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SURVEY: Who do you believe would be the best president for the US?


SURVEY: Who do you believe would make the best US President?  

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I'd like to introduce a related issue about the obvious popularity of DONALD TRUMP.

Donald Trump is a xenophobic and racist demagogue in the long tradition of such dangerous leaders in other countries historically.

He's trumping up hatred against Mexicans, Muslims, and Chinese.

Many Americans can't tell the difference between Asians, so it's not only Chinese feeling it.

So it's happening now in the USA.

Addressing the AMERICANS living abroad, what I am seeing already is an increasing hostility towards Americans that is directly related to the rise to Trump.

The world looks at USA elections more closely than any other country.

They see what's happening.

The Pope has taken note.

I have heard an interesting story from a friend living in the USA in an area with lots of Latinos and Asians. He's very white. He has reported since the rise of Trump a very noticeable and marked increase in HOSTILITY towards him because he feels it is assumed he is a Trump supporter, a supporter of his campaign of hatred and division.

I think this is very relevant to Americans living abroad.

You may not have noticed it yet, but you will if Trump is president.

People will assume you're a Trump supporter, whether you are or not, and mostly they will hate you for it.

Trump is a candidate of great divisiveness.

If elected, he will make American great again, if great means even more greatly HATED.

He represents the very worse aspects of American culture.

I disliked most Americans I have met (long before Trump came on the scene as a presidential candidate) because of their arrogant and obnoxious attitudes along with their blatant ignorance to realise they are actually like that!

If little Mary sunshine thinks that could be something one might be jealous of, then he/she needs to remove one's head from one's rectal passage ?

Edited by Walter Travolta
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Americans and the world SHOULD be afraid of a President Trump. He will bring even more war, even more hatred, even more racism, even more income inequality, even more people internationally believing everything they've ever heard about UGLY AMERICANS is 100 percent true. There is time to stop this madness.

So Obama didn't increase the "race tension" at all in USA? If anyone did it was him.

But again, you say everyone should be afraid of Trump. Exactly why? And saying "he will increase this, this, that and that" is not an answer.

And aren't those with prejudice and generalisation racists? Well, if we take your logic from the "no India" thread they are.

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I'd like to introduce a related issue about the obvious popularity of DONALD TRUMP.

Donald Trump is a xenophobic and racist demagogue in the long tradition of such dangerous leaders in other countries historically.

He's trumping up hatred against Mexicans, Muslims, and Chinese.

Many Americans can't tell the difference between Asians, so it's not only Chinese feeling it.

So it's happening now in the USA.

Addressing the AMERICANS living abroad, what I am seeing already is an increasing hostility towards Americans that is directly related to the rise to Trump.

The world looks at USA elections more closely than any other country.

They see what's happening.

The Pope has taken note.

I have heard an interesting story from a friend living in the USA in an area with lots of Latinos and Asians. He's very white. He has reported since the rise of Trump a very noticeable and marked increase in HOSTILITY towards him because he feels it is assumed he is a Trump supporter, a supporter of his campaign of hatred and division.

I think this is very relevant to Americans living abroad.

You may not have noticed it yet, but you will if Trump is president.

People will assume you're a Trump supporter, whether you are or not, and mostly they will hate you for it.

Trump is a candidate of great divisiveness.

If elected, he will make American great again, if great means even more greatly HATED.

He represents the very worse aspects of American culture.

I disliked most Americans I have met because of their arrogant and obnoxious attitudes along with their blatant ignorance to realise they are actually like that!

If little Mary sunshine thinks that could be something one might be jealous of, then he/she needs to remove one's head from one's rectal passage ?

Maybe you had the misfortune of only meeting 'democrats'?

Edited by Asheron
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USA has'nt got a leader. It doesn't matter a stuff who becomes president. It's time the people of that country woke up to the fact that they are considered by all other western countries as one of the dumbest, racial and uneducated in the world and keep thinking that they deserve everything from their government. Many years ago one of their greatest presidents said "Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country". They are slipping back to the dark ages and the only thing making them the power they are is the military.

Wow - what a bigot.

I can assure you that while you may speak dor yourself, you do not speak for me or my many English countrymen that have travelled extensively and/or lived in the USA.

