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Eating Aluminum in Thailand - And the Thai Life Expectancy


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In our household we eat alot of prawns and squid, pretty much everyday, along with chicken, pork and bbq fish. So, back in states I have a physical and Dr. tells me my cholesterol level which had gone up. But he said the good was way high and the bad was way low. I eat very little beef even when I'm away working.

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Scratching the teflon pans is also one of my pet peeves. I've got the ole lady using plastic spatulas, we use olive oil for stir fry. Stainless steel for all cooking might be the way to go.

Yep, and if you do some research on the dangers of cooking with teflon ( just have to check out the numerous studies done ) you WILL stop using teflon altogether if you value the health and wellbeing of your loved ones and yourself. Also, teflon is usually a cover over aluminum, and is a known poison in itself. So if you scratch the teflon off the cookware ( and it usually ends up in yer food ) you will then expose the aluminum...so you're screwed both ways. And if you're considering using stainless steel, it might be a good idea to consider NOT buying that crap made in Ch....made in some foreign country, ( or any country for that matter ) stainless steel that contains a LOT of nickel, chromium and a host of other chemicals that makes it just as dangerous as aluminum or teflon. IMHO of course. I use cast iron only ( OLD cast iron ) although I do own stainless steel ...304 .. and some glass cookware. ( ain't it a bitch, the trouble ya gotta go through just to fry an egg? )

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Scratching the teflon pans is also one of my pet peeves. I've got the ole lady using plastic spatulas, we use olive oil for stir fry. Stainless steel for all cooking might be the way to go.

Farang Pet Peeves in Thailand?? - Helll's Bells thehelmsman..where would we start?? LOL..

I have put olive oil on my ever-growing list of (food) things to take to Thailand, along with what I took this time..

- Protein powder with no added sugar or cholesterol

- Shreddies cereal with no added sugar or salt

- organic oatmeal

They now have non-fat yogurt at Macro, so things are looking up in the LOS!

I suppose I'm allowed to post this. I don't own shares in the company. You might wanna check out this olive oil. Might save yourself a bit of trouble of lugging oil all the way over here....absolutely pure organic oil from Greece. Can be purchased at Rimping market ( and I believe Tops ) Reasonable price, which surprised me, and super tasting. My buddy stayed at the resort that makes this oil. He watched how they made it AND exported it. ( by the way, the resort is waaay too too 'spensive for me )


Edited by UPDEHSOI
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Scratching the teflon pans is also one of my pet peeves. I've got the ole lady using plastic spatulas, we use olive oil for stir fry. Stainless steel for all cooking might be the way to go.

Farang Pet Peeves in Thailand?? - Helll's Bells thehelmsman..where would we start?? LOL..

I have put olive oil on my ever-growing list of (food) things to take to Thailand, along with what I took this time..

- Protein powder with no added sugar or cholesterol

- Shreddies cereal with no added sugar or salt

- organic oatmeal

They now have non-fat yogurt at Macro, so things are looking up in the LOS!

Don't wanna rain on your parade, but you might wanna check out non-fat ANYTHING when it comes to food. There are many more ways to kill yourself other than eating fat.

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Scratching the teflon pans is also one of my pet peeves. I've got the ole lady using plastic spatulas, we use olive oil for stir fry. Stainless steel for all cooking might be the way to go.

Farang Pet Peeves in Thailand?? - Helll's Bells thehelmsman..where would we start?? LOL..

I have put olive oil on my ever-growing list of (food) things to take to Thailand, along with what I took this time..

- Protein powder with no added sugar or cholesterol

- Shreddies cereal with no added sugar or salt

- organic oatmeal

They now have non-fat yogurt at Macro, so things are looking up in the LOS!

Don't wanna rain on your parade, but you might wanna check out non-fat ANYTHING when it comes to food. There are many more ways to kill yourself other than eating fat.
And all those items I can buy at Tesco.
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5 of those 10 years can be attributed to Thai design 'U turns' lowering the statistics. What Einstein thought it would be a clever idea to have two directional u turns in the same opening? Blindsided in the face of the oncoming fast lane, brilliant concept. Like many Thai driving methods it was probably OK in the days of buffalo carts.

Yep absolute stupidity by me theyve gone one better and also included a road sign at eye level so even if there are no cars u turning the opposite way you you still cant see because of the effin sign.

It ranks up there with the stupidity of doorstops right next to the hinges of a door guaranteed to damage the bottom hinge ripping it off the door..... foooook knows what the retards are thinking ( sorry not thinking) but they all copy each other like the stupid sheep they are.

