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SURVEY: Who do you believe would be the best president for the US?


SURVEY: Who do you believe would make the best US President?  

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Sanders is the only one, who could start the process of giving the country back to the people, instead of giving the power to the corporations and folks who think they have right to use the peasants, the US citizens.

Sanders problem is that the USA is not ready for his progressive ideas. He is called as socialist as he wishes to improve education, which is horribly bad in the US, and he wishes to give better healthcare to all.

The republicans don't seem to understand that these are not the only socialist things, which are happening in the country. The military and the police are also paid by the government, thus those are part of socialistic government. Maybe in the true freedom, people could opt out, not to pay taxes to support military functions.. or to pay collectively paved roads.

Sanders is not just called Socialist by others..... Sanders himself claims he is Socialist. Out of his own mouth. Tempting the people with promises of goodies for them, paid for with their own money and borrowed money, taken from future generations.. leaving the debt to be paid for by our great grandkids or further down the line.

Look what socialism has done ....... look at the disaster that Greece became... and the trouble that Portugal, Spain and Italy are in. The U.S has been heading that way..... you want it to get worse ? Even the Scandinavian countries realized that they had to relax the socialism and open up more of a free market in order to avoid financial disaster.

A famous person once said..."...and Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They [socialists] always run out of other people's money. It's quite a characteristic of them." Feb. 5, 1976, Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher of England

Wake Up People ! !

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You think The Americans would open their eyes and learn from the

Pathetic give away European Countries. America has always been

About: get an education, work hard and no matter who you are, where

You come from, you can be successful. Now, it looks like a new

Generation wants to sit on their ass and look for a free ride....We all

know, "No Such Thing as Free," someone has to pay!!!

"Pathetic give away European Countries". ?!?!?....My Pathetic give away European Country has free health care for everyone for as long as I can remember.....something that does not exist in the big US of A....(that Land of the Freeeee)

America may not have free health care, but the health care we do have is the envy of the world. 5 years ago I had open heart surgery, and suffered an unrelated complication resulting in 17 days on a respirator and in a coma in ICU. Total time in the hospital was 27 days. I recovered, and the total bill was over $250,000. My cost was $1346, total. Insurance paid the rest. The amazing thing is, if I had shown up at the hospital without insurance, I still would have received the same quality of care, but if unable to pay, the cost ends up in the form of higher pemiums for those of us responsible enough to make sure we have insurance at all times. Since the implemention of Obamacare, my insurance (which I pay for) has gone up 82% in 3 years. Sander's proposals are beautiful dreams, but he has no realistic solutions to pay for them. Perhaps if the USA did not have to pay for the large military expenditures, and was able to focus on just our territory, some of Sander's proposals could be implemented. But that would require the rest of the Free World to step up and pay their fair share as well, and frankly, especially in Europe, the budgets are stretched thin with social spending and dealing with the massive influx of migrants. The social engineering during the current administration has doubled the US deficit, and is virtually equal to the deficits created by all administrations before it. Until the USA gets a grip on spending, our problems are going to get worse, not better. The USA has got to stop being a nanny state, and start promoting personal responsibility. That will not happen with either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton. For the record, I would have liked to vote for John Kasich, but that option was not available.

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If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

Well you do come across with some rational and well founded, informative arguments, don't you. It was the Amis that started the Afghan exodus to Europe, without the good old USA bombing of Syria and Libya wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have these refugees. We are tired of that. Stop snivelling and telling Europeans how superior the USA is.

No nasty headlines coming out of the USA of course, so you know what? I don't give a shit (to use your words) about what arrogant uninformed Americans like you have to say about international policy.

Thank god not all Americans are like you. Go on, vote for Trump and start building a nuclear bunker.

Those refugees aren't running from the bombing by the U.S and its allies.

They're running from the sickening horrors of ISIS/ISIL/IS/DAESH.... or whatever other acronym you wish to use for them this week.

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If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

Who is "we"? The moronic, insane fringe element of the Republican party? Don't include America or Americans as "we" in your posts as "we" didn't vote to be included. Your kind has been saying the Europe is finished and over for forty years. They look like they are doing pretty good to me.

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I think someone like Fidel Castro would make a good US president. For starters, he would replace the health care system with one that's much, much cheaper and actually works - for everyone. Not sure what course of action he would take with the chief executives of drug companies and other vested interests, but I'm guessing that Guantánamo Bay might have a new and revitalised function.