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As an American- I fail to understand the continual sniping between Americans and Europeans. There are good and bad on both continents. As for me- I know what America really is. It is controlled by the rich and for the rich. There was a time just after World War II when the greatest generation (and that includes Europeans) fought to save Democracy on both sides of the ocean. Europe developed differently and headed more towards social programs while America developed on Democratic Capitalism, the difference is that throughout the years in America 'Greed became Good'. Americans have forgotten about what the greatest generation sacrificed so they can live freely. The problem started when the politicians started taking money from donors of every sort- which means politicians are beholden to the Corporations and huge banks and thy used gloabilisation as a way to send jobs abroad to the Third World so the corporations could make more profits. Never a thought what this would do to the average American worker of family. People who were once assured of a good standard of living now finish High School ( or not) and work in call centers and attend community college at night.

The only person who is actually telling the truth is Bernie Sanders- he recognizes that elections are being bought by the rich and powerful and that Americans in the middle class are not moving forward but dropping into the so called lower class. When you have the CEo's of a companies making 200 times the salary of the lowest worker and then complain that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because they can't afford it something's radically wrong. When you have Americans who cannot afford healthcare premiums or have to sell their house so they won't die- something is radically wrong. When you have Big Pharma keeping essential American drug prices the highest in the World and make record profits- something is wrong. When you have people who want to have a University education and have to become indentured servants to the American State for 20 years and then cannot find a position that pays proper wages- yes, something is wrong. And the final kicker is the US Military Budget is $632 Billion per year -the largest in the World and then add on untold billions for almost 25 individual intelligence agencies and you begin to see the picture.

The politicians of course love to say how they support the military - yet the Veterans Administration is in chaos; the politicians use the theory that America has to fight abroad so the terrorists don't come to America .In order to keep the funding going they then attack Social Security for the Aged as 'too expensive' or any attempt to reform the Healthcare system as 'Socialism'.The reason Trump is popular is because he is not a politician and in a sense his own man. Yet, he hides behind the same rheteric as a politician- illegal immigrants are stealing jobs; terrorists are headed for America; the Chinese, Mexicans and Russians are taking advantage of America. It sounds good but it is mostly nonsense. He has no plan to really provide relief to the struggling middle and lower class.

Bernie Sanders tells us exactly what he will do- He will make healthcare a right and it will be provided by the Government just like Medicare is right now- with controlled prices and paid for by those working in the same manner aswe have always paid for Medicare. Those who are indigent and without work -pay nothing. Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.He also plans on stopping the ridiculous cost of higher education by providing it at no cost- paid for by the wealthy. It is called redistribution of wealth and that is why the rich fear him.

Actually in all fairness- most of Europe already provides much of what America needs. The problem is that America has also provided much of Europe's defense and I don't blame the Europeans because the American strategy is to fight a war with Russia in Europe and not in the US. However, under Sanders this strategy will change. Europe will have to pay for its own defense. In addition, Sanders will constrain the huge military and industrial complex that has taken America to the brink of bankruptcy and he will reach out to friends and foe alike in an attempt to end the lunacy of continual war.

Whether Sanders become President or not-America is already in the throes of revolution. The current status quo is not sustainable. You cannot have a countries wealth in the hands of 1% while the other 99% are given the leftovers. America will change radically within 30 years because the people have finally had enough..

You should have gotten at least a couple dozen likes for your great effort. It pretty well cuts to the chase. Well done.

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A big problem Americans have is their crazy low to allow people to have/carry guns, witch cause an extreme amount of killings and accidents. Also police brutality who easy like to use a weapon ..

I don't think Trump is gone solve that problem...

Also the interference in other countries politics ... They should never intrude Afghanistan, Iraq Libya Syria ... maybe then we wouldn't have had the problem with muslims or refugees in europe ..

The biggest single issues facing the USA are debt and unemployment.

The government is on the verge of bankruptcy and tax revenues decrease because the US bleeds jobs to countries that dont play fair on trade and US companies avoid taxes.

Everyone wants US consumers as customers but if they aint got jobs, they cant consume.

The tipping point cant be far off.

The world does not want the US going belly up.

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Americans and the world SHOULD be afraid of a President Trump. He will bring even more war, even more hatred, even more racism, even more income inequality, even more people internationally believing everything they've ever heard about UGLY AMERICANS is 100 percent true. There is time to stop this madness.

So Obama didn't increase the "race tension" at all in USA? If anyone did it was him.

But again, you say everyone should be afraid of Trump. Exactly why? And saying "he will increase this, this, that and that" is not an answer.

And aren't those with prejudice and generalisation racists? Well, if we take your logic from the "no India" thread they are.