Edited by kannot
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From alz.org

Myth 4: Drinking out of aluminum cans or cooking in aluminum pots and pans can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Reality: During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum emerged as a possible suspect in Alzheimer’s. This suspicion led to concern about exposure to aluminum through everyday sources such as pots and pans, beverage cans, antacids and antiperspirants. Since then, studies have failed to confirm any role for aluminum in causing Alzheimer’s. Experts today focus on other areas of research, and few believe that everyday sources of aluminum pose any threat.

You may be right in terms of it being a myth, but I'll hedge my bets and avoid scraping aluminum pots with a metal spatula, and eating concomitant tiny particles of aluminum with the food, like I see so many do on a daily basis. The sound alone is bloody grating.sad.png

When I have time, I'll research and see if eating aluminum is good for you, then report back..

Aluminum chocthumbsup.gif late bars may yet hit the shelves of 7-11, but don't hold your breath..

canathai8...might not have to hold your breath too too long. Check out...Mars and Snickers bars recalled in 56 countries...Al jazeera.

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Scratching the teflon pans is also one of my pet peeves. I've got the ole lady using plastic spatulas, we use olive oil for stir fry. Stainless steel for all cooking might be the way to go.

Farang Pet Peeves in Thailand?? - Helll's Bells thehelmsman..where would we start?? LOL..

I have put olive oil on my ever-growing list of (food) things to take to Thailand, along with what I took this time..

- Protein powder with no added sugar or cholesterol

- Shreddies cereal with no added sugar or salt

- organic oatmeal

They now have non-fat yogurt at Macro, so things are looking up in the LOS!

I suppose I'm allowed to post this. I don't own shares in the company. You might wanna check out this olive oil. Might save yourself a bit of trouble of lugging oil all the way over here....absolutely pure organic oil from Greece. Can be purchased at Rimping market ( and I believe Tops ) Reasonable price, which surprised me, and super tasting. My buddy stayed at the resort that makes this oil. He watched how they made it AND exported it. ( by the way, the resort is waaay too too 'spensive for me )

as soon as I saw the words "Organic" i got suspicious....load of balls as far as Im concerened

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5 of those 10 years can be attributed to Thai design 'U turns' lowering the statistics. What Einstein thought it would be a clever idea to have two directional u turns in the same opening? Blindsided in the face of the oncoming fast lane, brilliant concept. Like many Thai driving methods it was probably OK in the days of buffalo carts.

Yep absolute stupidity by me theyve gone one better and also included a road sign at eye level so even if there are no cars u turning the opposite way you you still cant see because of the effin sign.

It ranks up there with the stupidity of doorstops right next to the hinges of a door guaranteed to damage the bottom hinge ripping it off the door..... foooook knows what the retards are thinking ( sorry not thinking) but they all copy each other like the stupid sheep they are.

So I'm sure you don't live here, so why are you even on this site for?
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Scratching the teflon pans is also one of my pet peeves. I've got the ole lady using plastic spatulas, we use olive oil for stir fry. Stainless steel for all cooking might be the way to go.

Farang Pet Peeves in Thailand?? - Helll's Bells thehelmsman..where would we start?? LOL..

I have put olive oil on my ever-growing list of (food) things to take to Thailand, along with what I took this time..

- Protein powder with no added sugar or cholesterol

- Shreddies cereal with no added sugar or salt

- organic oatmeal

They now have non-fat yogurt at Macro, so things are looking up in the LOS!

I suppose I'm allowed to post this. I don't own shares in the company. You might wanna check out this olive oil. Might save yourself a bit of trouble of lugging oil all the way over here....absolutely pure organic oil from Greece. Can be purchased at Rimping market ( and I believe Tops ) Reasonable price, which surprised me, and super tasting. My buddy stayed at the resort that makes this oil. He watched how they made it AND exported it. ( by the way, the resort is waaay too too 'spensive for me )
Another alternative which is just as good if not better is coconut oil.
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I don't know.
My grandmother (German) cooked in aluminum pots all her life and lived to be 98.

In the West, we have fast food.
Ever since it's been around, the obesity rates of gone through the roof.
I think eating McD's too much is much worse than cooking in palm oil.
Thai's in general eat a lot better than Americans from what I see.

I'd blame it more on the quality of doctors that the govt hospitals have,

The dangerous highways and more deaths from road accidents per capita.

Lack of education. (or not much anyway)

Blaming it on aluminum woks doesn't cut it for me.

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You failed to mention cloud seeding . barium and aluminium nano particles are sprayed into the sky.

Are you speaking of Thailand? If so, where?

I dont see any chemtrails coming out the back of airliners here in Chiang Mai.

It looks almost uncanny, as if the planes are gliding along by magic - so accustomed had my eye become to the aluminum/barium fog gleefully farted out by airliners in the USA and Baja Caliornia.