He might do something about trade with Cuba, too, and before you know it, modern US cars would be all over Havana.

Oh, of course, Castro's not born in the US (well, as far as I know), so this is all wild conjecture on my part ...

Taking this just a bit more seriously, I can't help but look at Trump with bemusement. Sure, he stands first and foremost for himself, but could someone here educate me about what else he stands for?

"I think someone like Fidel Castro would make a good US president. For starters, he would replace the health care system with one that's much, much cheaper and actually works -" and for where for most of the past 60 years.... the ordinary Cuban in the street couldn't even find Aspirin in the local stores or toilet paper or kleenex.

Don't blame the U.S. for the shortages because they wouldn't trade with Cuba..... Cuba had the whole rest of the world to trade with... and could have made many of those things themselves if they had a better system..

When my parents used to go there every year, they would pack those kinds of things in their luggage to help out..

If you go to that wonderful socialist paradise... here are some things from one persons' s list......the people there would very much appreciate and could use.

  • Kids tooth brushes (fun stuff like Superman or Dora)
  • Tooth paste, mouthwash, floss
  • Deodorant, antiperspirants
  • Hair scrunchies — a lot of them. I took a bag of scrunchies and gave them to our housekeeper on day one, along with the Spiderman tooth-brush and tooth paste. She was so happy she was nearly in tears, as if she’d hit the jackpot. That’s when I realized I probably could have shared the wealth of those scrunchies around a bit more!
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Vitamins — both adult and for kids
  • Reading glasses, sunglasses
  • Toys for kids (crayons, colouring books, yo-yos, anything really!)
  • Flip flops or Crocs — bring down some shoes you’ll use while you’re down there, but leave them behind when you go.
  • Bubba mugs! This is a fun one I didn’t realize until I arrived. All the Canadians at the pool had Bubba mugs — which they used for the entire week then left behind for staff. What a great idea!
  • Soap, shampoo, conditioner — again, bring down small bottles you can give away, but also bring down larger bottles you’ll use while you’re there, then leave it all behind.
  • Gardening/utility gloves. The landscaping staff is often forgotten, and they were oh so grateful when we gave them all clean, heavy-duty gloves to work with. We saw them all week with bright (maybe not so bright by the end of the week) white new gloves.

And don't forget Aspirin or Acetaminophenm and women's hygiene supplies.. ... the people there will be so grateful ..

What a wonderful socialist paradise they have there.... all thanks to the Castro brothers and their amazing comrades.

Edited by Catoni
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Some posts questioned the intelligence of the US citizens. I am a US citizen and unfortunately I can't argue the fact that many US citizens are indeed stupid. Obama being elected twice certainly proves that.

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My feelings are that Canadians seem to have more interest in this election than Americans.

I know of at least three that are fervent about the election.

Thank goodness none of them have any say about the results.

Because us Canucks live next to the giant. Most of us live within 200 miles of the U.S./Canadian border. We are greatly interested and follow U.S. elections maybe more closely than many U.S. citizens do. And a lot of us who are third and fourth, fifth and sixth generation Canadian may also have many U.S. relatives, family in both countries ... like my family.. My family has relatives in the U.S. forces and also relatives in the Canadian forces... And we feel right at home in both countries..

Now some of us have "Enhanced" driver's licences, good for both Canada and the U.S., registered with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to pass across the land borders to the U.S. without needing our passports. I've got one.

The special licence has all our passport info on the back... and on an imbedded chip. An enhanced driver’s licence is a Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) compliant document denoting identity and citizenship that can be used as a passport alternative at Canada-U.S. land and water border crossings. A valid passport is still required to enter the United States by air.

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If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

You said it the best, nothing else to say.

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My feelings are that Canadians seem to have more interest in this election than Americans.

I know of at least three that are fervent about the election.

Thank goodness none of them have any say about the results.

Because us Canucks live next to the giant. Most of us live within 200 miles of the U.S./Canadian border. We are greatly interested and follow U.S. elections maybe more closely than many U.S. citizens do. And a lot of us who are third and fourth, fifth and sixth generation Canadian may also have many U.S. relatives, family in both countries ... like my family.. My family has relatives in the U.S. forces and also relatives in the Canadian forces... And we feel right at home in both countries..

Now some of us have "Enhanced" driver's licences, good for both Canada and the U.S., registered with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to pass across the land borders to the U.S. without needing our passports. I've got one.