No, he didn't. Unfortunately he also didn't manage to overcome an obstructionist Senate and congress, where all Republicans from day 1 had just one plan: we're against.
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Most of the sniping against The Americans is from the

Brits who are so jealous of the life they missed out on

Across The Pond.


It's just ignorance.

You are displaying exactly the same kind of ignorance they are.

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This poll is even less meaningful than a typical Thaivisa poll (they're all meaningless and for entertainment purposes only) because we don't know how many people voting are Americans, or even among the Americans how many would actually vote in this election. Most Americans eligible to vote do not actually vote. We're not Australia!

Edited by Jingthing
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As an American- I fail to understand the continual sniping between Americans and Europeans. There are good and bad on both continents. As for me- I know what America really is. It is controlled by the rich and for the rich. There was a time just after World War II when the greatest generation (and that includes Europeans) fought to save Democracy on both sides of the ocean. Europe developed differently and headed more towards social programs while America developed on Democratic Capitalism, the difference is that throughout the years in America 'Greed became Good'. Americans have forgotten about what the greatest generation sacrificed so they can live freely. The problem started when the politicians started taking money from donors of every sort- which means politicians are beholden to the Corporations and huge banks and thy used gloabilisation as a way to send jobs abroad to the Third World so the corporations could make more profits. Never a thought what this would do to the average American worker of family. People who were once assured of a good standard of living now finish High School ( or not) and work in call centers and attend community college at night.

The only person who is actually telling the truth is Bernie Sanders- he recognizes that elections are being bought by the rich and powerful and that Americans in the middle class are not moving forward but dropping into the so called lower class. When you have the CEo's of a companies making 200 times the salary of the lowest worker and then complain that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because they can't afford it something's radically wrong. When you have Americans who cannot afford healthcare premiums or have to sell their house so they won't die- something is radically wrong. When you have Big Pharma keeping essential American drug prices the highest in the World and make record profits- something is wrong. When you have people who want to have a University education and have to become indentured servants to the American State for 20 years and then cannot find a position that pays proper wages- yes, something is wrong. And the final kicker is the US Military Budget is $632 Billion per year -the largest in the World and then add on untold billions for almost 25 individual intelligence agencies and you begin to see the picture.

The politicians of course love to say how they support the military - yet the Veterans Administration is in chaos; the politicians use the theory that America has to fight abroad so the terrorists don't come to America .In order to keep the funding going they then attack Social Security for the Aged as 'too expensive' or any attempt to reform the Healthcare system as 'Socialism'.The reason Trump is popular is because he is not a politician and in a sense his own man. Yet, he hides behind the same rheteric as a politician- illegal immigrants are stealing jobs; terrorists are headed for America; the Chinese, Mexicans and Russians are taking advantage of America. It sounds good but it is mostly nonsense. He has no plan to really provide relief to the struggling middle and lower class.

Bernie Sanders tells us exactly what he will do- He will make healthcare a right and it will be provided by the Government just like Medicare is right now- with controlled prices and paid for by those working in the same manner aswe have always paid for Medicare. Those who are indigent and without work -pay nothing. Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.He also plans on stopping the ridiculous cost of higher education by providing it at no cost- paid for by the wealthy. It is called redistribution of wealth and that is why the rich fear him.

Actually in all fairness- most of Europe already provides much of what America needs. The problem is that America has also provided much of Europe's defense and I don't blame the Europeans because the American strategy is to fight a war with Russia in Europe and not in the US. However, under Sanders this strategy will change. Europe will have to pay for its own defense. In addition, Sanders will constrain the huge military and industrial complex that has taken America to the brink of bankruptcy and he will reach out to friends and foe alike in an attempt to end the lunacy of continual war.

Whether Sanders become President or not-America is already in the throes of revolution. The current status quo is not sustainable. You cannot have a countries wealth in the hands of 1% while the other 99% are given the leftovers. America will change radically within 30 years because the people have finally had enough..

Excellent expose, Everything is so true and clear ....So well explained. I guess you are far to smart for TV...best thing I ever read on TV.

Respect !! Best regards. Off Road Pat

Edited by off road pat
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This question is like asking, if you had to choose, which would you rather step in?

A. Dog poop

B. Elephant poop

C. Cow poop

D. Your own poop

The end is truley near.

Cow poop,

Doesn't smell much & if its winter time, you're barefoot & the poop is fresh, it warms your feet as it squishes up between your toes.

l speak from long experience from when l was a kid. lol!