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I realize the west has a long ways to go in terms of nutrition too. We can "blame" World War ONE for canned food - or was it the Civil War?

I also realize that Thai roadways claim a lot of young people - thus skewing the stats downward..extenuating circumstances as it were..

But in general - for about a 101 reasons - Being 80 in Thailand and being 80 in the West is often like night and day..

Having said that, I know a few healthy 87 year old Thais - it happens..

Keep in mind that the life expectancies you are measuring today are the result of being born five to six decades ago. Back then, western medicine and health care were far superior to Thailand, which has only caught up in the last two or three decades or so. Also, prenatal and early childhood nutrition was far superior in the west. As we move forward, the life expectancy gap should close.

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You failed to mention cloud seeding . barium and aluminium nano particles are sprayed into the sky.

Are you speaking of Thailand? If so, where?

I dont see any chemtrails coming out the back of airliners here in Chiang Mai.

It looks almost uncanny, as if the planes are gliding along by magic - so accustomed had my eye become to the aluminum/barium fog gleefully farted out by airliners in the USA and Baja Caliornia.

I think the US has the patent on that population control tactic.
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I realize the west has a long ways to go in terms of nutrition too. We can "blame" World War ONE for canned food - or was it the Civil War?

I also realize that Thai roadways claim a lot of young people - thus skewing the stats downward..extenuating circumstances as it were..

But in general - for about a 101 reasons - Being 80 in Thailand and being 80 in the West is often like night and day..

Having said that, I know a few healthy 87 year old Thais - it happens..

Keep in mind that the life expectancies you are measuring today are the result of being born five to six decades ago. Back then, western medicine and health care were far superior to Thailand, which has only caught up in the last two or three decades or so. Also, prenatal and early childhood nutrition was far superior in the west. As we move forward, the life expectancy gap should close.

Thais take about 5 different pills for a *&^%ing common cold - in 2016. sad.png, not 5-6 decades ago. One pill for "fever," one for a stuffy nose, one for congestion, one for pain, etc..

But there is no cure for the common cold. Perhaps Thailand will find this out in time..

Thailand is being "pilled" to death

My Thai father is law died, partly as a result of taking too many pills for every little ache and pain.

There are at least a 101 reasons for the ten year "swing" in life expectancy between LOS and the west

Let's not even start on the massive sugar-infused yogurt in 7-11

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Check out the contents of Chemtrails.Its one of the reasons I left the US.I do not see them here,but.

Oh look, a conspiracy theorist!!!!

You should get out to Isaan, we're under a high altitude international route here, we get vapour trails, but you need to be an early riser to see them in the cool morning air.

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I once watched a fascinating lecture on a TED Talks program, by Dr Mary Newport. She serendipitously

stumbled came across something which radically improved her husband's advanced Alzheimer's -

coconut oil. She believes that the fact that coconut oil has an abundance of MCT's (Medium Chain

Triglycerides) and Ketones is responsible for the therapy.

She has written books on the treatments and therapies, one of which is called "Suppose there was a

cure for Alzheimer's Disease . . . and no one knew?"

I rarely drink coconut milk, but full fat cow's milk is also high in MCT's. Since watching her talk, I

switched from fat-free milk to full fat milk. I would do anything to avoid the onset of Alzheimer's.

More of you should consider adding coconut oil to your diet, IMHO, in moderation of course. I drank a liter and a bit in 3 months

It helped bring down my blood sugar from pre-diabetic downwards, to the upper threshold of normal..Blood tests don't lie

- And I also eat okra, another blood-sugar reducing item

Hope someone can benefit from that

signed, AA (Avoid Aluminum)

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In our household we eat alot of prawns and squid, pretty much everyday, along with chicken, pork and bbq fish. So, back in states I have a physical and Dr. tells me my cholesterol level which had gone up. But he said the good was way high and the bad was way low. I eat very little beef even when I'm away working.

You start eating a lot of garlic - I mean a lot - exercise a bit and perhaps lose a little weight - and your cholesterol WILL go down, almost 100% for sure..

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From alz.org

Myth 4: Drinking out of aluminum cans or cooking in aluminum pots and pans can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Reality: During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum emerged as a possible suspect in Alzheimer’s. This suspicion led to concern about exposure to aluminum through everyday sources such as pots and pans, beverage cans, antacids and antiperspirants. Since then, studies have failed to confirm any role for aluminum in causing Alzheimer’s. Experts today focus on other areas of research, and few believe that everyday sources of aluminum pose any threat.