The special licence has all our passport info on the back... and on an imbedded chip. An enhanced driver’s licence is a Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) compliant document denoting identity and citizenship that can be used as a passport alternative at Canada-U.S. land and water border crossings. A valid passport is still required to enter the United States by air.

Unfortunately the democrats refuse to issue any type of identification like this. This type of ID would help when booking an air ticket, using credit cards and particularly when VOTING. It would cost the democrats entirely too many votes if an ID of this sort were needed. Illegals and dead people would no longer be eligible to vote.

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If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

Well this European does give a shit, because those" nasty" headlines you refer to are the result of policies of US deep state fascists. Those bunch of clowns, Clinton, Trump, Rubio are just cardboard cutouts who represent the Corpocractic and Banking lunatics who are trying to enslave the world with their phony "Trade Agreements". Seems as though many still rely on Faux News, and the rest of the controlled media, I'm surprised that these "Exceptional" people could be so gullible.

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Sanders is the only one, who could start the process of giving the country back to the people, instead of giving the power to the corporations and folks who think they have right to use the peasants, the US citizens.

Sanders problem is that the USA is not ready for his progressive ideas. He is called as socialist as he wishes to improve education, which is horribly bad in the US, and he wishes to give better healthcare to all.

The republicans don't seem to understand that these are not the only socialist things, which are happening in the country. The military and the police are also paid by the government, thus those are part of socialistic government. Maybe in the true freedom, people could opt out, not to pay taxes to support military functions.. or to pay collectively paved roads.

sanders owes 65K in credit card debt!

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If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

You said it the best, nothing else to say.

all the immigrants invading europe are the result of usa foreign policy! the world needs a strong USA.

sanders or bitchary winning means doom for the rest of the world. yr standard of living will go down even more,

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As an American- I fail to understand the continual sniping between Americans and Europeans. There are good and bad on both continents. As for me- I know what America really is. It is controlled by the rich and for the rich. There was a time just after World War II when the greatest generation (and that includes Europeans) fought to save Democracy on both sides of the ocean. Europe developed differently and headed more towards social programs while America developed on Democratic Capitalism, the difference is that throughout the years in America 'Greed became Good'. Americans have forgotten about what the greatest generation sacrificed so they can live freely. The problem started when the politicians started taking money from donors of every sort- which means politicians are beholden to the Corporations and huge banks and thy used gloabilisation as a way to send jobs abroad to the Third World so the corporations could make more profits. Never a thought what this would do to the average American worker of family. People who were once assured of a good standard of living now finish High School ( or not) and work in call centers and attend community college at night.

The only person who is actually telling the truth is Bernie Sanders- he recognizes that elections are being bought by the rich and powerful and that Americans in the middle class are not moving forward but dropping into the so called lower class. When you have the CEo's of a companies making 200 times the salary of the lowest worker and then complain that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because they can't afford it something's radically wrong. When you have Americans who cannot afford healthcare premiums or have to sell their house so they won't die- something is radically wrong. When you have Big Pharma keeping essential American drug prices the highest in the World and make record profits- something is wrong. When you have people who want to have a University education and have to become indentured servants to the American State for 20 years and then cannot find a position that pays proper wages- yes, something is wrong. And the final kicker is the US Military Budget is $632 Billion per year -the largest in the World and then add on untold billions for almost 25 individual intelligence agencies and you begin to see the picture.

The politicians of course love to say how they support the military - yet the Veterans Administration is in chaos; the politicians use the theory that America has to fight abroad so the terrorists don't come to America .In order to keep the funding going they then attack Social Security for the Aged as 'too expensive' or any attempt to reform the Healthcare system as 'Socialism'.The reason Trump is popular is because he is not a politician and in a sense his own man. Yet, he hides behind the same rheteric as a politician- illegal immigrants are stealing jobs; terrorists are headed for America; the Chinese, Mexicans and Russians are taking advantage of America. It sounds good but it is mostly nonsense. He has no plan to really provide relief to the struggling middle and lower class.

Bernie Sanders tells us exactly what he will do- He will make healthcare a right and it will be provided by the Government just like Medicare is right now- with controlled prices and paid for by those working in the same manner aswe have always paid for Medicare. Those who are indigent and without work -pay nothing. Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.He also plans on stopping the ridiculous cost of higher education by providing it at no cost- paid for by the wealthy. It is called redistribution of wealth and that is why the rich fear him.