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Sanders is the only one, who could start the process of giving the country back to the people, instead of giving the power to the corporations and folks who think they have right to use the peasants, the US citizens.

Sanders problem is that the USA is not ready for his progressive ideas. He is called as socialist as he wishes to improve education, which is horribly bad in the US, and he wishes to give better healthcare to all.

The republicans don't seem to understand that these are not the only socialist things, which are happening in the country. The military and the police are also paid by the government, thus those are part of socialistic government. Maybe in the true freedom, people could opt out, not to pay taxes to support military functions.. or to pay collectively paved roads.

Sanders is not a Socialist because "He is called as Socialist..." implying its a label stuck on him. Sanders actually is an avowed Socialist and has consistently defined himself as such throughout his adult life. "The Republicans don't seem to understand..." but the Democrats, They get it; They understand. I assume their absence in your post is not accidental. Sanders is listed as Socialist but caucused Democrat with their consent for years.

Which brings us to the OP. Sanders is a Socialist. HRC is a Socialist but couches her socialism in the socialist friendly Democratic party. Why? Because of your other observation: "the USA is not ready for [his] progressive ideas." HRC- Sanders, six of 1, 1/2 dozen of the other- same thing, only one is honest. Socialists have been running America under the banner of other titles for some time now (that's why the US is broken- from Detroit to Chicago to military to foreign affairs to debt to bridges to social cohesion, family, etc). Sanders at least had the courage of his convictions. HRC, labored with sheer ambition and narcissism, thought it best to conceal her socialist/fascist mindset under the cover of Debbie Wassermanshulz et al. HRC IS an authoritarian despot!

If your post is cheering on Sanders or Socialism I kindly ask you please continue making your points. Take the time, as you have above, and share with us more of the useful perspectives socialism may yield for America. Argue your points of view over and over. I thank you for it. All people who oppose Socialism thank you for it.

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As an American- I fail to understand the continual sniping between Americans and Europeans. There are good and bad on both continents. As for me- I know what America really is. It is controlled by the rich and for the rich. There was a time just after World War II when the greatest generation (and that includes Europeans) fought to save Democracy on both sides of the ocean. Europe developed differently and headed more towards social programs while America developed on Democratic Capitalism, the difference is that throughout the years in America 'Greed became Good'. Americans have forgotten about what the greatest generation sacrificed so they can live freely. The problem started when the politicians started taking money from donors of every sort- which means politicians are beholden to the Corporations and huge banks and thy used gloabilisation as a way to send jobs abroad to the Third World so the corporations could make more profits. Never a thought what this would do to the average American worker of family. People who were once assured of a good standard of living now finish High School ( or not) and work in call centers and attend community college at night.

The only person who is actually telling the truth is Bernie Sanders- he recognizes that elections are being bought by the rich and powerful and that Americans in the middle class are not moving forward but dropping into the so called lower class. When you have the CEo's of a companies making 200 times the salary of the lowest worker and then complain that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because they can't afford it something's radically wrong. When you have Americans who cannot afford healthcare premiums or have to sell their house so they won't die- something is radically wrong. When you have Big Pharma keeping essential American drug prices the highest in the World and make record profits- something is wrong. When you have people who want to have a University education and have to become indentured servants to the American State for 20 years and then cannot find a position that pays proper wages- yes, something is wrong. And the final kicker is the US Military Budget is $632 Billion per year -the largest in the World and then add on untold billions for almost 25 individual intelligence agencies and you begin to see the picture.

The politicians of course love to say how they support the military - yet the Veterans Administration is in chaos; the politicians use the theory that America has to fight abroad so the terrorists don't come to America .In order to keep the funding going they then attack Social Security for the Aged as 'too expensive' or any attempt to reform the Healthcare system as 'Socialism'.The reason Trump is popular is because he is not a politician and in a sense his own man. Yet, he hides behind the same rheteric as a politician- illegal immigrants are stealing jobs; terrorists are headed for America; the Chinese, Mexicans and Russians are taking advantage of America. It sounds good but it is mostly nonsense. He has no plan to really provide relief to the struggling middle and lower class.

Bernie Sanders tells us exactly what he will do- He will make healthcare a right and it will be provided by the Government just like Medicare is right now- with controlled prices and paid for by those working in the same manner aswe have always paid for Medicare. Those who are indigent and without work -pay nothing. Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.He also plans on stopping the ridiculous cost of higher education by providing it at no cost- paid for by the wealthy. It is called redistribution of wealth and that is why the rich fear him.