You may be right in terms of it being a myth, but I'll hedge my bets and avoid scraping aluminum pots with a metal spatula, and eating concomitant tiny particles of aluminum with the food, like I see so many do on a daily basis. The sound alone is bloody grating.sad.png

When I have time, I'll research and see if eating aluminum is good for you, then report back..

Aluminum chocthumbsup.gif late bars may yet hit the shelves of 7-11, but don't hold your breath..

canathai8...might not have to hold your breath too too long. Check out...Mars and Snickers bars recalled in 56 countries...Al jazeera.

probably make aluminum look like a walk in the bloody park

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Scratching the teflon pans is also one of my pet peeves. I've got the ole lady using plastic spatulas, we use olive oil for stir fry. Stainless steel for all cooking might be the way to go.

Farang Pet Peeves in Thailand?? - Helll's Bells thehelmsman..where would we start?? LOL..

I have put olive oil on my ever-growing list of (food) things to take to Thailand, along with what I took this time..

- Protein powder with no added sugar or cholesterol

- Shreddies cereal with no added sugar or salt

- organic oatmeal

They now have non-fat yogurt at Macro, so things are looking up in the LOS!

That Made in Th.yogurt is pretty good,name escapes me,1.8kg,Greek style.Macro also has plenty of olive oil.Buy the 5 litre bottle and it is reasonably priced,then decant into an old 1 lt bottle to make it easier to handle.

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Scratching the teflon pans is also one of my pet peeves. I've got the ole lady using plastic spatulas, we use olive oil for stir fry. Stainless steel for all cooking might be the way to go.

stir fry with olive oil? One should never overheat olive oil in a pan, it is not recommended for frying. Use sunflower or canula oil.

I use olive oils only COLD in salads, or occasionally add a few drops COLD onto tomato sauces in pasta, or over fried squid or fish

Try to do a bit of reading why oilve oils should not be heated too much

Thanks for that.I don't know much about the ins and outs of cooking but i am trying to pick it up in the late stage of my life.I learn't about this on this forum not so long ago.Another poster suggested bran oil,that's the problem,so many ways to skin a cat.

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5 of those 10 years can be attributed to Thai design 'U turns' lowering the statistics. What Einstein thought it would be a clever idea to have two directional u turns in the same opening? Blindsided in the face of the oncoming fast lane, brilliant concept. Like many Thai driving methods it was probably OK in the days of buffalo carts.

Yep absolute stupidity by me theyve gone one better and also included a road sign at eye level so even if there are no cars u turning the opposite way you you still cant see because of the effin sign.

It ranks up there with the stupidity of doorstops right next to the hinges of a door guaranteed to damage the bottom hinge ripping it off the door..... foooook knows what the retards are thinking ( sorry not thinking) but they all copy each other like the stupid sheep they are.

So I'm sure you don't live here, so why are you even on this site for?

your amusement?

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Scratching the teflon pans is also one of my pet peeves. I've got the ole lady using plastic spatulas, we use olive oil for stir fry. Stainless steel for all cooking might be the way to go.

Farang Pet Peeves in Thailand?? - Helll's Bells thehelmsman..where would we start?? LOL..

I have put olive oil on my ever-growing list of (food) things to take to Thailand, along with what I took this time..

- Protein powder with no added sugar or cholesterol

- Shreddies cereal with no added sugar or salt

- organic oatmeal

They now have non-fat yogurt at Macro, so things are looking up in the LOS!

I suppose I'm allowed to post this. I don't own shares in the company. You might wanna check out this olive oil. Might save yourself a bit of trouble of lugging oil all the way over here....absolutely pure organic oil from Greece. Can be purchased at Rimping market ( and I believe Tops ) Reasonable price, which surprised me, and super tasting. My buddy stayed at the resort that makes this oil. He watched how they made it AND exported it. ( by the way, the resort is waaay too too 'spensive for me )

as soon as I saw the words "Organic" i got suspicious....load of balls as far as Im concerened

Zakynthos is a very small island (the "Turtle Island") and only a few families are harvesting and cold-pressing olives there. A short research shows that the Koroneiki Olives used in the process are indeed of superb quality, yet they make the oil a bit pricey. A normal sales price of 15.- Euro per litre and 10.- Euro per litre/5 litre Can, when sold throughout Europe, is normal for this oil. If you pay less, it is too good to be true.

google for Kurambakos Tzavalas olive oil

Edited by crazygreg44
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Check out the contents of Chemtrails.Its one of the reasons I left the US.I do not see them here,but.

Oh look, a conspiracy theorist!!!!

You should get out to Isaan, we're under a high altitude international route here, we get vapour trails, but you need to be an early riser to see them in the cool morning air.

does this cool Eesarn morning air really reach a 36,000 ft altitude?? (heights airplanes are cruisin in)

satire off.

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