Actually in all fairness- most of Europe already provides much of what America needs. The problem is that America has also provided much of Europe's defense and I don't blame the Europeans because the American strategy is to fight a war with Russia in Europe and not in the US. However, under Sanders this strategy will change. Europe will have to pay for its own defense. In addition, Sanders will constrain the huge military and industrial complex that has taken America to the brink of bankruptcy and he will reach out to friends and foe alike in an attempt to end the lunacy of continual war.

Whether Sanders become President or not-America is already in the throes of revolution. The current status quo is not sustainable. You cannot have a countries wealth in the hands of 1% while the other 99% are given the leftovers. America will change radically within 30 years because the people have finally had enough..

This is the most intelligent post l have read from an American.

He knows the failings of his country.

Thaidream, maybe YOU should run for the President's job.

Socialism.... The economic disasters that are Greece, Venezuela, soon to be followed by Portugal, Spain, Italy.... Socialism penalizes success, and rewards and subsidizes failure. It kills economic growth and stifles free speech.

Socialism leads to economic failure and tyranny unless the government realizes their terrible mistake and opens up to more free enterprise again.. as happened in Sweden...

Socialism turns people against each other and believes in controlling everyone's lives... and the people who don't wish to be controlled must be vilified and eventually punished in some way.

People must no longer be responsible for themselves..... otherwise... what need is there for the socialist ? ?

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If Trump has the slightest chance of winning the elections, they gonna take him out before he's sworn in and they'll mend the constitution to allow more than 2 terms so that puppet Obama can continue and keep the war, FED and oil machinery running. H.W. Bush made it crystal clear out in the open for anyone to see:

Edited by MockingJay
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USA has'nt got a leader. It doesn't matter a stuff who becomes president. It's time the people of that country woke up to the fact that they are considered by all other western countries as one of the dumbest, racial and uneducated in the world and keep thinking that they deserve everything from their government. Many years ago one of their greatest presidents said "Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country". They are slipping back to the dark ages and the only thing making them the power they are is the military.

Tigermoth … I totally agree with your assessment. I hope you don’t mind but I plagiarized and added to your excellent comment to meet my evaluation of the situation

USA hasn’t got a leader. It doesn't matter a bit who becomes president. It's time the US woke up to the fact that we are considered by all other western countries, and the world, as one of the most uninformed, racist and uneducated societies in the world and keep thinking that we deserve everything from our government. Many years ago one of our greatest presidents said "Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country". “They” (bankers / MIC) assassinated him … he was way to honorable and uncontrollable for TPTB … The US is slipping back into the dark ages and the only thing making us today the power we are is our globe trotting military (MIC) terrorists. In fact another one of our best presidents who was a past highly respected General in the US military warned us about the enormous dangers of the MIC. Throughout history the wisest most honorable US leaders and statesmen warned us about the two biggest dangers to the future of our democratic republic … the bankers and the MIC, both of which are firmly in charge of our country today … and that Mr and Mrs America is why our country and the world is in the biggest crisis of the planet’s history. Because of and due to the thirst for ultimate power and the greed for outrageous wealth we now stand on the very brink of nuclear WW III … when that happens it won’t matter one ding-a-ling who is leader of what country because there is a great possibility very few things will still be alive

As a last thought why does any country on this planet have a need or the audacity to have 800 to 1000 (no one knows the true total) MIC bases scattered over the world in countless foreign countries.

Also before some uneducated uninformed "person" starts yammering about me biting the hand that feeds me (social security retirement funds) let me remind you that soc sec is not, I repeat NOT! a US government "entitlement". I worked for 48 years and every day, week, month, year 14% of MY earned wages was deposited into my soc sec fund. So as much as the US govt wants everyone to believe or think that "soc sec" is a govt entitlement paid out by govt funds that is not true (as in a lie). My soc sec and every retired US citizen that draws money from soc sec is drawing out "their" own money that they themselves saved all their lives, so I'm not biting the hand that feeds me, I'm getting every month what is legally mine and no one else's, especially the US govt

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As an American- I fail to understand the continual sniping between Americans and Europeans. There are good and bad on both continents. As for me- I know what America really is. It is controlled by the rich and for the rich. There was a time just after World War II when the greatest generation (and that includes Europeans) fought to save Democracy on both sides of the ocean. Europe developed differently and headed more towards social programs while America developed on Democratic Capitalism, the difference is that throughout the years in America 'Greed became Good'. Americans have forgotten about what the greatest generation sacrificed so they can live freely. The problem started when the politicians started taking money from donors of every sort- which means politicians are beholden to the Corporations and huge banks and thy used gloabilisation as a way to send jobs abroad to the Third World so the corporations could make more profits. Never a thought what this would do to the average American worker of family. People who were once assured of a good standard of living now finish High School ( or not) and work in call centers and attend community college at night.