Actually in all fairness- most of Europe already provides much of what America needs. The problem is that America has also provided much of Europe's defense and I don't blame the Europeans because the American strategy is to fight a war with Russia in Europe and not in the US. However, under Sanders this strategy will change. Europe will have to pay for its own defense. In addition, Sanders will constrain the huge military and industrial complex that has taken America to the brink of bankruptcy and he will reach out to friends and foe alike in an attempt to end the lunacy of continual war.

Whether Sanders become President or not-America is already in the throes of revolution. The current status quo is not sustainable. You cannot have a countries wealth in the hands of 1% while the other 99% are given the leftovers. America will change radically within 30 years because the people have finally had enough..

This is the most intelligent post l have read from an American.

He knows the failings of his country.

Thaidream, maybe YOU should run for the President's job.

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A big problem Americans have is their crazy low to allow people to have/carry guns, witch cause an extreme amount of killings and accidents. Also police brutality who easy like to use a weapon ..

I don't think Trump is gone solve that problem...

Also the interference in other countries politics ... They should never intrude Afghanistan, Iraq Libya Syria ... maybe then we wouldn't have had the problem with muslims or refugees in europe ..

The biggest single issues facing the USA are debt and unemployment.

The government is on the verge of bankruptcy and tax revenues decrease because the US bleeds jobs to countries that dont play fair on trade and US companies avoid taxes.

Everyone wants US consumers as customers but if they aint got jobs, they cant consume.

The tipping point cant be far off.

The world does not want the US going belly up.

The USA is in debt and is already bankrupt. IMF has total debt v GDP at 104.5%. Employment has bounced back but it is shitty low paid jobs. The US government facilitates international trade deals but they are brokered by the wealthy elite and corporate America with absolutely no concern as to the impact on the American people they secure larger and larger global monopolies and increased profits. That is why they are not published. All done behind closed doors.

It isn't the poor who have emptied the US Treasury. If it was they would now be wealthy. It has slowly been diverted to the wealthy elite and Corporate America. The poor are poorer and the middle class have joined the poor. ALL the wealth is concentrated between a small 1%

The tipping point has already arrived. The next choice will be the American Peoples last choice for a slow transition back to prosperity. Failing that America crashes and burns.

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Americans and the world SHOULD be afraid of a President Trump. He will bring even more war, even more hatred, even more racism, even more income inequality, even more people internationally believing everything they've ever heard about UGLY AMERICANS is 100 percent true. There is time to stop this madness.

So Obama didn't increase the "race tension" at all in USA? If anyone did it was him.

But again, you say everyone should be afraid of Trump. Exactly why? And saying "he will increase this, this, that and that" is not an answer.

And aren't those with prejudice and generalisation racists? Well, if we take your logic from the "no India" thread they are.

No, he didn't. Unfortunately he also didn't manage to overcome an obstructionist Senate and congress, where all Republicans from day 1 had just one plan: we're against.

Imagine that... a person not knowing what Obama has done to the racial tensions in USA also backing up Obama with arguments like "oh that pesky thing called Congress (elected by the people) doesn't obey Grand Master Obama".

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All this bashing of the rich and wealthy...

Do you guys even comprehend that most of the USA population have a job to go to in the first place because the rich created those jobs?

And i have learned something in my life about people who talk about "free stuff for everyone"... they have no concept of balancing their own private economy and extremely often they are several hundred thousands USD in debt and "buy" (loan) a new car every 2-4 years, a new phone every 6 months and so on and the same time whine that it's the "rich" peoples fault for making them take loans and not having enough money for food.

Socialism really is an aggressive form of brain cancer. Because how else would you be able to defend the notion that someone else should give you their hard earned money.

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This poll is even less meaningful than a typical Thaivisa poll (they're all meaningless and for entertainment purposes only) because we don't know how many people voting are Americans, or even among the Americans how many would actually vote in this election. Most Americans eligible to vote do not actually vote. We're not Australia!

The poll is not meant to include only Americans. It doesn't ask who you would vote for, it asks who you think would be the best President. We don't yet know who will be on the ballot.

It is interesting to see some of the comments from other countries about what they think, excluding those that are just bashing.

