more Hispanics fleeing the Republican party since then, especially lately.

The inherited 4.5 million vote deficit the R party has gets even greater. Really greater. The Republican party needs but doesn't have about 8 million new and more angry white rightwhingenuts and other assorted rednecks and creeps to cover the inherited and new deficits respectively.

Game over.

They overwhelmingly vote for democrats because democrats promise them the most "stuff" instead of telling them "get a haircut and a job" and their mentality is "oh it's the white devils fault i'm gangbanging". Just like poor retarded people in europe overwhelmingly vote for the european versions of democrats (social democrats) because they promise them "stuff" as well.

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That is the mantra of the right and other Republicans.

Since Prez Nixon's "Southern Strategy" of 1972 to successfully convert white southerners to the Republican party from a hundred years of voting Democratic, the Republican party has written off black American voters.

The Republican line always spoken in private is that black voters "can't be satisfied." In other words, the Republican party is not interested in whatever is involved or required to win the black vote.

Republicans' problem is that they assign to black Americans their attitude that "can't be satisfied" means goodies and other freebee handouts. It's been the Republican mantra and cliche since 1972. It's not only the Republican message, it is the Republican belief.

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Forget it.

The post is a headcase.

GW Bush in 2004 won 40% of the national Hispanic vote

John McCain in 2008 got 31% of it

Mitt "self-deportation" Romney in 2012 managed only 27% of the national Hispanic vote

Looks dismal for the Republican nominee in 2016, maybe 20% and only at best

These data include of course Cuban Americans.

The Hispanic voting history for Potus going back 30 years says GW Bush in 2004 was the Republican candidate's historic high. Sen Bob Dole in 1996 was the historic low, 21%. New low coming soon. Everyone concurs the R for Potus must get at least 40% of the Hispanic-Cuban vote to win.

So the post looks like a salmon and here's more about why...

Hispanic American vote for President History 1980-2012

--1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21

--1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24

--1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39

--1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36

--1996 Bill Clinton, 72% Bob Dole, 21% +51

--2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27

--2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18

--2008 Barack Obama, 67% John McCain, 31% +36

--2012 Barack Obama, 71% Mitt Romney, 27% +44


The Republican nominee candidate in 2016 starts out with a 4.5 million vote deficit from the 2012 election. That's the difference of votes between Romney losing and Obama winning.

Then add new Democratic party voters and also more Hispanics fleeing the Republican party since then, especially lately.

The inherited 4.5 million vote deficit the R party has gets even greater. Really greater. The Republican party needs but doesn't have about 8 million new and more angry white rightwhingenuts and other assorted rednecks and creeps to cover the inherited and new deficits respectively.

Game over.

They overwhelmingly vote for democrats because democrats promise them the most "stuff" instead of telling them "get a haircut and a job" and their mentality is "oh it's the white devils fault i'm gangbanging". Just like poor retarded people in europe overwhelmingly vote for the european versions of democrats (social democrats) because they promise them "stuff" as well.

Probably some truth there. If you intentionally exclude a minority and don't provide pathways out of poverty and equal opportunity to get some skin in the game then they are disenfranchised generation after generation. Particularly when in living memory these people were used as slaves to build much of the wealth of America. Republican strategy is to legislate to make it as difficult as possible for African Americans to vote and lecture them on 'get a haircut and get a job' you know one of those below the poverty line jobs where you work hard and make the white feller wealthier while you get no where. Build more jails and shoot them. The thought of offering them 'stuff' like an education, health care, equal justice, protect their civil rights just doesn't dawn on them. Republicans just need someone to hate, African Americans, Mexicans, Cubans, Muslims, poor people, homeless people, women (especially if they are pregnant). You name em Republicans will be hating them. Just the way they are.

Bernie offers some really crucial opportunities for minorities. Education, health care, medicine a fair wage. A fairer America with everyone contributing to a better America.

Feel The Bern

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My theory as to why so many votes for Trump here, is that most of those votes are from non-Americans who harbor ill will to the USA and have nihilist dreams to see the USA self implode by electing that psychopathic demagogue Trump that is making a play to be the American version of Putin.

He resembles Mussolini and Thaksin more than Putin, in my view. Putin is cool-headed. Trump is a hot-head. Putin could steal your wife, clean her clock and have her back in your bed before sunrise and you'd never notice she was gone. Trump would be out on your front lawn with a bullhorn, shouting that you're an idiot if you don't dress like him. He either loves you or hates you, depending upon whether you adulate him or not.

Putin is a current in power dictator who supposedly made Russia great again.

But I agree as far as temperament he's more like Duce and Hitler.

Russia might be great again if oil was at $150 a barrel...not so much at $30. But don't worry about Putin, he's still the richest man alive.

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I read the post by Publicious number 264

And left to wonder. In a country were the vote is private. How do they know what ethic group a voter is from? A polling station may have many different ethnic groups voting there. Is there some where on the ballot that says check ethnic group you are from? Or is it taken from the last name of voters categorizing them by last name must be a certain ethnic group. Sounds to like just another case of lies, lies and statistics.

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Nobody in their right mind would wish they had their own Trump!

Every single Trump supporter should be forced to watch that video in its entirety.

I watched 46 seconds and turned it off. The last thing I need is some Brit comedian spouting off about the US to some canned laughter.

there are enough posts on this forum that have funny accents and need a laugh track without having to sit through yet another one.

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