The only person who is actually telling the truth is Bernie Sanders- he recognizes that elections are being bought by the rich and powerful and that Americans in the middle class are not moving forward but dropping into the so called lower class. When you have the CEo's of a companies making 200 times the salary of the lowest worker and then complain that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because they can't afford it something's radically wrong. When you have Americans who cannot afford healthcare premiums or have to sell their house so they won't die- something is radically wrong. When you have Big Pharma keeping essential American drug prices the highest in the World and make record profits- something is wrong. When you have people who want to have a University education and have to become indentured servants to the American State for 20 years and then cannot find a position that pays proper wages- yes, something is wrong. And the final kicker is the US Military Budget is $632 Billion per year -the largest in the World and then add on untold billions for almost 25 individual intelligence agencies and you begin to see the picture.

The politicians of course love to say how they support the military - yet the Veterans Administration is in chaos; the politicians use the theory that America has to fight abroad so the terrorists don't come to America .In order to keep the funding going they then attack Social Security for the Aged as 'too expensive' or any attempt to reform the Healthcare system as 'Socialism'.The reason Trump is popular is because he is not a politician and in a sense his own man. Yet, he hides behind the same rheteric as a politician- illegal immigrants are stealing jobs; terrorists are headed for America; the Chinese, Mexicans and Russians are taking advantage of America. It sounds good but it is mostly nonsense. He has no plan to really provide relief to the struggling middle and lower class.

Bernie Sanders tells us exactly what he will do- He will make healthcare a right and it will be provided by the Government just like Medicare is right now- with controlled prices and paid for by those working in the same manner aswe have always paid for Medicare. Those who are indigent and without work -pay nothing. Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.He also plans on stopping the ridiculous cost of higher education by providing it at no cost- paid for by the wealthy. It is called redistribution of wealth and that is why the rich fear him.

Actually in all fairness- most of Europe already provides much of what America needs. The problem is that America has also provided much of Europe's defense and I don't blame the Europeans because the American strategy is to fight a war with Russia in Europe and not in the US. However, under Sanders this strategy will change. Europe will have to pay for its own defense. In addition, Sanders will constrain the huge military and industrial complex that has taken America to the brink of bankruptcy and he will reach out to friends and foe alike in an attempt to end the lunacy of continual war.

Whether Sanders become President or not-America is already in the throes of revolution. The current status quo is not sustainable. You cannot have a countries wealth in the hands of 1% while the other 99% are given the leftovers. America will change radically within 30 years because the people have finally had enough..

This is the most intelligent post l have read from an American.

He knows the failings of his country.

Thaidream, maybe YOU should run for the President's job.

Socialism.... The economic disasters that are Greece, Venezuela, soon to be followed by Portugal, Spain, Italy.... Socialism penalizes success, and rewards and subsidizes failure. It kills economic growth and stifles free speech.

Socialism leads to economic failure and tyranny unless the government realizes their terrible mistake and opens up to more free enterprise again.. as happened in Sweden...

Socialism turns people against each other and believes in controlling everyone's lives... and the people who don't wish to be controlled must be vilified and eventually punished in some way.

People must no longer be responsible for themselves..... otherwise... what need is there for the socialist ? ?

Maybe it is time you learned something about a topic before writing about it.