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This poll is even less meaningful than a typical Thaivisa poll (they're all meaningless and for entertainment purposes only) because we don't know how many people voting are Americans, or even among the Americans how many would actually vote in this election. Most Americans eligible to vote do not actually vote. We're not Australia!

The poll is not meant to include only Americans. It doesn't ask who you would vote for, it asks who you think would be the best President. We don't yet know who will be on the ballot.

It is interesting to see some of the comments from other countries about what they think, excluding those that are just bashing.

Understood but some will see meaning in the results here that isn't there.
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Americans and the world SHOULD be afraid of a President Trump. He will bring even more war, even more hatred, even more racism, even more income inequality, even more people internationally believing everything they've ever heard about UGLY AMERICANS is 100 percent true. There is time to stop this madness.

So Obama didn't increase the "race tension" at all in USA? If anyone did it was him.

But again, you say everyone should be afraid of Trump. Exactly why? And saying "he will increase this, this, that and that" is not an answer.

And aren't those with prejudice and generalisation racists? Well, if we take your logic from the "no India" thread they are.

No, he didn't. Unfortunately he also didn't manage to overcome an obstructionist Senate and congress, where all Republicans from day 1 had just one plan: we're against.

Imagine that... a person not knowing what Obama has done to the racial tensions in USA also backing up Obama with arguments like "oh that pesky thing called Congress (elected by the people) doesn't obey Grand Master Obama".

Unfortunately you seem to lack reading comprehension.

Nowhere did I say or imply Congress should obey Obama. I am convinced though his biggest regret will be that he did not manage to overcome an obstructionist Congress. Sorry you cant see the difference. Also sorry to see you find it necessary to accuse other people of a lack of knowledge when they don't agree with you. Now if you were to come with good arguments ...

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An army isn't socialist. The only reason people form a government is to have protection. End of. They want military and police and fire protection. Only after that do they even think about roads or other laws.

Socialism is when you take money from someone who earned it and give it to someone who didn't earn it. That's a recipe for disaster because everyone would like a free lunch if it existed. Socialism removes responsibility from the individual and dumps it onto the government which has nothing it doesn't first take from the people.

The army, the police force, fire department, healthcare and education are all socialistic functions. The money to support these collective services comes from taxes. Yes, you take the money from people's pockets to pay these functions. That's the reason we found societies. To secure our lives as well as our future.

If you don't want to spend money on collective healthcare or education, you certainly should not want pay taxes to support military or police force. That's all socialism.

I really don't think you know what socialism is. Every type of government from capitalist to socialist to communist to... will have a military, fire dept. and police. The workers in those areas EARN their money as jobs and careers.

Socialism is when you start taking money from people who earned it and use it to support people who didn't earn it. Socialism is when you think that if a man earns a satang it really doesn't belong to him but rather to the state. Socialism doesn't work long term because eventually you have hordes of people who'd rather be on the dole than work. They may even come all the way from Africa and the ME for the goodies. coffee1.gif

Even in the Bible, Jesus said "...this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat." (2nd Thessalonians 3:10) He was smarter than socialists.


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Hard to say who would be the best president for the USA.

Meantime, Trump looks like the one that will or could or would actually get more done than the others..... if he was to be president.

But I figure he will do just as much damage and or stir up so much trouble that anything good he does will soon be forgotten by a nation of citizens that are really pissed off at their President.....far more so than how pissed off the US citizens are with Obama.


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As an American- I fail to understand the continual sniping between Americans and Europeans. There are good and bad on both continents. As for me- I know what America really is. It is controlled by the rich and for the rich. There was a time just after World War II when the greatest generation (and that includes Europeans) fought to save Democracy on both sides of the ocean. Europe developed differently and headed more towards social programs while America developed on Democratic Capitalism, the difference is that throughout the years in America 'Greed became Good'. Americans have forgotten about what the greatest generation sacrificed so they can live freely. The problem started when the politicians started taking money from donors of every sort- which means politicians are beholden to the Corporations and huge banks and thy used gloabilisation as a way to send jobs abroad to the Third World so the corporations could make more profits. Never a thought what this would do to the average American worker of family. People who were once assured of a good standard of living now finish High School ( or not) and work in call centers and attend community college at night.