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If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

I hate to be the one to break it to you but having 800 to 1000 foreign military bases covering the planet in no way shape or form indicates one's desire of "we are trying to be alone" . No one asked us (USA) to invade Korea Vietnam Afghanistan Iraq Libya Syria etc etc etc etc... our psychotic sociopathic leaders/govt decided to do that all on their own ... Why? ... to these psychotic sociopaths the MIC and war is nothing more than a business. An evil nasty deadly heart wrenching business, but none the less a business. It's simply a means to an end and that end is more power and wealth. And the backers or the funders of these MIC military terrorists is the bankers which is the other blight on America and every nation/country on our planet. The bankers as with the MIC DO NOT produce or make anything useful or productive or contribute to a peaceful happy society, they simply tear down, destroy and spread misery where ever and when ever they can .... all for power and wealth ... they want whats theirs yours and mine, that's "their" goal ... total dominance (power) and 99% of all the wealth, you see that's the world and the aphrodisiac of the psychotic sociopath ... that's the world of todays US govt and it's cowardly paunchy rich beyond imagination "leaders"

Edited by carken
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I am looking forward to seeing the candidates acting like presidents in waiting. It's just getting nasty right now on the campaign trail. Someone with integrity who will balance the economy and everything else will follow. Eliminate Clinton & Sanders, Good luck USA !

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Ideally Obama would get to stay in and run things.

Right. Obama has doubled the US national debt in just 7 years. He's added as much to the debt as all of the prior US presidents did in 240 years. We can't afford another five minutes of him, much less 4 years. If he doubled it again it would be 40 trillion dollars. No, I don't think we need any more Obama.

He's the guy who decided to attack Libya and kill Qaddafi and turn the place over to ISIS. He's no better than GW Bush.

There are enough Americans who have "had it up to here" with Washington DC on both side of the aisle that you are seeing a wipe-out of the establishment.

We don't want to feel a socialist burn either because then we'd wind up like Europe. Everyone on the planet would be storming in for free benefits which is exactly what you get when things are "free". Now the UK's national debt is fast approaching that of the US as a percentage of GDP and climbing fast. These "happy times" can't go on forever when paid for with debt.

Thank you just the same but I'm voting for Trump as a rejection of the status quo.


"Thank you just the same but I'm voting for Trump as a rejection of the status quo."


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Ideally Obama would get to stay in and run things.

Whatever happens I hope that moron Trump doesn't get into a position of power.

I would like to see if Bernie Sanders can change things for the US, but I suspect that Hillary will in fact win.

What has improved under obama for you.?

He has set back race realtaions back to the Jim Crowe days for one. His biggest supporters(coloreds) have been hurt the worst under his presidency.

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If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

I hate to be the one to break it to you but having 800 to 1000 foreign military bases covering the planet in no way shape or form indicates one's desire of "we are trying to be alone" . No one asked us (USA) to invade Korea Vietnam Afghanistan Iraq Libya Syria etc etc etc etc... our psychotic sociopathic leaders/govt decided to do that all on their own ... Why? ... to these psychotic sociopaths the MIC and war is nothing more than a business. An evil nasty deadly heart wrenching business, but none the less a business. It's simply a means to an end and that end is more power and wealth. And the backers or the funders of these MIC military terrorists is the bankers which is the other blight on America and every nation/country on our planet. The bankers as with the MIC DO NOT produce or make anything useful or productive or contribute to a peaceful happy society, they simply tear down, destroy and spread misery where ever and when ever they can .... all for power and wealth ... they want whats theirs yours and mine, that's "their" goal ... total dominance (power) and 99% of all the wealth, you see that's the world and the aphrodisiac of the psychotic sociopath ... that's the world of todays US govt and it's cowardly paunchy rich beyond imagination "leaders"

I don't actually disagree with you in principle. This is why I will never again vote for an entrenched politician who I now know is owned by Wall Street and the MIC through campaign contributions. Huge contributions.

Just in the past two years, Bill and Hillary Clinton have received more than $60 million dollars for "speeches". Am I to believe that isn't buying influence?

As for the military bases all over it has to stop. Europe can (almost) afford its proud socialism because it spends tiny amounts on defense. The US spends more than half of the world's military budget and has big bases in Europe. Germany acts like it's hot stuff while it's land is covered by US military hardware it doesn't have to pay for.

This is just part of the backlash of the voters right now. They are waking up to the clear fact that there's little difference between an R and a D. They are looking for an outsider to go to DC and kick butt. They have no option other than Trump, who's funding his own campaign and decrying the mess we're in.

We're going to get to see how that works out.


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I am looking forward to seeing the candidates acting like presidents in waiting. It's just getting nasty right now on the campaign trail. Someone with integrity who will balance the economy and everything else will follow. Eliminate Clinton & Sanders, Good luck USA !

Good luck world. What happens in usa affects the whole planet.

WO strong usa i can see China taking over Thailand!

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