The only person who is actually telling the truth is Bernie Sanders- he recognizes that elections are being bought by the rich and powerful and that Americans in the middle class are not moving forward but dropping into the so called lower class. When you have the CEo's of a companies making 200 times the salary of the lowest worker and then complain that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because they can't afford it something's radically wrong. When you have Americans who cannot afford healthcare premiums or have to sell their house so they won't die- something is radically wrong. When you have Big Pharma keeping essential American drug prices the highest in the World and make record profits- something is wrong. When you have people who want to have a University education and have to become indentured servants to the American State for 20 years and then cannot find a position that pays proper wages- yes, something is wrong. And the final kicker is the US Military Budget is $632 Billion per year -the largest in the World and then add on untold billions for almost 25 individual intelligence agencies and you begin to see the picture.

The politicians of course love to say how they support the military - yet the Veterans Administration is in chaos; the politicians use the theory that America has to fight abroad so the terrorists don't come to America .In order to keep the funding going they then attack Social Security for the Aged as 'too expensive' or any attempt to reform the Healthcare system as 'Socialism'.The reason Trump is popular is because he is not a politician and in a sense his own man. Yet, he hides behind the same rheteric as a politician- illegal immigrants are stealing jobs; terrorists are headed for America; the Chinese, Mexicans and Russians are taking advantage of America. It sounds good but it is mostly nonsense. He has no plan to really provide relief to the struggling middle and lower class.

Bernie Sanders tells us exactly what he will do- He will make healthcare a right and it will be provided by the Government just like Medicare is right now- with controlled prices and paid for by those working in the same manner aswe have always paid for Medicare. Those who are indigent and without work -pay nothing. Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.He also plans on stopping the ridiculous cost of higher education by providing it at no cost- paid for by the wealthy. It is called redistribution of wealth and that is why the rich fear him.

Actually in all fairness- most of Europe already provides much of what America needs. The problem is that America has also provided much of Europe's defense and I don't blame the Europeans because the American strategy is to fight a war with Russia in Europe and not in the US. However, under Sanders this strategy will change. Europe will have to pay for its own defense. In addition, Sanders will constrain the huge military and industrial complex that has taken America to the brink of bankruptcy and he will reach out to friends and foe alike in an attempt to end the lunacy of continual war.

Whether Sanders become President or not-America is already in the throes of revolution. The current status quo is not sustainable. You cannot have a countries wealth in the hands of 1% while the other 99% are given the leftovers. America will change radically within 30 years because the people have finally had enough..

If it was possible to give multiple "likes" I would for this excellent post....well done Thaidream!!

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Sanders is the only one, who could start the process of giving the country back to the people, instead of giving the power to the corporations and folks who think they have right to use the peasants, the US citizens.

Sanders problem is that the USA is not ready for his progressive ideas. He is called as socialist as he wishes to improve education, which is horribly bad in the US, and he wishes to give better healthcare to all.

The republicans don't seem to understand that these are not the only socialist things, which are happening in the country. The military and the police are also paid by the government, thus those are part of socialistic government. Maybe in the true freedom, people could opt out, not to pay taxes to support military functions.. or to pay collectively paved roads.

Apparently you agree that US education has serious problems. Being that the US spends more per pupil than nearly any other country in the world, there must be a problem with the federal government telling schools how they must be run. First there is that common core crap and far left liberal teachers. I hope the politicians can finally see that education must be given back to the states.

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The UK is going broke while bragging about its socialism. The UK's debt is now about the same as that of the US as a percentage of GDP and it's climbing fast. The UK will be broke in fewer than ten years and then who will pay for the NHS?



The claims you make are incorrect on every point raised. Ten year economic forecast for UK.


Back on topic for preferred US President...


That's a terrible 4 year forecast for the UK.

Low GDP indicating no growth in the economy.

Unemployment rising to 6.5%

Inflation so low it's at risk of becoming deflation.

Balance of trade deficit increasing.

Government debt as % of GDP at 85%.

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This poll is even less meaningful than a typical Thaivisa poll (they're all meaningless and for entertainment purposes only) because we don't know how many people voting are Americans, or even among the Americans how many would actually vote in this election. Most Americans eligible to vote do not actually vote. We're not Australia!

On this forum, during the Article 44 period, we are not allowed to discuss certain aspects of Thai politics, so might as well talk about our countries' issues, which, refreshingly, we can freely.

Whoever is elected should have the Secret Service squad doubled, because there are some crazy people out there.

The probability of a Trump presidency is rising fast. I shudder at the prospect of Pres Trump and Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un embroiled in a negotiation .... insulting each other about who has the worse hairstyle, and brinkmanshipping who'll blink first with their fingers hovering over their Red buttons.

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